DLL - Science 3 - Q2 - W1
DLL - Science 3 - Q2 - W1
DLL - Science 3 - Q2 - W1
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of parts, function of sense organs of the human body.
B. Performance Standard Practice healthful habits in taking care of the sense organs
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Describe the parts and functions of the sense organs of the human body.
Write the LC code for each. S3LT –IIa –b-1
Parts of the Eyes Parts of the ears Parts of the Nose Parts of the Tongue Uses and Functions
of the Skin
D. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages CG p.18 of 64.
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages K-12 CG in Science3, Real-Life Science 3
4. Additional Materials from Parts of the eyes,pdf
Learning Resource (LR)portal
E. Other Learning Resource Powerpoint, pictures,activity cards
A. Reviewing previous lesson or What did you use to see things What are do’s and donts about taking What would you feel if you cannot What should we avoid to What should we
presenting the new lesson around you? care of he eyes? longer hear your favorite music? keep our nose healthy? avoid to keep our
tongue healthy?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Find of your partner.Prepare pencil What sense organs di you use to see the Prepare different foods like Blindfold them.Taste How can you tell
lesson and paper.Draw the eyes of your parts of the ears? vinegar, soy sauce, banana, challenge. whether an object
partner. Compare your drawings to Show pictures of man listening to a pepper,calamansi and other food is hot or cold?
your partner.: What do you want to music, man playing piano,boy shouting. with different color. Ask the Post on the board the
know about your eyes? - Which of these do you do? students to close ther eyes.Did illustration of the nose. Show powerpoint.
C. Presenting examples/Instances of . Use a mirror to observe your Show powerpoint about the eyes and you identify the correct food?
the new lesson eyes.Show powerpoint about the information about it.
eyes and information about it.
D. Discussing new concepts and What is the shape of the eyes? How does the outer ear wall look like? - Which parts of the nose protects Which part of the tongue can Does your skin feel
practicing new skills # 1 our lungs from the dust? tell the taste of itchy and at times
sugar?salt?vinegar?bitter? become swollen
when it is bitten by
an insect?
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills # 2
F. Developing mastery Play a Game:
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) Prepare a big box
and different
objects to be put
inside the box.Call
pupils to identify it.
G. Finding practical application of Distribute the worksheet to each Distribute the worksheet to each group. Divide the class into three. Each Each group will be given Distribute the
concepts and skills in daily living group. Draw the diagram of the eye Draw the diagram of the eye and label group will draw the external and manila paper and pentel pen worksheets to be
and label its part. its part. internal part of the ear. to provide by the teacher. perform by the
Make a four column table on pupils in a class.
the manila paper.
Swe Salt Sour Bitte
et y r
H. Making generalizations and What are the main parts of the What are the main parts of the ears? What are the main parts of the How does the tongue know What are the parts
abstractions about the lesson eyes? Give their functions? nose? that the food taste of the skin?
sweet,sour,salty,and bitter?
I. Evaluating learning Match the parts of the eyes and its Write the parts of the ear that is being .Identify the parts of the nose. .Label the taste indicated by Write True if the
functions. described? 1. The two opening of the nose each area on the tongue. statement is
1. serves as a protective coating of 1. It helps determine our vertical where the air enters as one Original File Submitted and correct and false if
the eyes. position and balance. inhales. Formatted by DepEd Club it is not.
2. contains two kinds of cells that 2. It catches sound waves. 2-5.etc. Member - visit 1. The dremis is the
are sensitive tolight. 3. It vibrates and it strucks by the sound depedclub.com for more outer layer of the
3-5.etc. waves and therby makes three small skin.
a. pupil bones move. 2. Below dermis is
b. iris 4-5.etc. the layer of the
c. sclera skin called the
4. retina 5. cornea epidermis.
J. Additional activities for application Draw the parts of the eye and label Draw the parts of the ear. Colot the Draw the external and internal Draw the tongue and label its Name animals
or remediation it. outer ear-orange,middle ear-yellow,and parts of the nose. taste indicated in each area. found in the
inner ear-red. community.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?