2012 CL605 Spec431
2012 CL605 Spec431
2012 CL605 Spec431
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Airframe Highlights
Total Hours: 4,161.9 - 10 Pas s en ger Interior
Total Cycles: 2,809 - 2 0 2 3 Paint by W S A
Entry Into Service February 2012 - 2 0 2 3 Interior Refurb by W S A
- Proline 21 Advanc ed Update
Programs - FA N S 1/A, C P D L C , L i n k 2 0 0 0 +
G E OnPoint Engine Program - E n h an c ed Vision an d H U D
Honeywell M S P A P U Program - G o G o Avance L 5 WIFI
G E CF34-3B
Engine 1 Engine 2
Honeywell GTCP36-150(CL)
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior
2012 Challenger 605
Specificat ions are Subje ct to Verification. Aircraft is Subje ct to Prior Sale, L e a s e , and/or R e m o v a l from the Market Without Prior