Detailed LessonPlan Educ5 GUERRERODE VERA PDF

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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
College of Education
Daraga, Albay
School Year: 2020-2021


Teachers: Mark Jhon M. Guerrero

Jonathan L. De Vera
Learning Area: English Curriculum 10
Length of lesson: 60 minutes period
Date: April 28, 2021
Quarter: Third (Week 9)


A. Content Standard(s): The learner demonstrates understanding on how world literature

and other text types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts
among individual, groups, and nature; also, how to use, evaluate reading, listening,
viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, pronouns, and structure of modification.

B. Performance Standard(s): The learner skillfully delivers a speech for special occasion
though utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT Resources.

C. Learning Competencies: (a) Compose an independent critique of a chosen selection,

(b) Critique a literary selection based on structuralist/ formalist approach.

Specific Objectives (outcomes): At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

1. Knowledge: Identify the elements of short story and literary devices used in particular
literary piece;
2. Skills: Critique the given poem by utilizing formalist approach,
3. Affective: Appreciate the over-all artistic value of the elements of the literary selection
(structuralist/ formalist).


Lesson/Topic: Formalism in Literature “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant.

Strategy: Conductive Approach and Inductive Methods
Values Integrated: Understanding, Appreciation to Literature, Collaboration


A. References: Grade 10 English Learner’s Material, Curriculum Guide pp. 226-227.

1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learner’s Material pages
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal

B. Other Resources Material: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Video Clips



A. Routine

a.) Prayer

Good morning Grade 10- Masipag. Please stand (Erica lead the prayer)
for our prayer. May I request Ms. President
Erica Mae to lead the prayer.

Good morning class! How are you? Class: Good morning Sir

b.) Checking of Attendance (Answers may vary from the question "How
are you"?)
Once I call your name say present.
(Student responds to teacher.)
Seems like everyone is present.
Students: Yes sir!
B. Reviewing the previous lesson

What have we discussed last meeting? And

what did you learn from our previous
discussions? Anybody from the class? Yes
Joseph? (Students raise their hands.)

Alright, very well said. Thank you for sharing Joseph: Last meeting we discussed about
your idea. different forms of literature and from that I
learned about the diversity of culture across
Is there anyone who wants to answer too? the world.

Is there clarification or question about our

previous lesson?
Students: None Sir.
Okay, so today we are moving to our next
lesson. Students: None sir.
C. Motivation
(approximately 10 mins)

Before we start and proceed to our new lesson,

I would like to share with you this situation
wherein there was a man who discovered about
the result of his health status and he is deciding
if he is going to tell his parents about his illness
and the doctor gave him two months of survival.
His parents were unfortunately poor and
couldn’t even afford daily expenses. On his way
home, he had been thinking of what is he going
to do and what will be his actions.

Asks some questions to students related to the

given motivation.

Q1. If you were the man will you tell your

parents about your illness? Why
(Student’s answer may vary.)
What an amazing answer Marco truly you know
Marco: If I were him, I will tell my parents
about the virtue of telling the truth, I commend
about my situation because they know what to
you for that. Okay next last question.
do with my problem. And we can handle it
Q2. What do you think is the most important together.
decision you have made so far?
(Student share personal story.)
Class let’s remember that “There is no greater
agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
no matter how big is your secret there is a
perfect time to tell the truth.

Thank you for your participation Nico.

D. Discussion Proper

Introduction: (Lesson Object)

What is this class? (Showing a picture of an


Most of us have already experienced wearing

eyeglasses, right? Why does a person wear an
eyeglass? However, did you know class that Bernie: Eyeglasses, Sir!
even though we do not have problem with our
sight, we tend to wear different lenses. Why? It
is because in our life we encounter different
situations and circumstances that need specific
kind of lens in order to view, interpret and (Students listen to the discussion.)
analyze them rationally. It goes the same in
literary criticism. There are several lenses of
what we call literary approaches or theories we
use to critique particular literary piece. In order
to elaborate more the reason.

Why? let's watch this short video clip.

(Presenting video clip, related to the topic.
Video might be from YouTube)

E. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Today, before I reveal the literary approach we

are going to discuss. I want you to guess it
with the help of these words:
(Shows the jumbled words) Randomly choose
student to answer. Okay guess this first word. (Students raise their hands)

Mabel: Sir it is STANZA

Okay, very good. Next? ...
Jomar: Meter
Shows all the jumbled words until they finish to
guess them all. Ella: Structure
1.Stanza 2. Meter 3. Structure 4. Rhyme 5. Nico: Rhyme
Pattern 6. Literary Devices 7. Imagery
Shaileen: Pattern

Marvin: Literary Devices

Okay very good students! I appreciate your
participation. Now you have an idea what our Andrea: Imagery
lesson is all about, as we go along with this
discussion, we will dig deeper to better
understand it more.
F. Presenting new examples/ instances of the
new lesson


What is Formalism?
(Students listen to the discussion.)
• In literary theory, formalism refers to critical
approaches that analyze, interpret, or evaluate
the inherent features of a text.

• Form is the key

• Emphasizes the value of the text instead of its


• Reduces the importance of a text's historical,

biographical, and cultural context and instead
focuses on modes, genres, discourse, and forms.

Recapitulation of Elements of Short Story


'The Necklace' by Guy de Maupassant

(Give each student hard copy of the short story)

The teacher will lead to read of the short story,

and students will follow.
Student get one and pass the copy of the story.
As you read the story identify the elements of
story present in it. Students follow their teacher and read silently
the story.

1. Did you like the story? Why or why not?

(Students raised their hands.)
2. How will you describe Mathilde?
Jomar: The story can be sad and the fate of
3. What do the Loisel’s end up doing about the
the character demonstrate the social reality
lost necklace?
and illusion, that’s why I like the story
4. What did the diamond necklace symbolize? because of its point of view.
How did It change Madame Loisel's life?
Sheena: I described her as a woman of full of
sacrifices and beauty but her asset of being
5. What is ironic about the ending of the story? beautiful disappeared when she worked most
of her life.
6. Explain the significance of Mathilde’s
reflection upon losing the necklace. "How Bernie: Madam Loisel ended up being
small a thing is needed to make or ruin us". materialism and was the reason her debt.

Your answers proved your learning and Mau: The necklace symbolizes the wealth and
reflection about the story, great job! status that Mathilde longs for but cannot
attain. It gives her hope to be confident about
G. Discussing new concepts and practicing herself and experience being rich.
new skills
Marven: The irony in the story occurs when
Madam Loisel wants to be in the upper class,
but because of the borrowed necklace, she
ends up in even lower class.

Luige: When Madam Forestier informs

SETTING Place: Matilde that the lost necklace was fake, she
realized that she would have not have
Time: demanded an expensive looking necklace,
Mood/ which cost her to ruin her life and beauty. In
Atmosphere: this story, small things can affect one’s life
and being contended is most significant
PLOT Exposition: attitude we should treasure it.

Rising Action:


Falling Action:


CONFLICT External:


POINT OF VIEW Identify who is

telling the story

(first, second, or
third person)
CHARACTERS/ Protagonist:


THEME List any theme in

the story

a) Let the students accomplish the table by

identifying the elements of story through
formalist approach (Students will be provided
hard copy or soft copy of the activity sheet).

(Each group will paste their answers after 15


Note: Observe the class orderliness make sure

they are facing with groupmates in circular
(The class total number is 30 will be divided
The table will be checked if the answers were
by three groups which means 10 members
correct, the group with a greater number of
each and the counting will begin at the back
correct answers will win.
of the sitting row.)
Okay class times up group reporter will present
their answers and teacher will decide the correct

Congratulations group 1 you got the high score!

The other groups job well done at least we have
learned to determine these elements.

b) For further discussion of formalism visit the

following links:
H. Finding practical application of concepts
and skills in daily living

Having successfully accomplished the tasks in

the lesson, you now have something to
remember. For this, students will complete the
following statements below (five minutes).
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper

Students answer the question for the given

The lesson presented was all about_____. allotted time.

The insights I gained are_______.

I realized that ______.

I. Making generalization and abstraction

about the lesson.


Having successfully accomplished the tasks in Students answer the question for the given
the lesson, you now have something to allotted time.
remember. For this, complete the following
statements below. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

(The activity will be submitted after another

five minutes.)

In real life, I can apply formalist approach

through (give specific situation/s)
J. Evaluating Learning

Critique the poem ' The Road Not Taken' by

Robert Frost using the formalist approach. Use
the table below. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper (students will be Students will submit their output after the
provided hard copy or soft copy of the activity allotted time (seven minutes).

THE ROAD NOT TAKEN by Robert Frost

Figures of Speech


Rhyme Pattern



K. Additional activities for application or

remediation (The secretary of the class will write the given
assignment on the board.)

Create a four-stanza poem about the effects of

the pandemic caused by COVID-19 in your life.


Create a short story about the effects of the

pandemic caused by COVID-19 in your life

*Highlights the literary devices or figures of

speech you used

Number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

Number of learners who require additional activities for remediation.
Did the remedial lesson work? Number of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
Number of learners who continue to require remediation.
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? How did this work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Teacher I

Noted by:
Principal II

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