This document provides memory items and limitations for various aircraft systems. It lists procedures for issues like rapid decompression, engine failures or fires, cargo fires, and runaway stabilizer. It also outlines limitations such as maximum tailwinds for takeoff and landing, severe turbulence penetration speeds, and autopilot use restrictions. Autopilot and engine limitations include maximum wind components and altitudes for bleed air or electrical loads from the APU. Flight control limitations specify the maximum altitude with flaps extended and prohibiting holding in icing conditions.
This document provides memory items and limitations for various aircraft systems. It lists procedures for issues like rapid decompression, engine failures or fires, cargo fires, and runaway stabilizer. It also outlines limitations such as maximum tailwinds for takeoff and landing, severe turbulence penetration speeds, and autopilot use restrictions. Autopilot and engine limitations include maximum wind components and altitudes for bleed air or electrical loads from the APU. Flight control limitations specify the maximum altitude with flaps extended and prohibiting holding in icing conditions.
This document provides memory items and limitations for various aircraft systems. It lists procedures for issues like rapid decompression, engine failures or fires, cargo fires, and runaway stabilizer. It also outlines limitations such as maximum tailwinds for takeoff and landing, severe turbulence penetration speeds, and autopilot use restrictions. Autopilot and engine limitations include maximum wind components and altitudes for bleed air or electrical loads from the APU. Flight control limitations specify the maximum altitude with flaps extended and prohibiting holding in icing conditions.
This document provides memory items and limitations for various aircraft systems. It lists procedures for issues like rapid decompression, engine failures or fires, cargo fires, and runaway stabilizer. It also outlines limitations such as maximum tailwinds for takeoff and landing, severe turbulence penetration speeds, and autopilot use restrictions. Autopilot and engine limitations include maximum wind components and altitudes for bleed air or electrical loads from the APU. Flight control limitations specify the maximum altitude with flaps extended and prohibiting holding in icing conditions.
Don Mask + Regulator 100% Autopilot (if engaged) Disengage Crew Comunication Establish Autothrottle (if engaged) Disengage Pressurization Mode Man F.D Switches (Both) Off Outflow Valve Closed Set the following Gear up Pitch and Pwr If Cabin Altitude is uncontrlable Flaps extended 10º& 80% Pax Sign On Flaps retracted 4º& 75% Pax Oxygen On Go to Emergency Descent Checklist LOSS OF THRUST ON BOTH ENGINES Engine Start Switches (Both) FLT EMERGENCY DESCENT Engine Start Levers (Both) Cut Off Annonce RAPID DESCENT on PA Decreasing EGT Pax sing On Engine Start Levers (Both) Idle Dettent No Delay Descent F100 or MSA If EGT reaches 950ºC or no EGT Engine Start Switches CONT Engine Start Levers (Both) Cut Off Thrust Levers (Both) Reduce Repet the sequence Speed Brake Flight Detent Target Speed Vmo/Mmo ABORTED ENGINE START Engine Start Lever (Affected Engine) Cut Off ENGINE LIMIT, SURGE or STALL Autothrottle (if engaged) Disengage APU FIRE Thrust Lever (Affeected Engine) Retard APU Fire switch Pull & Rotate Retard until engine indications stay within limits or APU Switch Off thrust lever is closed ENGINE OVERHEAT ENGINE FIRE, SEVERE DAMAGE or SEPARATION Autothrottle (if engaged) Disengage Autothrottle (if engaged) Disengage Thrust Lever (Affeected Engine) Close Thrust Lever (Affeected Engine) Close Engine Start Lever (Affected Engine) Cut Off RUNAWAY STABILIZER Engine Fire Switch ( Affected Engine) Pull Control Column Hold Firmly If Fire or Overheat Indications Autopilot (if engaged) Disengage Engine Fire Switch ( Affected Engine) Rotate Autothrottle (if engaged) Disengage If After 30` Still Fire indications Control Column & Thrust levers Control ACFT Main electric trim Reduce control Engine Fire Switch ( Affected Engine)Rotate to other Stop forces ------------- CARGO FIRE MAIN IF CONTINUES Don Oxygen Masks 100% STAB TRIM CUT OUT swithches (both) CUTOUT Don Goggles As Needed IF CONTINUES Close FD Door Stabilizer trim whell Grasp & Hold Establish Comunications ------------- LIMITATIONS AIRPLANE GENERAL AFM LIMITATIONS Maximum take off and landing Taillwind 15kts AFM OPS INFO Severe Turbulent Air Penetration 280KIAS/.76M NON AFM OPS INFO Do not operate HF radios during refuelling AUTO PILOT AFM LIMITATIONS Use of aileron trim with the AP engaged is prohibited Do not engage the AP for Take off bellow 400 ft Airplanes operating with EASA certification Minimum use height of AP on single channel; 158ft Maximum allowable wind comoponents for a coupled app under EASA Certification HEAD; 25 KTS CROSS; 20 KTS TAIL; 15 KTS ( F40º) TAIL; 12 KTS ( F30º) Maximum and minimum GS angles on AUTOLAND are 3,25º & 2,5º AUTOLAND capability only available with F30º & F40º NON AFM OPS INFO Do not use LVL CHG bellow 1000 ft ENGINE & APU AFM LIMITATIONS EASA Certified airplanes APU bleed + electrical load; max. Alt 10000 ft YD316-329 Bleed only 17000 ft Electrical only 41000 ft FLIGHT CONTROLS AFM LIMITATIONS Max altitud with Flaps Extended; 20000 ft Holding in icing conditions is PROHIBITED FLIGHT MANAGMENT SYSTEM, NAVIGATION NON AFM OPS INFO Avoid weather radar operation in a hangar