215 (2) Business
215 (2) Business
215 (2) Business
Roll No. Code No.
¥Ùé·ý¤×æ´·¤ ·¤æðÇU Ù´.
Set A
(ÃØæßâæçØ·¤ ¥ØØÙ)
Day and Date of Examination
ÂÚUèÿææ ·¤æ çÎÙ ß çÎÙæ´·¤
Signature of Invigilators 1.
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General Instructions :
1. Candidate must write his/her Roll Number on the first page of the Question Paper.
2. Please check the Question Paper to verify that the total pages and total number of questions
contained in the Question Paper are the same as those printed on the top of the first page.
Also check to see that the questions are in sequential order.
3. For the objective type of questions, you have to choose any one of the four alternatives given
in the question i.e. (A), (B), (C) or (D) and indicate your correct answer in the Answer-Book
given to you.
4. All the questions including objective type questions are to be answered within the allotted
time and no separate time limit is fixed for answering objective type questions.
5. Making any identification mark in the Answer-Book or writing Roll Number anywhere other
than the specified places will lead to disqualification of the candidate.
6. Write your Question Paper code No. 49/HIS/1-A on the Answer-Book.
7. (a) The Question Paper is in English/Hindi medium only. However, if you wish, you can
answer in any one of the languages listed below :
English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Marathi,
Oriya, Gujarati, Konkani, Manipuri, Assamese, Nepali, Kashmiri, Sanskrit and Sindhi.
You are required to indicate the language you have chosen to answer in the box provided
in the Answer-Book.
(b) If you choose to write the answer in the language other than Hindi and English, the
responsibility for any errors/mistakes in understanding the question will be yours only.
3. What is the minimum number of members which are required to form a cooperative 1
society ?
(A) 2 (B) 7
(C) 10 (D) 20
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(A) 2 (B) 7
(C) 10 (D) 20
ÖÇUæÚU »ëãæð´ ·ð¤ çÙÙçÜç¹Ì Âý·¤æÚUæð´ ×ð´ âð ·¤æñÙâð Âý·¤æÚU ×ð´ ©Ù ¥æØçÌÌ ßSÌé¥æð´ ·¤æ Ö´ÇUæÚUæ ç·¤Øæ ÁæÌæ ãñ çÁÙ
ÂÚU ¥æØÌ ·¤ÚU Ùãè´ ¿é·¤æØæ »Øæ ãñ?
(A) âæßüÁçÙ·¤ ÖÇUæÚU »ëã (B) âÚU·¤æÚUè ÖÇUæÚU »ëã
(C) ÕÏ·¤ ÖÇUæÚU »ëã (D) âã·¤æÚUè ÖÇUæÚU »ëã
5. Ships plying over a fixed route and following a prescribed timetable are called : 1
(A) Cargo (B) Charterparty
(C) Liners (D) Tramp
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(A) ·¤æ»æðü (B) ¿æÅüUÚUÂæÅUèü
(C) Üæ§ÙÚU (D) ÅþñUÂ
12. What is meant by air pollution ? State any two causes of air pollution. 3
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15. Explain briefly the savings schemes offered by post office where the interest income in 3
such scheme is fully exempted from income-tax.
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¥æØ·¤ÚU ·¤è ÀêUÅU ãñÐ
17. Differentiate between Life Insurance and Fire Insurance on any four basis. 4
ÁèßÙ Õè×æ ÌÍæ ¥çÙ Õè×æ ×ð´ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ¥æÏæÚUæð´ ÂÚU ¥ÌÖðüÎ ·¤èçÁ°Ð
20. Give any four differences between self employment and wage employment. 4
SßÚUæðÁ»æÚU ÌÍæ âßðÌÙ ÚUæðÁ»æÚU ·ð¤ ç·¤ãè´ ¿æÚU ¥ÌÖðüÎæð´ ·¤æð ÕÌæ§ØðÐ
23. What is meant by Business Process Outsourcing ? State any four advantages of Business 5
Process Outsourcing.
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©ËÜð¹ ·¤èçÁ°Ð
24. What is meant by the term Purchase ? Explain in brief any two modes of purchase. 5
·ý¤Ø àæÎ âð Øæ ¥çÖÂýæØ ãñ? ·ý¤Ø ·¤è ç·¤ãè´ Îæð ÂhçÌØæð´ ·¤æ â´ÿæð ×ð´ ßæüÙ ·¤èçÁ°Ð
26. Your father who is running his business in a traditional way is against your suggestion 6
to start using internet i.e; switch over to E - commerce. Explain him any four advantages
of E - commerce.
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27. Define communication and explain the elements of the process of communication. 6
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28. Explain - (i) Hoardings (ii) Posters and (iii) Vehicular displays as the media of 6
çßææÂÙ ÂÎ - (i) ãæðçÇZU» (ii) ÂæðSÅUÚU ÌÍæ (iii) ßæãÙ ÂýÎçàæüÙè (ßðçã·ê¤ÜÚU çÇSÜð) ·¤æð ÕÌæñÚU çßææÂÙ ·ð¤
×æØ×æð´ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ â×Ûææ§ØðÐ
30. Define entrepreneurship and explain any three reasons why entrepreneurship is 6
important ?
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