FEA TT2 - Question Bank

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-2023-24 – Final Year B Tech – Department of Mechanical Engineering

Subject: FEA Subject Code: PCME7020T
Question Bank for Term Test-2
Q. Ma Blooms
Questions (Statement) rks
No. Level
1 What is shape function and state properties? 5 CO4 L2 1.3.1
Explain the Global and local Co-ordinate System in detail with
2 5 CO3 L2 1.3.1
neat diagram?
Explain the natural Co-ordinate System in detail with neat
3 5 CO3 L3 1.3.1
4 Describe various aspects about analysis of beams? 5 CO3 L2 1.3.1
Derive Shape function for 1D quadratic element in natural
5 10 CO4 L3 1.3.1
For the fluid flow network shown in fig determine pressure at
nodes flow rate in pipe

6 10 CO3 L2 1.3.1

Element Matrix Equation:

Write global matrix equation. Assume suitable value of primary

variable at entry and exit and solve for remaining as given fig.
7 10 CO3 L3 1.3.1

Using the finite element method determine the temperature

distribution in the wall as shown in fig. and calculate the heat
flow through the wall.

8 10 CO3 L3 1.3.1

KA = 55 x 10−3 W/𝑚𝑚𝑜 C
KB = 0.1 x 10−3 W/𝑚𝑚𝑜 C

1 Write short note on source of error in FEA? 5 CO4 L2 1.3.1

2 Explain convergence of criterion? 5 CO4 L2 1.3.1
3 What is Patch test explain in brief? 5 CO4 L2 1.3.1
4 Describe in details serendipity? 5 CO4 L3 1.3.1
Define and explain Sub Parametric, Iso-parametric and Super
5 parametric elements? CO4 L3 1.3.1
Evaluate the Element stiffness matrix for the CST Elements
6 10
CO4 L3 1.3.1
with details?
Analyze the truss shown in figure completely. The cross-
sectional area of each member of truss is 100 mm². Modulus of
elasticity is 200 GPa.

7 10 CO3 L5 1.3.1

Analyze the truss as shown in figure below completely for

displacements, reactions and stresses.
Area of each member = 1000mm2
E for each member = 210 GPa
P1 = 10 kN and P2 = 20kN

8 10 CO4 L5 1.3.1

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