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2 Mysterious world

Page 17 2.8 species (n) /ˈspiːʃiːz/
a group of animals or plants of the same type
2.1 mysterious (adj) /mɪˈstɪəriəs/ ● How many species of animals are there?
strange and difficult to explain ● They looked ❖
up at the mysterious green lights in the sky.
2.9 unexplored (adj) /ˌʌnɪkˈsplɔːd/
➣ mystery (n) ❖
which has not been explored before ● The
2.2 volcanic (adj) /vɒlˈkænɪk/ powerful telescope shows unexplored parts
created when a volcano throws out a lot of hot of the universe. ➣ explore (v), exploration,
ash and lava ● The beach has black sand due explorer (n) ❖
to the volcanic rock formations of the island.
2.10 man-made (adj) /ˈmæn meɪd/
➣ volcano (n) ❖
not found in nature but made by people
2.3 landscape (n) /ˈlændskeɪp/ ● Plastic is a man-made material.
the land around you ● The landscape in much ❖
of Australia is dry and treeless. ❖
2.11 crooked (adj) /ˈkrʊkɪd/
LOOK! not straight ● The tower on top of the castle
has become crooked because of earthquakes.
Scenery vs landscape ❖
The landscape is everything you see when you 2.12 researcher (n) /rɪˈsɜːʧə(r)/
look at a wide area, including natural and man- sb who studies sth to try to discover new
made features. Scenery refers to natural features facts about it ● The researcher is studying
and can refer to a wide area or to a smaller area. the effect colours have on the way we feel.
Scenery is usually used to describe attractive ➣ research (v, n) ❖
places while landscape can be used regardless of 2.13 explanation (n) /ˌekspləˈneɪʃn/
whether the area is attractive or not. the reason given for why sth happened or
We looked out over the mountainous / industrial / why sth was done ● She gave us a good
desert landscape. explanation for why she didn't accept the job.
Many tourists drive through the forest to admire the ➣ explain (v) ❖
beautiful scenery.
2.14 initially (adv) /ɪˈnɪʃəli/
at first ● Initially, I couldn’t understand the
2.4 consider (v) /kənˈsɪdə(r)/
instructions for the camera. Then I found
to think carefully about sth ● They’re
some helpful videos online. ➣ initial (adj)
considering buying a new house.

➣ consideration (n) ❖
2.15 contain (v) /kənˈteɪn/
to have sth inside ● Oranges contain a lot of

Reading Pages 18–19 2.16

vitamin C. ➣ contents (n pl) ❖
neatly (adv) /ˈniːtli/
2.5 mystery (n) /ˈmɪstri/ carefully; in a tidy way ● The toys in the
sth that is strange and difficult to explain cupboard were neatly arranged in boxes.
● Archaeologists are still researching the ➣ neat (adj) ❖
mystery of when the strange pyramids were 2.17 pine tree (n) /paɪn triː/
built. ➣ mysterious (adj) ❖ a type of tree with leaves shaped like needles
2.6 map (v) /mæp/ which stay green all year ● We walked through
to make a map of an area ● Most of the the pine trees to the top of the mountain.
continents were mapped during the 18th ❖
century. ➣ map (n) ❖ 2.18 surround (v) /səˈraʊnd/
2.7 estimate (v) /ˈestɪmeɪt/ be all around sb/sth ● Tall trees surround
to make an approximate judgement ● He the park and the playground. ➣ surrounding
estimated that a thousand people had visited (adj), surroundings (n pl) ❖
the island that month. ➣ estimate (n)

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2.19 trunk (n) /trʌnk/ 2.31 curve (v) /kɜːv/
the main part of a tree which branches grow to be or to move in the shape of a curve ● The
from ● The children hid behind the trunk of the path curved between the rocks to the top of the
tree so their friends couldn’t find them. mountain. ➣ curve (n) ❖
❖ 2.32 similarly (adv) /ˈsɪmələli/
2.20 what’s more (phr) /wɒts mɔː(r)/ in almost the same way ● The hikers were
in addition; also ● The service at the all dressed similarly in waterproof clothing
restaurant was too slow. What’s more, and boots. ➣ similar (adj), similarity (n)
the food was tasteless ❖ ❖
✎ Syn: furthermore 2.33 believe (v) /bɪˈliːv/
2.21 majority (n) /məˈʤɒrəti/ to be sure that sth is true ● Do you believe that
more than half of a group of people or things Emily doesn't like ice cream? ➣ belief, believer
● The majority of students passed the exam, (n) ❖
but a few didn’t. ❖ ✎ Opp: 2.34 uniformly (adv) /ˈjuːnɪfɔːmli/
minority in exactly the same way ● The tomatoes were
2.22 theory (n) /ˈθɪəri/ planted uniformly in straight rows. ➣ uniform
a set of ideas that explains why sth happens (adj, n), uniformity (n) ❖
● He is doing research to prove his theory 2.35 likely (adj) /ˈlaɪkli/
about the environmental cost of wind farms. probable ● Sadly, many animals and plants are
➣ theoretical (adj) ❖ likely to die because humans are destroying
2.23 curious (adj) /ˈkjʊəriəs/ the environment. ➣ likelihood (n)
strange or unusual ● We heard a curious ❖ ✎ Opp: unlikely
noise outside and went to see what it was. 2.36 environmental (adj) /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/
➣ curiosity (n) ❖ connected to the environment ● The purpose
2.24 appearance (n) /əˈpɪərəns/ of our research is to study how environmental
the way sb/sth looks ● ‘Can you describe his changes affect wildlife. ➣ environment (n),
appearance?’ ‘Well, he’s tall and thin and has environmentally (adv) ❖
brown hair.’ ➣ appear (v) ❖ 2.37 weigh down (phr v) /weɪ daʊn/
2.25 particular (adj) /pəˈtɪkjələ(r)/ to make sb/sth heavier in a way that makes
referring to the one person or thing you are it more difficult to move ● I won’t take my
talking about and not any other ● Maria only camera on the hike because it will just weigh
buys this particular type of toothpaste. me down. ❖
➣ particularly (adv) ❖ 2.38 sapling (n) /ˈsæplɪŋ/
✎ Syn: specific a young tree ● After the huge pine trees were
2.26 unique (adj) /juˈniːk/ cut down, saplings were planted to grow in
very special, unusual or good ● Don’t miss this their place. ❖
unique opportunity to meet your favourite star! 2.39 bend (v) /bend/
❖ to move sth into a curve shape or so it is not
2.27 gravity (n) /ˈgrævɪti/ straight ● The strong wind bent the branches
the natural force that makes things fall to of the trees. ➣ bend (n) ❖
the ground ● Gravity was the force that the 2.40 upwards (adv) /ˈʌpwədz/
first plane designers had to worry about. in a direction up from the ground ● She looked
❖ upwards and saw the birds flying over the
2.28 odd (adj) /ɒd/ trees. ➣ upward (adj) ❖
strange or unusual ● It was odd that Anna ✎ Opp: downwards
hadn’t turned up, so I called to check she 2.41 on purpose (phr) /ɒn ˈpɜːpəs/
was OK. ➣ oddly (adv) ❖ by intention, not by accident ● Sorry I
2.29 dismiss (v) /dɪsˈmɪs/ dropped your plate. I didn’t do it on purpose.
to reject sth, e.g. an idea ● The judge ❖
dismissed the case because of lack of 2.42 in order to (do sth) (phr) /ɪn ˈɒɔːdə(r) tə (duː
evidence. ➣ dismissal (n) ❖ ˈsʌmθɪŋ)/
2.30 downwards (adv) /ˈdaʊnwədz/ with the intention of doing sth ● You have to
towards the ground ● When not in use, your read the whole article in order to understand
gun should be pointed downwards. what happened. ❖
➣ downward (adj) ❖ 2.43 shipbuilding (n) /ˈʃɪpbɪldɪŋ/
✎ Opp: upwards the business of making ships ● Glasgow used
to be famous for shipbuilding on the River
Clyde. ❖

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2.44 Native American (n) /ˈneɪtɪv əˈmerɪkən/ 2.58 snowfall (n) /ˈsnəʊfɔːl/
the original people living in North America the amount of snow that falls in one place
● The Apaches are a Native American in a particular period of time ● Their walking
tribe who used to be famous as warriors. trip was cancelled because of the overnight
❖ snowfall. ❖
2.45 cut down (phr v) /kʌt daʊn/ 2.59 probable (adj) /ˈprɒbəbl/
to make sth, e.g. a tree, fall by cutting it at the likely to happen ● The icy road was
bottom ● Ian cut down the tall trees around his the probable cause of the accident.
garden to make it brighter. ❖ ➣ probability (n), probably (adv)
2.46 nearby (adj) /nɪəˈbaɪ/ ❖ ✎ Opp: improbable
that is not far away ● We often play football 2.60 abandon (v) /əˈbændən/
in the nearby park, which is only five minutes’ leave a place or thing permanently or for a
walk from our house. ❖ long time ● The villagers abandoned their
2.47 inhabitant (n) /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ homes when the fire got dangerously near.
sb who lives in a particular place ● This island ❖
has two thousand inhabitants. ➣ inhabit (v) 2.61 local (n) /ˈləʊkl/
❖ a resident of a particular area ● The locals
2.48 virtually (adv) /ˈvɜːtʃuəli/ disagreed with the building of a factory near
almost ● The two sisters look virtually the their village. ➣ local (adj) ❖
same. ❖ 2.62 highly (adv) /ˈhaɪli/
2.49 rebuild (v) /riːˈbɪld/ very; to a large degree or at a high level
to build sth again ● After most of the city was ● Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures.
destroyed by the earthquake, many buildings ❖
were rebuilt. ❖ 2.63 corner (n) /ˈkɔːnə(r)/
2.50 therefore (adv) /ˈðeəfɔː(r)/ a particular part of a place ● He wants to travel
as a result ● The forest could easily be set on to every corner of the world. ❖
fire in summer. Therefore, you’re not allowed 2.64 case (n) /keɪs/
to light a campfire. ❖ a particular situation ● His phone is either lost
2.51 secret (n) /ˈsiːkrɪt/ or has been stolen. Whatever the case, he
information which isn’t for many people to hasn’t got it now. ❖
know about ● I’ll only tell you what I bought
Penny for her birthday if you can keep a
secret. ➣ secret, secretive (adj), secretly (adv) Vocabulary Page 20

2.65 for certain (phr) /fə(r) ˈsɜːtn/
2.52 remain (v) /rɪˈmeɪn/ without any doubt ● I know for certain that the
to stay in the same situation or place ● I asked money was in my bag. I put it there myself.
him what was wrong, but he remained silent. ❖ ✎ Syn: for sure

2.66 roll (n) /rəʊl/
2.53 force (n) /fɔːs/ a long piece of sth that has been wrapped
power ● It took force to push the car out of around a few times so it makes the shape of
the garage when it broke down. ➣ force (v), a tube ● The kitten destroyed a whole roll of
forceful (adj) ❖ toilet paper in the bathroom. ➣ roll (v), roller
2.54 seasonal (adj) /ˈsiːzənl/ (n) ❖
happening during a particular season ● We left 2.67 pipe (n) /paɪp/
India just in time to miss the seasonal heavy a long tube that gas or liquid can flow through
rains. ➣ season (n) ❖ ● Our bathroom floor was flooded because of
2.55 event (n) /ɪˈvent/ a blocked pipe. ❖
sth that happens which is important ● Paul's 2.68 apparently (adv) /əˈpærəntli/
graduation was the most important event of his used to say that you have heard that sth is true
life. ❖ although you are not sure about it ● Apparently,
2.56 severe (adj) /səˈvɪə(r)/ the scientist has proof that aliens exist.
very bad and very extreme ● The severe ➣ apparent (adj) ❖
weather forced the climbers to return to base. 2.69 fully (adv) /ˈfʊli/
➣ severity (n) ❖ completely ● I fully agree that we should
2.57 frequent (adj) /ˈfriːkwənt/ use less electricity in order to save the
happening often ● The neighbour’s cat is a environment. ➣ full (adj) ❖
frequent visitor to our garden. ➣ frequently
(adv) ❖
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2.70 fascinating (adj) /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ 2.82 twist (v) /twɪst/
very interesting ● I read a fascinating book to bend or turn sth ● The plant twisted itself up
about the Northern Lights. I couldn’t put the side of the old house. ❖
it down. ➣ fascinated (adj), fascinate (v), 2.83 sculpt (v) /skʌlpt/
fascination (n) ❖ to cut sth, e.g. stone, metal or wood, into the
2.71 disappear (v) /ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)/ shape of an object or person ● The statue
to go where you can’t be seen ● We watched was sculpted from a huge piece of rock.
the plane until it disappeared into the clouds. ➣ sculpture, sculptor (n) ❖
➣ disappearance (n) ❖ 2.84 pattern (n) /ˈpætən/
2.72 unsolved (adj) /ˌʌnˈsɒlvd/ an arrangement of colours or shapes that
which has not been solved ● Is the mystery of is repeated ● Patterns on the surface of the
the Loch Ness monster still unsolved? moon used to make people think the moon had
❖ a face. ❖
2.73 distance (n) /ˈdɪstəns/ 2.85 wonder (v) /ˈwʌndə(r)/
how far or close sb/sth is ● The distance to think about sth you are not sure about
between my home and school is 100 metres. ● There’s someone at the door. I wonder who
❖ it is. ❖
2.74 calmly (adv) /ˈkɑːmli/ 2.86 sculpture (n) /ˈskʌlpʧə/
in a calm way ● She calmly packed her an object made out of stone, wood, metal, etc.
suitcase and left the house without looking by an artist ● In the Louvre museum, you can
back. ➣ calm (adj, n, v) ❖ see the sculpture of the Venus de Milo.
2.75 select (v) /sɪˈlekt/ ➣ sculpt (v), sculptor (n) ❖
to choose sth out of many ● They selected 2.87 circus (n) /ˈsɜːkəs/
the best person for the job. ➣ selection (n) a show in which a group of people perform
❖ to entertain others, sometimes in a big tent
2.76 recognise (v) /ˈrekəgnaɪz/ ● We laughed a lot at the clowns in the circus.
to know what sb/sth is ● Can you recognise ❖
different kinds of fish? ➣ recognition (n), 2.88 lifetime (n) /ˈlaɪftaɪm/
recognisable (adj) ❖ the amount of time that sb/sth is alive
2.77 solution (n) /səˈluːʃn/ ● Some of the world’s most famous artists
a way of solving a problem or dealing with were not well-known during their own lifetime.
a situation ● The problem is serious and we ❖
need to find a solution very soon. ➣ solve (v)

Listening Page 22

Grammar Page 21
2.89 solve (v) /sɒlv/
to find an answer to sth difficult; to find a way
2.78 data (n) /ˈdeɪtə/ to do sth ● She solved the mystery of the
information collected for analysis ● We don’t strange sounds at night when she saw the fox
have enough data to make a prediction. in her garden. ➣ solution (n) ❖
❖ 2.90 source (n) /sɔːs/
2.79 alarm (n) /əˈlɑːm/ sb who gives information to the police, the
equipment that makes a loud noise when newspapers, etc. ● The reporter would not
sb enters a place illegally or when there is name his source so nobody believed his story.
danger, etc. ● Our hotel room had its own fire ➣ source (v) ❖
alarm. ❖ 2.91 reliable (adj) /rɪˈlaɪəbl/
2.80 go off (phr v) /gəʊ ɒf/ that can be trusted or depended on ● Solar
to start making a warning sound ● I woke up energy is a reliable source of power wherever
last night when the car alarm went off outside. the weather is usually sunny. ➣ rely (v)
❖ ❖ ✎ Opp: unreliable

2.81 shape (v) /ʃeɪp/ 2.92 prove (v) /pruːv/

to form sth in a particular way, e.g. square, to show that sth is true ● The police couldn’t
round ● He shaped the burger mix into small prove he had stolen the money. ➣ proof (n)
round balls, which he put into the oven. ❖
➣ shape (n) ❖

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2.93 evidence (n) /ˈevɪdəns/ 2.105 the Bronze Age (n) /ðə ˈbrɒnz eɪdʒ/
facts that show that sth is true ● There isn’t the period of history from 3,000 to 1,200 BCE,
enough evidence that Atlantis ever existed. when people used metal tools and weapons
❖ made of a brownish metal called bronze
2.94 draw a conclusion (expr) /drɔː ə kənˈkluːʒn/ ● There were many objects from the Bronze
to reach a decision after thinking about the Age in the museum. ❖
facts ● From her cheerful tone of voice, I drew 2.106 tool (n) /tuːl/
the conclusion that she had some good news. a device that you use to make or fix sth ● The
❖ plumber took his tools out of the box to repair
2.95 be located (phr) /bi ləʊˈkeɪtɪd/ the water pipe. ❖
If sth is located in a place, it is there. 2.107 symbolic (adj) /sɪmˈbɒlɪk/
● The office is located in the city centre. representing sth ● The gift was symbolic of
❖ ✎ Syn: be situated his friendship towards her. ➣ symbol (n),
2.96 antelope (n) /ˈæntɪləʊp/ symbolise (v) ❖
an animal like a deer which has long thin 2.108 endangered (adj) /ɪnˈdeɪnʤəd/
legs to run fast and is native to Africa or Asia at risk ● Many endangered animals are protected
● The lion was chasing the antelope across by law so that they don’t become extinct.
the plain. ❖ ➣ endanger (v) ❖
2.97 archaeological (adj) /ˌɑːkiəˈlɒdʒɪkl/
connected with archaeology ● Many of
the world’s greatest archaeological sites,
are located in Greece. ➣ archaeology,
Speaking Page 23
archaeologist (n) ❖ 2.109 suppose (v) /səˈpəʊz/
2.98 lizard (n) /ˈlɪzəd/ to think that sth is true or possible although not
an animal that has a long body and a tail, short 100% certain of it ● I suppose we could book
legs and snake-like skin without hair ● The tiny our flights a bit later and still find a good deal.
lizard crawled down the wall and disappeared ❖
under the rocks. ❖ 2.110 attract (v) /əˈtrækt/
2.99 jaguar (n) /ˈdʒæɡjuə(r)/ to make sb/sth interested in sth; make sb want
a wild animal like a large cat with light to take part in sth ● Concerts with famous
brown fur that has black spots and rings bands always attract a lot of fans. ➣ attraction
● Jaguars have a larger head and shorter tail (n), attractive (adj) ❖
than leopards, but they look quite similar. 2.111 based (on) (adj) /beɪst (ɒn)/
❖ made or developed using a particular thing as
2.100 red deer (n) /ˌred ˈdɪə(r)/ a starting point ● Her book is based on a true
a type of deer which has red-brown fur and story. ❖
the male grows antlers like horns, shaped 2.112 hashtag (n) /ˈhæʃtæɡ/
like branches ● On the mountain, we saw a key word used with the # to search
some red deer eating the trees nearby. online for a particular subject ● The hashtag
❖ ‘#skater’ is currently popular with teenagers.
2.101 carve (v) /kɑːv/ ❖
to cut a pattern on wood or stone ● Dad said 2.113 best-selling (adj) /best ˈselɪŋ/
he carved his name on his old wooden desk at popular and bought by many people ● J.K.
school! ➣ carving (n) ❖ Rowling wrote the best-selling Harry Potter
2.102 domestic (adj) /dəˈmestɪk/ books. ➣ best-seller (n) ❖
not wild ● Cats and dogs have been domestic
animals for thousands of years, and they are
very good pets. ❖
Grammar Page 24
2.103 carving (n) /ˈkɑːvɪŋ/ 2.114 remote (adj) /rɪˈməʊt/
a pattern cut on wood or stone ● There were far from inhabited places like towns ● Harry
carvings of flowers on the wooden bowls. lives in a remote area and the nearest house is
➣ carve (v) ❖ two miles away. ❖
2.104 definitely (adv) /ˈdefɪnətli/ 2.115 submarine (n) /ˌsʌbməˈriːn/
without a doubt ● It was a great museum and a ship that can travel underwater ● The
I would definitely visit it again. ➣ definite (adj) submarine went deep into the sea where
❖ researchers could study the fish.

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2.116 kid (v) /kɪd/ 2.127 rise (n) /raɪz/
to say sth that is not true as a joke ● Run a an increase ● There has been a rise in the
marathon? Who, me? You’ve got to be kidding! value of houses in the area since the new train
❖ station opened. ➣ rise (v) ❖
2.117 underwater (adv) /ˌʌndəˈwɔːtə(r)/ 2.128 crime (n) /kraɪm/
below the surface of water ● Humans can’t an illegal act ● If you commit a serious crime
breathe underwater without special equipment. and get caught, you will go to prison.
➣ underwater (adj) ❖ ➣ criminal (n) ❖
2.118 while (n) /waɪl/ 2.129 ridicule (v) /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/
an indefinite period of time ● I haven’t make fun of ● He was ridiculed because he
spoken to him for a long while. ➣ while was afraid of thunder. ➣ ridicule (n), ridiculous
(conj) ❖ (adj) ❖
2.130 ridiculous (adj) /rɪˈdɪkjələs/
Nature silly or not logical ● The cost of the hotel room
antelope jellyfish snowfall is ridiculous. You'd need to be a millionaire to
endangered lizard substance stay there! ➣ ridicule (v) ❖
environmental pine tree trunk 2.131 unreliable (adj) /ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbəl/
force red deer underwater that can’t be trusted or depended on ● This
giraffe remote weather app is unreliable as it’s often wrong.
gravity sapling ➣ rely (v) ❖ ✎ Opp: reliable
jaguar seasonal
2.132 pour with rain (expr) /pɔː wɪθ reɪn/
rain very hard ● It poured with rain all day, so
we stayed at home. ❖

Use your English Page 25 2.133 it’s raining cats and dogs (expr) /ɪts ˈreɪnɪŋ
kæts ənd dɒgz/
2.119 be into sb/sth (expr) /biː ɪntʊ ˈsʌmbədi/ it is raining heavily ● Take an umbrella with
ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ you. It’s raining cats and dogs out there.
to like sb/sth ● I’m into clothes and I want to ❖
study fashion and design. ❖ 2.134 totally (adv) /ˈtəʊtəli/
2.120 come across (phr v) /kʌm əˈkrɒs/ completely ● His explanation was totally
to find by chance ● The archaeologist was ridiculous, so nobody believed him. ➣ total
very surprised when she came across a gold (adj, n) ❖
necklace. ❖ 2.135 truth (n) /truːθ/
2.121 find out (phr v) /faɪnd aʊt/ the facts of sth which are true, not a guess or
to get information about sb/sth ● I want to find a lie ● I’m not sure if Grandpa was telling the
out more about my ancestors and how they truth about being on an Amazon expedition.
lived. ❖ ➣ true (adj), truly (adv) ❖
2.122 rely on (phr v) /rɪˈlaɪ ɒn/ 2.136 incident (n) /ˈɪnsɪdənt/
to trust or have confidence in ● You can rely sth that happens ● I told him about the incident
on Liana because she is always helpful. and he said I should apologise. ❖
➣ reliable (adj) ❖ 2.137 citizen (n) /ˈsɪtɪzn/
2.123 look into (phr v) /lʊk ˈɪntə/ sb who lives in a particular country, city, etc.
to examine the facts about sth ● Don’t worry, ● The citizens asked the mayor to look into the
I’ll look into the problem. ❖ problem. ❖
2.124 work out (phr v) /wɜːk aʊt/ 2.138 substance (n) /ˈsʌbstəns/
to find the answer to sth ● I didn’t use a a type of solid, liquid or gas ● They cover the
dictionary. I worked out the meaning of the wood with a special substance to protect it
word from the sentence. ❖ from the sun. ❖
2.125 by chance (phr) /baɪ ʧɑːns/ 2.139 jellyfish (n) /ˈʤelifɪʃ/
without being planned ● I came across this a sea creature with a body like jelly and
amazing old book by chance in my grandpa’s long thin parts (tentacles) which can sting
house. ❖ ● In some areas of Australia, you can’t swim
2.126 investigator (n) /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪtə(r)/ because there are dangerous jellyfish in the
sb who looks for evidence to find out about an sea. ❖
accident or solve a crime ● The investigator 2.140 remark (v) /rɪˈmɑːk/
found pieces of cloth and hair at the scene of to say sth about sth you have just noticed
the crime. ➣ investigate (v), investigation (n) ● ‘What an unusual story!’ remarked Wayne.
❖ ➣ remark (n), remarkable (adj) ❖
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2.141 stick (v) /stɪk/ great surprise ● You can imagine our
to join or become joined to sth, usually with a astonishment when Mum said she had won
special substance ● Use the glue to stick the 1,000,000 euros! ➣ astonish (v), astonished,
broken pieces together. ➣ sticky (adj) astonishing (adj) ❖
❖ 2.151 bizarre (adj) /bɪˈzɑː/
2.142 conclude (v) /kənˈkluːd/ strange; weird ● I heard a bizarre story about a
to decide that sth is true after considering all the man who was taken to a spaceship by aliens.
information ● After reading the police report, ❖
he concluded that the the man had stolen the 2.152 terrified (adj) /ˈterɪfaɪd/
money. ➣ conclusion (n), conclusive (adj) very frightened ● She heard a strange noise in
❖ the middle of the night and she was terrified.
➣ terrifying (adj), terrify (v), terror (n)
People ❖
citizen investigator Native American 2.153 pack up (phr v) /pæk ʌp/
inhabitant local researcher to tidy and put things away ● After repairing
the broken pipe, the plumber packed up his
Phrasal verbs tools and left. ❖
come across pack up 2.154 doorway (n) /ˈdɔːweɪ/
find out rely on the part of a wall where a door is ● The new
go off weigh sth down sofa was too big to go through the doorway
look into into the room, so they had to take it back to the
shop. ❖
2.155 realise (v) /ˈriːəlaɪz/
to understand or become aware of a fact
Writing Pages 26–27 or situation ● I wanted to become an actor,
but then one day I realised I wasn’t talented
2.143 suspense (n) /səˈspens/ enough. ➣ realisation (n) ❖
the feeling of excitement or worry that you
2.156 figure (n) /ˈfɪgə(r)/
have when you are waiting for sth ● Come on,
the shape of a person ● I could see the figure
don’t keep us in suspense! What happened?
of an old man at the end of the street.

2.144 silently (adv) /ˈsaɪləntli/
2.157 draft (n) /drɑːft/
without speaking or making any sound ● She
a piece of text, sometimes with the main ideas,
read the letter silently and then began to cry.
but not the finished work ● Let’s discuss the
➣ silent (adj), silence (n, v) ❖
first draft of the report and see if it needs any
2.145 deeply (adv) /ˈdiːpli/ changes. ➣ draft (v) ❖
very much ● I felt deeply hurt by her cruel
2.158 out of the ordinary (expr) /aʊt əv ði ˈɔːdnri/
words. ➣ deep (adj), deepen (v), depth (n)
strange or unusual ● Did you see anything out

of the ordinary? ❖
2.146 enthusiastically (adv) /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪkli/
2.159 incredible (adj) /ɪnˈkredəbl/
with excitement and interest ● We waited
not easy to believe ● He eats an incredible
enthusiastically for the band to go on stage.
amount of food every day. I don’t know how he
➣ enthusiastic (adj), enthusiasm (n)
can be so thin. ❖

2.160 inexplicable (adj) /ɪnɪksˈplɪkəbl/
2.147 weird (adj) /wɪəd/
too strange to be explained ● His behaviour
strange ● The atmosphere in this old castle is
was inexplicable. I don’t know why he did that.
weird, and I’m scared. ❖

2.148 extraordinary (adj) /ɪkˈstrɔːdənri/
2.161 thrilling (adj) /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/
very unusual ● We had an extraordinary
very exciting and enjoyable ● The most thrilling
experience last night when we saw three
moment of my life was when I bought my first
strange lights in the sky. ❖
car. ➣ thrill (v, n), thrilled (adj)
2.149 stare (v) /steə(r)/ ❖
to look at sb/sth for a long time ● She
2.162 thrilled (adj) /θrɪld/
stared at George because his hair was funny.
delighted ● Little Bobby was thrilled to get a

toy spaceship for his birthday. ➣ thrill (v, n),
2.150 astonishment (n) /əˈstɒnɪʃmənt/ thrilling (adj) ❖

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2.172 overwhelm (v) /ˌəʊvəˈwelm/
Mystery: adjectives to have more of something than you can
bizarre likely thrilling deal with, e.g. work, feelings ● He was
crooked mysterious unexplored overwhelmed with emotion at the beautiful
curious odd unique view. ➣ overwhelming (adj) ❖
extraordinary probable weird 2.173 relief (n) /rɪˈliːf/
incredible terrified the good feeling you have when you stop
inexplicable thrilled worrying, hurting, etc. ● It was a relief to hear
that they were safe! ➣ relieve (v)
Mystery: nouns ❖
appearance evidence secret 2.174 deal with (phr v) /diːl wɪð/
astonishment explanation suspense to take action to achieve or solve sth
crime pattern theory ● Exercising or doing a sport might help you
deal with stress. ❖
2.175 unpleasant (adj) /ˈʌnˌpleznt/

Video Page 28
not enjoyable ● There was an unpleasant
smell of burning food coming from the kitchen.
➣ unpleasantly (adv) ❖ ✎ Opp:
2.163 tear up (phr v) /tɪə ʌp/
to start crying ● Sophia teared up when she
saw her baby grandson for the first time. 2.176 irritated (adj) /ˈɪrɪteɪtɪd/
❖ sore or reddened ● Her skin felt irritated by the
insect bite. ➣ irritate (v), irritation (n)
2.164 shed tears (expr) /ʃed tɪəz/ ❖
to cry ● She shed tears of happiness when she
2.177 helpless (adj) /ˈhelpləs/
saw the puppy. ❖
not able to look after yourself or take action
2.165 tear (n) /tɪə(r)/ ● I felt totally helpless when I saw my ring
a drop of salty liquid that comes out of your falling into the sea. ➣ helplessly (adv)
eye when you are crying ● The boy was crying ❖
and there were tears rolling down his cheeks. 2.178 neutralise (v) /ˈnjuːtrəlaɪz/
➣ tearful (adj), tearfully (adv) ❖ to stop sth having an effect ● We used some
2.166 tearful (adj) /ˈtɪəfl/ perfumed spray to neutralise the smell of the
with tears in your eyes ● He looked tearful old carpets. ❖
after hearing the sad story. ➣ tear (n), tearfully 2.179 anger (v) /ˈæŋɡə(r)/
(adv) ❖ to make angry ● It angers me when someone
2.167 peepers (n pl) /ˈpiːpəz/ is rude to me. ➣ anger (n), angry (adj)
eyes (informal) ● My brother said 'Keep your ❖
peepers off my sweets!'. ➣ peep (v) 2.180 gain (v) /ɡeɪn/
❖ to get (usually sth more than you had before)
2.168 cope (v) /kəʊp/ ● It took her a few weeks to gain the trust of
to face; to manage to do ● Craig coped her new colleagues. ➣ gain (n) ❖
with the difficult journey across the Atlantic 2.181 well-being (n) /ˈwel biːɪŋ/
by listening to music and reading. health and happiness ● Though her children
❖ are adults, Jackie still cares about their
well-being and phones them regularly.
2.169 emotional (adj) /ɪˈməʊʃənl/

having strong feelings ● The film about
children in danger made her feel quite 2.182 forgiveness (n) /fəˈɡɪvnəs/
emotional. ➣ emotion (n) ❖ the act of forgiving sb ● He asked for his
parents’ forgiveness when he arrived
2.170 empathy (n) /ˈempəθi/ home late. ➣ forgive (v), forgiving (adj)
the ability to understand sb else’s feelings ❖
● Doctors should feel some empathy with their
2.183 rage (n) /reɪdʒ/
patients. ➣ empathize (v) ❖
anger ● The player went into a rage when he
2.171 manipulation (n) /məˌnɪpjuˈleɪʃn/ lost the match. ❖
the act of controlling sb else’s feelings ● She
often cries in front of her parents as a way of
manipulation to get what she wants. Expressions
➣ manipulate (v), manipulative (adj) by chance on purpose
❖ draw a conclusion out of the ordinary
in order to pour with rain
it’s raining cats and dogs what’s more

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