TLE ICT10 PC-Operations Q1 Module6 Week6-Passed-1

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Computer Operations
Quarter 1 – Module 4
Using E-mail and Searching the Web
Using Browser
(Week 6)
What I Need to Know

This module is designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you learn
and understand how to send and organize messages. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course.

Lesson 3 – Sending and Organizing Messages

After going through this module, you are expected to:

3.1. use email software to create an email account,

3.2. open an existing email account,
3.3. compose an email message based on requirements,
3.4. create an automatic signature for the user as specified,
3.5. attach files to the e-mail message using the attachment feature,
3.6. send an e-mail message.

What I Know

Please do not forget to write the following in your answer sheet:

Name: _________________________________ Yr. & Section: ________________________
Subject (Specialization): ___________Quarter No.___ Module No: ___Week No.____
Name of the Activity (e.g., What I know) __________________________ Date: ________

Directions: Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best answer.

1. A field where you are going to enter the email address of the sender and
A. body of the message B. recipient C. send button D. subject
2. A field where you are going to create your message in an email?
A. Receiver
B. sender
C. body of the message
D. automatic signature
3. When creating or composing a new message. What part of an email do you
A. Compose B. inbox C. insert D. send
4. When sending a message with attachment. What button do you click to
A. Attach B. compose C. insert D. send
5. When opening an existing email account. What is the first procedure you
are going to do?
A. enter email address C. click next to enter to you email
B. enter a password D. open an internet browser
6. What did you include in your email signature?
A. An emoji
B. Full name, contact number & Email address
C. My home address
D. Nickname, YouTube channel & Facebook page
7. What is an E-mail?
A. A letter in a snail box
B. A letter you get from a messenger
C. A mail bird
D. A message you send on your computer
8. To sign into your account, you will need your Username and your
A. Domain name C. Password
B. Home address D. Digital signature
9. What is the first part of an email address called? (the underline part)
A. Host Name B. Log in C. Recipient D. User Name
10. E-mail stands for?
A. Economic Mail
B. Electronic Machine
C. Electronic Mail
D. Entertainment Mail

Sending and Organizing
3A Messages

What’s In

What is Email and How it Works?

Email, short for “electronic mail” is one of most widely used forms of digital
communication. It can be used from nearly any device, and unlike paper mail, it
is delivered nearly instantly. E-mail is used in all strata of society and has
endless possibilities for personal and professional uses.
It can be used to send messages, links, images, and files, essentially everyone on
the planet who uses computers will use e-mail. It powers business and connects
families together across continents, and the best part of all is that it is essentially
free. People use email on personal computers, mobile phones, tablets, even on
‘smart’ televisions!

What’s New
Please do not forget to write the following in your answer sheet:
Name: _________________________________ Yr. & Section: ________________________
Subject (Specialization): ___________Quarter No.___ Module No: ___Week No.____
Name of the Activity (e.g., What I know) __________________________ Date: ________

Directions: Write the correct description on the boxes provided below.

1 2

Choices: 3
Field to enter
the recipient
email address
Subject of an
email message
Body of
Button to send
the message
Compose new
What is It

Now it’s time to create your own personal email address. We’ll be using
a free service called Gmail (short for Google Mail) for this module.

Creating an Email Account

1. Go to Locate and select
the Sign in button in the top-right corner of the
2. Click Create an account. Select for myself
Then click next
3. The signup form will appear. Follow the
directions by entering the required
information, such as your name, username,
and password. Then click next.
Note: make sure to choose a stronger
password with mix of letters, numbers, and
4. Enter another information, such as gender,
birthdate, Phone number, and recovery email.
number and recovery
email are optional

5. Review Google's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, click the checkbox, then
click I Agree.
6. Your account will be created, and the Google welcome page will appear.
Sample new created email account:
3 4

Open Existing email account and Compose an Email message

Step 1: Sign Into Your Existing Gmail Account. Open a web browser, make
sure the Web address you typed is correct. Login into your account with the
correct Gmail ID or your email address and password to match.

1.A. Enter “”

into address bar

1.B. Login

1.D. Enter your


1.C. Click Next

1.E. Click

Figure No. 1: Signing in existing email account

Step 2: Compose a New Email message. After logging in, you will see a
similar interface of the example of your Gmail account. Click compose to start
creating an email.

2.A. Click to 2.B. Enter recipient

compose new email address

2.C. Enter subject

of email

2.D. Enter body of


Figure No. 2: compose

an email message. 2.E. Click Send button to send the
Creating Automatic Signature
Step 1: Sign into Your Gmail Account.

Step 2: In the top right of the

screen, navigate to the gear symbol. 2
Click on the icon and click See all
2.1. Click gear
Step 3: Select GENERAL TAB, symbol
scroll down through the various
settings until you reach the
Signature section.

2.2. Click See all


3.1. General

3.2 Signature

Step 4. Click +Create New, Type name of signature. Start typing out the contact
details of your new signature. Type the necessary information such as fullname,
position, company/school, contact number, and email address.

4.2. Type Name

of signature
4.3. Click Create

4.1. Click Create New

4.4. Type here the contact

Step 5. Click Save Changes,

to save a new signature.

Attaching files and sending email message.

Step 1: Sign Into Your Existing Gmail Account. Open a web browser, make
sure the Web address you typed is correct. Login into your account with the
correct Gmail ID or your email address and password to match. Refer to figure

2.A. Click to 2.B. Enter recipient

compose new email address

2.C. Enter subject

of email

2.D. Enter body of


3.A. Click to insert

3.D. Click Send Button to attachment
send message with
Figure No. 3.1: Attaching file
No.1 : Signing in existing email account.
Step 2: Compose a New Email. After logging in, you will see a similar interface
of the example of your Gmail account. Click compose to start creating an email.
Refer to figure no. 3. Attaching file

3.B. Locate and

select file you want
to attach to your
new email

3.C. Click Open

Figure No. 3.2: Attaching file

Step 3: Insert attachment. After filling up the recipients, the subject field and
the body of the message. Click on the insert option a clip icon shown in figure
no 3.1. Then locate the file you want to insert as shown in figure No. 3.2. Then
click open to attach. Lastly, click the send button to send the message with

4.A. Click Sent 4.B Check your message


Step 4: Confirmation. To confirm if message was successfully sent.

What’s More

Use a separate sheet in answering this activity. Be sure to write the following:
Name: __________________________________Grade and Section: ___________________
Subject: ________________________________Lesson Title: __________________________

Task 1
Directions: Write the procedures of the following.

1. Create an email account.


2. Add attachment and send email.



Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Rating

4 3 2 1
Knowledge and Uses ideas Uses ideas Uses ideas Does not
understanding and shows and shows and shows seem to
full good good understan
understan understandi understandi d the topic
ding of the ng of the ng of parts very well
topic topic of the topic
Accuracy(corre Uses all Uses most of Uses some Unable to
ctness) procedures the of the use
accurately procedures procedures procedures
accurately accurately accurately
Sequencing of Able to Able to write Able to write Not able to
ideas write all some at least 2 write the
procedures procedures procedures procedure
in in sequence in sequence in
sequence sequence
Overall Rating
Task 2
Directions: Label each element with its use in Gmail interface.

1 3

What I Have Learned

Use a separate sheet in answering this activity. Be sure to write the following:
Name: ___________________________________Grade and Section: __________________
Subject: _________________________________Lesson Title: _________________________

Directions: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. In creating an email account I should


2. In composing a new message I should


3. In sending a message with attachment I should


4. In creating an email automatic signature I should include

What I Can Do

Use a separate sheet in answering this activity. Be sure to write the following:
Name: ___________________________________Grade and Section: ___________________
Subject: _________________________________Lesson Title: __________________________

Directions: Explain briefly.

1. Why is it important to follow the steps in creating an email?


2. What do you think is the importance of creating an automatic signature?



Please do not forget to write the following in your answer sheet:

Name: _________________________________ Yr. & Section: ________________________
Subject (Specialization): ___________Quarter No.___ Module No: ___Week No.____
Name of the Activity (e.g., What I know) __________________________ Date: ________

Directions: Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best answer.

1. A field where you are going to enter the email address of the sender and
A. body of the message
B. recipient
C. send button
D. subject

2. What does Email stand for?

A. Economic Mail
B. Electronic Machine
C. Electronic Mail
D. Entertainment Mail

3. A field where you are going to create your message in an email?

A. recipient
B. sender
C. body of the message
D. automatic signature

4. Which of the following is an email address?

A. Donnie
B. Donnieyen@gmail

5. When creating or composing a new message. What part of an email do you

A. compose
B. inbox
C. sent
D. send

6. When sending a message with attachment. What button do you click to

send it.?
A. attach
B. compose
C. insert
D. send

7. When opening an existing email account. What is the first procedure you
are going to do?
A. enter email address
B. enter a password
C. click next to enter to your email
D. open an internet browser

8. Rodrigo created an email account using Gmail. It has yet to give anyone
his email address. He hopes he remembers the correct email address.
Which of the following could be his email address?

9. What did you include in your email signature?

A. An emoji
B. Full name, contact number & Email address
C. My home address
D. Nickname, YouTube channel & Facebook page

10. What is E-mail?

A. A letter in a snail box
B. A letter you get from a messenger
C. A mail bird
D. A message you send on your computer

Additional Activities

Use a separate sheet in answering this activity. Be sure to write the following:
Name: ___________________________________Grade and Section: __________________
Subject: _________________________________Lesson Title: _________________________

Directions: Answer the following question briefly.

Why is learning how to send an email important?

Answer Key

5. D
4. C
3. B
2. A
1. E
What’s New


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