Year 4 Daily Lesson Plans: Choose An Item
Year 4 Daily Lesson Plans: Choose An Item
Year 4 Daily Lesson Plans: Choose An Item
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to guess the meaning of unfamiliar adjectives Analysing Think-Pair-Share
correctly. b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD:
ASSESSMENT: Q and A Learning skills/process
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 114) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Speaking
THEME World of knowledge DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 8: Amazing animals TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: A few animal names are written on the board in a
Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly bubble map graphic organizer form. Pupils write the adjectives and
write a comparative sentence using the adjectives.
Complementary: Lesson delivery:
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language 1. Pupils
form andrefer
a range Activity 1 page
of purposes 81 and
in print andtry to remember
digital media
their answers yesterday. If not, pupils read and write their answers
in their exercise books.
2. Pupils listen to CD 2 Track 35. Teacher demonstrates the
exchange and pupils practise.
Learning Standard: 3. Pupils are asked to refer to textbook page 118. Pupils are
Main: explained that this is going to be like a magazine quiz. Pupils ask
2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable statements
and write the score based on the answers given in page 118. Pupils
take turns to do the the Q and A.
Complementary: Post-lesson: A spelling is conducted using comparative adjectives.
4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided writing
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 115) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language (NTB) MODULE Reading
THEME World of knowledge DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 8: Amazing animals TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are asked if they know any dinosaurs and pupils
Main: can share their favourite dinosaur.
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and delivery:
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
1. Pupils read the story in textbook page 82. Pupils are guided by
CD2 Track 37.
Complementary: 2. Pupils list down any words that they do no understand. Pupils
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
can check the meanings in their dictionary.
3. Pupils are asked to answer or copy and answer a few
comprehension questions. Which is Anna’s favourite dinosaur?
Learning Standard: Why does Anna like T.rex? Which is Greg’s favourite dinosaur?
Main: Why does
3.2.4 Recognise and use with little or no support key features of Greg likemonolingual
a simple Utahraptor?dictionary
Which dinosaur was more
intelligent? What does Anna find?
4. Pupils refer to Activity 3 in textbook page 83. Pupils read the
Complementary: sentences, describe the errors and asked to correct the sentences
2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable statements
(M). Pupils are guide to correct the sentences (L). Teacher
demonstrates for the first sentence.
Post-lesson: Teacher check pupils’ answers.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to textbook songs/audio clips
recognize and look for the meanings of most of the words.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES:
able to describe the errors in at least 3 sentences correctly. Applying Think-Pair-Share
ASSESSMENT: Task Learning skills/process
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 116) YEAR 4
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Writing
THEME World of knowledge DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 8: Amazing animals TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are introduced to the different parts of
Main: comparative adjectives. (+er and more……than)
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital media
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to the Grammar Box in textbook page 81 and 83.
Complementary: Pupils identify the differences. A few adjectives are written on the
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language board and style
form and pupilsforare calledof
a range to purposes
the front in
to print
its comparative forms.
2. Teacher explains the few ways to use comparative adjectives.
(+er than, more…..than, change ‘y’ to ‘i’and add ‘er and than)
Learning Standard: 3. Pupils are given the Comparative Adjective Worksheet. Teacher
Main: shows an example for the first sentences of each box.
4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable statements
4. Pupils complete the worksheet individually (M). Pupils are
guided to complete the worksheet (L).
Complementary: Post lesson: Teacher discusses the answers with pupils.
4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in guided writing
Complementary: Post-lesson: Pupils share their thoughts and feelings about the story
2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for basic opinions
or any particular part.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.