DVD CD Restore Guide
DVD CD Restore Guide
DVD CD Restore Guide
Do not use this procedure on any KIP Model computer or controller other than
the noted printer models above
• USB Keyboard
• USB DVD Driv e
• Restore DVD
• Option Keycodes
• Netw ork IP Address
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from KIP. 2014 KIP.
KIP IPS/KS8 Restore
Note: Once the I PS has been ghosted consider only restoring the
necessary items. For Example if something in one of the .ini files w as
corrupt (causing the need for the ghost) putting this .ini file back in w ill
also put the corruption back in place.
1. Disconnect all remov able media and non-factory USB connections. Please mark w here each plug
w as located, these cannot be plugged into any USB port. They all hav e a port they are assigned to.
Connect the keyboard, and USB DVD driv e.
2. I nsert the Restore DVD into the DVD driv e. Turn on the I PS.
I mmediately get ready for step 3.
3. As soon as the System starts the boot sequence, press the F11
and F12 keys repeatedly until the Boot Select Menu is displayed
on the screen.
4. Using the arrow keys, select the DVD driv e to boot to and
press the Enter key. I mmediately get ready for step 5.
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission
from KIP. 2014 KIP.
KIP IPS/KS8 Restore
5. After sev eral seconds the system attempts to boot from the
DVD. Pay attention to the screen at this time. Press a key on the
keyboard w hen the screen prompts “Press any key to boot from CD...” to start the restoring process.
Note: Once this process is complete the Screen will become black
as it writes the Image from the DVD to the hard drive. This is done to
facilitate the internal restore capabilities of the KIP for any possible
later use.
6. When the I PS reboots the automated restore process is complete. Unplug the keyboard, and DVD
driv e. Plug in the USB cables (from Step #1).
Note: Plug the USB cables into the same ports as you remov ed them from. Failure to do so w ill cause
system control issues!
7. The softw are will now automatically detect the printer model
Once the restore process is complete the install w izard will open guiding the technician through the
rest of the setup process.
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from KIP. 2014 KIP.
KIP IPS/KS8 Restore
Regional Settings
Select the Regional Setting Icon to begin.
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from KIP. 2014 KIP.
KIP IPS/KS8 Restore
Note: the KIP Printer default is the Eastern Time Zone. (GMT +6)
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from KIP. 2014 KIP.
KIP IPS/KS8 Restore
• Dealer Name
• Supplies #
• Service #
• Website Name
• Website URL
Once all of the information has been entered, select the Right arrow
to continue.
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from KIP. 2014 KIP.
KIP IPS/KS8 Restore
Select the Network Icon to configure network settings. The values
of these settings are obtained from the user (IT Admin)
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from KIP. 2014 KIP.
KIP IPS/KS8 Restore
Keycode Entry allows entry of the keycodes for options.
Once entered all of the purchased options which that
code may enable will be availbe for use on the KIP
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from KIP. 2014 KIP.
KIP IPS/KS8 Restore
The Key Code Options Screen will display the options available
on the KIP Printer. Options will display a green check mark next
to that option once the associated keycode has been
Selecting the “Enter the New Keycode” will open the on screen
keyboard for entry.
Once all of the code has been entered the “Enter” button will
turn green. The code entered will be validated by the system.
Note: When entering the keycodes there may be more than one code provided depending on what options
were purchased. All of the codes do not need to be entered in order to get the options, simply enter the last
code (before the code that begins with a $ (Color)). This will activate all of the codes available. Once this is
done enter the $ codes to activate the color option (for systems with KIP color Direct).
Note: This is done for systems with KIP Color Direct and for systems with KIP Color Advanced. However on
systems with KIP Color Advanced the Color checkboxes will not show a checkmark as the Color Advanced
Keycode is entered in another location.
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from KIP. 2014 KIP.
KIP IPS/KS8 Restore
Toner Setup
Toner setup is availabl on the KIP 700M and 7100 KIP printers
only. Selecting the the Toner Icon will open the screen to start
this process.
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without express written permission
from KIP. 2014 KIP.
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