Dutch Spelling and Pronunciation
Dutch Spelling and Pronunciation
Dutch Spelling and Pronunciation
This chapter is not the most exciting way to begin learning Dutch grammar, but it is absolutely essential
for a good understanding of the more interesting chapters about verbs, nouns, word order, etc.
Correct spelling is a necessary base for everything else you will learn in this course. Read this chapter
thoroughly, and go back to it regularly when going through the rest of the course.
In the following sections, we will deal with both spelling and pronunciation. First, you will learn how to
divide a word into syllables. This may seem a trivial affair, but you will find that this is a very useful
starting point. Only after you have familiarized yourself with dividing words into syllables, will you be
able to determine how a word should be pronounced. A very useful website is www.woordenlijst.org.
Enter a Dutch word and the website shows you how it is divided into syllables.
We will start from scratch: The Dutch alphabet contains the same 26 letters as the English alphabet. This
is what the Dutch alphabet looks like in phonetics (IPA): [a] [be] [se] [de] [e] [ɛf] [ɣe] [ha] [i] [je] [ka]
[ɛɫ] [ɛm] [ɛn] [o] [pe] [ky] [ɛɾ] [ɛs] [te] [y] [ve] [ʋe] [ɪks] [ɛi] [zɛt] .
The 25th letter of the Dutch alphabet causes confusion among many Dutch learners. We now know that
the 25th letter is Y. But is it? Sometimes, the 25th letter is written as Y, sometimes as IJ.
In Dutch, the combination of i and j constitutes a vowel, which sounds a bit like English 'i' in 'hi': ij. Old
typewriters used to have a separate key for the letter ij but on modern keyboards, the Dutch have to
type two letters (i and j). Because the Dutch still regard ij as one letter, they always capitalize both I and
They normally pronounce 'y' as ’ie’ (see also vowel combinations) but when 'y' is mentioned When the
Dutch read the alphabet out loud, they say 'ij' even if they actually write 'y'. In the alphabet, it is always
and lyceum. The letter "y" is also the only letter in the Dutch alphabet that is called by its name:
Before we discuss the pronunciation of vowels and consonants, let us look at the syllables of a Dutch
word. First of all, understanding the way a Dutch word is divided into syllables is absolutely necessary
for correct spelling of Dutch words. Second, you need it to determine how a Dutch word is pronounced,
and third, if a word needs to be divided in two because it does not fit on one line, we need to break it off
at the border between two syllables. Enough reason not to skip this section, I would say.
In Dutch, we do not use the same method for dividing words into syllables as in English. A word is
divided into syllables by its vowels. If two vowels are pronounced as one, we consider it one vowel.
Together with one or more consonants, each vowel (or combination of vowels) forms one syllable. So
Although the Dutch complain a lot about the spelling rules, the spelling system is really quite simple and
clear-cut compared to many other languages (English, for one!). There are a few general guidelines for
dividing a Dutch word into syllables. The four rules explained below hold true for most Dutch words.
Rule I
If two vowels are separated by only one consonant, the consonant forms the beginning of the second
If vowels are separated by more than one consonant, the first syllable gets one consonant, the second
the rest:
Rule III
A compound word consists of two or more separate words. We split the compound word at the
boundaries between the original words, thus leaving the original completely intact. We do the same
with words that are derived from nouns or verbs: vergeetachtig = vergeet + achtig (forgetful =
Rule IV
"Ease of pronunciation"
This is what we do in general but if the next syllable starts with a sequence of consonants that is hard to
pronounce, we place one (or more, if necessary) of the consonants at the end of the preceding syllable.
What a Dutch speaker may find impossible to pronounce, may not be a challenge for someone with a
So what do Dutch speakers find difficult to pronounce? In general, they consider combinations like rts,
mbt, lfts or rwt hard to pronounce. Furthermore, a syllable never starts with two identical consonants.
You can read more about what Dutch speakers find difficult to pronounce in our forum topic: Syllables.
These are the directions for dividing a word into syllables. There are some special words and types of
words that behave differently, but in general, you can rely on the rules mentioned above.
There is one consonant-combination that does not abide by the four syllable rules described before: ch.
This combination is never separated. It is another way of writing the letter g.* For this reason, we regard
is as a single consonant. The words below are therefore not separated by three consonants (c, h and t)
And of course, observing the 4th rule: if ch is enveloped by consonants (e.g. 'rcht'), we place ch at the
end of the preceding syllable (like with koortsig, ambtenaar, etc.). If we do not do this, the second
syllable starts with ch + another consonant (which will generally make it hard to pronounce).
The reason why ch is considered to be one consonant is simple. Look what happens if we treat it as two
consonants: a word like lachen would be divided aslac-hen. This completely changes the pronunciation
of the separate syllables: as in English, the c at the end of a syllable is pronounced as k. We do get
another problem, being the length of the vowel but we will get to that later.
(*) There used to be a difference between the pronunciation of ch and g but nowadays, most Dutch
speakers no longer make this distinction. There is still a substantial minority of Dutch speakers –mainly
There are two suffixes and one type of prefix that always form a separate syllable, regardless of the
Many Dutch adjectives end in -isch or -ische (inflected). It means something like English -ish.
If we look at -ische, 'i' and 'sche' are separate syllables (which is contrary to the Rules for dividing a word
into syllables). The consonant combination "sch" should normally be pronounced as English 'skh'. But in
this particular case, we only pronounce 's' (see also: Words with an irregular pronunciation). We
therefore consider 'sch' as one consonant and thus place it at the beginning of the next syllable.
Belgische, egoïstische
These (Greek) endings are the equivalents of the English -thy (sympathy) and -thic. In Dutch, the h is not
sympathie, empathische
waarachtig, reusachtig
If a vowel contains a dieresis, it forms the beginning of a new syllable. It is used to indicate where we
have to divide a double vowel or vowel combination into separate syllables. Without the dieresis, a
The oi in egoistisch would be pronounced as the English oy. If we give the i a dieresis, as in egoïstisch,
Without the dieresis, we would not know where to divide the sequence of e's into syllables. It could be
The same goes for sympathieën. Without the dieresis, we would not know how to choose between sym-
As you can read in the section about long vowels, the combination ui is pronounced as one long vowel.
In the word altruïstisch, we want to pronounce the u and the i as two separate vowels. To establish this,
When we break up a word at the end of a line in such a way that the syllable at the beginning of the
second line starts with the dieresis, we do not write the dieresis (it is already clear by the way the word
3. vowel combination: two different vowels in a row that merge into (more or less) one vowel
With the exception of y, each vowel has a short and a long form:
short a [ɑ] e [ɛ] i [ɪ] o [ɔ] u [ʏ]
Note that long i is not formed by doubling the vowel, but by adding the letter e:ie.
Double vowels are long vowels. Even though they consist of two vowels, they are pronounced as one.
aa Pronounce like English 'a' but open your mouth (a lot!) wider: [a]
staan (to stand)
waar (true, where)
kaart (card, map)
But: pronounce like English 'ea' in beard when followed by the letter r:
meer (more)
zeer (very)
verkeerd (wrong)
heersen (to reign)
But: when it precedes the letter r, pronounce like the English oo in door:[ɔː]
woord (word)
vermoorden (to kill)
noord (north)
Noors (Norwegian)
Determining whether a single vowel is long or short, requires a good knowledge of the rules for breaking
up a word into its syllables. If a syllable ends in a vowel, the vowel is always long.In the examples below,
a [a]
ma-ken (to make)
wa-ter (water)
na (after)
dra (soon)
e [e]
we-ten (to know)
be-ter (better)
we-zen (creature)
be-zig (busy)
i [i]
a-li-bi (alibi)
po-li-tie (police)
mi-nis-ter (minister)
fi-na-le (final)
o [o]
ko-men (to come)
dro-gen (to dry)
bo-ten (boats)
u [y]
bu-ren (neighbours)
Tu-ne-si-e, Tunesië (Tunisia)
tri-bu-ne (tribune)
y [i]
In originally foreign words:
The no-open-double-vowel rule is an important spelling rule you are advised to learn as soon as
possible. Although adults can and do make many spelling mistakes, disregarding this rule will make your
This is not necessary because a single vowel at the end of a syllable is already long. It does not need to
be doubled. As you will learn later, the letter e is an exception to this rule (double e). Indeed, one of
those nasty little exceptions, but you will appreciate that the reason for this is quite sensible.
Vowel combinations consist of two or three different vowels that are pronounced more or less as one
vowel. We treat the combination as one syllable (together with one or more consonants).
In Dutch, we have 16 vowel combinations. Some combinations perfectly merge into one new vowel,
while the synthesis of other combinations is less perfect. The important thing for you to know is that
they are all fixed combinations. You must learn the combination by heart: If two consecutive vowels are
not a fixed vowel combination, the vowels constitute two different syllables (along with a couple of
aai eeu(w) ie oe ui
ae ei ieu(w) ou
ai eu ij oi
au ooi
Combinations that consist of two vowels
ae This vowel combination occurs exclusively in old Dutch words. You will only find
it in proper names, especially in Flanders:
ei This sound is a bit similar to the German ei in reisen, but pronounced a bit
'flatter' [ɛi] or [æi]
ei (egg)
beleid (policy)
bereiden (to prepare)
geit (goat)
trein (train)
But: if it precedes the letter r, pronounce like the English or in word [œ]
geur (smell)
kleur (colour)
zeuren (to whine)
deur (door)
ou Same as au [au]
zout (salt)
vrouw (woman)
koud (cold)
nou (now)
stout (bad, naughty)
(*) Technically speaking, this is not a vowel combination, for it consists of a vowel (i) and a consonant (j).
There are a few vowel combinations that take three vowels, but again, are pronounced more or less as
aai [ai]
draai-en (to turn)
aai-en (to stroke)
maai-en (to mow)
oei [ui]
groei-en (to grow)
roei-en (to row)
ver-moeid (tired)
ooi [oi]
gooi-en (to throw)
mooi (beautiful)
ver-strooid (forgetful)
eeu [eːw]
leeu-wen (lions)
geeu-wen (to yawn)
ieu [iːw]
Short vowels are single vowels that are followed by one or more consonants within the same syllable.
Single vowels that are followed by ch but not within the same syllable (in the following one) are also
considered short vowels. This is a nasty little exception hardly worth mentioning, since so few words
When a word ends in a consonant, it is easy to see that the single vowel preceding this consonant is a
short vowel: the word fregat (frigate) ends in a consonant (t) and is preceded by a single vowel (a),
If the single vowel is somewhere in the middle of a word, you need to divide the word into syllables to
see whether the vowel sits at the end of the syllable (long vowel) or whether it is followed by a
consonant within the same syllable (short vowel). What about the following vowels? Are they long or
af - me - ting
The letter a is followed by the letter f, and is thus a short vowel. The letter e is an open vowel, which
makes it a long vowel. The letter i is followed by the consonants ng and thus a short vowel.
zacht (soft)
zat (plenty, drunk)
gat (hole)
nat (wet)
kam (comb)
star (stiff, stubborn)
pakken (to get)
wachten (to wait)
wakker (awake)
wit (white)
Brit (a British man)
bezit (possession)
kin (chin)
gil (scream)
stil (silent)
wissen (to erase)
richten (to aim)
onmiddellijk (immediately)
winter (winter)
As you read on the page about syllables, the combination ch is treated as oneconsonant.
Lachen --> la - chen
As a consequence, a is an open vowel, which we would classify as a long vowel. But it is not! Just
remember, that every single vowel (as opposed to double vowels and vowel combinations) that
Had the Dutch not decided to treat ch as one consonant, the division would have been: lac - hen. Here,
the a is safely enveloped by two consonants, and could thus be considered a short vowel.
The letter e does not behave quite the same as the other vowels. There are two ways in which it
2. The letter e is the only vowel that is allowed in duplo at the end of a word (double ee).
Where other vowels that are placed at the end of a syllable are always long, the e requires a second
A mute e is pronounced as English 'e' in 'waited': 'e'. This is slightly distressing, as it is difficult for non-
native speakers to determine where the stress lies. However, good dictionaries indicate the position of
the stress. In this chapter, the stresses of all words that contain open e's will be underlined.
In the following examples, the stressed syllables are underlined and the mute e's are bold. It goes
Rule of thumb:
Examples: gewoonte (habit), waarde (value), Bieneke (that's me), lengte(length), lente (spring)
On the previous page, we discussed the mute e. There is yet another peculiarity about the e:
The reason for this is related to the mute e. Remember the rule of thumb above that a single e at the
end of a word is always a mute e. So what if we want a word to end in a long e? The only way to
establish this is by writing e in duplo, violating the rule that a syllable never ends in two identical vowels.
Examples are: mee (along), thee (tea), wee (pain), zee (sea). Bear in mind that this only applies to a
There are (two) situations where ee forms the end of a syllable within a word.
Compound word: a word is composed of a word that ends in ee plus another word.
In the previous paragraphs, you have learnt how to distinguish between long and short vowel words. In
general, long vowel words should stay long, regardless of any changes in the word (e.g. a singular noun
turning into a plural, or when you conjugate a verb's infinitive). The same goes for short vowel words.
In the following sections, we use the example of a plural and a singular noun to illustrate how a word
maintains its long or short vowel. Of course, this mechanism applies to all kinds of words (verbs,
Plural nouns and the rule that a syllable never ends in a double vowel
As you will see later, the plural for a noun is usually formed by adding -en after the singular noun. Let us
end in double aa. The reason for this is that a syllable that ends in one a is already considered to be a
long-vowel syllable (recall that a short vowel syllable always ends in a consonant). The second a is thus
Suppose we do the exact opposite: we have a long vowel plural noun, and we have to turn it into a
singular noun.
The first syllable has a long vowel, for if we divide the word into its syllables, we find that the first
Now, the syllable ends in a consonant (n). We know by now that if a syllable has a single vowel and ends
in a consonant, the vowel is a short one. The plural noun was, however, a long vowel word, which
generally means that the singular should be long too. In order to keep the singular noun long, we have
Let us look at the singular noun stuk (piece). The word has a single, closed vowel: a short vowel word. To
To determine whether the newly formed plural noun has maintained its short vowel, we divide it
singular vowel into a long plural vowel. Because short vowel words must stay short, regardless of any
changes (e.g. from plural to singular), we have to make sure that the plural is short too. In order to
establish this, we simply add an extra consonant (k in this case) to the end of the first syllable:
The syllable now has a single, closed vowel. In other words: it is a short vowel word.
Now we will do it the other way around. We have a short-vowel plural noun:
katten (cats)
Recall that a word (or even syllable) never ends in two identical consonants. Therefore, we simply
When you produce a consonant, the breath of air that leaves your mouth is modified by a certain
'obstruction' that you create with your tongue or lips. This results in a sound that you could classify as
zooming, rattling, hissing, et cetera. Without this obstruction, you would be pronouncing a vowel. The
b, c, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, p, q, s, t, x, y, z
The Dutch have three consonant combinations in which the separate consonants are merged into a new
b [b]
The same as in English.
breed (wide)
blauw (blue)
boven (above)
c [s]
The same as in English.
Before i or e, we pronounce it like 's'.
centrum (centre)
cinema (cinema)
ceremonie (ceremony)
d [d]
The same as in English.
dame (lady)
dief (thief)
dwerg (dwarf)
[t] If it appears at the end of a word, it is pronounced like 't' (see below).
hond (dog)
kleed (carpet)
land (land)
f [f]
The letter f sounds similar to v [v] and w [ʋ]. The same goes for English but the
Dutch pronounce these letters in a slightly different way. The Dutch v sounds
more like English f and the Dutch w is something between English w and v.
Compare the three consonants:
fier (proud), vier (four), wier (seaweed)
fout (error), vouw (crease), woud (forrest)
Fin (Finnish person), vin (fin of a fish), win (as in "I win")
fraai (beautiful), vraag (question), wraak (revenge)
g [ɣ]
The famous Dutch guttural sound
geinig (funny)
grap (joke)
berg (mountain)
Some people find it hard to distinguish between g and h. Compare the following
pairs and see if you can hear the difference:
gaan (to go) / haan (rooster)
goed (good) / hoed (hat)
gier (vulture) / hier (here)
gek (crazy) / hek (fence)
gang (corridor) / hang (tendency)
h [h]
This letter is pronounced more or less the same as in English. An English speaker
tends to release more air while pronouncing it.
hoofd (head)
hals (throat)
hemel (heaven)
j [j]
Pronounce like English y in yellow
jarig (adjective for having one's birthday)
spiegeltje (little mirror)
jas (coat, jacket)
k [k]
The Dutch k sounds pretty much the same as the English k. The Dutch do not
release as much air as English speakers[kʰ].
koning (king)
kwaad (angry)
klein (small)
l There are (subtly) different ways to pronounce this consonant: Compare, for
example, lift and well. If this consonant occurs before a vowel, it is pronounced
'lighter' (with the tip of tongue) than when it is placed after a vowel.
m [m]
The same as in English:
muis (mouse)
markt (market)
man (man)
n [n]
The same as in English:
naald (needle)
nooit (never)
niet (not)
p [p]
The letter p is pronounced more or less the same as in English. The English tend
to release more air [pʰ].
paard (horse)
pijn (pain)
plak (slice)
qu [kv]
The letter q only occurs in originally foreign words. It is always combined with
the vowel 'u'. The combination qu is pronounced the same as in English.
aquarium (aquarium)
quasi (quasi)
queeste (quest)
quiz (quiz)
r The Dutch use three different types of r. Before a vowel, you hear either a
'Spanish' [ɾ] or a 'French' r [ʁ]. Before a consonant or at the end of a word the
Dutch usually pronounce the 'English' r [ɹ]. Read more about the letter r on
Wikipedia. In the examples below, you will hear a Spanish and an English r
(English 'r' at the beginning of a word).
radar (radar) /ɾadɑɹ/
regendruppel (rain drop) /ɾeɣəndɾʏpəɫ/
verwarming (heating) /vəɹʋɑɹmɪŋ/
s [s]
The same as in English.
stoom (steam)
slak (snail)
samen (together)
t [t]
The Dutch t is more or less the same as the English t. The English release more
air when they pronounce the letter t [tʰ].
taart (cake)
trein (train)
twaalf (twelve)
v [v]
The Dutch only make a very small distinction between v and f (see also 'f'
above). Pronounce like English f in half:
vader (father)
lever (liver)
vent (chap)
w [ʋ]
Pronounce like English v (see also the letter 'f' above).
wijzen (to point)
wortel (root)
bewoond (inhabited)
x [ks]
In Dutch, the letter x only appears in borrowed words. It is pronounced in
exactly the same way as in English.
extra (extra)
fixatie (fixation)
exact (exact)
y [j]
We pronounce this letter the same as in English.
The 'greek y', as the Dutch call this letter, only appears in foreign words. It is
listed both as a vowel and a consonant (like in English).
If it occurs before a vowel, we pronounce it the same as the letter 'j' (see
rayon (disctrict, department)
royaal (generous)
coyote (coyote)
z [z]
This consonant has the same sound as in English. The Dutch, however, often
pronounce it as 's' (see above).
zalf (balm)
zoen (kiss)
zwaan (swan)
Consonant combinations
ch [x]
When we combine c and h, we get a sound which is the same as the letter
'g' [ɣ] (see above). There are linguists who say that g and ch are (or should be)
pronounced differently but this is a distinction that hardly any Dutch speaker
licht (light)
bochel (hunch)
stichting (foundation)
ng [ŋ]
The English have the same letter combination: Pronounce as ng in king, long, or
string. Note, that it is never pronounced as ng in linger or tango.
wang (cheek)
zingen (to sing)
mengen (to mix)
English words like buzz, butt, Swiss, or fall would be impossible in the Dutch language. You only find it in
In Dutch, we have voiced and unvoiced consonants. The Dutch themselves often refer to them as 'hard'
(unvoiced) and 'soft' (voiced) consonants. A soft consonant is called 'voiced' because you need to use
your voice (vocal cords) to produce a sound. A hard (unvoiced) consonant can be produced even
Each voiced consonant has a voiced counterpart. Examples are b and p and dand t.
As in many languages, including the English one, voiced consonants are sometimes replaced by their
unvoiced counterparts. Take the English word thief. In the plural, f turns into v: thieves.
A Dutch word never ends in the soft consonants z or v. Instead, we use their hard equivalents s and f.
Take, for example the word bazen (bosses). To get its singular, we subtract -en:
You probably noticed that the long vowel turned into a short one (see rules for keeping words
There are two more voiced-unvoiced consonant pairs: The voiced consonants d and b have t and p as
We could identify a third pair: Voiced g and unvoiced ch. Most Dutch speakers do not make a distinction
There are a few types of words that deviate from the pronunciation rules:
The Dutch indefinite article een (English a or an) is written with a long ee. However, this ee is
pronounced as a mute e (as in English e in waited or ''full'). The Dutch word for one is één, which is
pronounced with a long ee. To make it a long ee, we use an acute accent. Note that this is an exception.
Normally, a double ee is pronounced as a long vowel, and does not need accents to make it long.
Where the Dutch say 'tsee', the Flemish only pronounce 'see'.
We pronounce 'isch' simply as English ies in candies. So why don't the Dutch simply write 'ies'? They
have considered this option in the latest spelling revision, but the Dutch appeared to be too attached to
the old spelling form. Sticking to the old writing is of course a great compromise to the modern spelling
rules, because (1) the letter 'i' is written as a short vowel, but pronounced as a long one and (2) the
In the words rode (red) and goede (good) the letter d is pronounced as a Dutch j(or English y in Yankee ).
In written Dutch, you may come across rooie and goeie, but this is only used in informal texts. The same
goes for goeiemorgen (good morning), goeiemiddag(good afternoon), goeienavond (good evening),
and goeienacht (good night), which should be written as goedemorgen, goedemiddag, goedenavond,
á Acute accent
ä Dieresis
a' Apostrophe
Just like in Dutch, the apostrophe is commonly used in English, although not at all in the same way. The
acute accent is not used in English, though it may be known to those who have some knowledge of
French. The following pages are dedicated to the apostrophe and the acute accent.
The grave accent used to be a common accent in the Dutch language, but since the spelling reform in
the nineties, it is only used in a few borrowed French words. We also use it in the exclamation "Hè!",
which can mean several things. Followed by a question mark, it translates to English "What?!",
The circumflex accent is also exclusively used for a handful of originally French words (debâcle).
If we want to emphasize a particular word in a sentence, we can use an acute accent. We place this
accent above the vowel we want to emphasize. If the syllable has two vowels, we place the acute accent
on both of them. However, we never put an acute accent over a capital letter.
Die fiets is niet óúd, hij is níéuw!* That bike is not old, it is new!
(*) If a vowel combination consists of three vowels we only place accents over the first two vowels.
The accents tell you that you have to put more stress on the word. In general, this means that you have
to stretch the word a bit and use a slightly higher pitch. Do not exaggerate this.
You may find that sometimes, for short vowels, the accent grave is used, e.g. kàn jij dat? Even though it
is still quite common to use this accent, in the latest official spelling revision they decided to abolish the
grave accent from the Dutch language. This accent is only occasionally used for words with a French
origin. The same goes for the accent circonflex, e.g. debâcle (ruin, scandal).
Another function of the accent aigu is to distinguish the word één (one) from een ('a' or 'an')
be a long one (double vowel). The word één (one) is indeed pronounced as a long one.
We can also use it for the word voor (for, before). If we place two accent aigu's over oo, the word
means before, in the sense of time as well as place. If we do not use the accent, the word can mean
both for (as in for you ) and before. Note that it is not necessary to use the accent here, it is just often
French words
We use the accent aigu over the letter e in words that are derived from French. The accent turns e into
a long vowel, where it otherwise would have been pronounced as a mute e (English the).
'n (een) a, an
't (het) it
m'n (mijn) my
(*) des is an old-fashioned Dutch form of "of the", which we do not use anymore. We still use it in some
common expressions, but mostly in abbreviated form with an apostrophe. Those of you who know
If a noun ends in an unstressed vowel, its plural gets -s at the end. To keep the long vowel long, we use
an apostrophe. Recall, that if a single vowel sits in a syllable that ends in one or more consonants, it is
a short vowel).
The mute e at the end of schaapje is pronounced as English the. The sound does not change by adding