Module 1: Mathematics in Daily Life
Module 1: Mathematics in Daily Life
Module 1: Mathematics in Daily Life
- art
- study of patterns
- language
- process of thinking
- set of problem-solving tools
Expression Table 3
- do not express a complete thought. Name of the Elements of the
- only a part of the complete sentence. Set of Notation Set
Evaluating the Expression Natural
- determining the variables of the expression by Numbers N 1,2,3,4, ….
substituting the numerical value in the
variables. Numbers 0,1,2,3,4, ….
Integers Z …-2,-1,0,1,2...
Table 1
Operation Keywords for Expression Numbers Q 0,1/2,3/5,5/6
Operation Irrational √2,√3,-1 + √5
x plus y
Real Numbers R -10,0,1/2,√2,8..
the sum of x and y
Addition x increased by y x+y Transcendental
y more than x Numbers
the total of x and y e,pi,ln5,cos (pi/6)
y added to x Complex
x minus y Numbers C 3+2i; 3/5 - (1/2)i
The difference of x and
Subtraction y x-y Table 4
y subtracted from x Given How to Read
x decreased by y ∈ “an element of”
y less than x x2 The square of x
Multiplication x times y x · y; xy; √x The square root of x
the product of x and y x(y); (x)(y) 0∈Z Zero is an integer
x divided by y x x>0 x is positive
Division The quotient of x and y x ÷ y; ;
y x<0 x is negative
the ratio of x and y
x/y x≥0 x is nonnegative
y divided into x
x≤0 x is nonpositive
|x| The absolute value of x
Table 2
x3 The cube of x
Relational Symbols Keywords 3
√x The cube root of x
X = 7k, where k The number x is a
multiply of seven Answer: |x + y| = x + y
x y The average of x and y
Reverse, suppose we are given mathematical
2 expressions and we have to translate them into
Example 1: “The square of the number a is a verbal phrase.
equal to the product of a and b”
1. y ≤ x
Solution: Answer: y is less than or equal to x.
Square of the number a --> a2
Is equal to --> = 2. n + 6 = 12
The product of a and b --> ab Answer: n increased by 6 is 12.
Answer: a2 = ab 3. x2 = 2
Answer: the square of a number is 2.
Example 2: “The square root of the sum of x
and y is not equal to 5” 4. x - y > 0
Answer: the difference of two numbers is
Solution: positive.
The sum of x and y --> x + y
The square root of the sum of x and y --> x y 5. x - 5
Is not equal to --> Answer: 5 less than x.
Example 5: “The absolute value of the sum of x 1. The square of the sum of x and y is positive.
and y is equal to the sum of x and y” Answer: (x + y)2 > 0
Write the negation of each proposition and Determine the truth-value of the following
indicate if it is true or false. statements.
4. Baseball is a sport. 4. Animals are human and the square has three
Answer: corners.
- Baseball is not a sport. FALSE Answer:
- It is not true that baseball is a sport. FALSE Animals are human -> first statement (p) ->
- It is not the case that baseball is a sport. FALSE FALSE
- It is false that baseball is a sport. FALSE The square has 3 corners -> second statement
(q) -> FALSE
5. No prime number is even. FALSE since both statements are false.
- It is not true that no prime number is even. 5. Today is Friday and tomorrow is the
TRUE weekend.
- Some prime numbers are even. TRUE Answer:
- It is false that no prime number is even. TRUE Today is Friday -> first statement (p -> either
- It is not the case that no prime number is even. true or false
Tomorrow is the weekend -> second statement 5. Quadrilaterals are parallelograms or
(q) -> either true or false quadrilaterals have 9 sides.
Since the first statement shows opinion, Answer:
therefore, the second statement depends on Quadrilaterals are parallelograms -> first
the first one. If the first statement is true, then statement (p) -> FALSE
it follows that the second one is also true. Quadrilaterals have 9 sides -> second statement
Otherwise, it is false if the first statement is (q) -> FALSE
false. When both statements are true, the FALSE. Since both statements are false.
entire statement is TRUE and it is FALSE when
both statements are false. EXERCISE 4, MODULE 5
4. Let p, q, r be the following statements: “I am guilty and I am staying at home but I must
p: There are classes on Christmas Day. be punished.”
q: Christmas Day is a holiday.
r: We work on Christmas Day. Answer: (p ∧ q) ∧ r
1. The domain of the function f(x)= √-x is all 5. Suppose p, q, and r represents the following
non-negative real numbers. FALSE statements:
2. The sum of two even numbers is even. TRUE p: I am guilty.
3. π ϵ Q. FALSE q: I am staying at home.
4. A polygon is a pentagon and it has five sides. r: I must be punished.
5. Negative numbers don’t have square roots or “I must not be punished or I am not staying at
unicorns exist. TRUE home.”
Answer: ~ r ∨ (~ q)
6. Suppose p, q, r, and s represents the r: It is night.
following statements: s: It is daytime.
p: The starts are visible.
q: The sun is shining. What is the English sentence of the symbolic
r: It is night. expression given: ~((p ∧ q) ∧ (r ∧ (~s)))
s: It is daytime.
What is the English sentence of the symbolic Answer: “It is not true that the stars are visible
expression given: (p ∧ q) ∧ (~r ∧ s) and the sun is shining, but it is night and it isn’t
Answer: “The stars are visible and the sun is
shining, but it isn’t night and it is daytime.” 11. Determine the truth-value of the statement:
(π ∈R) ∧ (-5 ∈ N)
7. Suppose p, q, r, and s represents the
following statements: Answer: FALSE
p: The starts are visible.
q: The sun is shining. 12. Determine the truth-value of the statement:
r: It is night. (0 ∈ N) ∨ (-2 ∉ Q)
s: It is daytime.
Answer: FALSE
What is the English sentence of the symbolic
expression given: ~(((p ∧ q) ∧ (~r)) ∨ ~s) 13. Determine the truth-value of the statement:
(5 > 5) ∧ (-5 < -3)
Answer: “It is not true that either the stars are
visible and the sun is shining, but it isn’t night, Answer: FALSE
or it isn’t daytime.”
14. Determine the truth-value of the statement:
8. Suppose p, q, r, and s represents the (35 ≥ 53) ∨ (3 ≤ 2)
following statements:
p: The starts are visible. Answer: TRUE ( DAPAT FALSE )
q: The sun is shining.
r: It is night. 15. Determine the truth-value of the statement:
s: It is daytime. (4.5 ∈ Z) ∧ ( π ∈R)
First possibility: Both the premise and the 7. “q is necessary and sufficient condition for p”
conclusion are true, which makes the overall Example: Yesterday was Thursday is
statement true. necessary and sufficient condition for being
Friday today.
Second possibility: “You add 1 to an odd number,
and you did NOT get an even number” This Example 5
makes the statement false since the implication Let p, q, and r be the following statements:
is violated. p: It is a sunny day.
q: The sun is out
Last two possibilities: Once the premise is r: The weather is good.
assumed false, the overall statement is always
true. Conclusion is irrelevant, whether it is true Express the following English sentences in
or false, whole statement is still true. symbolic expressions:
In each of the following statements, identify the (if hindi mo na-gets bat ganyan yung sagot,
hypothesis and the conclusion. refer to the table sa taas na may red font colors)
1. If x + y = 13 and x = 5, then y = 8.
Answer: QUIZ, MODULE 6
If x + y = 13 (T) and x = 5 (T), then y = 8 (TRUE).
1. What is the hypothesis of the statement: “If
2. x + y = 13 or if x = 5, then y = 8. it is raining, it is cloudy?”
Answer: Answer: It is raining.
x + y = 13 (T) or if x = 5 (T), then y = 8. (TRUE)
2. What is the conclusion of the statement: “If
3. If x ≠ 5, then y = 8 or x + y ≠ 13. it is raining, it is cloudy?”
Answer: Answer: It is cloudy.
If x ≠ 5 ( F), then y = 8 (T) or x + y ≠ 13. (FALSE) 3. What is the conditional statement of the
statement: “A horse has four legs?”
4. (q v p) ⟶ ~ r Answer: If it is a horse, then it has four legs.
If x = 5 (T) or x + y = 13 (T), then y ≠ 8 (FALSE) 4. What is the bi-conditional statement of “An
acute angle is an angle whose measure is less
5. (~ p ∧ ~ q) ∨ (p ⟶ r) than 90°”?
Answer: Answer: An angle is acute if and only if its
x + y ≠ 13 (F) and x ≠ 5 (F) or if x + y = 13 (T), measure is less than 90 degrees.
then y = 8 (TRUE)
(F ∧F) V (T) = (T) 5. Which of the following is a proposition?
A. God bless you!
EXERCISE 4, MODULE 6 B. What is the time now?
C. Get me a glass of milkshake.
This exercise presented statements written D. The only odd prime number is two.
either in symbolic form or English sentence. If Answer: D. The only odd prime number is two.
the given statement is written in symbolic form,
provide the English sentence, and symbolic 6. Which of the following option is true?
form otherwise. Express the following A. 1 > 3 and 3 is a positive integer
statements, either in English sentences or in B. If the sun is a star, elephants will fly.
using symbols. C. 3 + 2 = 8 if 5 - 2 = 7.
p: “Square has four sides.” D. -2 > 3 or 3 is a negative integer.
q: “2 + 2 = 5.” Answer: C (sabi ng canvas)
r: “ Honda is a car brand.”
7. The proposition that is true only when both p
1. "If square has four sides then 2 + 2 = 5, and and q are true.
conversely." Answer: Conjunction of p and q
Answer: p ⟷ q
8. The proposition that is true only when p and
2. "Square has four sides if and only if 2 + 2 = 5 q have the same truth-value.
or Honda is a car brand." Answer: p if and only if q
Answer: (p ⟷ q) ∨r
9. A conditional is false only when the
3. "Honda is a car brand and square has four antecedent is …
sides is equivalent to 2 + 2 = 5". Answer: true and the consequent is false
Answer: r ∧ (p ⟷ q)
10. In a disjunction, even if one of the
4. (p ∧ q) ⟷ ~ r statements is false, the whole disjunction is
Answer: Square has four sides and 2 + 2 = 5 if still …
and only if Honda is not a car brand. Answer: True
Write the given statement below in the 1. A conditional statement p ⟶ q and its
symbolic form: converse q ⟶ p may or may not be true.
11. “If Sam likes movies, then Vince and Nikki 2. A conditional statement p⟶ q and its
likes movies too.” contrapositive ~q ⟶ (~p) must have the same
Answer: s → ( q ∧ r ) truth-value.
12. “Nikki likes movies only if Tom and Vince do 3. The converse q⟶ p and inverse ~p⟶ (~ q)
not.” of a conditional statement are either both true
Answer: r → (~p ∧ ~q ) or both false.
4. When both statements are both true or both
13. “Sam likes movies if and only if Nikki does false, meaning they have the same truth-value,
and Tom does not.” they are called equivalent statements or
Answer: s ↔ ( r ∧ ~p ) logically equivalent.
14. “If Sam likes movies, then, if Nikki does not, 5. The statement “If p, then q” is logically
then Tom does.” equivalent to “not p, or q.” In symbol,
Answer: s → ( ~r → p ) p⟶ q ≡ ~p ∨ q.
15. “Nikki likes movies provided that Sam does 6. The negation of the statement “If p, then q”
not, but, if Sam does, then Vince does not.” is “p and not q.” In symbol, p ⟶ q ≡ p ∧ (~q).
Answer: ( ~s → r ) ∧ ( s → ~q )
Example 1
MODULE 7: RELATED CONDITIONALS “If an integer is divisible by two, then it is even.”
Conditional: Any statement can be written as “If INVERSE (negate the Hypothesis and
p, then q”. Conclusion)
Given: If an integer is divisible by two, then
Words: If p, then q. Symbol: p ⟶ q it is even.
Inverse: If an integer is not divisible by two,
CONVERSE: To write the converse of the given then it is not even.
conditional statement, just switch the
hypothesis and the conclusion. CONTRAPOSITIVE (switch and negate both)
Given: If an integer is divisible by two, then
Words: if q, then p. Symbol: q ⟶ p it is even.
Contrapositive: If an integer is not even,
INVERSE: The inverse of the given conditional then it is not divisible by two.
statement is negating the hypothesis and the
conclusion. Example 2
“If x2 = 25, then x = ± 5.
Words: If not p, then not q. Symbol: ~p ⟶ (~q)
CONVERSE (switch the Hypothesis and
CONTRAPOSITIVE: The contrapositive of the Conclusion)
conditional statement is switching and negating Given: If x2 = 25, then x = ± 5.
both the hypothesis and the conclusion. Converse: If x = ± 5, then x2 = 25.
Here, h = -7, k = 1.
3. Rotation
- also called, “turn”
- will turn an object through a clockwise or
counterclockwise direction about a fixed point,
which we call as the center of rotation. Same
with reflection, rotation changes the position of
the object, but everything else stays the same.
Figure 2 - movement with the same direction as clock
Coordinate rules for Reflection:
Over the x-axis: (x, y) ⟶ (x, -y) Counter-Clockwise
Over the y-axis: (x, y) ⟶ (-x, y) - the opposite direction of clock hands.
Over the line y = x: (x, y) ⟶ (y, x)
Through the origin: (x, y) ⟶ (-x, -y) Coordinate Plane Rules for Reflection Table 1
Over the line y = -x: (x, y) ⟶ (-y, -x)
Counter-Clockwise Clockwise Rule:
From Figure 2 above, the pre-image is located 90° 270° (x, y) ⟶ (-y, x)
in the second quadrant and it is a triangle with 180° 180° (x, y) ⟶ (-x, -y)
vertices A (-3, -4), B(-1, 1), and C(-4, 2). 270° 90° (x, y) ⟶ (y, -x)
The pre-image is reflected over the y-axis. Thus, In the table, turning an object
the image now has new vertices A', B', and C.' 90° counterclockwise and 270° clockwise
Let us find the coordinates of A', B', and C.' direction has the same coordinate rule, which
is (x, y) ⟶ (−y, x). Similarly for 180°, both
Coordinate rule over the y-axis: (x, y) ⟶ (-x, y) counter clockwise and clockwise direction have
the same coordinate rule which
Vertices of the pre-image Vertices of the image is (x, y) ⟶(−x, −y). Lastly, the coordinate rule
A (-3, 4) A’ (3, 4) for 270° counter clockwise and 90° clockwise
B (-1, 1) B’ (1, 1) is (x, y) ⟶(y, −x).
C (-4, 2) C’ (4, 2)
Figure 3
In Figure 3, the given is: Dilate the shape below with different scale
“Rotate the point A (1, 2)." It was the first factors.
rotated in a 90° counter-clockwise direction.
Figure 4
Pre-Image Dilation Image
K (-2, 5) K” (-1, 2.5) Tessellation concept can be created by
L (1, 1) L” (0.5, 0.5) redrawing one or two geometric shapes and use
M (-3, 1) M” (-1.5, 0.5) sliding, flipping, rotating, and dilating the said
shapes entirely over the plane. Can also be done
For the scale factor k = 1, the image of the given using paper cutting. Just cut the two chosen
triangle is the same as the pre-image. geometric shapes and apply the
transformations. Figures 9 and 10 are examples
of tessellation using paper cutting.
K (-2, 5)
L (1, 1)
M (-3, 1)
Figure 8
- repeatedly translating, rotating, reflecting and Figure 9
dilating a single shape in different directions to
cover a plane without gaps or overlaps.
- also called, “tiling”.
- a repetition of a pattern with no gaps or
Figure 10
Figure 11
3. T’Boli Stitch Pattern
- T’boli is an ethnic
group from South
Cotabato in
Southern Mindanao.
It means “Tagabili to
lowlanders.” Some
said that ’boli
culture is associated
with t’nalak. T’nalak
Figure 12 is a sacred cloth made by traditional female
weavers known as dream weavers. They made
Art, Geometry and the Philippine Weaving use of geometric patterns with trademark
Dr. Ma. Louise Antonette N. De Las Peñas
- “even without formal training in math, EXERCISE 1, MODULE 8
weavers were able to make textile applying A triangle with the coordinates A (-6, -4), B (-9,
advanced levels of Geometry and Algebra using -8), C (-6, -8) is plotted in the given Cartesian
a combination of weaving and counting plane below. On the same plane, several
techniques.” triangles are also plotted labelled as triangles L,
M, N, O, P, and Q. Using this cartesian plane,
1. Philippine Ikat Weave from Mindanao, which triangle best described each statement
Philippines below? Write only the letter representing the
- The term “ikat" is a
style of weaving that uses a
dyeing technique to create a
unique textile pattern. In the
Indonesian language, "ikat"
means "to tie" or "to
bind." Ikat textiles are
produced in many other
countries. In the Philippines,
we have our version
of Ikat which is mostly made
by the ethnic group of
Mindanao and the Ifugao
2. Kinarayan Fabric
Answer: M
Solution: Solution:
When you use your calculator in dividing 921 by Let us use another way to find the remainder.
12, you will get 76.75. Take note that 75 is NOT Here are the steps:
the remainder. Use the long method in dividing
to get: 1. Divide 555 by 6 = 92.5.
2. Multiply the decimal part by 6 = 0.5 x 6 = 3.
921 = 12(76) + 9 3. The value 3 obtained is the remainder.
Dividing 304 by 3 using your calculator, you will The first one is we divide 90 by 12, to get the
get 101.33. Again, as in example #1, 33 is NOT remainder. Why 12? Because we are working in
the remainder. Another way to get the 12-hour analogue clock. So, 90 divided by 12,
remainder is to multiply the whole number part the remainder is 6. Thus,
of the quotient, by 3 resulting in the product of
303. Subtract 303 from 304, and the difference, 90 = 7(12) + 6.
will be the remainder.
Using the congruence notation, we have,
101 * 3 = 303 - 304 = 1 (remainder)
90 ≡ 6 (mod 12).
304 = 3(101) + 1
Thus, 90 hours from 10 o’clock the time on the
Thus, 304 mod 3 = 1 clock will be the same as time in 6 hours, which
is 4 o’clock.
Example 3
The second way is to add 10 to 90 to get a sum
4255 mod 4 = ? of 100. Then, divide 100 by 12 to get the
remainder. Hence,
100 = 8(12) + 4.
1. Divide 4255 by 4 = 1063.75
2. Multiply 1063 by 4 = 4252 Again, using congruence notation, we get,
3. Subtract 4252 from 4255 = 3
4. The remainder then is 3. 100 ≡ 4 (mod 12).
Thus, 4255 mod 4 = 3 The second way is direct compared to the first
one. Here, you can directly get the answer
Example 4 which is 4 o’clock.
The remainder when 500 is divided by 12 is Verify if the ISBN of MINDSHAPERS CO., INC
equal to 8. (2016) is valid. The ISBN is: 978-621-406-066-5.
500 = 41 (12) + 8 Û 500 ≡ 8 (mod 12). SOLUTION: We will use the 13-digit code word
since the given is a 13-digit ISBN.
Now, count 8 months after July, you will get
March. Let us verify if it satisfies the given code word.
From the given ISBN, Substitute the values
Solution 2: of to the formula below:
The remainder when (500 + 7) is divided by 12, x1 + 3x2 + x3 + 3x4 + … 3x12 + x13 ≡ 0 (mod 10)
we get 3.
Hence, we have,
508 = 42(12) + 3 Û 507 * 3 (mod 12).
1(9) +3(7) + 1(8) + 3(6) +1(2) +3(1)+ 1(4) + 3(0)
What is the 3rd month of the year? The answer + 1(6) + 3(0) + 1(6) + 3(6) +1(5) = 9 + 21 + 8 + 18
is March. + 2 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 6 + 0 + 6 + 18 + 5 = 100.
International Book number consists of 4 parts Now, when you divide 100 by 10, the remainder
(for 10-digit ISBN) or 5 parts (for 13-digit ISBN) is 0. Therefore, 100 º 0 (mod 10). Hence, the
given ISBN is valid.
- (for 13-digit ISBN) prefix element, so far 978 or
979 are the only one available. Universal Product Code (UPC)
- Registration group element - type of code printed on retail product
- Registrant element packaging.
- Publication element - consists of 12-digit numbers with a
- Check digit corresponding machine-readable bar code.
Do the following.
Find the module of the following. We will use the 10-digit code word since the
given is a 10-digit ISBN:
1. 129 mod 7 = ___ x1+2x2+3x3+4x4 …+10x10 ≡ 0 mod 11
Answer: 3
Substitute the values, hence we have:
1(9) +2(8) + 3(1) + 4(2) +5(4) +6(7) + 7(0) + 8(2) +
9(2) + 10(0) = 9 +16 + 3 + 8 + 20 +42 + 0+16 +18 78 + 12 = 0 (mod10)
+ 0 = 132.
90 mod 10 = 0
Now, divide 132 by 11, the quotient is 12. Since
the remainder is 0. Answer: 4
Therefore, 132 ≡ 0 (mod 11). 4. Find the check digit of the given UPC. The
Hence, the given ISBN is valid. UPC is: 011152 01927C
2. Verify if the ISBN of GIC ENTERPRISES & CO., We are going to find the value of C using the
INC (2019) is valid. 12-digit code word:
3x1+x2+3x3+x4…+x10+3x11+x12 ≡ 0 (mod 10)
The ISBN is: 9 789719 919193
Substitute the values, hence we have:
3(0) + 1(1) + 3(1) + 1(1) + 3(5) + 1(2) +3(0) + 1(1)
We will use the 13-digit code word since the + 3(9) + 1(2) + 3(7) + C = 73 + C ≡ 0 (mod 10)
given is a 13-digit ISBN:
x1+3x2+x3+3x4...+x11+3x12+ x13 ≡ 0 mod 10 We have 73 + C ≡ 0 (mod 10).
What will be the possible value of C which when
Substitute the values, hence we have: added to 73 and divides it by 10, will you not
get remainder?
1(9) +3(7) + 1(8) + 3(9) +1(7) +3(1)+ 1(9) + 3(9)
+ 1(6) + 3(9) + 1(1) + 3(9) +1(3) = 9 + 21 + 8 + The value of C is 7.
27+ 7 + 3 + 9 + 27 + 1 + 27 + 1 + 27 + 3 = 170.
73 + 7 = 0 (mod 10)
Now, divide 170 by 10, the remainder is 0.
80 = 0 (mod 10)
Therefore, 170 ≡ 0 (mod 10).
Hence, the given ISBN is valid. 80 mod 10 = 0
3. Consider the UPC 6-80275-03C91-9. Find 5. Determine whether the given is a valid credit
the value of "C" in the item code number. card number. The CREDIT CARD VALIDITY
NUMBER is 5264 9145 1109 9931.
We are going to find the value of C using the
12-digit code word: For a 16 digit credit card number, the 16-digit
3x1+x2+3x3+x4…+x10+3x11+x12 ≡ 0 (mod 10) code word satisfies:
2x1+x2+2x3+…..2x15+x16≡ 0 (mod 10)
Substitute the values, hence we have:
Substitute the values, hence we have:
3(6) + 1(8) + 3(0) + 1(2) + 3(7) + 1(5) +3(0) + 1(3)
+ 3C + 1(9) + 3(1) + 1(9) = 77 + C ≡ 0 (mod 10) 2(5)+2+2(6)+4+2(9)+1+2(4)+5+2(1)+1+2(0)+9+2(
9)+9+2(3)+1≡0 (mod 10)
We have 78 + 3C ≡ 0 (mod 10). What will be the 10 + 2 + 12 + 4 + 18 + 1 + 8 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 9
possible value C which when added to 78 and + 18 + 9 + 6 + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 10)
divide it by 10, you will get no remainder?
For product with 2 digits, add the digits to
C should be 4. come up with a single digit , hence we have,
78 + 3(4) = 0 (mod10)
1+2+3+4+9+1+8+5+2+1+0+9+9+ 14. If today is Friday, How could you represent
9 + 6 + 1 = 70 using "modulo" notation the day of the week
that was 32 days ago (your answer in #13)?
Let us now divide 70 by 10, the result is exact so Answer: 32 mod 7 = 4
meaning the remainder is 0.
15. The following is a UPC for a certain product.
Therefore, 70 ≡ 0 (mod 10). Hence, the given Find the missing digit P: 0-48001-26P04-2.
Credit Card Number is valid.
Answer: VALID
12. Disregarding A.M. or P.M., if it is now 7 18. Determine if 6011 0123 9145 2317 is a valid
o’clock, how could you represent, using credit card number. If it is not, give the correct
"modulo" notation the time it will be 59 hours check digit.
from now ( your answer in #11)?
Answer: 59 mod 12 = 11 Solution: