Experiment 4 Kirchhoffs Laws
Experiment 4 Kirchhoffs Laws
Experiment 4 Kirchhoffs Laws
BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
Experiment No. 4
1. apply Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws to a circuit having two voltage sources.
2. verify the results by using measured data.
Figure 4.1 shows a circuit with two voltage sources. Current is assumed to flow in the direction
In this circuit, Ohm’s law cannot directly solve for the voltages and currents of the three
Each voltage source provides a current through R3. But current can flow through R3 in both
directions. Therefore, the combination of currents produces a resultant current that flows in one
direction only.
The application of Kirchhoff’s laws to the circuit gives you this resultant current in R3. The
direction of the current is determined by the sign (+ or -) of the current.
A negative (-) sign for current through R3 indicates an incorrect assumption about the initial
current direction. If an incorrect assumption is made, reverse the direction of assumed current
flow through R3 and the circuit solutions will be correct.
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Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory Experiment No. 4
BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
In the figure, the problem is to find the voltage drops of and the current flow through each
resistor. Kirchhoff’s laws can be applied to determine these circuit solutions.
Figure 4.2 shows a two-source circuit in which each voltage source is connected with the same
polarity toward NODE 1.
There are three loops in the circuit, but only two are required for Kirchhoff’s voltage law
There are two nodes in the circuit, but only one is required for Kirchhoff’s current law
application. This method is applied to the circuit in Figure 4.3.
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
Based on Kirchhoff’s current law, the current into NODE 1 (I1 + I2) must equal the current out of
NODE 1 (I3). Therefore, I3 = I1 + I2.
Figure 4.4 shows the node current specifications of the circuit. Voltage drops are used to specify
the current at the branch point – NODE 1 in this circuit. NODE 1 voltage is specified with
respect to a circuit common point.
In the figure, I1 + I2 =I3. This equation is in keeping with Kirchhoff’s current law. The currents can
now be stated in terms of voltage drops.
I1 + I2 = I3
Another method of applying Kirchhoff’s laws is to implement a solution using mesh currents. A
mesh is the simplest possible closed path within a circuit and is properly designated when there
are no branch circuits (Figure 4.5).
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
As shown by the figure, the difference between a mesh and a loop is that the mesh current does
not divide at a branch.
The mesh equations are based on the circuit of Figure 4.5 and the mesh detail is provided in
Figure 4.6 below.
For MESH 1, start at A in Figure 4.6: (I1 x R1) + (I1 x R3) – (I2 x R3) = VS1
For MESH 2, start at B in Figure 4.6: (I2 x R2) + VS2 + (I2 x R3) – (I1 x R3) = 0
Rearranging to match that of MESH 1, (I1 x R3) - (I2 x R3) - (I2 x R2) = VS2
Figure 4.7 shows a circuit with two voltage sources that are not connected with identical
The loop equations are generated by the application of Kirchhoff’s voltage law to LOOP 1 and
LOOP 2 of Figure 4.7.
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
The known values of the circuit resistors are then used in Ohm’s law to determine the IR
(voltage) drops.
VR1 = I1 x R1
VR2 = I2 x R2
The specified IR drops are then substituted into the LOOP 1 and LOOP 2 equations.
These two expanded equations provide the circuit solution. Notice that the equations include
every resistance in the circuit of Figure 4.7. Currents I1 and I2, must be determined from
simultaneous equations.
Three node currents (IR1, IR2 and IR3) are shown in Figure 4.8. These currents are included below
in a current formula that satisfies Kirchhoff’s current law.
IR1 + IR2 = IR3
Each of these currents can be represented by its volts / resistance relationship, as shown in the
figure. In these equations, there are three unknowns: VR1, VR2, and VR3. However, according to
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
Kirchhoff’s voltage law, both VR1 and VR2 can be specified in terms of R3 and voltage sources:
VR1 = VS1 - VR3 and VR2 = VS2 - VR3
These values are substituted into the current formula to allow for the circuit solution.
IR1 + IR2 = IR3
You can check your solutions by verifying that they follow Kirchhoff’s laws. They do if (1) the
sum of the voltages in any circuit loop equals zero, and (2) the currents into and out of any
circuit node are equal.
If your solution indicates a negative current, your assumed current direction was incorrect. To fix
the error, simply show the current flowing in the opposite direction and remove the (-) sign.
Digital Multimeter
1. Inspect for any physical break in the instrument
2. Set the instrument selector to test for continuity to turn ON the instrument
3. Check the LCD display for indication if battery is still good
4. If LCD indicator is not set for continuity test, push the SELECT button until it appears
5. Join the ends of the probes and you should hear and audible sound to check the
continuity of the probes
6. Set instrument to measure resistance
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
Connecting Wires
16. Check each wire for continuity using the multimeter
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
2. Write the equation that applies to VS1, VR1, and VR3. (1 point)
Write the equation that applies to VS2, VR2, and VR3. (1 point)
3. Two loops are shown in Figure 4.9. What circuit components define the circuit’s third
loop? (1 point)
Write the equation that applies for the third loop described in step 4? (1 point)
4. Measure the voltage drops of R1, R2, and R3. Enter these values in Figure 4.10. Do not
put yet a + or – sign to the readings. (6 points)
3.95 vv
5.9 v
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
5. Based on the relationships you described in steps 2, 3, and 5, assign the proper voltage
polarities to the voltage drops of Figure 4.10.
6. Using the values and signs of Figure 4.10, write the voltage equation with values for
each circuit loop. (3 points)
9. Determine and record the values of R1, R2, and R3 using a digital multimeter.
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
R2 = 3546 Ω (1 point)
10. Based on the current directions given in Figure 4.11 (electron flow is being followed
here), write the current formula for NODE 1. (1 point)
11. Define each circuit current in terms of its voltage and resistance equations (according to
Ohm’s law). Refer to Figure 4.8 for help.
12. In Figure 4.11, which specific voltage drop will allow for a complete circuit solution?
(0.5 point)
13. Record the measured voltage drops in step 6 as well as its proper polarity on Figure
4.12. (6 points)
5.99 v
3.95 ohms
3.95 v 15.83 v
5.25 mA 4.46 mA
0.81 mA
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
Figure 4.12.
14. Complete Figure 4.12 by showing the direction of each current using electron flow (- to
+) (add arrowheads to the lines provided). Compute its magnitude. Show computations
below. (3 points)
Hint: Each current is equal to a voltage drop divided by its resistance. Use electron flow (- to +) to
determine current direction.
15. Does the current through R3 flow in the same direction as selected in Figure 4.11?
16. How can your calculations indicate when an assumed current direction is correct? (0.5
If the calculation for the current is positive, then the assumed direction is correct
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
d. 2.5 volts.
5. Based on Kirchhoff’s current law and on the circuit of Figure 4.15, the combined R2-R3
current equals
a. zero.
b. the total current (IT) plus IR1.
c. IT – IR1.
d. IR1.
6. In Figure 4.15,
a. IT = IR2 + IR3.
b. IT - IR2 - IR3 = 0.
c. None of the above.
d. Both a and b.
Figure 4-15
7. Which statement applies to the circuit in Figure 4.16?
a. (VS1 – VA) / R1 = (VS2 – VA / R2) + (VA / R3).
b. The currents of each node must equal zero.
c. Both Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s current law can be applied to the circuit.
d. All the above statements are correct.
10. For the outer loop of the circuit described in question 9, the sum of the voltage drops
a. is greater than VR3.
b. equals VR3.
c. is less than VR3.
d. cannot be determined.
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
2. In a given single loop, comparison of individual voltage drops to the loop’s source
voltage; (2 points)
-Voltage source should be higher than the individual voltage drop.
3. In the experiment that has 3 loops and 2 sources, comparison of individual voltage drops
to the loop’s source voltage (consider the outer most loop); (4 points)
-Voltage source should be higher than the individual voltage drop.
6. A way to determine branch currents after the voltage at the nodes are known; (4 points)
-The difference between the two voltages of the nodes divided by the resistor. You will
be able to get the current of the branch
7. An indication that an assumed current direction is incorrect in the course of computing its
magnitude; (3 points)
-If current is negative then direction is wrong
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BASICEELAB Kirchhoff’s Laws
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