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3 EP 0 725 696 B1 4
reducer. Each roll is provided with a unique internal rates a preheater prior to the molten metal head box,
cooling system, which maximizes cooling uniformity which is used to adjust the inlet temperature (and thus
around the circumference and along the width of each affect the outlet temperature) of the molten metal. Prior
roll. The roll spacing is held constant by a hydraulic sys- to the preheater, the melt furnace or holding chamber is
tem comprising a pair of hydraulic load cylinders located 5 set to a relatively low temperature at which the molten
under the lower roll bearing blocks actuated by hydraulic metal still flows. At the start-up of the gauge reduction
servo-valves. The gap between the twin rolls is deter- cycle, when the rolls are moving the slowest, the pre-
mined by measuring the cylinder positions with internal heater is actuated to raise the temperature of the molten
position transducers. Separating force between the rolls metal to allow optimum positioning of the freeze front at
is monitored by analog hydraulic pressure gauges in 10 the slow roll speeds. In other words, if the molten metal
communication with the fluid supply line of each load were too cool, the freeze front would develop too soon
cylinder. The temperature of the inlet molten metal, and the separating force generated would be quite high,
position of the feed tip, roll gap, separation force and and even excessive. Later on in the gauge reduction
other parameters are constantly monitored and control- cycle, the preheater is gradually switched off to reduce
led by an industrial control system. 15 the temperature of the molten metal to a value which
[0009] In order to cast thin gauge strip, the twin roll allows the freeze front at the final casting speed to be
casting apparatus is started up at a large roll gap for sufficiently upstream of the roll nip so that the tensile
which a steady-state condition is relatively easy to strength of the exit strip is at or above a predetermined
attain. Once a steady-state condition is reached, the roll level.
gap, and associated strip gauge, is reduced in steps, 20 [0013] Despite the inclusion of the preheater, which
each new operating condition preferably being allowed helps ensure the tensile strength of the exit strip will be
to reach a steady state. To begin with, the roll gap is high enough to provide good, continuous strip
reduced until either the separating force limit is reached feedthrough at the increased casting speeds the tensile
or further movement of the lower roll will contact the strength of the thin exit strip will be insufficient to pro-
feed tip. If the feed tip is in the way, and the separating 25 vide a resistance tension for the coil wind-up reel. The
force limit has not been reached, the tip is moved up final coil must typically be tightly wrapped to prevent
and away from the roll gap a specified increment, and inner wrap movement and to facilitate further process-
the roll gap is reduced slightly further. Moving the tip far- ing in a cold mill. Consequently, after the strip gauge is
ther out of the roll bite also increases the separating reduced to the point it can no longer support sufficient
force. This procedure continues with the roll gap being 30 winder tension to obtain a tightly wrapped coil, a pinch
reduced and the tip being repositioned alternately until roll assembly between the twin roll casting apparatus
the separating force for that particular roll gap at a par- and the winder is hydraulically closed to resist the
ticular speed has been reached. winder tension applied to the strip, while maintaining
[0010] The speed of the rolls is then increased in correct operating tension at the caster roll nip. The
order to move the freeze front forward or downstream 35 pinch rolls are initially used when the strip is being first
towards the roll nip, thus decreasing the separating fed through the casting line and are released when the
force. After a steady-state condition has been reached, winder applies tension to the strip, only to be brought
the iterative procedure of reducing the roll gap and back into play at higher casting speeds to effectively
repositioning the tip is continued until the separating apply a "drag" to the cast strip.
force limit is reached once again, at which time the 40 [0014] In the following preferred embodiments of
speed is reduced further. Eventually, the preferred cast- the present invention will described with reference to the
ing gauge or minimum gauge possible (currently drawings.
approximately 1 mm) is reached, at which point any fur-
ther changes are halted and the caster allowed to cast FIGURE 1 is a side elevational view of an entire
sheet at high speeds. 45 twin roll casting line of the present invention;
[0011] Because of the extremely high speeds of the FIGURE 2 is a side elevational view of the twin roll
rolls for thin gauge casting conditions, the tensile casting apparatus and surrounding components;
strength of the cast sheet exiting the rolls is significantly FIGURE 2a is a detailed schematic view of a load
compromised. This is due to the fact that as the speed cylinder hydraulic system and internal monitoring
of the rolls is increased, the freeze front gradually 50 sensors;
moves forward toward the roll nip and, notwithstanding FIGURE 3 is a detailed view of the roll bite showing
the adjustment of the tip setback, eventually moves for- the relative position of the feed tip and the solid-liq-
ward far enough so that the high exit temperature of the uid phase interfaces; and
strip results in a reduced tensile strength. A minimum FIGURE 4 is a flowchart showing a gauge reduction
amount of tension must be applied to the strip so that 55 procedure.
the metal will progress through the roll nip at a required
operating pace. [0015] It will be understood that the principles of the
[0012] The present invention preferably incorpo- present invention relating to a method for reducing the
5 EP 0 725 696 B1 6
gauge of cast strip are not limited to the particular twin coil is wound up, the mandrel collapses, and both
roll caster described herein, but can be applied with rewind reel and coil car traverse simultaneously away
equal success to twin roll casters of varying configura- from the center line strip 46 in opposite directionS.
tions. When both machines have traversed out, a belt wrapper
5 (not shown), which has been preloaded with a core 62,
Casting Line positions the core at the centerline of the strip. The
rewind reel then traverses to the core, the mandrel
[0016] Referring to FIGURE 1, a twin roll casting expands and the shear 56 stops cutting. The leading
line 20 is shown, which begins at a furnace 22 on an edge of the strip 46 is guided by tables into the belt
upstream end and terminates in a coil winder 24 on the 10 wrapper, which winds the coil around the core. After a
downstream end. Raw materials melt within the furnace few wraps, line tension is established by the winder 24,
22 and pour into a holding chamber 26 which maintains and the belt wrapper opens the jaw and traverses back
the molten metal at a preferred temperature. The twin to its "out" position.
roll casting line 20 of the present invention is particularly
suited for casting various aluminum alloys; however, the 15 Twin Roll Caster
inventive concepts embodied herein are not considered
to be limited to only aluminum alloys. After the holding [0019] As best seen in FIGURE 2, the twin roll
chamber 26, molten aluminum of a constant composi- caster 40 generally comprises the two independently
tion and at a constant temperature and level passes driven horizontal rolls, an upper roll 38a and a lower roll
through a degasser 28, a filter 30 and a preheater 32 20 38b, which are internally water cooled and positioned
before being introduced into a "head box" 34 just prior to one above the other in the frame 42 at a 15-degree tilt.
a twin roll caster 40. The casting operations along the The caster frame 42 consists of two heavy cast steel
line 20 are preferably monitored and controlled by an housings cross-tied for rigidity. The frame 42 assembly
industrial control system 25 shown schematically at 25. is mounted for tilt-back casting position during operation
In accordance with the inventive steps discribed herein, 25 with hydraulic cylinder pivot actuation to a vertical posi-
cast strip gauge reduction can be facilitated in a com- tion for roll change. The rolls 38 consist of forged steel
mercial casting line and productivities of at least 3.7 cores with stainless steel overlays and forged alloy steel
metric tons per meter strip width per hour realized. shells. The caster roll shell is cooled by contact with
[0017] The head box 34 is connected to a planar water flowing in machined circumferential grooves in the
pouring nozzle or feed tip 36, which distributes the 30 surface of the core. Such internally cooled rolls are well-
metal between twin rolls 38 of the caster 40, the width of known in the art. Unlike previous attempts, the highly
the tip determining the width of the cast strip. The twin adaptable roll profile afforded by this preferred roll cool-
roll caster 40 generally comprises the aforementioned ing system enables the setting of the roll profile to close
rolls 38, which are pivotably mounted and supported on tolerances, which is mandatory for casting at extremely
bearings fixed within a large, sturdy frame 42. Each 35 thin gauges.
caster roll 38 is driven by an independent electric motor
through an epicyclic gear reducer (not shown). The Roll Gap Control
entire frame 42 may be tilted with the use of hydraulic
cylinders 44. The 15-degree tilt of the twin roll caster 40 [0020] The upper roll 38a is in a fixed position rela-
allows regulation of the nozzle exit pressure by control 40 tive to the frame 42 while the lower roll 38b may be
of the head box level, permitting smooth flow of the adjusted toward or away from the upper roll with a pair
metal from the feed tip 36 to the internally water cooled of large hydraulic load cylinders, one of which is shown
rolls 38 a,b. generally at 64. As seen in FIGURE 2a, each hydraulic
[0018] The molten metal is cast in a bite 37 load cylinder 64 is actuated by a hydraulic servo-valve
between the rolls 38 and the resulting solidified strip 46 45 66 and a pressure transducer 68 is placed in fluid com-
moves over an internally-cooled guide-out roll 48, past a munication with a supply line 69 therebetween. The
strip air cooler 50 and between a set of pinch rolls 52. At load cylinders 64 are located under the lower roll bear-
start-up, the pinch rolls 52 are hydraulically closed over ing blocks and are controlled by electronic input to the
the forward end of the strip and tension applied to the servo-valves 66. A linear position transducer 70, such
strip to maintain correct operating conditions at the nip 50 as a magnetostrictive sensor, placed within each load
of the twin rolls 38. The strip then passes through an cylinder accurately monitors the position of the cylinders
edge trimmer 54, a shear 56, over a break-over roll 58, which can be converted into the roll gap distance. The
and to a mandrel 60 where it is wound onto a core 62 rolls 38 may be actuated by other devices, such as
into a coil. When the maximum coil diameter has been wedge blocks, and their relative position and separating
reached, a coil car platen (not shown) with rollers 55 force determined by other means as well.
removes the coil. The shear 56 parts the strip 46 and [0021] The gap control system controls both
continuously scrap cuts the leading edge of the strip hydraulic load cylinders 64, balancing the separating
during the coil change sequence. Once the tail of the old forces on the caster rolls 38 and maintaining a constant
7 EP 0 725 696 B1 8
preset roll gap or a constant pressure within the cylin- 36 is supported by a metal tip holder, and the tip assem-
ders. The magnetostrictive sensor type linear position bly is supported in the caster 40 by a tip table 72. A
transducer 70 centrally located in each cylinder 64 pro- quick changing device is provided to lock the tip holder
vides position feedback. The pressure transducer 68 in to the table 72. The tip table 72 comprises a fabricated
each servo-valve 66 line provides accurate monitoring 5 steel table mounted on a machined steel carriage plate.
of the caster roll separating conditions. Both sets of The table 72 is positioned by a pair of brushless DC
feedback signals to the central industrial control system servo-motors, shown schematically at 76, which provide
25 are used to provide closed-loop control. The caster individual adjustments on each side of the tip 36 as
rolls 38 are initially "zeroed" by means of an automatic required during operation. The tip table 72 is mounted to
zeroing function in which the rolls are brought together 10 the caster frame 42 by a brushless DC motor positioned
and a preset pressure threshold applied. Measure- slide. Horizontal and vertical adjustment and positioning
ments from the load cylinder position transducers 70 by the brushless DC motors 76, as indicated by arrows
are then stored and used to achieve accurate gap con- 78 and 80, respectively, are accomplished and moni-
trol. The roll gap is initially set by the operator and the tored under directions from the control system 25.
electro-hydraulic system maintains it constant, provid- 15 [0025] During the process for reducing the gauge of
ing compensation for stretch in the caster housings. the cast strip 46, the lower roll 38b is brought closer to
[0022] Two selectable modes of operation are avail- the upper roll 38a via the hydraulic load cylinders 64. As
able. During start-up and initial gauge reduction, a con- seen in FIGURE 3, there is only a very small clearance
stant gap mode is required. When operating at thin between the feed tip 36 and the rolls 38, and this clear-
gauges, bumpless transfer to a constant pressure mode 20 ance must be maintained as the lower roll is moved.
is provided. In the constant gap mode, the linear posi- Thus it becomes necessary to reposition the feed tip 36,
tion transducers 70 within the hydraulic load cylinders both in the horizontal and in the vertical planes as the
64 provide feedback to the control system 25, which gap is adjusted. The servo-motors 76 are used to adjust
regulates the amount of hydraulic fluid metered into the the setback and working height of the tip 36 at each
cylinders through the servo-valves 66 in order to main- 25 side. Reference signals are derived from software "look-
tain the gap at a constant distance. This mode of oper- up" tables. The movement of the feed tip 36 is precisely
ation is suitable for the larger strip gauges, as controlled by the industrial control system 25. Prior to a
eccentricities of one or both of the rolls 38 are not an casting operation, the relative position of the feed tip 36
overriding concern as far as the gauge tolerance of the and the caster rolls 38 is determined or calibrated. Sub-
final cast sheet. However, as the gauge is reduced, the 30 sequently, any movement of the feed tip 36 apparatus or
eccentricity in the rolls 38 makes a relatively bigger the lower roll 38b is monitored and combined with a pre-
impact on the tolerances of the final cast sheet. Thus, cise knowledge of the geometry of these structures to
for thinner gauges, the roll caster apparatus 40 switches allow the control system 25 to calculate when the lower
to a constant pressure mode allowing the lower roll 38b roll is in close proximity with the feed tip 36. Prior to a
to move slightly toward or away from the upper roll 38a, 35 collision, a movement of the feed tip 36 is initiated. The
depending on the pressure sensed by the pressure operator is provided with a display of the feed tip posi-
transducers 68. To illustrate this mode of operation, if a tion at the control system 25.
bulge or eccentricity in one of the rolls 38 enters the roll
bite 37, the pressure sensed by the pressure transduc- Roll Casting Mechanism
ers 68 will increase and will be communicated to the 40
control system 25, which adjusts the lower roll 38b away [0026] Referring now to FIGURES 2 and 3, the exit
from the upper roll 38a to reduce the pressure. of the feed tip 36 is slightly ahead of the centerline of the
[0023] Ideally, the sensing and feedback loop rolls 38. This distance, indicated by S, is usually referred
between the linear position transducers 70, pressure to as the "setback." The plane 82 through the centerline
transducers 68, servo-valves 66 and control system 25 45 of the rolls 38 passes through an area of minimum
is a continuous process. However, practical considera- clearance between the rolls 38 referred to as the roll nip
tions limit the feedback loop to a series of continuous 84 which spans the distance G. A consequence of the
frequent samples, preferably a multiple of samples per setback S is that the molten metal solidifies at a thick-
second. A preferred control system 25 suitable for man- ness dimension in excess of the roll nip 84, the rolls 38
aging the gauge reduction cycle of the twin roll caster 40 50 then deforming the metal to the final strip thickness at
is provided by Reliance Electric under the trade name 46. Thus, solidification and hot rolling of the aluminum is
Automax. This system generally comprises a plurality of accomplished in one step. The process results in a strip
32-bit processors, provided with a distributed power 46 with precise dimensions, good surface appearance
system and Power Module Interface Racks (PMI). and a high quality, "hot worked," internal structure. This
55 combination of solidification and hot rolling generates a
Feed Tip Adjustment substantial roll separating force. As mentioned above,
the separating force between the rolls 38 is sensed by
[0024] In the feed tip assembly, the ceramic fiber tip pressure transducers 68 within the load cylinders 64
9 EP 0 725 696 B1 10
which communicate with the industrial control system Australia, on July 4-8, 1993. The article is entitled "The
25. Influence of Casting Gauge on the Hunter Roll Casting
[0027] With specific reference to FIGURE 3, a solid- Process", pp. 333-347, P. Vangala, et al. As will be dis-
ification region exists between the solid phase 88 and cussed in more detail below, the predictions based on
liquid phase 92, and includes the mixed liquid-solid 5 this mathematical model may be used by the industrial
phase region 90. For discussion purposes, a "freeze control system 25 to plan a sequence of steps for reduc-
front" 86 at the line of complete solidification is defined. ing the gauge of the cast strip 46.
As can be seen in the drawing, the freeze front 86
begins at the top and bottom of the metal flow adjacent Parting Spray
a point on the internally cooled rolls 38 and extends for- 10
ward in the direction of the metal flow due to the [0031] Another parameter critical to high-speed
increasing temperature throughout the metal cross-sec- casting is the application of proper type and amount of
tion. A triangle may be drawn with "the run" (repre- parting agent between the roll surface and the solidify-
sented by X) extending from a point on the upper roll ing metal strip 46. At high speeds, a 5-6% solution of
38a at the roll nip 84 directly upstream to a perpendicu- 15 colloidal graphite with trace additions of proprietary
lar line continuing to the intersection of the freeze front agents is sprayed on the roll surfaces at quantities up to
86 with the surface of the upper roll. The "rise" of the tri- 10 times greater than the normal casting processes.
angle is given as Y. This triangle represents the change The spray volume is controlled by the position of a
in thickness of the solid phase of metal from the point of metering needle at each nozzle 94.
solidification to the point of hot rolling at the roll nip 84. 20
[0028] It can be readily seen that the maximum per- Pinch Rolls
cent reduction of solid metal can be approximated by
the equation 100 x (G/(G+2Y)) . This diagram illustrates [0032] The pinch rolls 52 are used for strip 46
that at a set roll gap G, as the distance X becomes threading during start-up and coil changes. Also, the
smaller, or as the freeze front 86 approaches the roll nip 25 pinch rolls 52 provide the tension differential between
84, the percent reduction will be reduced, thus reducing the roll nip 84 and the winder 24 during thin gauge cast-
the associated separating force. Conversely, if the dis- ing. Specifically, after the strip gauge is reduced to the
tance X remains the same, but the distance G between point where it is no longer able to support winder ten-
the rolls 38 is decreased, the percent reduction sion to obtain a tightly wrapped coil, the pinch rolls 52
increases, thus increasing the separating force. 30 are hydraulically closed to maintain correct operating
[0029] In the former case, speeding up the rotating conditions at the roll nip 84 while maintaining the proper
rolls 38 moves the freeze front 86 further downstream or windup tension at the winder 24. The pinch rolls 52 are
towards the roll nip 84 and decreases the separating carried in anti-friction-type cartridge bearings. The bot-
force, while in the latter case, bringing the rolls closer tom roll is fixedly mounted, and the top roll is raised and
together reduces the gauge of the cast strip 46 and 35 lowered by hydraulic cylinders. The top roll movement is
increases the separating force on the rolls. equalized by a rack-and-pinion arrangement, and both
[0030] Many factors affect the position of the freeze rolls are water cooled.
front 86 between the rotating rolls 38. Some of the most
important factors are the temperature of the metal exit- Process Iteration During Gauge Reduction Cycle
ing the feed tip 36, the particular metal or alloy type, the 40
speed of the rotating rolls 38, the metallostatic head of [0033] FIGURE 4 illustrates a preferred sequence
the molten metal head box 34, the heat transfer coeffi- of events during gauge reduction using the twin roll
cient of the shell of the roll, the thickness of the shell, caster 40 of the present invention. The events are mon-
and the rate of internal cooling of the rolls. In order to itored and initiated by the industrial control system 25
predict certain operating conditions to facilitate the 45 based on sensed input data from the various sensors
gauge reduction cycle, a two-dimensional heat transfer and transducers in and around the casting line 20. The
mathematical model has been formulated. This model control system may comprise, for example, a central
assumes uniformity across the width of the cast strip operator's station having signals, switches, pushbut-
and utilizes a forward finite difference technique to pre- tons, gauges, etc., and, as mentioned previously, a
dict the temperature distribution within the caster roll 50 computer system such as a Reliance Electric Automax
shells and also the cast strip exit temperatures. Several with a color CRT display for running and-or maintaining
unknown parameters of the casting process are esti- the entire casting line 20 automatically.
mated and the semi-empirical heat transfer model runs [0034] Initially, at action block 98, roll casting is initi-
on an IBM-PC with run times of less than five minutes. ated at a relatively large gauge, such as 6 to 10 millim-
A detailed discussion of this mathematical model is 55 eters, and the operating conditions allowed to attain a
given in Aluminum Cast House Technology, a publica- steady state. In decision block 100, the control system
tion stemming from a symposium staged at the Depart- determines whether there is clearance between the
ment of Chemical Engineering, University of Melbourne, feed tip 36 and the rolls 38. If there is clearance, the
11 EP 0 725 696 B1 12
control system 25 determines whether the twin roll whether the maximum roll separating force has been
caster 40 has reached maximum roll separating force in reached in decision block 102. After passing the sepa-
decision block 102. (It is noted that it is not necessary to rating force test, the control system first determines
set this iteration at maximum separation force, but set- whether the input metal temperature should be reduced
ting this value at a smaller value will increase the total 5 and then determines whether the desired gauge has
number of iterations required.) If the twin roll caster 40 been reached and reduces the gauge if not. This sub-
is below the maximum separating force, leading to a loop of the overall logic loop will continue with the gauge
"no" result from decision block 102, the control system being reduced and the feed tip position being adjusted
25 determines whether the desired strip gauge has in-between gauge reductions if necessary until the
been reached in decision block 104. As mentioned pre- 10 caster 40 reaches the maximum separating force.
viously, the roll gap is monitored from within the load cyl- [0037] When the maximum separating force has
inders 64 by position transducers 70 which indicate the been reached, as determined in decision block 102, the
strip thickness at the roll nip 84. However, the final strip control system 25, after cheking whether the molten
thickness may be somewhat different than the roll nip metal inlet temperature should be adjusted, increases
distance and can be sensed by downstream proximity 15 the roll speed as indicated in action block 112. As was
centers (not shown) which also provide feedback to the previously mentioned, increasing the roll speed causes
control system 25. One or both of these strip gauge the freeze front 86 to move toward the roll nip 84 or
sensors may be used to determine whether the desired downstream, as best seen in FIGURE 3. This move-
gauge has been reached. If the correct thin gauge has ment of the freeze front 86 decreases the ratio between
been attained (a "yes" result), the caster 40 will continue 20 the thickness of the strip at the initial point of solidifica-
to run while the logic loop shown in FIGURE 4 will be tion and the thickness at the roll nip 84, thus decreasing
terminated, as indicated in action block 106. After the the roll separating force as proportionally less solidified
desired gauge is reached, the casting line 20 may run metal is being compressed and hot rolled. Therefore,
for days, even weeks, until either strip width change, the next iterative loop will pass decision block 100 and
alloy change, scheduled roll maintenance or other 25 decision block 102 and the desired gauge will be
major operational changes. checked again in decision block 104. The process con-
[0035] Before the above-described final sequence tinues with the gauge being reduced and/or the feed tip
of events occurs, the strip gauge must be reduced from 36 being repositioned until the twin roll caster 40
its initial value to a desired thickness, such as 1 millime- reaches the maximum separating force again, as deter-
ter. The gauge reduction occurs in action block 108 after 30 mined in decision block 102. At this point, the roll speed
the control system 25 has determined there is clear- is again increased a small amount as in action block
ance between the tip 36 and rolls 38 in action block 100 112.
and that the caster 40 is operating below the maximum [0038] Now referring again to FIGURE 3, it can be
separating force limit in decision block 102. If there is seen that at a given position of the freeze front 86, a
clearance, and if the caster 40 is operating below the 35 proportionally greater amount of metal is solidified and
maximum separating force, after determining whether then hot rolled at thinner gauges. This is due to the fact
the pinch rolls 52 should be closed, the lower roll 38b of that for a given freeze front position, the same thickness
the caster is raised up to reduce the gauge thickness of of metal is being compressed while the overall thickness
the strip 46, as indicated in action block 108. The gauge of the strip is lower for thinner gauges. Consequently,
is only reduced a small amount or step before the logic 40 the gauge may be reduced a greater amount for thicker
returns to decision block 100 to check whether there is strips before the maximum roll separating force is
clearance between the feed tip 36 and the rolls 38 reached and the roll speed increased. In other words,
again. Also, if there is clearance, the control system 25 the control system 25 actuates a greater number of
again checks whether the maximum separating force gauge reduction steps at first, the number of steps
has been reached in decision block 102. At this point, if 45 between roll speed changes getting smaller and smaller
the desired gauge has not been reached, as deter- for thinner gauges. As an illustrative example, one might
mined in decision block 104, the gauge is reduced a fur- roll a 6 millimeter strip 46 and reduce the thickness
ther step in action block 108. This sequence of events down to 3 millimeters before a roll speed change is
will continue until one of the three decision outcomes in needed. After that, the gauge might be reduced down to
blocks 100, 102 or 104 changes. 50 2 millimeters before another roll speed change is neces-
[0036] For example, if it is determined in decision sary. The gauge reduction steps continue to get smaller
block 100 that there is no longer clearance between the and smaller down to an anticipated target gauge thick-
feed tip 36 and the rolls 38, a no result will initiate an ness of 1 millimeter.
action indicated in block 110 which increases the set- [0039] Although the above description of the main
back and/or raises the height of the tip. The control sys- 55 portion of FIGURE 4 represents the preferred sequence
tem 25 then loops back to the top at decision block 100 of events, it has been found that it is difficult if not impos-
to check the clearance. Of course, the clearance has sible to position the freeze front 86 optimally in the roll
now been adjusted to allow the control system to check bite 37 during a gauge reduction cycle for a constant
13 EP 0 725 696 B1 14
molten metal input temperature. More particularly, at sile strength of the exit strip 46 causing a rupture down-
slow roll speeds and initially large gauge strip 46, the stream of the twin rolls 38.
molten metal must be maintained at a first predeter- [0043] The timing and extent of this temperature
mined elevated temperature above its melting point in reduction is preferably determined by an accurate
order to ensure that the freeze front 86 is sufficiently for- 5 knowledge of the temperature distribution in the roll bite
ward within the roll bite 37 to prevent premature cooling 37 at the various operating conditions. The two-dimen-
and solidification which might create an excessive roll sional mathematical model previously mentioned has
separating force. However, if this elevated molten metal proven sufficient to predict the temperature distribution
temperature is maintained throughout the gauge reduc- in the roll bite 37 and most importantly, the exit temper-
tion cycle, eventually the roll speed will be great enough 10 ature of the rolled strip 46 for these purposes. Prefera-
that the freeze front 86 cannot be maintained at an opti- bly, a preferred timing sequence for reducing molten
mum location regardless of tip setback S. If the freeze metal temperature has been worked out prior to a roll
front 86 is allowed to progress forward into the roll nip casting operation and thus the control system need only
84, the cast metal will not be hot rolled and, worse per- adjust the molten metal inlet temperature based on a
haps, the exiting strip 46 will not have a sufficient tensile 15 lookup table. Of course, the particular timing sequence
strength to withstand the pulling force of either the for reducing the molten metal temperature will depend
winder 24 or the intermediate pinch rolls 52. For on various factors which change between casting oper-
instance, one suitable metal, Aluminum 1100 alloy, ations such as the type of metal being cast and other
experiences a drastic reduction in tensile strength at considerations. Likewise, conditions during a casting
temperatures above 550° F. 20 run may influence the timing sequence for reducing the
[0040] In order to avoid this situation, the tempera- molten metal temperature; these factors include but are
ture of the molten metal in the furnace 22 or holding not limited to the temperature of the cooled twin rolls 38,
chamber 26 is set to a second predetermined value the speed of rotation of the rolls and the setback of the
which is lower than the first predetermined temperature feed tip 36. In one embodiment, the mathematical
needed at the slowest speeds during startup. The pre- 25 model is used to generate a series of lookup tables for
heater 32, as seen in FIGURE 1, is then utilized to bring various operating conditions during the casting run, the
the temperature of the molten metal up from the second industrial control system 25 thus being spared time-
predetermined level toward the first predetermined consuming processing during a run.
level. As the gauge reduction cycle progresses, the pre- [0044] FIGURE 4 also illustrates a decision loop
heater 32 is gradually stepped down and finally turned 30 which determines whether the downstream pinch rolls
off to gradually reduce the temperature of the molten 52 need to be activated in order to apply a drag to the
metal input through the feed tip 36 into the roll bite 37. exit strip 46. As explained previously, as the gauge
Although less efficient, it is possible to maintain the tem- becomes thinner at the roll nip 84, it no longer is able to
perature of the molten metal at the first predetermined resist the tensile force applied by the coil winder 24. At
level and provide supplemental cooling rather than pre- 35 a certain gauge thickness, therefore, the downstream
heating to reduce the temperature to the second tem- pinch rolls 52 are activated to close on the exit strip 46
perature. and maintain the tension with the coil winder 24 while
[0041] Although the preheater 32 is shown as an keeping the tension level at the roll nip 84 to a level suf-
independent device, it may be eliminated and instead ficient for operating conditions but not exceeding the
incorporated into either the degasser 28 or filter 30. One 40 tensile strength of the strip at this location. Of course,
example of a degasser having an internal heater is the once the exit strip 46 has passed over the internally
Snif Sheer R-10 system manufactured by Snif Alumi- cooled guide-out roll 48, the tensile strength is
num Refining of Tarrytown, New York. Suitable ceramic increased to a level which may at least withstand the
tube filters having internal heaters for use in the present force of the pinch rolls 52, if not the winder 24. However,
invention are manufactured by TKR Corporation of 45 at the roll nip 84, the temperature of the exit strip 46 is
Japan, for example. These devices are designed to elevated to a level which compromises its tensile
thermally prime the caster process start-up to compen- strength thus requiring this pinch roll operation.
sate for the premature chilling effect of cold refractory [0045] Thus, after a check as to whether the
components such as the feed tip 36. However, these desired gauge has been reached in decision block 104,
devices are not needed and the heaters turned off after 50 decision block 118 determines whether the pinch roll
the refractory elements attain an elevated temperature. should be closed based on the gauge thickness as
[0042] The reduction of the input molten metal tem- monitored by the aforementioned sensors and either a
perature is shown in action block 116 in FIGURE 4 and direct sensing or a projected estimate of the strip exit
is initiated after decision block 114 which occurs after a temperature. These parameters will enable the control
check of the separating force. The position of this deci- 55 system 25 to determine whether the tensile strength of
sion block 114 prior to the step 112 of increasing the the exit strip 46 at the roll nip 84 is reduced to a point
speed prevents any disastrous speed increase at an where rupture of the strip is eminent. At this point, a yes
elevated temperature which might compromise the ten- result from decision block 118 initiates a closure of the
15 EP 0 725 696 B1 16
pinch rolls 52 in action block 120. Following either a yes 6. The method of Claim 4 or 5, comprising the steps
or a no result from decision block 118, the strip gauge is of:
reduced further. The timing of the pinch roll decision
block 118 prior to the step 108 of reducing the gauge maintaining a supply of molten metal at a sec-
thus eliminates the possibility that the gauge can be 5 ond temperature; and
reduced below a point which the exit strip 46 tensile raising the temperature of the molten metal
strength may be insufficient to withstand the pulling prior to the feed tip (36) to a first temperature,
force of the coil winder 24. Instead, the pinch rolls 52 and the step of adjusting comprises reducing
are first closed and then the gauge reduced further. the first temperature downward toward the sec-
[0046] Although this invention has been described 10 ond temperature.
in terms of certain preferred embodiments, other
embodiments that are apparent to those of ordinary skill 7. The method of any of Claims 1 to 6, comprising the
in the art are also within the range of this invention. steps of:
Accordingly, the scope of the invention is defined only
by reference to the following claims. 15 applying a wind-up tension to the cast strip (46)
on an exit side of the twin rolls (38); and
Claims reducing the tension on the strip at a point just
downstream from the roll bite (37) to a value
1. A method for roll casting sheet metal, comprising below the wind-up tension during the reduction
the steps of: 20 of strip gauge in order to prevent rupture of the
strip at this point.
(a) setting a gap (G) between a pair of twin rolls
(38) to a first distance and turning the rolls at a 8. The method of Claim 7, wherein the step of reduc-
first speed; ing the tension comprises activating one or more
(b) feeding molten metal from a feed tip (36) 25 pinch rolls (52) so as to apply a drag to the strip (46)
into a roll bite (37) between the rolls, the metal at a location between the roll bite (37) and a wind-
being at a fast temperature; up roll (24).
(c) reducing the roll gap by causing one or both
of the rolls to move toward the other until a first 9. The method of any of Claims 1 to 8, further com-
separating force occurs between the rolls; 30 prising the steps of:
(d) increasing the rotational speed of the rolls,
upon the occurrence of the first separating determining the position of the feed tip (36);
force, to reduce the separating force applied by and
the solidifying metal between the rolls; and adjusting the position of the feed tip relative to
(e) repeating steps (b) through (d) until a 35 the rotating rolls (38) to avoid contact therebe-
desired roll gap is achieved. tween.
2. The method of Claim 1, wherein the first separating 10. The method of Claim 9, wherein the step of adjust-
force corresponds to a maximum separating force ing the position of the feed tip (36) relative to the
that prevents the roll gap (G) from being reduced. 40 rotating rolls (38) comprises actuating motors (76)
attached to a table (72), wherein the feed tip is
3. The method of Claim 1 or 2, wherein the step of attached to the table, to move the table in horizontal
reducing the roll gap (G) comprises actuating a and vertical directions.
hydraulic load cylinder (64) attached to one roll to
move towards the other roll. 45 11. The method of Claim 9 or 10, wherein the step of
determining the position of the feed tip (36) com-
4. The method of any of Claims 1 to 3 comprising the prises determining the relative positions between
step of adjusting the temperature of the molten the feed tip and the rotating rolls (38), and the step
metal input to the feed tip (36) after initial warm-up of repeating steps (b) through (d) also includes
procedures. 50 repeating the steps of determining and adjusting
until a desired roll gap (G) is achieved.
5. The method of Claim 4, wherein the step of adjust-
ing the temperature of the molten metal occurs 12. The method of Claim 11, further comprising the
upon an increase in the speed of the rotation of the step of:
twin rolls (38) to maintain a desired distance 55
between a freeze front (86) of the molten metal and determining whether reducing the gap (G)
the roll bite (37) between the twin rolls (38). between the rolls (38) will result in contact
between the feed tip (36) and the rolls, and the
17 EP 0 725 696 B1 18
step of adjusting occurs upon determining that the rolls, upon the occurrence of the first sepa-
movement of the rolls will result in contact rating force, to reduce the separating force
between the feed tip and the rolls. applied by the solidifying metal between the
rolls; and
13. The method of any of Claims 1 to 12, further com- 5
prising the step of sensing the occurrence of the means for repeating steps (b) through (d)
first separating force between the rolls (38). until a desired roll gap is achieved.
14. The method of Claim 13, wherein the step of sens- 20. The apparatus of Claim 19, wherein the means for
ing comprises measuring the separating force 10 reducing the roll gap (G) comprises a hydraulic load
using a pressure transducer (68). cylinder (64) attached to one roll (38b) and adapted
to move the one roll towards the other roll (38a).
15. The method of any of Claims 1 to 14, further com-
prising the steps of: 21. The apparatus of Claim 19 or 20, further compris-
15 ing:
determining the separating force between the
pair of twin rolls (38); and means (32) for adjusting the temperature of the
reducing the gap (G) between the pair of twin molten metal input to the feed tip (36) after ini-
rolls upon determining that the separating force tial warm-up procedures.
is not at the first separating force. 20
22. The apparatus of any of Claims 19 to 21, further
16. The method of Claim 15, wherein step (d) of comprising:
increasing the speed of rotation of the twin rolls (38)
occurs upon determining that the separating force a wind-up roll (24) for applying a wind-up ten-
equals the first separating force. 25 sion to the cast strip (46) on an exit side of the
twin rolls (38); and
17. The method of any of Claims 1 to 16, further com-
prising the steps of: one or more pinch rolls (52) positioned
between the roll bite (37) and the wind-up roll,
determining whether the gap (G) between the 30 the pinch rolls adapted to apply a drag to the
pair of rolls (38) is at a desired distance; and strip to reduce the tension on the strip at a point
wherein step (e) of repeating occurs until it is just downstream of the roll bite to a value below
determined that the gap is at a desired dis- the wind-up tension during the reduction of
tance. strip gauge in order to prevent rupture of the
35 strip at this point.
18. The method of Claim 17, wherein the first distance
of the roll gap (G) is approximately six millimeters 23. The apparatus of any of Claims 19 to 22, further
and the desired roll gap distance is approximately comprising:
one millimeter.
40 means (25) for determining the position of the
19. An apparatus for roll casting sheet metal, the appa- feed tip (36); and
ratus having twin rolls (38) and a mechanism for means (76) for adjusting the position of the
counter-rotating the rolls, a source of molten metal, feed tip relative to the rotating rolls (38) to avoid
and a feed tip (36) adapted to deliver the molten contact therebetween.
metal to a bite (37) between the rolls, and compris- 45
ing: 24. The apparatus of Claim 23, further comprising:
(a) means (64) for setting a gap (G) between a table (72) on which the feed tip (36) is
the twin rolls to a first distance; mounted; and
(b) means for turning the rolls at a first speed; 50 motors (76) attached to the table capable of
(c) means (34) for feeding molten metal from adjusting the table in horizontal and vertical
the feed tip into the roll bite between the rolls, directions to move the feed tip relative to the
the metal being at a first temperature; rotating rolls (38).
(d) means (64) for reducing the roll gap by
causing one or both of the rolls to move toward 55 25. The apparatus of any of Claims 19 to 24, further
the other until a first separating force occurs comprising:
between the rolls;
(e) means for increasing the rotational speed of a pressure transducer (68) for measuring the
19 EP 0 725 696 B1 20
separating force between the rolls (38). Temperatur, wobei der Schritt des Einstellens
das Verringern der ersten Temperatur zur zwei-
Patentansprüche ten Temperatur hin aufweist.
1. Verfahren zum Walzgießen von Metallblech mit den 5 7. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 6 mit
Schritten: den Schritten:
(a) Einstellen eines Spalts (G) zwischen einem Ausüben einer Aufwickelspannung auf das
Paar von Doppelwalzen (38) auf einen ersten Gußband (46) auf einer Austrittsseite der Dop-
Abstand und Drehen der Walzen mit einer 10 pelwalzen (38) und
ersten Geschwindigkeit, Verringern der auf das Band wirkenden Span-
(b) Zuführen geschmolzenen Metalls von einer nung an einem Punkt gleich stromabwärts des
Zuführspitze (36) in einen Walzenangriff (37) Walzenangriffs (37) auf einen Wert unterhalb
zwischen den Walzen, wobei das Metall auf der Aufwickelspannung während des Verrin-
einer ersten Temperatur liegt, 15 gerns der Bandstärke, um das Brechen des
(c) Verkleinern des Walzenspalts durch Veran- Bandes an diesem Punkt zu verhindern.
lassen einer oder beider Walzen, sich zur
anderen hin zu bewegen, bis zwischen den 8. Verfahren nach Anspruch 7, wobei der Schritt des
Walzen eine erste Trennkraft auftritt, Verringerns der Spannung das Aktivieren von einer
(d) Erhöhen der Drehgeschwindigkeit der Wal- 20 oder mehreren Quetschwalzen (52) aufweist, uni
zen nach dem Auftreten der ersten Trennkraft an einem Ort zwischen dem Walzenangriff (37) und
zum Verringern der durch das sich verfesti- einer Aufwickelwalze (24) eine Zugkraft auf das
gende Metall zwischen den Walzen ausgeüb- Band (46) auszuüben.
ten Trennkraft und
(e) Wiederholen der Schritte (b) bis (d), bis ein 25 9. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 8, wel-
gewünschter Walzenspalt erreicht wird. ches weiter die folgenden Schritte aufweist:
2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei die erste Trenn- Bestimmen der Position der Zuführspitze (36)
kraft einer maximalen Trennkraft entspricht, die das und
Verkleinern des Walzenspalts (G) verhindert. 30 Einstellen der Position der Zuführspitze in
bezug auf die sich drehenden Walzen (38), um
3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1 oder 2, wobei der eine Berührung zwischen ihnen zu vermeiden.
Schritt des Verkleinerns des Walzenspalts (G) das
Betätigen eines hydraulischen Lastzylinders (64) 10. Verfahren nach Anspruch 9, wobei der Schritt des
aufweist, der an einer Walze angebracht ist, um sie 35 Einstellens der Position der Zuführspitze (36) in
zur anderen Walze zu bewegen. bezug auf die sich drehenden Walzen (38) das
Betätigen von Motoren (76) aufweist, die an einem
4. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 3 mit Tisch (72) angebracht sind, wobei die Zuführspitze
dem Schritt des Einstellens der Temperatur des in am Tisch angebracht ist, um den Tisch in horizon-
die Zuführspitze (36) eingeführten geschmolzenen 40 taler und vertikaler Richtung zu bewegen.
Metalls nach anfänglichen Aufwärmvorgängen.
11. Verfahren nach Anspruch 9 oder 10, wobei der
5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 4, wobei der Schritt des Schritt des Bestimmens der Position der Zuführ-
Einstellens der Temperatur des geschmolzenen spitze (36) das Bestimmen der Relativpositionen
Metalls nach einer Erhöhung der Drehgeschwindig- 45 zwischen der Zuführspitze und den sich drehenden
keit der Doppelwalzen (38) auftritt, um einen Walzen (38) aufweist und wobei der Schritt des
gewünschten Abstand zwischen einer Gefrierfront Wiederholens der Schritte (b) bis (d) auch das Wie-
(86) des geschmolzenen Metalls und dem Walzen- derholen der Schritte des Bestimmens und Einstel-
angriff (37) zwischen den Doppelwalzen (38) auf- lens, bis ein gewünschter Walzenspalt (G) erreicht
rechtzuerhalten. 50 wird, aufweist.
6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 4 oder 5 mit den Schrit- 12. Verfahren nach Anspruch 11, welches weiter den
ten: folgenden Schritt aufweist:
Halten eines zugeführten geschmolzenen 55 Feststellen, ob das Verkleinern des Spalts (G)
Metalls auf einer zweiten Temperatur und zwischen den Walzen (38) zu einer Berührung
Erhöhen der Temperatur des gesclhmolzenen zwischen der Zuführspitze (36) und den Wal-
Metalls vor der Zuführspitze (36) auf eine erste zen führt, und wobei der Schritt des Einstellens
21 EP 0 725 696 B1 22
auftritt, nachdem festgestellt wurde, daß die den Walzenangriff zwischen den Walzen,
Bewegung der Walzen zu einer Berührung zwi- wobei das Metall auf einer ersten Temperatur
schen der Zuführspitze und den Walzen führen liegt,
wird. (d) eine Einrichtung (64) zum Verkleinern des
5 Walzenspalts durch Veranlassen einer oder
13. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 12, wel- beider der Walzen, sich zur anderen hin zu
ches weiter den Schritt des Fühlens des Auftretens bewegen, bis zwischen den Walzen eine erste
der ersten Trennkraft zwischen den Walzen (38) Trennkraft auftritt,
aufweist. (e) eine Einrichtung zum Erhöhen der Drehge-
10 schwindigkeit der Walzen nach dem Auftreten
14. Verfahren nach Anspruch 13, wobei der Schritt des der ersten Trennkraft zum Verringern der durch
Fühlens das Messen der Trennkraft unter Verwen- das sich verfestigende Metall zwischen den
dung eines Druckwandlers (68) aufweist. Walzen ausgeübten Trennkraft und
(f) eine Einrichtung zum Wiederholen der
15. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 14, wel- 15 Schritte (b) bis (d), bis ein gewünschter Wal-
ches weiter die folgenden Schritte aufweist: zenspalt erreicht wird.
Bestimmen der Trennkraft zwischen dem Paar 20. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 19, wobei die Einrich-
von Doppelwalzen (38) und tung zum Verkleinern des Walzenspalts (G) einen
Verkleinern des Spalts (G) zwischen dem Paar 20 hydraulischen Lastzylinder (64) aufweist, der an
von Doppelwalzen nach dem Bestimmen, daß einer Walze (38b) angebracht ist und dafür ausge-
die Trennkraft nicht bei der ersten Trennkraft legt ist, die eine Walze zur anderen Walze (38a) hin
liegt. zu bewegen.
16. Verfahren nach Anspruch 15, wobei der Schritt (d) 25 21. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 19 oder 20, ferner auf-
des Erhöhens der Drehgeschwindigkeit der Dop- weisend:
pelwalzen (38) nach dem Bestimmen auftritt, daß
die Trennkraft der ersten Trennkraft gleicht. eine Einrichtung (32) zum Einstellen der Tem-
peratur des in die Zuführspitze (36) eingeführ-
17. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 16, wel- 30 ten geschmolzenen Metalls nach anfänglichen
ches weiter die folgenden Schritte aufweist: Aufwärmvorgängen.
Bestimmen, ob der Spalt (G) zwischen dem 22. Vorrichtung nach einem der Ansprüche 19 bis 21,
Paar von Walzen (38) bei einem gewünschten ferner aufweisend:
Abstand liegt, wobei der Schritt (e) des Wieder- 35
holens auftritt, bis bestimmt wird, daß der Spalt eine Aufwickelwalze (24) zum Ausüben einer
bei einem gewünschten Abstand liegt. Aufwickelspannung auf das Gußband (46) auf
einer Austrittsseite der Doppelwalzen (38) und
18. Verfahren nach Anspruch 17, wobei der erste eine oder mehrere Quetschwalzen (52), die
Abstand des Walzenspalts (G) etwa sechs Millime- 40 zwischen dem Walzenangriff (37) und der Auf-
ter beträgt und wobei der gewünschte Walzenspalt- wickelwalze angeordnet sind, wobei die
abstand etwa einen Millimeter beträgt. Quetschwalzen dafür ausgelegt sind, eine Zug-
spannung auf das Band auszuüben, um die auf
19. Vorrichtung zum Walzgießen von Metallblech, wel- das Band wirkende Spannung an einem Punkt
che Doppelwalzen (38) und einen Mechanismus 45 gleich stromabwärts des Walzenangriffs wäh-
zum Gegendrehen der Walzen, eine Quelle rend des Verringerns der Bandstärke auf einen
geschmolzenen Metalls und eine Zuführspitze (36), Wert unterhalb der Aufwickelspannung zu ver-
die dafür ausgelegt ist, das geschmolzene Metall ringern, um das Brechen des Bandes an die-
einem Angriff (37) zwischen den Walzen zuzufüh- sem Punkt zu verhindern.
ren, aufweist, und welche ferner aufweist: 50
23. Vorrichtung nach einem der Ansprüche 19 bis 22,
(a) eine Einrichtung (64) zum Einstellen eines ferner aufweisend:
Spalts (G) zwischen den Doppelwalzen auf
einen ersten Abstand, eine Einrichtung (25) zum Bestimmen der Posi-
(b) eine Einrichtung zum Drehen der Walzen 55 tion der Zuführspitze (36) und
mit einer ersten Geschwindigkeit, eine Einrichtung (76) zum Einstellen der Posi-
(c) eine Einrichtung (34) zum Zuführen tion der Zuführspitze in bezug auf die sich dre-
geschmolzenen Metalls von der Zuführspitze in henden Walzen (38), um eine Berührung
23 EP 0 725 696 B1 24
(a) déterminer à une première distance un jeu 7. Le procédé de l'une quelconque des revendications
(G) entre une paire de cylindres jumelés (38) et 25 1 à 6, comportant les étapes consistant à :
faire tourner les cylindres à une première
vitesse ; appliquer une tension d'enroulement à la
(b) amener du métal en fusion, depuis un bec bande de métal coulée (46) du côté sortie des
d'alimentation (36), dans un entre-cylindres cylindres jumelés (38) ; et
(37) entre les cylindres, le métal étant à une 30 en un point situé juste en aval de l'entre-cylin-
première température ; dres (37), réduire la tension exercée sur la
(c) réduire le jeu entre les cylindres en faisant bande de métal à une valeur inférieure à la ten-
que l'un des cylindres, ou les deux, se dirige sion d'enroulement au cours de la diminution
(nt) l'un vers l'autre jusqu'à ce qu'une première de l'épaisseur de la bande de métal pour
force de séparation apparaisse entre les cylin- 35 empêcher la rupture de la bande de métal en
dres ; ce point.
(d) augmenter la vitesse de rotation des cylin-
dres, lors de l'apparition de la première force 8. Le procédé de la revendication 7 dans lequel
de séparation, pour réduire la force de sépara- l'étape de réduction de la tension consiste à activer
tion exercée entre les cylindres par le métal en 40 un ou plusieurs rouleaux de pincement (52) de
cours de solidification ; et façon à appliquer une traînée à la bande de métal
(e) répéter les pas (b) à (d) jusqu'à obtenir un (46) en une position située entre l'entre-cylindres
jeu désiré entre les cylindres. (37) et un cylindre d'enroulement (24).
2. Le procédé de la revendication 1 dans lequel la pre- 45 9. Le procédé de l'une quelconque des revendications
mière force de séparation correspond à une force 1 à 8, comportant en outre les étapes consistant à :
de séparation maximale qui empêche de réduire le
jeu (G) entre les cylindres. déterminer la position du bec d'alimentation
(36) ; et ajuster la position du bec d'alimenta-
3. Le procédé de la revendication 1 ou 2 dans lequel 50 tion par rapport aux cylindres (38) en rotation
l'étape de réduction du jeu (G) entre les cylindres pour éviter un contact entre eux.
consiste à manoeuvrer un cylindre hydraulique de
charge (64) attaché à l'un des cylindres pour le 10. Le procédé de la revendication 9 dans lequel
déplacer en direction de l'autre cylindre. l'étape consistant à ajuster la position du bec d'ali-
55 mentation (36) par rapport aux cylindres en rotation
4. Le procédé de l'une quelconque des revendications (38) consiste à activer des moteurs (76) attachés à
1 à 3 comportant l'étape consistant à régler la tem- une table (76), le bec d'alimentation étant attaché à
pérature du métal en fusion arrivant dans le bec la table, pour déplacer la table selon les directions
25 EP 0 725 696 B1 26
11. Le procédé de la revendication 9 ou 10 dans lequel 18. Le procédé de la revendication 17 dans lequel la
l'étape consistant à déterminer la position du bec première valeur du jeu (G) entre les cylindres est
d'alimentation (36) consiste à déterminer les posi- 5 approximativement 6 millimètres et la valeur dési-
tions relatives entre le bec d'alimentation et les rée du jeu entre les cylindres est approximative-
cylindres en rotation (38) et dans lequel l'étape con- ment 1 millimètre.
sistant à répéter les étapes (b) à (d) inclut égale-
ment la répétition des étapes consistant à 19. Dispositif pour couler et laminer une bande de
déterminer et à régler jusqu'à obtenir un jeu désiré 10 métal, le dispositif comportant des cylindres jume-
(G) entre les cylindres. lés (38) et un mécanisme pour entraîner les cylin-
dres en rotation en sens différent, une source de
12. Le procédé de la revendication 11, comportant en métal en fusion et un bec d'alimentation (36)
outre l'étape consistant à : adapté pour envoyer le métal en fusion dans un
15 entre-cylindres (37) entre les cylindres, et compor-
déterminer si, oui ou non, le fait de réduire le tant :
jeu (G) entre les cylindres (38) va se traduire
par un contact entre le bec d'alimentation (36) (a) des moyens (64) pour donner une première
et les cylindres, et l'étape de réglage se produi- valeur à un jeu (G) entre les cylindres jumelés ;
sant lorsqu'il est déterminé que le mouvement 20 (b) des moyens pour entraîner en rotation les
du cylindre va se traduire par un contact entre cylindres à une première vitesse ;
le bec d'alimentation et les cylindres. (c) des moyens (34) pour envoyer du métal en
fusion depuis le bec d'alimentation, dans
13. Le procédé de l'une quelconque des revendications l'entre-cylindres entre les cylindres, le métal
1 à 12, comportant en outre l'étape consistant à 25 étant à une première température ;
détecter la survenance de la première force de (d) des moyens (64) pour réduire le jeu entre
séparation entre les cylindres (38). les cylindres en faisant en sorte que l'un des
cylindres, ou les deux, se déplace(nt) en direc-
14. Le procédé de la revendication 13 dans lequel tion de l'autre jusqu'à ce qu'une première force
l'étape de détection consiste à mesurer la force de 30 de séparation apparaisse entre les cylindres ;
séparation à l'aide d'un transducteur de pression (e) des moyens pour, lors de l'apparition de la
(68). première force de séparation, augmenter la
vitesse de rotation des cylindres pour réduire la
15. Le procédé de l'une quelconque des revendications force de séparation appliquée entre les cylin-
1 à 14, comportant en outre les étapes consistant à 35 dres par le métal en cours de solidification ; et
: (f) des moyens pour répéter les étapes (b) à (d)
jusqu'à obtenir un jeu désiré entre les cylin-
déterminer la force de séparation entre la paire dres.
de cylindres jumelés (38) ; et
réduire le jeu (G) entre la paire de cylindres 40 20. Le dispositif de la revendication 19 dans lequel les
jumelés lorsqu'il est déterminé que la force de moyens pour réduire le jeu (G) entre les cylindres
séparation n'est pas égale à la première force comportent un vérin hydraulique de charge (64)
de séparation. attaché à l'un des cylindres (38b) et adapté pour
déplacer ce cylindre en direction de l'autre cylindre
16. Le procédé de la revendication 15, dans lequel 45 (38a).
l'étape (d) consistant à augmenter la vitesse de
rotation des cylindres jumelés (38) se produit 21. Le dispositif de la revendication 19 ou 20, compor-
lorsqu'il est déterminé que la force de séparation tant en outre :
est égale à la première force de séparation.
50 des moyens (32) pour régler la température du
17. Le procédé de l'une quelconque des revendications métal en fusion arrivant dans le bec d'alimenta-
1 à 16, comportant en outre les étapes consistant à tion (36) après des procédures initiales de
: réchauffage.
déterminer si, oui ou non, le jeu (G) entre la 55 22. Le dispositif de l'une quelconque des revendica-
paire de cylindres (38) a une valeur désirée ; tions 19 à 21, comportant en outre :
l'étape (e) de répétition se présentant jusqu'à
ce qu'il soit déterminé que le jeu a la valeur un cylindre d'enroulement (24) pour appliquer
27 EP 0 725 696 B1 28
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