Earthsci Lesson (Rocks&minerals)

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There are two types

EARTH SCIENCE of Igneous rocks:
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ROCKS 1. Intrusive igneous rocks
AND MINERALS solidify within Earth. These
rocks are also known as
plutonic rocks—named for
Pluto, the Greek god of the
underworld. Intrusive
igneous rocks are generally
wholly crystalline and
characterized by large
crystal sizes visible to the
naked eye because they cool
A Mineral is a naturally slowly. Diorite, granite, and
occurring substance with pegmatite are examples of
distinctive chemical and intrusive igneous rocks.
physical properties, 2. Extrusive igneous rock- or
composition and atomic volcanic igneous rocks are
structure. Rocks are formed on the Earth’s
generally made up of two of surface as the result of
more minerals, mixed up volcanic activity. They tend
through geological to have small crystal sizes
processes. because they cool very
quickly. Examples basalt,
obsidian, pumice, tuff,

rhyolite, scoria, dacite, and




Sedimentary rocks are formed

from deposits of pre-existing
rocks or pieces of once-living
organism that accumulate on the
Igneous rocks (from the Earth's surface. If sediment is
Latin word for fire) form buried deeply, it becomes
when hot, molten rock compacted and cemented,
crystallizes and solidifies. forming sedimentary rock. There
are three types of Sedimentary
The melt originates deep rocks: Clastic, Organic, and
within the Earth near active Chemical
plate boundaries or hot
spots, then rises toward the

Metamorphic rocks arise from the

transformation of existing rock to
new types of rock in a process
1. Clastic Sedimentary rocks- called
formed from the buildup of metamorphism.Metamorphic
rocks form when rocks are
clatics: small pieces of subjected to high heat, high
fragmented rocks deposited pressure, hot mineral-rich fluids or,
as a result of mechanical more commonly, some
weathering then lithified by combination of these factors.
compaction and There are two types of
cementation. Examples of Metamorphic rocks:
Clastic sedimentary rocks
include sandstone, shale,
siltstone, and breccias.
2. Chemical Sedimentary
rocks- form by chemical
precipitation that begins
when water traveling FOLIATED NON-FOLIATED
through rock dissolves some metamorphic metamorphic
of the minerals. The most rocks such as rocks such as
common chemical gneiss, phyllite, hornfels,
sedimentary rock, by far, is schist and slate marble,
limestone . Others include have a layered or quartzite and
chert , chalk , evaporites like banded novaculite do
appearance that not have a
rock gypsum and rock salt, is produced by layered or
and coal. .. exposure to heat banded
3. Organic Sedimentary and directed appearance.
rocks- are formed when
sediment (plants, animal PROPERTIES OF ROCKS

remains, roots, etc.) is broken  TEXTURE

down and then compressed  COLOR

over a long period of time.  HARDNESS

They are referred to as  LUSTER

organic because they are  CLEAVAGE

made from organic materials.  FRACTURE

Some organic sedimentary  DENSITY

rocks even contain fossils.  STREAK

Examples include
fossiliferous limestone and MAGLANGIT, ARABELA JANE

coal. 11- STEM PEARL

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