Personalization Ebook - SalesForce
Personalization Ebook - SalesForce
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How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
Lauren Boyle
Lowell, MA
1 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
Introduction........................................................................................... 3
2 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
Just because people live in the same city, work in the same Companies also achieve great benefits from real-time
industry, or are the same age or gender, it doesn’t mean they personalization and interaction management, like:
read, buy, or want the same things.
3 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
• Increasing conversions
• Reducing customer acquisition costs
• Increasing repeat purchasing
The PMO acts as the main
• Driving content downloads, email signups, and offer
redemptions personalization strategy, solution,
and technical resource center for
• Decreasing cart abandonment or bounce rates
the company, serving as the point of
• Lowering servicing costs coordination across business divisions.
• Raising customer lifetime value
• Improving account-based marketing (ABM) initiatives
4 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
5 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
Approaches to Personalization
Once you establish your goals, and identify your channels Machine-Learning Personalization
and data sources for personalization, it’s time to select the
Machine learning, a form of AI, uses algorithms and predictive
approach you’ll use. To deliver personalized experiences, you
analytics to determine and display the most relevant content,
can use rules or machine-learning algorithms. They each have
offers, recommendations, and complete experiences — in real
their place in a successful personalization strategy, and many
time and in a highly scalable way. Machine-learning algorithms
marketers and digital professionals use a combination of
process vast quantities of data, detecting patterns in a manner
the two.
— and at a speed — that humans can’t. This form of AI is
important to infuse into your marketing to help build lasting
customer relationships.
Rule-Based Personalization
Rules are an important foundation for most personalization
programs. Rule-based personalization enables marketers to With rule-based personalization, marketers must pick each
deliver experiences to segments — or predefined groups of experience they want to show each segment manually. But
people — based on the manual creation and manipulation of with machine learning, marketers can simply set up a single
business rules. Segments can be broad (such as all individuals algorithm or an algorithmic “recipe” to automatically provide a
from a specific region) or narrow (such as individuals from a unique, relevant experience for each individual.
target industry who have not yet downloaded a piece of content
and have spent more than a minute viewing a particular
category of content on your site). Marketers can set up rules to
display experiences to these broad or narrow segments. Keep
in mind: The more targeted, relevant, and granular you want to
get with your experiences, the more rules you need to create
and maintain.
6 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
The Growth of AI
As the technology becomes more accessible and its benefits
are more widely known, the use of AI across marketing is
skyrocketing. According to the most recent “State of Marketing”
report, 68% of marketers say they have a fully defined AI
strategy — up from 60% in 2021 and 57% in 2020.
62% of marketers say they have invested in artificial fully defined AI strategy.*
intelligence for the purposes of personalization. These
marketers create individualized experiences within specific
segments by combining machine learning and rules.
7 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
Website personalization means making sure the page a
returning customer sees is relevant to their last experience
or recent purchase. It can also mean that the product
recommendations a new customer sees are focused around
their in-session browsing.
increase in email open rates while using
Marketing Cloud Personalization divisions.*
The return on this initial investment can be quick and powerful.
Many companies that implement personalization on their
website can see conversion rates jump as much as 50% or
more.* This means that a site that was previously converting
2% of visitors could jump to 3%. For many digital marketers,
that level of lift in site conversion is a dream come true. It * Source: 2022 Salesforce Success Metrics Global Highlights. A 2022 study based
also has tremendous impact across your marketing programs, on 3,706 customer interviews in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Australia,
helping you reduce your overall customer acquisition costs. India, Singapore, Japan, and Brazil.
8 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
Omni-Channel Experiences For many companies, though, this is a major challenge. With
customer data siloed across multiple channels, teams, and
The final step is to extend personalization across every
systems, customers can sometimes be left with a disjointed
channel. This means wherever customers are interacting
experience. Your personalization solution should process and
with your brand, they associate that touchpoint with you —
synthesize all of this cross-channel information by storing
including in-store, at a kiosk, or when speaking to a sales
behavioral, attribute, explicit, and third-party data within a
rep or service agent.
unified customer profile (UCP) for each customer, prospect,
and account.
Customers expect to be able to pick up where they left off.
In fact, according to the “State of the Connected Customer”
report, 83% of customers expect to interact with someone The solution should also:
immediately when they contact a company.
• “Stitch” together identities — marry profile data for
anonymous users with known ones, once a person is
identified (by logging in, email click-through, loyalty ID,
and so on).
• Pass data to and from complementary systems — such
of customers have as CRMs, email and marketing automation platforms,
used multiple channels and POS systems.
to start and complete • Power the delivery of omni-channel personalization in
a transaction* real time.
9 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
Examples: B2C
Here are some ways business-to-consumer companies use real-time,
AI-driven personalization to drive engagement and conversions.
1. Increase the ROI of every site visit. 2. Build your first-party data.
Each time visitors arrive on your site, even if they’re Make email capture campaigns and other sign-up offers
anonymous, they provide clues about their interests and more effective by targeting them to specific visitors —
attributes — depending on how they arrive, where they’re timing the message to appear when the person is engaged
located, what they engage with, and much more. Knowing this and likely to be receptive.
information, you can tailor the homepage and any landing
page in real time to make it more relevant to them.
Since this visitor previously clicked on an ad for Cumulus’ rewards When an engaged visitor on Cumulus’ credit card application page is about
credit card offer, the bank’s homepage hero banner and content to abandon the site, this message is triggered. Based on the person’s time
recommendations underneath are personalized with relevant resources on the site and the interest they’ve shown, they may be willing to provide
and calls to action — making it easy for the person to find what they need. their email address to receive additional, helpful information — enabling the
bank to continue engaging with the prospective customer.
10 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
11 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
12 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
7. Deliver consistent messaging at point of sale. 8. Trigger notifications to call center agents.
Provide personalized product recommendations or relevant, Trigger relevant and timely messages to call center agents
helpful messaging when a customer checks out at the register, when customers are on the phone to provide helpful and
logs in to a self-service kiosk, or uses an ATM. Knowing a cohesive journeys. These notifications — personalized based
person’s physical location along with their full cross-channel on customers’ onsite or in-app behaviors and histories, for
history enables you to deliver highly tailored experiences while example — can alert agents to next best actions and offers, or
they’re executing an in-person transaction. suggest ways to resolve an issue.
Order Confirmation
Offer 15% discount to
CHANGE ORDER buy item in cart.
1 Cannondale Catalyst 1 27.5 Bike - 2022
Total: $653.76 VIEW HISTORY
Berson Bike Helmet - Women’s Kryptolock Key U-Lock Bontrager TLR Floor Pump
$80.00 $38.85 $120.00
When this shopper visits an in-store kiosk to pick up the bike she Prominent messages can be triggered and displayed in Salesforce
ordered online, she sees relevant, 1-to-1 recommendations on the Service Cloud, based on an individual’s behavior and history across
screen — highlighting clothing (women’s biking pants), gear, and channels. In this case, because a customer who calls in has left a
accessories that complement her purchase, and map to her needs high-margin item in her shopping cart, a gray alert (upper left) lets
and preferences. the call center agent know that they should extend a 15% discount
offer for completing the purchase over the phone.
13 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
Examples: B2B
For business-to-business companies seeking ideas and inspiration,
here are some ways to employ real-time, AI-infused personalization.
1. Increase the ROI of every site visit. 2. Improve ABM with industry targeting.
Show — don’t tell — prospects that your solution is the right one Recognize and target high-value visitors the instant they hit your
for their unique business needs. Based on each visitor’s source, site. You can put the most relevant content and messaging in
location, behavior, history, and other data, you can present front of them immediately — providing experiences tailored to
them with relevant, helpful messaging in the moment to their industry, size, or even specific company, to accelerate their
engage them faster, reduce your bounce rate, and drive more interest in your solutions.
qualified leads.
A prospect who clicks the Makana Tech online ad, above, immediately Makana Tech can immediately detect when a visitor from a target
sees consistent messaging and offers on the Makana website — account and industry lands on its site. For this prospect from a
creating a cohesive and unified experience that shows the visitor they’re pharmaceutical company, the Makana Tech homepage is tailored to
in the right place. show relevant videos, content, and calls to action.
14 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
3. Increase deal velocity and deal size for 4. Increase customer adoption and lifetime value
target accounts. with relevant content.
Are prospects from a target account demonstrating high Even if you have a lot of great content, it’s often not easy for
activity and engagement on your website or across other prospects to find what they want and need. Use 1-to-1 content
touchpoints? You can automatically trigger alerts to the recommendations to promote the most relevant asset (e-book,
right reps in your CRM with a recommended next best video, article, and so on) to each person visiting your site, using
action — so they’re able to follow up intelligently and while your app, or opening your emails — engaging prospects and
interest is hot. guiding them along the buyer’s journey.
Follow up
4 people from this target account
have downloaded a total of 8 items
in the last week.
A high volume of content downloads from people who work at this After this visitor registers to download an e-book, he sees personalized
target account triggers an alert to the appropriate sales rep in Salesforce recommendations for other content that’s likely to engage him. The
Sales Cloud, suggesting the next best action she should take. recommendations are assets he hasn’t previously consumed and are
based on his preferences and interests.
15 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
5. Drive registrations for webinars and events. 6. Integrate email and website experiences.
Drive greater visibility and attendance to your virtual and Your email campaigns and website experience should be
physical events by promoting them to the right audience. working together to help prospects navigate the buyer’s
Across your touchpoints, you can highlight webinars and journey. With open-time email personalization, you can
events that align to individuals’ interests, personas, or dynamically tailor content when an individual opens a message
geography to generate more registrations. — not when it’s sent — to reflect that person’s latest interactions
and activities on your site (and across your other channels).
16 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
7. Drive adoption by freemium users and new 8. Collect zero-party data with personalized surveys.
customers. Looking for more specific data about your customers and
You can use behavioral data from logged-in users to improve prospects? Ask them directly, using personalized and targeted
their experiences and engagement in real time. For example, surveys on your web and mobile properties. Responses are
educate freemium users with timely, in-app updates, and target added to each person’s profile to enrich your database, and
engaged users with messages about the benefits of various they can even trigger helpful, personalized experiences in the
features. Guide new, logged-in customers with onboarding moment — showing respondents the value of engaging.
content and relevant tips, tailored to their specific needs.
When web and mobile
ROADSHOW visitors answer the “What’s
Join us in Boston your analytics goal?” survey
on July 29th! question, the response they
select dictates what they see
APPLY TODAY next — guiding them to the
content and solutions that
will be most useful for
their needs.
17 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
18 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI
19 Customizing for Every Customer: How 1-to-1 Personalization Drives ROI