356th MGM Minutes Dec2023
356th MGM Minutes Dec2023
356th MGM Minutes Dec2023
The Adoption of the agenda was moved by Engr. Sunday General Secretary
Oguntunde and was seconded by Engr. Adebayo
The Branch Chairman thanked all members for their Chairman, Vice
supports. He explained the rationale behind not having Chairman, General
election at the AGM in Abuja, saying resolution was on Secretary and Assistant
course and an Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) may General Secretary
be scheduled before the end of December, 2023which
would centered on voting.He also explain why Ikeja Branch
came 10th position at the group Dynamics competition.He
said the Group Dynamics packaging and preparation would
now be under the supervision of the secretariat.
Account Automation:
7.3 Chairman said we are almost completing the processes
while encouraging members to log into the portal
8.0 Issues of the Day
8.1 2023 NSE National Engineering Conference: Chairman
said that members were accommodated in 4 different
hotels. Also, the branch bus was mobilized to convey
members to & Fro Abuja at a subsidized rate of #10,000
while YEFoN members boarded for free
He concluded that though election was not held during the
AGM, nevertheless, the overall remarks on the conference
was satisfactory.
8.6 Correspondence:
Engr. O.E.S Ajani FNSE birthday on the 1st of January, Info
2024 with retirement while Engr. MacGregor Odusanya,
FNSE would be celebrating his birthday with retirement
from civil service in December, 2023 Info
9.0 Technical Presentation:
Engr. Pastor Vincent Osolake gave the presentation titled:
Building leadership capacity in engineering space
14.0 Adjournment:
Adjourment was moved by Engr Al-Ameen and was
seconded by EngrAdesola Info
Closing Prayer
2nd stanza of the national anthem was recited at exactly
7:25pm. Info