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Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater

Wastewater treatment is a method of improving and purifying water by removing some
or all pollutants, allowing it to be reused or returned to the environment. Surface water, such as
rivers, the ocean, or groundwater are both possible destinations for discharge. When untreated
or inadequately treated wastewater is discharged into water sources, it pollutes the water
degrading the quality of the water. Egyptian authorities enacted Law 48 (1982) to safeguard
the Nile River and waterways from pollution. According to the law, which is recognized by
Decree No. 8-1983,only treated effluents are permitted to enter and be released into waterways.
The requirements and specifications for issuing the license, as well as the logistics of
applications, are clearly defined. However, due to a shortage of infrastructure, technical and
institutional expertise, as well as financial resources, Egypt, like many other developing
countries, continues to release untreated wastewater.
In addition, highly efficient wastewater treatment technologies are in short supply, as
are water quality monitoring and control systems. Biological treatment is now used in the
majority of wastewater treatment plants. Biological treatment is an essential part of any
wastewater treatment system. It is a technology that cleans water primarily by the use of
bacteria, protozoa, and maybe other specialist microorganisms. The benefit of biological
therapy over other treatment techniques such as chemical oxidation, thermal oxidation, and so
on is evident, both in terms of capital investment and operating costs. As a result, it has
solidified its position in any integrated wastewater treatment plant. The discharge of industrial
wastes into municipal sewerage systems causes some objectionable effects on the biological
treatment operation by affecting bacterial growth which is one of the main factors of the
biological treatment success. Temperature, pH value, oxygen, and toxic substances are the
most critical elements that influence bacterial growth rate. All of these elements can be
managed within a biological treatment system to maintain optimal bioenvironmental
conditions for microbial growth. Both treatment and the environment are affected by the
acidity or alkalinity of wastewater. The pH scale is a logarithmic scale that measures the
inverse concentration of hydrogen ions. Lower pH readings indicate increased acidity, whereas
a high pH indicates increased alkalinity (pH of 7 is neutral). To maintain beneficial organisms,
the pH of wastewater should be kept between 6 and 9. Acid, cleaning chemicals, and other pH-
altering substances can render wastewater treatment ineffective. Due to the effects of
temperature, accurate measurement and reporting of pH data have been a long- standing issue.
The temperature of wastewater is essential for two factors: (1) temperature affects
biological processes, and (2) temperature has an impact on chemical processes, reaction
proportions, and aquatic life. Because of molecular dissociation, as the temperature of any
solution rises, the viscosity reduces, the mobility of its ions in the solution increases, and the
number of ions in the solution rises. Since pH translates the values of the concentration of the
hydrogen ion into numbers between 0 and 14, so any change within the temperature of
wastewater causes a change in pH. Most biological treatment systems operate in the 20◦C to
40◦C temperature range. Aeration tanks and percolating filters operate at a temperature of the
wastewater that ranges from 12◦C to 25◦C, even though air temperature and airflow rate have
a major impact on heat loss in


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater

percolating filters. The biological activity and metabolic increase as the temperature increases,
resulting in faster elimination of substrate. Increased metabolism at higher temperatures, on
the other hand, may cause oxygen limitations.
The importance of IIoT has been demonstrated by its use in mission and safety-critical
systems. Because it handles critical and sensitive data, a detailed search is required to
determine its susceptibility to security issues. In recent years, IIoT security has been a
prominent topic in academia. Security Goals and needs for IIoT systems have been examined
by several researchers, and a variety of solutions have been offered to solve various security
difficulties in IIoT. As a result, we still have to develop or modify the appropriate security
solutions for IoT scenarios to match the particular requirements in IIoT for the security
concerns that exist in both IoT and IIoT.Because of the differences between IoT and IIoT, IIoT
has its own set of security concerns, which are primarily focused on securing critical industrial
control systems. IIoT development provides traditional industry systems with connectivity,
real-time intelligence, and scalability. It does, however, create new attack surfaces for
industrial systems. Existing security solutions are becoming less effective and applicable as
the number of interconnected networks and devices grows. To solve the security issues posed
by IIoT to traditional industry systems, new security designs and practices are required.
Monitoring the wastewater inlet into the plant is important to provide early detection and alerts
in cases of impermissible wastewater inlet to the sewage plant, which is not designed for
industrial wastewater treatment and the workers are not qualified to dealwith such water (acidic
or alkaline).
However, wastewater monitoring is still done manually, with site visits, samples, and
lab testing, which are incapable of meeting today’s monitoring criteria, which emphasize
continuous monitoring of water pollution. Chemical pollution of water from local and
industrial wastewater become a public concern, especially in developing nations, where only
8% of the total wastewater is treated. As a result of the growth of IoT in industrial and
environmental monitoring, a viable solution for dynamic, continuous, and real-time
wastewater monitoring has emerged. Here we developed an integrated cloud-based IoT model
to monitor the inlet wastewater to the Sewage treatment plant.


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater

1) “Low Cost Water Quality Monitoring System Using IOT)”
Pranit Dakhinkar1, Pratik Ghadage2, Ashish Gole 3, Dinesh Gole4, Prof.
Rajendra Mohite5
Here we are executing, system for monitoring the water goodness through different
sensors-turbidity, pH, temperature, conductivity. The controller accesses the information which
is monitored by the use of sensors. The accessed data is controlled by the usage of Arduino
controller. By using an IoT, the information is collected and the water pollution can be
enquired, by a strict mechanism.

2) “Smart Water Management System”

Julius Femi Godslove
Proposed in this paper is a description of the setup of a smart water management system
using an IoT control console connected to a cloud management dashboard as illustrated.
Showcasing IoT devices like water level indicator sensors, smart switch for the pumping motor
hardware, wireless transceivers for device connectivity, and a management dashboard that can be
accessed and controlled from a user’s smartphone or PC. The dashboard shows real-time
analytics on water level and usage metrics.

3) “A Smart Monitoring of a Water Quality Detector System”

S. I. Samsudin, S.I.M. Salim, K. Osman, S. F. Sulaiman, M. I. A. Sabri
The importance to monitor the water quality level is undeniable due to significant impact
to human health and ecosystem. The project aims to develop a wireless water quality monitoring
system that aids in continuous measurements of water conditions based on pH and
turbidity measurements.

4) “Raspberry Pi Based Industrial Process Monitoring and Control through Internet of

1S. Lakshmipriya. Pg (Scholar), 2Mr. Vairavel AP (Sg. Gr)
The project aims to develop a system which will automatically monitor the industrial
applications and generate alerts/alarms or take by the intelligent decision raspberry pi
microcontroller Model 3 B using the basic concept of IoT and also design the system to take
intelligent decision and control devices automatically without man intervention.

5) “An IoT based Innovative Real Time pH Monitoring and Control of Municipal Waste
Water for Agriculture and Gardening”
Narendra Khatri1, Dr. Abhishek Sharma2*, Dr. Kamal Kishore Khatri1*, Prof.
Ganesh D. Sharma3
This paper presents an internet of thing (IoT) based innovative real time pH monitoring
and control of municipal waste water for agriculture and gardening application. This paper
describes a smart solution to control the water quality through its pH, thus to treat the municipal
wastewater and its reuse in the agriculture and gardening purpose. The idea is to develop a low-
cost electronic system and its application with such a quality of maintaining (monitoring and
control) the water quality within the prescribed standard.


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater

The main objective of an industrial cloud based IoT system for real-time monitoring and
controlling of wastewater is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of wastewater
treatment processes while reducing costs and environmental impact. Specifically, the system
aims to:
1. Provide real-time monitoring of wastewater parameters such as pH and temperature.
2. Implement automated control of the treatment process to optimize treatment efficiency
andreduce costs.
3. Improve environmental compliance by ensuring that discharge limits are not exceeded,
andwastewater is treated to required levels.
4. Provide remote access to the system, enabling operators to monitor and control the
processfrom anywhere.


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater


Fig. 1 depicts an overview of the proposed framework for monitoring and controlling
industrial wastewater discharged into wastewater treatment plants by collecting data on
wastewater parameters such as temperature and pH. The collected data is uploaded to the
webserver which can be retrieved from anywhere in the world. As industrial wastewater is
detected, an SMS warning is triggered and sent to the monitoring center. At the same time,
the IoT Module can regulate the solenoid valves to close the inlet gates and redirect the
water to a treatment plant for industrial wastewater. The collected data for wastewater
parameters(temperature and pH) from wastewater pumping stations to wastewater treatment
plants is sent to a database server. The server aids in the prediction of the time of discharge
of industrial wastewater to the treatment plant as well as the region where the wastewater is
discharged, andthis is where the government steps in to take action against this infraction.

Figure 1: proposed system overview

Fig. 2 shows the proposed system’s general environment, which includes three parts: an
IoT sensing device, an IoT gateway device, and an IoT cloud platform. The sensor’s data will
be sent to the IoT gateway. After receiving the data, the IoT gateway device sends it to the IoT
cloud platform over a wireless or cellular network connection. Finally, the IoT cloud platform
receives the sensor data and stores it in its database for advanced processing of data or built
application. With the help of an IoT gateway, the IoT cloud could receive a specific command
from users via an application programming interface (API) and transfer it to an IoT device.


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater

Figure 34:General environment of the IoT proposed system.

Fig. 3 shows the building block of the proposed system. The system consists of five
main components: Power Source, Sensing Devices, IoT-Device to the cloud, Data
management, and cloud-to-user interface. The data storage component collects the received
sensor data that has arrived in the cloud system. The data processing component can analyze
any stored data. A web interface allows users to access the collected data.

Figure 67: Functional block diagram of the proposed system.

The architecture of the system is shown in Fig. 4 which consists of various sensors,
communication modules, and a centralized server. In this architecture, sensors are fitted in the
Wastewater plant inlet and used to measure the pH and temperature. The sensed data is then
sent to the IoT Module, which sends it to the server, where we can monitor all of the data in
real-time, also we can view the data on LCD beside the Location. The IoT module will control
the plant’s inlet valves based on sensors data to prevent industrial wastewater from entering
when the sensors readings exceed the setpoint, an alarm message is sent to the phone using a
GSM module, and a sound alarm is played in the Plant. The valves will return to their normal
mode, which is to open the way for wastewater to enter until the sensor readings return to
normal. When the user detects


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater

warnings from one of the pumping stations, he can control the inlet valves remotely by
sending a command to the server via the monitoring screen, which is received by the IoT
module, and the user can predict when the industrial wastewater will arrive at the treatment
station. Data collected on the server helps in the preparation of different reports for the
appropriate authorities.

Figure 100: System architecture


1) NodeMcu Esp8266

The proposed system uses NodeMcu Esp8266 to send data to the cloud via Wi-Fi connection
andit is programmed via Arduino IDE to handle the process of controlling the measured data.

Figure 133: Nodemcu Esp8266


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater


The proposed system uses SIM 800L to send data to the cloud via GPRS connection in case of
theWi-Fi connection is lost, as well as to send SMS warning alarms to the user. The NodeMcu
Esp8266 module is programmed to check the Wi-Fi connection.

Figure 166: SIM 800L


The proposed system uses DS 18B20 sensor to measure the temperature of the wastewater at
the treatment plant’s inlet and pumping stations, the NodeMcu Esp8266 module is
programmed to receive the measured temperature data.

Figure 199: DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

The pH of a solution is measured using an analog pH meter, which reflects the acidity or
alkalinity. It’s commonly utilized in aquaponics, aquaculture, and environmental water testing.
The data from the pH sensor is collected on the analog pin of the NodeMcu using the BNC
adaptor. This analog signal is converted into a digital signal using the ADS1115 16-Bit Analog
to Digital Converter (ADC).


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater

Figure 232: Analog pH sensor


Adafruit Industries made a 4- Channel ADC board based on IC ADS1115 which is suitable for
microcontrollers that require ADC with high resolution, Over I2C, the ADS1115 provides 16-
bit precision at 860 samples per second. It runs on 2V to 5V power/logic, measures a wide
range of signals, and is extremely simple to use.

Figure 265: ADS1115 ADC

The proposed system uses an Analog pH meter sensor to measure the pH of the wastewater at
the treatment plant’s inlet and pumping stations as an Analog signal, ADS1115 module used to
convert the Analog signal to a digital signal, the NodeMcu Esp8266 module is programmed to
receive themeasured pH data as a digital signal.


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater

Our main intentions of this research work were to create a small, economical, flexible,
easily configurable, and portable system that could monitor, and control industrial wastewater
discharged into wastewater treatment plants and prevent damage in the treatment process and
equipment and protect the workers which are not qualified to deal with such type of water. The
system can achieve reliability and feasibility in the monitoring processing by verifying the
parameters of water and the warnings notifications which made the system more flexible and
controllable. This research protects the natural ecosystem of water resources. Based on the
comparison study, the proposed system was found to outperform the existing system and
related work.

More water parameters will hopefully be added in future work so that all water
parameters can be analyzed. Further improvisation will develop a custom dashboard using the
mobile application would be ideal for such application in consumer networks. Physical
parameters such as DO, turbidity, conductivity, Residual Chlorine, wastewater Flow will be
added to the system using additional sensors to propose a complete SCADA system that
integrates with IoT technology for real-time monitoring of all pumping stations and treatment
plants. Automatic control of all equipment was done based on results and sending SMS
notifications for abnormal values and necessary actions to be taken by the users. Furthermore,
it is vital to protect sensor data communication via wireless networks from intrusion. Machine
learning will be used to supplement the system, which will be a terrific addition to the system in
keeping with the current developmentsin the world.


Industrial Cloud-Based IoT System for Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling of Wastewater


[1] River Nile Protection and Development Project Phase II Central Lab- oratory for
Environmental Quality Monitoring Environmental Pollution and Legislative
Regulations, Central Laboratory for Environmental Quality Monitoring, Egypt, 1982.

[2] UN-Water, The United Nations World Water Development Report 2017, Wastewater the
Untapped Resource, United Nations World Water Assess- ment Programme, Perugia,
Italy,2017, pp. 1–12.

[3] Y. C. Ho, K. Y. Show, X. X. Guo, I. Norli, F. M. Alkarkhi, and N. Mor, ‘‘Industrial

discharge and their effect to the environment,’’ in Industrial Waste. Rijeka, Croatia:
InTech, 2012.

[4] A. Mittal. (2011). Biological wastewater treatment. Water

Today Pvt Ltd. Accessed: Nov. 20, 2021. [Online].

[5] N. P. Cheremisinoff, ‘‘Biological treatment of industrial wastes: Mutantbacteria,’’ in

Biotechnology for Waste and Wastewater Treatment,
N. P. Cheremisinoff, Ed. Norwich, NY, USA: William Andrew, 1997, pp. 111–149.

[6] The pH Scale Chemistry LibreTexts. Accessed: Oct. 10, 2021. [Online].


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