EEE CA Guidelines (ST)
EEE CA Guidelines (ST)
EEE CA Guidelines (ST)
The following describes the procedure for the implementation of Continuous Assessment (CA)
for the EEE Undergraduate Programme at the School level.
1.1 Course Coordinator (CC) will inform students of the following (via announcement in
NTULEARN) within the first two weeks of the semester:
1. Venue, date, time and duration of each CA
2. Number of assessment components, format, scope and weightage of each
3. Procedures for application of Short Leave of Absence (LOA) and Medical Leave,
and arrangement of make-up laboratory / project session
4. Provision of extension or resubmission deadliness
5. Procedure on the day of taking CA:
• Students can only take CA in their respective group if it is conducted during the
tutorial class.
• Students must present ID (with photo) during attendance taking.
• Penalties or disciplinary actions that will be taken against students who are
caught cheating.
1.2 A follow-up reminder of the above is done during lecture and tutorial.
Updated: 21 Dec2018/APO
2.1 Students must apply for short LOA from the School if they are unable to attend classes
where there are CAs or activities that tutors/lecturers deem as compulsory attendance.
This application is to be submitted to the APO at least 7 working days before the leave
is required (less than this will not be accepted). They should not go on leave until
approval has been obtained. LOA will not be approved for reasons such as returning
to home country during festive periods or participating in activities (in and outside
campus) organised by student bodies during scheduled CA sessions.
2.2 Students will be granted Medical Leave provided the original medical certificate (MC)
is submitted to the APO no later than 7 working days after the day of absence. Failure
to do so will result in zero mark being awarded for the missed CA. Those who are on
Medical Leave for more than a week during term time must inform all their
tutors/lecturers via email with copy to the APO ( The
University only recognises MCs issued in Singapore by Medical Practitioners
registered with the Singapore Medical Council or Dental Officers registered with the
Singapore Dental Council. Medical certificates from Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) clinics will not be recognised, including that from the NTU TCM clinic.
2.3 Compassionate Leave will be granted in the event of the demise of an immediate family
member (defined as parents, siblings and grandparents). Absence from School within
7 days of the demise and on the day of the funeral is considered valid for LOA on
compassionate grounds. Applications for such leave are to be made at the APO
together with a copy of the death certificate.
2.4 Students participating in the Special Terms are not allowed to apply for leave of
absence on personal grounds given the short duration of the special terms and the
intensive nature of the classes. As participation in the special term is optional, the
University will not issue any supporting document to excuse students from any
activities or defer their In-Camp Training (ICT).
Updated: 21 Dec2018/APO
4.1 Students who miss a laboratory / project session with approved LOA or valid MC must
be given a make-up session, subject to availability of:
(i) slots in other existing sessions; and
(ii) that particular experiment (e.g. some experiments will end in Week 6 and will no
longer be available for make-up, therefore marks will be rescaled).
4.2 Students who miss a laboratory / project session without approved LOA or valid MC
are allowed to request for a make-up session, subject to:
(i) a penalty of 30%* [This penalty will continue to apply even if students have
approved LOA or valid MC for subsequent make-up session(s)];
(ii) availability of slots in other existing sessions; and
(iii) availability of that particular experiment (e.g. some experiments will end in
Week 6 and will no longer be available for make-up).
*For laboratory experiment and formal report, late submission without valid reasons
covering the period will be penalised according to the following table:
Up to one week 70