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DCC Cleric Carousing Table1

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“Contemplation” Table - Cleric

For Clerics and the like: in town and once per session a PC may spend 1d4 x 60 gp on food, drink, religious
expenses etc., gaining XP equal to the result of the d4. Rolling a gp cost greater than the carouser can afford
results in owing money to unsavory NPCs and/or PCs, a matter which can be used as an adventure seed by the
Judge. The actual length of time spent “contemplating” could vary from a single night to, say, a week of devotion
(Judge/player discretion).

In any case, make a 1d30 roll + the PC’s Luck modifier and consult the table below (possibly gaining additional
XP to those outlined above. Judges should adjust the suggested XP awards etc. to better fit their game):

Cleric Carousing Table

Roll Event

>1 The Ultimate Sin. In your cups you inadvertently committed some dire blasphemy
(details up to the player) and earned the ire of your deity! This game you start with a
Divine Disapproval Range increase of +10 (decreases as normal). However, let this be
a lesson to you and gain 5 XP.

2 Lake Of Sin. Shortly after you threw up in the temple, your local religious superiors
formally examined your faith and found it lacking. This game you start with a Divine
Disapproval Range increase of +5 (decreases as normal). Gain 4 XP.

3 Lost Forever. You were tasked with guarding the sacred treasures of your order but,
alas, your tipsy vigilance was insufficient to prevent a robbery! You suffer a -2
penalty to all Spell/Turn Unholy/Lay on Hands checks until you are able to make a
donation worth at least 888 gp to your temple, to replace the loss. Gain 10 XP when
you do make the donation.

4 Disturbing The Priest. You were set upon by footpads who heard of the riches of
your temple. Roll a Luck check. On a success, you managed to drive them off without
serious injury. On a failure, you got badly beaten and robbed: lose all coin and non-
magical treasure, and roll a Luck check for each magical item in your possession. On
a failed check, that item has also been stolen. Gain 10 XP plus 1 XP for each 80 gp
stolen (rounded up) plus 30 XP for each magical item purloined. Also, begin the
game with only half HP (rounded up).

5 Penance. Your deity has found your conduct unbecoming and sends you a dream
demanding you do penance. Roll 1d8 to determine the god’s demand:
(1) Slay a priest of a rival faith, who is even now journeying here;
(2) Destroy/cast off your best weapon;
(3) Donate all the coin you own immediately to the temple;
(4) Defile a rival temple or shrine, which appears in a vision to you;
(5) Rescue a retarded priest, who is currently lost and alone in nearby caves.
(6) Recover the remains of a dead Cleric from the ruined keep a day’s trip hence.
(7) Convert a fellow adventurer, a Warrior or Wizard of great power, to your faith.
(8) Cast away all your possessions but a loincloth and a single weapon, taking only
the equipment and treasure that you can win with your own hands on your next
Until you complete the assigned task, you lose access to (1d3): (1) All spells; (2) Turn
Unholy; (3) Lay on Hands. When you complete the task, gain 10 XP and 2 Luck (max

6 Deliver Me. The head of your order requires coin, and a lot of it, to pay for the main
temple’s extension. Until you are able to donate 300 gp or more to your order, you
suffer a -10 penalty on all future rolls on this table. Once you pay the tithe, gain 10

7 Some Sin For Nuthin’. You inadvertently committed a peccadillo (details up to the
player). This game you start with a Divine Disapproval Range increase of +2
(decreases as normal). Gain 4 XP.

8 Kill The Pope. Your drunken, rambling preaching was not only incomprehensible
even to yourself, but angered a large part of the audience, who attempted to lynch
you! Roll a Luck check. On a success, you escaped easily and gain 10 XP from your
near-martyrdom. On a failure, you were beaten and nearly lynched, gain 8 XP, and
have spent the last few days abed healing, and begin this adventure down 2d6 HP
(minimum 1).

9 Another Holy War. Harsh words have led to even harsher deeds, and now your
order is essentially at war with a local rival faith or cult. If you succeed in slaying/
capturing any members of the opposing faith this session, you gain 10 XP.

10 Bleed. You have suffered a crisis of faith and proceeded to beat, mutilate, and starve
such weakness from your naughty flesh. You begin this adventure down 2d6 HP
from self-flagellation, starvation, ritual burning or scarring, etc., but it can be healed
normally. Gain 10 XP.

11 By Demons Be Driven. You intended to devote yourself to holy endeavors, you truly
did, but failed the Will save against Archdemon Ethanol. Roll again on the General
Carousing Table…

12 Omens. You have carefully watched the signs and portents, and they all point to dire
disaster in the near future. Your faith shaken, you suffer a -1 penalty to all Spell/
Turn Unholy/Lay on Hands checks this adventure. Gain 11 XP.

13 Master Of Puppets. The head of your order has charged you with the instruction and
care of two would-be novices. Roll two random 0-level characters, both of your
alignment. Those followers will now accompany you. After 1 adventure, you may
spend 10 XP to level up either novice in any appropriate class. They are run by you
or the Judge, but only receive XP if you give them some of yours. If your main PC
dies, you may take control of either. Gain 10 XP and +1 Luck. However, if either
follower is slain, you immediately gain +2 disapproval.
14 Rapture. You prayed too much last night, forgot to sleep and feel light-headed this
morning. Take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, skill and ability checks
and spell checks this session, but gain 11 XP.

15-19 Practice What You Preach. Your time proselytizing and serving with your order has
strengthened your faith. Gain 5 XP. You may also donate up to 1200 gp to your order,
gaining +1 XP per 60 gp of treasure donated (20 XP max), and 30 XP for each magical
item donated.

20-21 Hallowed Be Thy Name. Your time proselytizing and serving with your order has
greatly strengthened your faith. Gain 5 XP. You may also donate up to 1200 gp to
your order, gaining +1 XP per 60 gp of treasure donated (20 XP max), and 30 XP for
each magical item donated. Additionally, you receive a benefit for this adventure
(only) based on your alignment: Lawful = +1 bonus to all Lay on Hands and Turn
Unholy checks; Chaotic = +1 bonus to melee attack and damage rolls. Neutral = +1
bonus to all Spell Checks.

22 Don’t Break The Oath. As ’15-19’ above, plus the following: as the spirit(s) filled
you, you vowed to slay some legendary beast or obtain some (in)famous item in your
god’s name. Roll 1d20 to determine your vow:
(1) to obtain the Hallowed Helm of Divine Madness;
(2) to retrieve the Holy Shit of the First Prophet of your deity;
(3) to return the Air Mail of Saint Nude to your temple;
(4) to obtain the Holy Belt of Dieting;
(5) to pilfer the Gag of Speak Languages;
(6) to find the Meaning of Unlife;
(7) to kill all of the unbelievers pestering the surrounding hamlets;
(8) to convert a prominent priest of an opposing faith;
(9) to befriend an infamous local monster;
(10) to make the stars right again;
(11) to breach the vaunted Tower of Vans the Deodand;
(12) to best Flatulentia, the goddess of sudden winds, in a tarot game;
(13) to obtain the Whistle of Mosquito Calling from yonder swamps;
(14) to convert the other party members to your faith;
(15) to visit the underwater realm of the Sea King and evangelize there;
(16) to found a temple and establish a following to your deity in a foreign town;
(17) to sacrifice a giant to your god;
(18) to travel to a plane related to your deity;
(19) to achieve mystical union with your deity;
(20) to obtain godhood.
Whatever your vow, be sure to mark it down. If you accomplish the goal, and return
alive with proof, receive 100 XP and +2 to your Luck attribute.

23 Holier Than Thou. As ’15-19’ above, plus the following: you have somehow
convinced the locals of your (real or feigned) piety, and are welcomed in most places
here. A bit unnervingly, people seem to know you, even though you have no
memory of them…is alcohol to blame or is something more sinister afoot?
Gain an additional 6 XP.
24 Friends. As ’15-19’ above, and: you have found a devoted follower of your alignment
and faith. Roll a random 0-level character, who will now accompany you as a
henchman, is very loyal, and receives a +4 morale bonus as long as you are present.
After one adventure, you may spend 10 XP to level him/her up. S/he is run by you
(or the Judge, if arsed), but only receives XP if you spare some of yours. If your main
character dies, you may take control of the NPC, at his/her current level.

25 From The Sky. As ’15-19’ above, and your devotion to the faith has pleased your
deity, imparting divine favor. Gain +1 Luck.

26 Burnt Offerings. As ’15-19’ above. But if you make an offering greater than 400 gp,
your god rewards you with even more of its powers, and you start the game with a
Disapproval range of -1 (instead of the normal 1).

27 Proven. As ’15-19’ above, and permantently gain +1d3 HP as a divine blessing.

28 Killing In The Name. As ’15-19’ above. Additionally, your god has deemed you
worthy of serving as a holy avenger, bestowing some divine favor upon your
weapon (choose). For the next session only, the weapon gains the following powers
(Roll 1d8):
(1) +1 to hit and damage, glows as torch when willed;
(2) +1 to hit and damage, +2 to Will saves;
(3) +1 to hit and damage, grants +4 bonus to Turn Unholy;
(4) +1 to hit and damage, as long as held in hand, you regain 1 HP per round;
(5) +1 to hit and damage, Shock: deals +1d4 electrical damage, or +2d4 if opponent
made of metal or clad in metal armor;
(6) +2 to hit and damage, glows as torch when willed;
(7) +2 to hit and damage, Demon Binding: extraplanar beings hit must make a DC 20
Will save or be bound in place for 1d5 turns;
(8) +3 to hit and damage, Holy Brand: inflicts +1d7 damage against creatures unholy
to your faith.

29 Blessed Be. Your services to your deity have not gone unnoticed. As ’15-19’ above.
Additionally, this game, you receive a +2 bonus on all Spell, Turn Unholy, and Lay
on Hands checks.

30+ Ascension. You have been marked for greater things by your god. As ’15-19’ above.
Additionally, you receive a permanent +2 bonus on all future checks on this table,
plus one of the following permanent benefits (Roll 1d10):
(1) Gain +1 Personality (max 20).
(2) Learn 1 additional spell slot, of any level you may know (chosen by the Judge).
(3) Gain a +1 bonus on all Spell checks.
(4) Gain a +1 bonus on all Turn Unholy checks.
(5) Gain 2 Luck (max 20).
(6) Gain a +1 bonus on all Lay on Hands checks.
(7) Gain a +1 bonus on Will save.
(8) Gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude save.
(9) Gain +1d7 HP.
(10) Roll twice on this table.

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