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LESSON PLAN 2023/2024

Term – 1
Teacher Ambreen Qamar Subject Accounting Grade/sec 11/C Date 03.04.2023
Week No. 01 Reg. students # No. of SODs No. of G & T
Topic Neutralization
Lesson objective Students will be able to Define cash book. Construct cash book from the given financial transactions.
Success Criteria  Define triple column cash book.
 Develop skill to construct the triple column cash book.
 Applies the acquired knowledge to create financial transactions and draw up triple column cash book.

Resources Reference books, Add Online resources links/ PPT, Keywords  Triple column cash book
 https://www.playaccounting.com/explanation/cb-  Discount Received
exp/three-column-cash-book/  Discount allowed
 https://www.accountancyknowledge.com/three-  Contra Transactions
 http://www.eduxir.com/curriculum/cbse/class-xi/

Skills Problem solving, communicating, collaborating, analyzing.

Stage Aim Time/Focus Procedure

1. Starter To create student’s T >= SSS Engage: (Brain Storming): Teacher will greet and ask some oral questions (quick quiz) to
***Rememb interest in topic 5 mints gauge the attention of the learners:
 Why it is called that cash book perform dual function of journal as well as of ledger.
 What types of transactions are recorded in cash book?
Introduction of topic:
Learning objectives based on standards/success criteria and key words will be shared with
2. Pre-test To check the Prior Essential question:
(Connection) knowledge Mind map: Students will make a mind map by predicting key words.
** *knowledge

3. Presentation Present the main ideas T >= SSS Explore Demonstration

(Demonstration) of lesson and related 15 mints Teacher to the format of cash book from the PPT.
Teacher shows on the board the format of a 2-column cash book. Teacher then tells students
**Understanding exercises.
that for three-column cash book, the students just need to add in discount column.
Pair Work:
Students to practice simple cash book transactions in pair.
Critical thinking: how acid rain damaging metal atoms?
Real life applications: Sole trader ship, partnership JSC businesses
Cross curricular links: Commerce, Economics
Get the Sss to perform SS , S, < = Express: Differentiation:
4. Activity differentiated task 10 mints Students can collaborate in groups and will complete assigned task individually in notebook.
**Understanding/ according to their (Teacher will assign task to a group of students according to quadrant data).
Refer to Differentiation Quadrant Grids**
Apply/Analyze/ abilities and apply their
SOD’s: Extra support from teacher.
Create knowledge to become
Teacher will facilitate students to complete the activity, followed by peer
independent learners.
Challenging Q:
For what kind of transactions cash book requires contra transaction.
5. Post-Test (Formative To check the Sss SSS Evaluate: Exit ticket: Answer the essential Question
Assessment) understanding of what 5 mints Review of SSS recording and balancing.
**Demonstrate has been taught
6. Consolidation To review and Evaluate: Review of success criteria: Draw self-evaluation and evaluate yourself as 1,2,3 or
(Plenary) reinforce concepts of 4.
**Self-reflection lesson. 5 mints Next target: Past paper problems

** Bloom’s Taxonomy
Total = 40 min.

* These stages can be changed to suit teacher’s preferred T = Teacher SSS = Whole Class SS = Group/pair
methods of teaching S = Single student > = Teacher focused < = Student focused

Differentiation Quadrant Grids**

Targeted Zone

2 High skills

Good Knowledge 4

High skills
Low Knowledge Apply the concept of cash book
Prepare cash book Prepare imaginary data of any
 Cash in hand 50,000 at business firm’s daily monetary
bank 40,000
transactions related to cash & bank
 Paid salaries Rs. 5000
receipts and payments. Record them
 Paid rent by cheque
10,000 into triple column cash book from
Would Know

 Received cash from that data of at least 6 transactions

debtor 20,000 involving at least one contra entry.
 Withdrew from bank
for personal use

7 1

Low skills

Good Knowledge
Low skills
Draw a triple column cash book
Low Knowledge
 Cash in hand Rs.70,000 and at
bank Rs. 80,000
Recall triple column cash book
 Paid electricity bill by cheque
and contra entry.

 Cash sales Rs. 10,000.

 Purchases made on account


 Received from Mr.Ali

ould Know


 Withdraw cash for business

use 4000

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