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Journal of Electrical Technology UMY (JET-UMY), Vol. 4, No.

1, June 2020
ISSN 2550-1186 e-ISSN 2580-6823

A Study of Sugarcane Waste for Biomass Energy in the Supply of

Electrical Energy

Ramadoni Syahputra*1, Oki Iwan Pambudi1, Faaris Mujaahid1, Indah Soesanti2

Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jl. Lingkar Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Grafika 2, Kampus UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding author, e-mail: ramadoni@umy.ac.id

Abstract - This paper presents a study of sugarcane waste for biomass energy in the supply of
electrical energy. Biomass is a renewable energy source derived from organic matter such as wood
and sugarcane waste. As much as 30 per cent of sugar cane raw material for sugar production is in
the form of sugar cane waste. This sugarcane waste is very potential to be developed as a biomass
energy raw material. In this study, an analysis of the potential of sugarcane waste at the Madukismo
Yogyakarta sugar mill was carried out. Observations made to record how much cane waste is
produced by the sugar factory every day of the year. Furthermore, these data are analyzed using
Homer Energy software to obtain the potential of electrical energy produced during a year. The
analysis was also carried out on the amount of electricity demand in the sugar factory. This study is
done to calculate how much the contribution of electrical energy from biomass as a provider of
electricity supply. The results of the analysis showed that sugarcane waste as much as 1.035
tons/day on average was able to meet all the electrical energy requirements for the operation of the
Madukismo sugar factory.

Keywords: Biomass, sugarcane waste, electrical energy, renewable energy

implementing a waste treatment system to reduce the

impact of pollution from these wastes, and some
I. Introduction
even use their factory waste to be used as new, useful
Now it is very easy to find an industry even products which of course are processed through
though it is located close to densely populated certain processes. One of them is processing the
settlements. The location of a factory adjacent to residual waste from making sugar into compost,
residential areas can certainly cause bad impacts, concrete blocks and others. Utilization of waste is
either through solid, liquid or gas waste—especially currently very important, especially in overcoming
solid waste which requires a large enough shelter [1]. the problem of garbage accumulation in big cities,
The activity of industry in Indonesia cannot continue industrial organic waste, and agricultural and
without a process that can reduce the negative plantation waste [2].
impacts caused by the manufacture of products in an Biomass is organic material produced through
industry. Waste or garbage is indeed a material that is photosynthetic processes, either in the form of
meaningless and worthless, but we do not know that products or waste [3]. Examples of biomass include
waste can also be something useful and beneficial if plants, trees, grass, sweet potatoes, agricultural
it is processed properly and correctly. waste, forest waste, faeces and livestock manure.
Several factories in Indonesia have now started

Manuscript received April 2020, revised June 2020 Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

Apart from being used for the primary purpose of Based on these facts, it is very interesting to
food, animal feed, vegetable oil, building materials conduct a study on the utilization of sugar factory
and so on, biomass is also used as a source of energy waste for biomass. Sugar factory waste in the form
(fuel). Commonly used as a fuel is biomass which of bagasse is very potential to be used as raw material
has low economic value or is waste after the primary for biomass. In this research, a case study was
product has been taken [4]. conducted at the Madukismo sugar factory located in
The potential for biomass in Indonesia which can Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region
be used as an energy source is very abundant. Wastes Province, Indonesia.
originating from animals and plants are all potential The purpose of this study was to determine the
to be developed. Food crops and plantations produce availability of sugarcane waste at the Madukismo
substantial waste, which can be used for other sugar factory. The next goal is to determine the
purposes such as biofuel. The use of waste as a potential of sugarcane waste in providing electrical
biofuel provides three immediate benefits. First, energy from sugarcane waste. The final objective is
increasing overall energy efficiency because the to analyze the biomass energy of sugarcane waste as
energy content contained in waste is quite large and an environmentally friendly source of electrical
will be wasted if not utilized. Second, cost savings, energy in the community.
because disposing of waste can often be more
expensive than utilizing it. Third, reduce the need for
II. Literature Study
landfills because providing landfills will be more
difficult and expensive, especially in urban areas [5]. II.1 Literature Study About the Sugarcane Waste
There is also gasification technology as one of the
biomass energy conversion technologies, but this Saputra [8] examined sugarcane plants in
technology has very limited development in Indonesia which are used as raw material for making
Indonesia. Less research related to gasification sugar by sugar factories. The remains of the mill in
technology is also being conducted. This technology the form of bagasse are usually not fully utilized.
includes technology that is relatively simple and easy Indeed, in most sugar factories, bagasse has been
to operate and is technically or economically feasible used as fuel in boilers, but because of its large
to develop. Thus, this gasification technology is very quantity and fruitful nature, it causes storage
suitable to be developed in Indonesia, but basic problems in sugar factories and is flammable because
research is needed so that this technology is ready to it contains water, sugar, fibre and microbes, so
circulate. excess bagasse is burned excessively.
Biomass gasification technology is a form of Hugot [9] researched that each kilogram of
energy conversion contained in biomass. The bagasse with a sugar content of about 2.5% will have
gasification process takes place in a reactor called a a heat of 1825 kcal. The fuel value will increase with
gasifier. In this tool, biomass fuel is broken down in decreasing the water and sugar content in the waste.
a reactor (combustion chamber) with limited air [6]. With the application of dregs drying technology that
In other words, the biomass gasification process is a utilizes heat energy from the flue gas of the boiler
process of incomplete combustion of solid biomass chimney, where the water content of the dregs drops
raw materials, involving a little reaction between to 40%, it can increase the value of the fuel per kg of
oxygen and solid fuel in the form of biomass. Water dregs to 2305 kcal.
vapour and carbon dioxide from combustion are Rifai [10] observed that the amount of pulp
reduced to flammable gases, namely carbon available in sugar factories depends on the amount of
monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4). milled sugarcane and the coir content of the
The sustainability of biomass lies in the fact that sugarcane varieties. The amount of pulp available in
this type of energy does not burden the environment the sugar factory varies between 25-34% of the
with additional CO2 emissions because the amount weight of the milled sugarcane. So, if the amount of
released during its use as a fuel can be reabsorbed bagasse is an average of 30% of the weight of
only by replanting these types of crops. In fossil sugarcane and the milling capacity of a PG is 5,000
fuels, CO2 was captured and stored millions of years tons of sugarcane per day (TCD), then the amount of
ago, so when it was released back to where it is today, pulp available is around 1,500 tons/day. A sugar
it harmed the environment [7]. factory whose energy processing is efficient, the

Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

potential for a surplus of waste can reach 10% of the Bioethanol and biodiesel are expected to be used as
weight of sugarcane or around 500 tons of dregs per a substitute fuel for oil in the long term.
day for a sugar factory with a capacity of 5,000 TCD. Biomass energy is a type of fuel made by
The caloric value of bagasse in the form of net converting it with biological materials such as plants.
calorific value (NCV) is around 7,588 kJ/kg at 50% Biomass energy is important compared to renewable
moisture content; this caloric value is lower than the energy because the conversion process into electrical
wood calorific value of 12,500 kJ/kg at 30% energy has a cheaper investment than other types of
moisture content. However, bagasse is a potential renewable energy sources. This is the advantage of
source of energy in large quantities if energy use in biomass compared to other energies. The absorption
sugar factories is efficient and renewable [11]. is still very simple; biomass is immediately burned
From the results of the literature review above, this and produces heat. When biomass is burned, energy
research will discuss how to process the potential of will be released. In modern times, the heat from
sugarcane waste biomass as alternative energy that is combustion is converted into electrical energy
friendly to the environment. through turbines and generators. The heat from the
combustion of biomass will produce steam in the
II.2. Biomass boiler. The steam will be transferred into the turbine
so that it will produce rotation and move the
Biomass in the energy production industry refers generator. The turbine rotation is converted into
to living or recently dead biological material used as electrical energy through the magnets in the
a fuel source or for industrial production. Biomass generator. Direct combustion of biomass has
disadvantages so that in current applications, several
generally refers to plant matter that is maintained for
technologies are starting to increase the benefits of
use as a biofuel but can also include plant or animal
biomass as a fuel [13].
matter used to produce fiber, chemicals, or heat.
Biomass can also include biodegradable waste, Gasification is a process that uses heat to convert
which can be burned as fuel. Biomass does not solid biomass or other carbonaceous solids into
include organic matter that has been transformed by synthetic gas, such as flammable natural gas.
geological processes into coal or petroleum Through the gasification process, all solid organic
substances [12]. matter can become a clean and neutral fuel gas. The
gas produced can be used for electricity generation
Biomass is organic material produced through as well as for heating. In order to carry out
photosynthetic processes, either in the form of gasification, a reactor is required. The reactor is
products or waste. Examples of biomass include where the gasification process takes place and is
plants, trees, grass, sweet potatoes, agricultural known as a glacier. Most of the biomass is wood.
waste, forest waste, feces, and livestock manure. Besides, gasification can use raw materials from
Apart from being used for the primary purpose of plantation waste.
fiber, foodstuffs, animal feed, vegetable oil, building
materials, and so on, biomass is also used as a source The gasification process is a gradual combustion
of energy (fuel). Commonly used as fuel is biomass, process. This process is done by burning solids such
which has low economic value or is waste after the as wood and coal that have been known for centuries.
primary product has been taken. The gasification process can be said to be a chemical
reaction at high temperatures between biomass and
The source of biomass energy has several air. Gasification consists of several separate stages as
advantages. Among others, it is a renewable energy
follows [14]:
source to provide a sustainable energy source. In
Indonesia, biomass is a very important natural 1. Drying Stage
resource with various primary products as fiber,
The water content of the solid fuel is evaporated
wood, oil, foodstuffs, etc. Biomass can be used for
by heat absorbed from the oxidation process.
direct energy sources or can be processed or
converted into fuel. Biomass energy utilization Biomass is drying at a temperature of 100°C.
technology that has been developed consists of direct 2. Pyrolysis Stage
combustion and conversion of biomass into fuel.
This biomass conversion results can be in the form When the temperature reaches 250°C, biomass
of biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel, or charcoal. undergoes a pyrolysis process, which is the

Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

fracturing of large molecules into small molecules because providing landfills will be more difficult and
due to the influence of very high temperatures. expensive, especially in urban areas.
Separation of volatile matters (water vapor, organic
Apart from utilizing waste, biomass as the main
liquids, and uncondensed gases) from charcoal or
product for energy sources has recently been
fuel carbon solids also uses heat absorbed from the
developed rapidly. Oil palm, jatropha, and soybean
oxidation process.
are several types of plants whose main products are
3. Oxidation Stage raw materials for biodiesel. Meanwhile, cassava,
corn, sorghum, and sago are plants whose products
Combustion oxidizes the fuel's carbon and
are often used to make bioethanol.
hydrogen content by an exothermic reaction,
whereas gasification reduces the combustion product The energy needs are none other than the energy
to gas by an endothermic reaction. Oxidation or needed to produce and evenly distribute basic human
charcoal-burning is the most important reaction that needs. Various forms of energy have been used by
occurs in a gasifier. The results of the reaction are humans, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, non-
CO2 and H2O, which are reduced respectively, when renewable fuels. Apart from that, other resources
in contact with the char produced during pyrolysis. such as firewood are still being used, but this
firewood is limited with the diminishing forest as a
4. The Reduction Stage
wood source. With the increasing number of people,
The reduction stage involves a series of especially those living in rural areas, household
endothermic reactions supported by the heat energy needs are still a problem that must be
produced from the combustion reaction. At resolved. The problem of rural energy needs can be
temperatures above 600oC, charcoal reacts with overcome using alternative energy sources that are
water vapor and carbon dioxide to produce H2, CO, environmentally friendly, cheap, and easily obtained
and CH4. from the surrounding environment and are
II.2. Biomass Potency in Indonesia renewable. One of the environmentally friendly
energies is biogas produced from the fermentation
The potential for renewable energy, which is large process of organic materials due to anaerobic
and not widely used, is energy from biomass. The bacteria's activity in an environment without free
biomass energy potential of 50,000 MW is only 320 oxygen. Biogas energy is dominated by methane gas
MW, which has been utilized or only 0.64% of its (60% - 70%), carbon dioxide (40% - 30%), and
potential. The potential for biomass in Indonesia several other gases in smaller amounts.
comes from waste products from palm oil, cashew New research has suggested that bagasse can be
nuts, rice mills, wood, sugar factories, cocoa, and used as a substitute for electricity. Seeing the extent
other agricultural, industrial waste of sugarcane plantations in Indonesia, which is
(http://www.ipard.com). Based on previous research, expected to continue to grow along with national
many have been done to study the potential for sugar self-sufficiency, the utilization of bagasse
energy in solid form from various agricultural wastes waste will certainly become a new potential for
such as bagasse, rice husks, and agricultural corn energy development in the country.
waste [15].
The potential for bagasse in Indonesia is quite
The potential for biomass in Indonesia, which can large. This potency is associated with an increase in
be used as an energy source, is very abundant. sugarcane production. In 1999, it was recorded that
Wastes originating from animals and plants are all it reached 2,270,623 tons, so the bagasse produced
potential to be developed. Food crops and plantations ranged from 340,593 tons to 711,614 tons. People's
produce substantial waste, which can be used for tendency to make bagasse only as animal feed turns
other purposes such as biofuel. The use of waste as a out that behind the bagasse, waste can be
biofuel provides three immediate benefits. First, transformed into a new material with a higher
increasing overall energy efficiency because the economic value. One of them is organic materials in
waste's energy content is quite large and will be making alternative electricity sources. Dried bagasse
wasted if not utilized. Second, cost savings, because contained 24.64 of hemicellulose and cellulose,
disposing of waste can often be more expensive than respectively; 54.4; and 45.60%.
utilizing it. Third, reduce the need for landfills

Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

The Indonesian Sugar Plantation Research Center Hamengkubuwono X, and 35% belongs to the
also states that the bagasse produced in a factory is Republic of Indonesia's government.
30 percent of milled sugarcane weight with a
The research steps are described as follows.
moisture content of about 50 percent. Based on dry
matter, bagasse consists of the element C (carbon) a. Location selection
47%, H (hydrogen) 6.5%. O (oxygen) 44% and ash The location chosen as the research site was the
2.5%. According to the Pritzelwitz formula (Hugot, Madukismo Padokan Sugar factory, Tirtonirmolo,
1986), each kilogram of bagasse contains about 2.5 Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa. This location was
percent sugar with a heating value of 1,825 kcal. The chosen because it has a renewable source of biomass
fuel value will increase with decreasing the water and energy that can be used as an electric energy
sugar content in the waste. So that the potential for generator.
sugarcane waste/bagasse is very good to be
developed in Indonesia because it can produce a b. Preliminary study
large amount of electrical energy using the MFC It is a stage of observation and data collection in
tool, which is a device that uses bacteria to generate the writing methodology. Observations and data
electric power from organic and non-organic collection were carried out regarding the biogas in
compounds. the Madukismo Sugar factory.
c. Problem identification and formulation
III. Methodology
The process is a stage of identification and
This research was conducted in the Madukismo formulation of problems that exist in the Madukismo
Padokan Sugar factory, Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Sugar factory. The process of problem identification
Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Figure 1 shows a plan was carried out by direct observation and interviews
of the location of this study. with the Madukismo Sugar factory's management.
In writing this final project, the problem raised is
the optimization of the existing biomass at the
location to generate electricity with great power.
d. Literature review
It is a stage that is carried out to find information,
theories, methods, and concepts relevant to the
problem. The information obtained can be used as a
reference to solve the problems in the Madukismo
Sugar factory. A literature study is carried out by
looking for information and references in textbooks,
online media, discussions with lecturers, and various
e. Data collection
Figure 1. Location of this study in google maps
It is a stage carried out by observing and
collecting data directly at the Madukismo Sugar
The Madukismo sugar factory was founded in factory. Observations are made directly. The results
1995 on the initiative of Sri Sultan of these observations and data collection are in
Hamengkubuwono IX. After that, on May 29, 1958, photos, videos, textbooks, etc. used for analysis
it was inaugurated by President Ir. Soekarno. This materials in solving existing problems.
sugar factory started production in 1958, while the
alcohol and spirits factory only started production in f. Data processing
1959. The main contractor at the Madukismo Sugar The data that has been obtained during the
Factory is Machine Fabriek Sangerhausen, East observation will be selected as needed in order to
Germany. The company status is a Limited Liability solve existing problems. This data processing is done
Company (PT), which has two factories, namely the by manually calculating and simulating the use of
Sugar Factory (PG) and the Madukismo Spirit HOMER software.
Factory (PS). The 65% shareholder is Sri Sultan

Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

g. Data analysis. IV.2 Biomass Potential Analysis Using Homer

At this stage, data processing results will be
analyzed in more detail to obtain conclusions from
the research conducted. After obtaining the results of Figure 2 shows the average amount of biomass
the analysis, the discussion stage was carried out. At feedstock in a year in Madukismo Sugar Factory. A
this stage, the analysis and data processing results feedstock is a bulk raw material which is the main
will be discussed in more detail so that data input for industrial processes. The feedstock here is
conclusions will be generated that will prove the sugarcane waste. It can be seen as the highest in June
success or failure of the proposed hypothesis. and the lowest in July. Based on the biomass
potential at the Madukismo Sugar Factory, the
average amount of feedstock, is taken from 30% of
IV. Results and Discussion daily production for one year. There is no milling
season from November to April, so there is no
IV.1 Electrical System at Madukismo Sugar production process and empty biomass feedstock.

The Madukismo Sugar Factory continues to

subscribe directly to electricity from PLN and is
assisted by an electricity generation system that can
accommodate the entire industry's total load. The
production and sugarcane processing factories are
supplied through 3 generators with a capacity of
1280 kW and a capacity of 1600 kW to accommodate
the burden of the production sector and the domestic Figure 2. The average amount of biomass feedstock
sector of 3000 kW. This factory is in production for in a year in Madukismo Sugar Factory
24 hours from May to October. During the non-
milling season and the milling season, the Figure 3 shows the bagasse data, which has been
Madukismo factory uses PLN 4000 kW power and, calculated as 30% of the daily production for one
besides, uses a biomass generator because the power year. There is no milling season from November to
from PLN is not sufficient. This generator works April, so there is no production process and empty
with steam, which is produced from burning in a biomass feedstock. It can be seen in June bagasse up
boiler with bagasse and wood. to 1,034,950 tons/day. Moreover, the lowest stock is
To obtain electricity data by conducting a visit, in July, only producing bagasse of 628,110 tons/day.
analyzing all activities at the Madukismo factory,
analyzing company manual data, and directly
processing it.
The production sector and sugarcane processing
factory are supplied through 3 generators with 1280
KW and a capacity of 1600 kW to accommodate the
load of the production and domestic sectors of 3000
kW. The Madukismo Sugar Factory produces 24
hours of production from May to October 2016.
During the unmilled or milled season, the
Madukismo Sugar Factory uses PLN's power of 4000
KW plus a biomass generator because the power
from PLN is not sufficient. This generator works
with steam generated from burning in a boiler with
bagasse and wood.

Figure 3. The bagasse data of 30% of the daily

production for one year

Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

In designing the Homer system, it will analyze the Figure 6 shows the primary load simulation
design connected to the PLN grid. The image results from May to October, wherein that month,
provided below shows the Homer component Madukismo was in production, and the power load
window used in this study. Various special system was quite large. So Homer can accommodate
components were selected, namely primary load 1, changes in the profile of the electric generator every
Generator 1 (fuel curve setting as biomass), month. However, in this study, the tropics' load
Generator 2 (fuel curve setting as biomass), and profile can be considered the same for each month.
Generator 3 (fuel curve setting as biomass). Figure 4 This profile is due to the absence of significant
shows the component selection in the Homer climatic differences in the one year.
software. In the power simulation, Homer Energy software
only requires total active power data. The electric
load simulation used in this generating system is
assumed to be 15% random variability and 20% time
to step according to the conditions used.

Figure 4. The component selection in the Homer


Figure 5 shows the primary load simulation image

from November to April at Homer Energy, where the
power used is relatively small because, in that month,
Madukismo factory is not producing. Hourly data
collection from November to April. So from Figure 6. The primary load simulation results from
November to April, it is assumed that the average May to October
industrial load is 148 kW.
Figure 5 and Figure 6 show that from November
to April, this company did not process sugarcane
milling and did not produce. So, from November to
April, it is assumed that the average industrial load is
148 kW. Meanwhile, from May to October, the
company has a process of milling sugarcane and
producing. So, from May to October, it is assumed
that the average industrial load is 3256 kW.
Figure 7 shows a graph of the electricity load
profile per hour per month in one year. The daily
profile of industry electricity, according to Homer
Energy, is almost the same as a whole, but still
varies. Likewise, each month of the year's profile
also varies, but the amount is the same.

Figure 5. The primary load simulation image from

November to April at Homer Energy

Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

and for replacement costs of US $ 250,000. Figure 9

explains that the generator work schedule 1, 2, 3 is
only from May to October for 24 hours. Due to that
month, the company is in production.

Figure 7. A graph of the electricity load profile per

hour per month in one year

Generator simulation 1 (biomass resource-

bagasse) is a simulation of supplying electrical
power and a device that can convert mechanical
power into electrical energy. The energy produced by Figure 9. The generator work schedule 1, 2, 3 is
turbine steam from the boiler with bagasse fuel. only from May to October for 24 hours
Utilization of bagasse by 30%. This fuel depends on
the construction of the generator used by the electric Generator simulation 2 (biomass resource-
power plant. In this study, a generator is used using bagasse) is a simulation of providing electrical power
AC. This generator has a power capacity of 1280 and a device that can convert mechanical power into
kW. This generator has a power of 1600 kW, 2000 electrical energy. The electrical energy generated by
kVA. In Figure 8, the homer system design also the steam alternator turbine stimulates the steam
explains that the efficiency is 50%, and the turbine from the boiler with bagasse fuel. The
replacement cost is assumed to be 50% or US$ utilization of bagasse by 30% depends on the
250000 of the purchase price and O&M costs of US$ generator construction used in the electric power
0.050.00 per hour. generator. In this study, a generator is used using AC.
This generator has a power capacity of 1280 kW.

Figure 8. The homer system design also explains

that the efficiency is 50% Figure 10. The homer system design shows the
maximum efficiency of 50%, and the replacement
Figure 8 describes the initial purchase price cost is assumed to be 50% or US$ 150,000 of the
(capital) of a 1600 kW generator of US $ 500,000 purchase price

Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

In Figure 10, the homer system design shows that

the maximum efficiency is 50%, and the replacement
cost is assumed to be 50% or US$ 150,000 of the
purchase price. Moreover, O&M routine
maintenance costs US$ 0.050 per hour.
Figure 10 also explains the initial purchase price
(capital) of a 1280 kW generator of US$ 250,000 and
for replacement costs of US$ 120,000.
In the homer system design, it is determined that
generators 1, 2, and 3 will work from May to October
for 24 hours because the factory is in the process of
grinding and producing. From this production system
it generates power to fulfill electricity in Madukismo
for the month. Meanwhile, from November to April, Figure 12. Simulation results of the power
the generator does not work because, in that month, generated by the generator
it uses power from PLN. Figure 11 shows the
generator work schedules 2 and 3 in Homer software. Figure 13 shows the design of a grid system for
the biomass system produced by the Madukismo
factory. The grid is a network that provides electrical
energy from PLN, for a system connected to the grid
will get a supply of electrical energy. In the
simulation and design of this system, Maduksimo is
interconnected to meet November's needs to April.
The purchase price of electrical energy from PLN for
Outside Peak Load Time is the US $ 0.070/kWh
while for Peak Load Time is the US $ 0.12/kWh, and
for sales to PLN, the company issues a price of US $
0.05/kWh, but in this simulation, the company does
not sell to PLN.

Figure 11. The generator work schedules 2 and 3 in

Homer software

In Figure 12, it is shown that data processing

using Homer software gets the results of the power
produced by a biomass generator of 7,065,600
kWh/year, 1280 kW biomass generator 5,652,480
kWh/year, and 5,652,480 kWh/year with the use of
the company's production load of 19,015,288
kWh/year. With the purchase of power from PLN of
644,727 kWh/year. The capacities produced by the
biomass generator are 1600 kW and 1280 kW. Figure 13. Design of a grid system for the biomass
Homer Energy software does not require load system produced by the Madukismo factory
sampling every minute, but every hour. This load
data is taken from interviews with Madukismo Homer has done several simulations on the
factory employees. system configuration. The best configuration is one
that has the lowest Net Present Cost (NPC). NPC is
the present value of all costs incurred over the

Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

lifetime minus all revenue earned over the lifetime. In Figure 14, it can be seen that the total power
Simultaneously, the Cost of Energy (COE) is the generated by the generator is 19,015,288 kWh/year.
average per kWh of electrical energy generated by With industrial electricity consumption of
the system. 15,024,334 kWh/year (79%). Sales to PLN are
The best generator system design for Madukismo 3,990,808 kWh/year (21%) operating costs or
is with a biomass generator with specifications of operating costs of US$ - 81,171 per year, and the
1600 kW and 1280 kW connected to a 4000 kW grid. quantity renewable fraction is 0.966.
This result is the most optimal industrial plant system The chart shown in Figure 15 explains that
configuration. The advantages of the above electricity production is only from May to October in
configuration at this time are better and result in a year. Because in that month, Madukismo is in the
higher production capacity. Generator capacities 1, season for sugarcane grinding and production.
2, and 3 can accommodate energy capacities of 1,600 Meanwhile, from November to April, Madukismo
kW and 1280 kW with a grid-connected of 4000 kW. did not produce, and its power supply was using
In the system analysis that has been assumed with PLN.
the Homer program, it is found that the Madukismo
system for May to October, with the production of
V. Conclusion
logistical energy utilizing bagasse, can meet the
needs of electrical energy optimally for that month. Based on the simulations and analyses carried out
Meanwhile, from November to April, to meet the using Homer software, the following data are
company's electricity needs, the company receives obtained. The best and most optimal configuration
electricity supply from PLN. To optimize the system for designing a biomass generator at the Madukismo
at the company obtained from the use of bagasse, sugar factory is when using three generators and
which is processed into electrical energy and supply connecting them to the PLN grid. The electricity
from PLN. yield at the Madukismo sugar factory within one year
is 7,065,600 kWh produced by generator 1,
5,652,480 kWh produced by generator 2, and
5,652,480 kWh produced by generator 3. Thus the
Madukismo sugar factory can meet the electricity
needs independently. The electrical energy generated
by the biomass generator is 19,015,288 kWh in 1
year. The potential of sugarcane biomass has met the
needs of electrical energy, while the community uses
the remaining biomass in the Madukismo sugar
factory as a material for making bricks and bio

Figure 14. The power generated by the biomass References

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Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
R. Syahputra, O.I. Pambudi, F. Mujaahid, I. Soesanti

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Authors’ information
[6] A. Pandey A, C.R. Soccol, P. Nigam, and V.T.
Soccol, (2000), “Biotechnological potential of agro- Ramadoni Syahputra received B.Sc.
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Batu Bara) Sebagai Bahan Bakar Pembangkit Listrik Surabaya, Indonesia in 2015.
Tenaga Uap 1x3 MW Di Asembagus, Kabupaten Dr. Ramadoni Syahputra is a Lecturer in Department of
Situbondo ", Proceeding Seminar Tugas Akhir ITS, Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
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[10] F.R. Rifai, I.A. Prasetya, I.I. Sihana, (2015), “Studi logic in power system, optimization, distributed energy
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Potensi Energi Terbarukan Dari Sistem Kogenerasi
Di Pabrik Gula-Studi Kasus di Pabrik Gula Oki Iwan Pambudi received B.Sc.
Gempolkrep PT. Perkebunan Nusantara X (Persero)”, degree from Department of Electrical
Universitas Gadjah Mada Press, 2015. Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah
[11] C. Krishnan, L.C. Sousa, M. Jin, L. Chang, B.E. Dale, Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,
and V. Balan, (2010), “Alkali based AFEX Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2017.
pretreatment for the conversion of sugarcane bagasse His research interests are in renewable
and cane leaf residues to ethanol.” Biotechnol Bioeng energy resources and power distribution
107:441–450. system planning.
[12] Syahputra, R., Robandi, I., Ashari, M. (2015).
Performance Improvement of Radial Distribution
Network with Distributed Generation Integration
Using Extended Particle Swarm Optimization Faaris Mujaahid hold a bachelor degree
in 2010 from Electrical and Electronics
Algorithm. International Review of Electrical Engineering Department, Saxion
Engineering (IREE), 10(2). pp. 293-304. University of Applied Sciences, the
[13] S.D. Makungwa, C. Abbie, L.S. David, Y.K-P. Netherlands. He received a master
George, and H.W. Iain, (2013), “Allometry for degree in Sustainable Energy
biomass estimation in Jatropha trees planted as Technologies in 2016 from University of
boundary hedge in farmers’ fields,” Forests, Vol. 4, Southampton, UK. ing. Faaris Mujaahid,
pp. 218-233. M.Sc is currently a lecturer in the
[14] P. Singh P, A. Suman, P. Tiwari, N. Arya, A. Gaur, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
and A.K. Shrivastava, (2008), “Biological Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia. His main
research interest is in LabVIEW and renewable energy (mainly
pretreatment of sugarcane trash for its conversion to in solar cell material and fabrication technologies).
fermentable sugars.” World J Microbiol Biotechnol,
[15] Siswanto, Sumanto, R.S. Hartati, and B. Prastowo, Indah Soesanti was born on June 15,
(2017), “Biomass of cocoa and sugarcane,” 1974. She received both M.Eng. and
International Conference on Biomass: Technology, Ph.D. degrees from Department of
Electrical Engineering, Gadjah Mada
Application, and Sustainable Development: IOP
University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia in
Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 2001 and 2011, respectively.
65 (2017). Dr. Indah Soesanti is a Lecturer in the
Department of Electrical Engineering
and Information Technology, Faculty of
Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Indonesia. Her research interests are in signal processing, image
processing, control system, ICT-based system, optimization,
artificial intelligence in signal processing pattern classification,
and artificial intelligence in control system.

Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved Journal of Electrical Technology UMY, Vol. 4, No. 1
Journal of Electrical Technology UMY (JET-UMY), Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2020
ISSN 2550-1186 e-ISSN 2580-6823

Manuscript received April 2020, revised June 2020 Copyright © 2020 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - All rights reserved

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