Math Reviewer

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Lesson 1 Nature of Mathematics

 Patterns
Are regular, repeated or recurring forms of
Helps us identify relationship and find local
connection to form generalization and make
 Symmetry
Indicates that you can draw an imaginary
lines across an object and the resulting
 Rotational Symmetry
if you rotate the object in a certain degree
measure you can still achieve the same Fibonacci numbers
appearance as the original. This is known as  When plant has spirals, the rotation tends to
the rotational symmetry. be a fraction made with two successive
 Angle Of rotation Fibonacci numbers
The smallest Rotation Binets Formula in Finding Fibonacci No
to compute Angle of rotation = 360c\n n
F n=∅ −¿ ¿
 To find width
L/W = 1.618034/1
Lesson 2
According to Allan Turing the formation of Mathematics
hyena's spot and tiger stripe is governed by a  Mathematics is the study of numbers,
system of Reaction-Diffusion Equations number patterns and relationships, counting,
 Reaction - Diffusion Equations and measuring.
 It is also a way to communicate and analyze
Golden Ratio ideas, and a way of reasoning that is unique
ϕ = 1.618034 to human beings.
 The proportions of the length of the nose, the  Mathematics is a system of communication
position of the eyes, and the length of the about objects like numbers, shapes variables,
chin, all conform to some aspect of the sets, operations, functions and equations. The
golden ratio. aforementioned components, as defined in
 Not only for Beauty, but also for strength of the dictionary, are found in Mathematics,
buildings, ratio of paintings and etc. thus Mathematics qualifies as a language.
 Shapes and figures that bear the golden
ration are generally considered as
aesthetically pleasing LANGUAGE
 Measure the length and width of your face  Language is defined as a systematic means of
divide the length by the width communicating ideas or feelings by the use
this should approximately 1.618034, which of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures,
means a person's face is about 11\2 or marks having understood meanings.
 Geometrically is can also be visualized as a
rectangle perfectly formed by a square MATHEMATICS LANGUAGE AND
and another smaller rectangle. SYMBOLS
 In finding the exact measurement of the  Mathematics is written in a symbolic
golden rectangle language that is designed to express
mathematical thoughts.
How to draw a golden rectangle

 “One very important element in a student’s

mathematical success is his competence to
communicate mathematically” -Michael
Schiro (1997)

 The familiar sign + for addition and the –
sign for subtraction first appeared in 1489 in
a German arithmetic handbook.

 They may have been borrowed from signs

used by merchants to mark certain packages.
+ was marked on packages with too much of
whatever the package contained, while a –
meant too little.
 Robert Recorded
o The = sign for equals was invented in

 William Ought Red

o invented the x sign for multiplication in

 Johann Heinrich Rahn

o invented the ÷ sign for division earlier, THE LANGUAGE OF FUNCTIONS AND
but his book was not published until RELATIONS
 It involves the association of an individual or
 Number System is a way to represent object with another individual or object.
numbers. We are used to using the base-10
number system, which is also called decimal.  A relation is any set of one or more ordered
 Other common number systems include
base-16 (hexadecimal), base-8 (octal), and  There is one value of y that corresponds to
base-2 (binary). every value of x.

Complex Number Table Values

 The x-values and y-values are listed in
 A Complex number is a number that can be
expressed in the form a + bi where a and b separate columns and each row represents an
are real numbers ordered pair.
 And i is a symbol called the imaginary unit
satisfying the equation:
 i 2=−1 i=√ −1


 Algebraic Expression can be a number, a a. (1, 2) , (2, 4), (3, 6) , (4, 8)
single variable or a combination of numbers, b. (1.5, 2) , (2, -5), (3.2, 7) , (5, 9)
letters and operation symbols. c. (1/2 , 1) , (4, 3/5), (5, -6) , (7, 8)
d. (a, b) , (x, y), (j, c) , (k, l)
 In algebra, we begin to see variables, or
letters that are used to represent numbers. Mapping
 It’s shows the domain and range as separate
Variables clusters of values.
 Variable is any letter or symbol that  Domain - Domain is the set of first
represents certain value. coordinates or the abscissas
 Range - Range is a the set of second
Constant and Coefficient coordinates or the ordinates

Constant - is a number on its own.

e.g. 1, -5, 2.5

Coefficient - is a number used to multiply a

e.g. 1g, -5x
Ratio and Proportion Each ordered pair is plotted as a point and
can be used to show the relationships
Proportion - The Product of The mean is equal to between values.
the product of the extremes

Comparing Ratio
Function Set Notations and Symbols
 Function is a relation in which each element
of the domain corresponds to exactly one
element of the range.
 It is a special type of relation where in no
two ordered pair have the same abscissa.
 e.g.
a. (1, 2) , (2, 4), (3, 6) , (4, 8)
b. (1.5, 2) , (2, -5), (3.2, 7) , (5, 9)
c. (1/2 , 1) , (4, 3/5), (5, -6) , (7, 8)
d. (a, b) , (x, y), (j, c) , (k, l)

Vertical Line Test

 A graph represents a function if and only if
no vertical line intersects the graph in more
than one point.

Evaluation of Functions
 To evaluate a function is to substitute its
variable with a given number or expression.
Representation of Sets
a. Descriptive form – verbal description of its
A= The set of all vowels in English
 alphabet

b. Rule or Set builder form – describing a set

by indicating the properties that its members
must satisfy.
A= { x : x is a vowel in the English
alphabet }
Operation on Functions
c. Roster or Tabular form – listing the
A. The Sum Function (f + g) ( x ) = f (x ) + g elements of a set inside a pair of braces { }.
(x) A= { a, e, i, o, u }
B. The Difference Function (f – g) ( x ) = f (x Operation on Sets
) – g (x)
Operation Notation Meaning
C. The Product Function (f • g) ( x ) = f (x ) • Union AՍB All elements
g (x) which are in
both A and B
D. The Quotient Function ( f/g) ( x ) = f Intersection AՈB All elements
(x )/g (x) which are in
either A or B (or
E. The Composite Function (f ○ g) ( x ) = both)
f(g(x ))
(g ○ f) ( x ) = Difference A–B All elements
g(f(x )) which are in A
but not in B
Language of Sets Complement A’ All elements in
 Sets are collections of well-defined distinct the universal
objects, ideas, or numbers. set which are not
in A.
 The groups are called sets for as long as the
objects in the group share a characteristic
and are thus, well defined.

 Elements are objects contained in a set.
 e.g. The set of students in DHVSU, A
collection of “Yellow flowers”
Lesson 3 Problem Solving  It is a type of reasoning from general ideas
called premises and apply them to specific
Problem situation.
A situation, quantitative or otherwise , that
confronts an individual or group of  In deductive reasoning, you assume that the
individuals that require solution, and for hypothesis is true.
which the individual sees no apparent or
obvious means or path to obtain a solution.  It can be thought of as from a general
−Krulik and Rudnick statement that is accepted to be true, to a
specific statement that is “therefore” true.
Problem Solving  Argument
 The means by which an individual uses o is a group of statements, some of
previously acquired knowledge, skills, and which, the premises, are offered in
understanding to satisfy the demands of an support of another statement which is
unfamiliar situation. the conclusion.
 Premise
 It is the process of finding solutions to o is the basic statement in an argument
difficult or complex issues. that provides reason or support for the
 Problem Solving Theory and practice  Conclusion
suggest that thinking is more important in o is a judgment or decision reached by
solving problems than knowledge. - Jamin reasoning.
 Problem Solving is NOT an algorithm, not a  Premise indicators:
step by step solution. o Because, Since, Given that, Assuming
that, Suppose, etc.
is a process or set of rules to be followed in  Conclusion indicators:
calculations or other problem solving o Therefore, Thus, Hence, Consequently,
 Problem Solving is Heuristic using
exploration and trial & error.
But typically, the rule of thumb is that
Heuristic- an adjective means enabling
if you have a conclusion indicator, then
someone to discover or learn something
the statement to which it is attached is
for themselves.
the conclusion of the argument. And
likewise with the premises.
2 Major Types of Reasoning
 Syllogism-is an argument made up of 3
Inductive Reasoning
 It is a process of observing data, recognizing
a major premise, a minor premise, and a
patterns, and making generalizations from
Major x: If you want to be healthy,
 It is a process of reasoning from specific Premise then you should eat nutritious
examples toward a general statement. food everyday.
Minor y: Amber wants to be healthy
 It is the process of making observations to Premise
forming conclusions. Conclusion z: Amber should eat
nutritious food everyday.
 The term inductive reasoning refer to a
reasoning that takes specific and makes a Premise - is the basic statement in an
broader generalization that is considered argument that provides reason or support for
probable information while still remaining the conclusion
open to the fact that the conclusion may
NOT be 100% guaranteed.
 Three Stages of Inductive Reasoning 4 Step of Polya's Method of Problem Solving
o Look for a pattern: Use a diagram and
tables to help discover a pattern George Polya was a Hungarian
o Make a conjecture : Use the examples mathematician who immigrated to the United
to make a generalization or a States in 1940. His major contribution is for
conjecture. his work in Problem Solving.
A conjecture is a statement based on
observations. He was regarded as the father of the modern
o Verify the conjecture : To verify a Mathematics emphasis in Math education on
problem solving.
conjecture, use logical reasoning.

Deductive Reasoning
Polya created his famous four-step process in
Problem Solving which is used all over the
world to aid people in problem solving.

4 Steps of Polya’s Method of Problem Solving

 1. Understand the problem.

o You cannot solve a problem if you do
not understand what you are asked to
find. The problem must be read and
analyzed carefully.

 2. Devise a plan.
o There are many ways to attack a
problem and decide what plan is
appropriate for the particular problem
you are solving.

 3. Carry out the plan.

o Once you know how to approach the
problem, carry out your plan. You may
run into “dead ends” and unforeseen
roadblocks, but be persistent.

 4. Look back.
o Check your answer to see that it is
reasonable. Does it satisfy the
conditions of the problem? Have you
answered all the questions asked in the
 Problem Solving Strategies
o A. Draw a Picture
o B. Look for a Pattern
o C. Guess and Check
o D. Make a List
o E. Logical Reasoning
o F. Working backwards
o G. Divide and Conquer
o H. Make a Table or Chart
o I. Solve a similar simpler problem
o J. Use an equation and solve it
o K. Use Trial and error
o L. Look for a catch if an answer seems
too obvious or impossible.
o M. Use your common sense.

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