Strangelight Workshop Part 2
Strangelight Workshop Part 2
Strangelight Workshop Part 2
by Josh Colón, Matt Goetz, and Douglas Seacat
52 No Quarter PRIME
The Strangelight Workshop is a private institute that investigates and resolves incidents of
occult phenomena. Most often the services of the Strangelight Workshop are contracted for a
price, but the organization sometimes conducts its own investigations and may do pro bono
work if there is a high chance of gathering rare information of interest to the Strangelight
Workshop. The organization is primarily interested in study of otherworldly entities,
particularly grymkin, infernals, and the disembodied dead. They also investigate matters of
the occult and black magic. However, such “mundane” cases generally lie outside the core
interests of the Strangelight Workshop and are undertaken only for the purpose of garnering
monetary compensation or when pertinent to other research. The Strangelight Workshop is
primarily active in Cygnar and Ord, where it has small branch offices in several cities, but it
has agents and contacts scattered across all of western Immoren.
No Quarter PRIME 53
Starting Resources: You start the game with a pen and ink, Reliable tools: You have a set of reliable tools from your
bottled light, blank notebook, collection of esoteric research time as a craftsman. You can reroll 1s when making Craft or
notes (choice of +1 to Lore [extraordinary zoology], Lore Mechanikal Engineering rolls made using the mechanik’s
[supernatural], or Research rolls), and the constant belief that toolkit you begin the game with. This replaces the toolkit a
the pen is mightier than the sword.* Mechanik character starts the game with.
*Note: It isn’t, usually. Good with Your Hands: You begin the game 1 skill point in
three Craft skills. Choose from the following list: carpentry,
Connections (Academic): You maintain connections in the
gunsmithing, metalworking, stoneworking, tailoring, or
academic world that you can call upon in times of need, such
tanning. Add Craft (chosen specialties) 4 to your list of potential
as a professor at a local university or a librarian in charge of
occupational skills.
an important archive. Aid can come in the form of access to
54 No Quarter PRIME
Scapegrace: You start the game with Sneak 1 and your choice
Criminal of Deception 1, Escape Artist 1, Forgery 1, Lock Picking 1, or
You spent time as a criminal. You might have been a former Streetwise 1. Add Sneak 4 and your chosen skill at level 4 to
pickpocket who worked with a gang of paupers to survive, a your list of potential occupational skills.
second-story man who broke into the bedrooms of the rich and
privileged while they slept, or a simple thug who hurt people on Diplomat
a crime boss’ orders. Your experience allows you to move in the
You spent time in diplomatic circles and are familiar with
criminal underworld and affords you special talents that may
complex social interactions. You might have been a negotiator
come in handy while on assignment.
working on behalf of a merchant house like the Mateus or
Starting Resources: You start the game with a suit of dark Mercarian League, assigned to aid a foreign dignitary, or
clothing (+1 to Sneaking rolls), a set of thief’s tools, and a worked in the halls of city government arbitrating deals
lingering desire to amass ill-gotten gains. between the city fathers. Your experience as a diplomat gives
you a silver tongue and the ability to talk down even hostile
Connections (Criminal): You maintain connections to the
individuals while out on assignment.
criminal underworld that you can call upon in times of need,
such as with a low-level criminal boss in the city or with a gang Starting Resources: You start the game with a suit of fine
of young guttersnipes living in the street. Assistance can come in clothes (+1 to non-Intimidation social rolls), supplies for drawing
the form of information about comings and goings on the streets, up contracts and diplomatic letters (pen, ink, parchment, wax,
surveillance of specific subjects, aid breaking into a particular and signet ring or stamp), and the misguided belief that people
location, or a secluded hideout if you need to lay low for a while. can all just get along.
Tools of the Trade: You start the game with a selection of Language Arts: You start the game knowing two additional
appropriate tools from your old life. Choose two of the languages.
following: crowbar, disguise kit, grappling hook and 25´ rope,
Diplomatic: You start the game with Etiquette 1, Law 1, and
spyglass, or three smoke bombs.
Negotiation 1. Add Etiquette 4, Law 4, and Negotiation 4 to your
list of potential occupational skills.
No Quarter PRIME 55
You served in the medical field for some time. You might have
been a doctor working in a city’s clinic, a battlefield medic
helping treat the wounded on the front lines, or a traditional
healer combatting illnesses and injuries with poultices and
teas in the wilderness of western Immoren. Your time as a
healer gives you experience in treating a wide range of injuries,
physical or otherwise.
Starting Resources: You start the game with bottled light, a
surgical kit, and a working knowledge of what people look like
on the inside.
Emergency Aid: With a surgical kit, you can treat an injured
living character as a full action. Make a Medicine skill
roll against a target number of 14. If the roll succeeds, an
incapacitated character adjacent to you regains 1 vitality point
and may reroll any Injury table result, choosing which of the
results are applied to the character.
Medical Training: You start the game with Medicine 1 and
Rapport 1. Add Medicine 4 and Rapport 4 to your list of
potential Occupational skills.
56 No Quarter PRIME
Connections (Nobility): You have connections among the
Occult nobility that you can call upon in times of need. This is likely
You have a past as part of the darker occult world of the Iron due to your noble blood, but your connection can also come
Kingdoms. You might be a former—or current—member of an in other forms, such as a family your own was close with.
unsavory organization devoted to dark powers, the onetime Assistance can come as access to a noble estate or invitation to
victim of a cult who was rescued by the Strangelight Workshop, an exclusive function, introductions to high-society individuals,
someone with a desire to learn more about gaining power or even a “small loan” of a hundred gold crowns to help get you
over the supernatural world, or someone just fascinated with a back on your feet in times of trouble. Nobles tend to be a touchy
particular secret occult order’s beliefs. Your experience with the group obsessed with appearances, so your connection may turn
occult gives you a greater familiarity with the supernatural and their back on you if you cause any trouble for them, like ranting
related subjects than most new Workshop agents. about the supernatural at a society function.
Starting Resources: You start the game with a book filled with
occult lore (choice of +1 on Lore: Occult or Lore: Supernatural
rolls), symbol of faith, ritual dagger, 10 black candles, and a Your faith has always been an important part of you. This
constant sense of dread and impending doom. may have led you to joining the clergy or merely proselytizing
to anyone who would listen. You might follow the creed of
Connections (Occult Group): You maintain connections to an
Cyriss, Menoth, Morrow, or even Thamar, and you may have
active or disbanded occult group that you were either once
been a member of the priesthood or simply a fervent believer.
a member of or that you otherwise had affiliation with. This
Your faith gives you an unwavering resolve in the face of even
might be to the group as a whole or a single member. If you
supernatural dangers and acts as a guiding light in all you do.
are not an active member, this group may be wary of your
presence, but in times of need you can call upon them to aid Starting Resources: You start the game with a book of scripture
you. Assistance from your connection can come in the form (+1 on Lore: [Your Religion] rolls), a symbol of faith appropriate
of information related to the occult, a hidden ritual space, or for your religion, incense or anointed oil, and a perhaps
even materials vital to occult activities, up to and including mistaken belief that your god has your best interests at heart.
kidnapped individuals. If you are not an active member of an
Blessing of Faith: You gain boosted Willpower rolls to resist
occult group, this assistance frequently comes with a catch. Your
Terror caused by profane and unholy entities such as the undead,
connection may ask you to perform certain favors or errands for
infernals, and magic. In addition to regaining Willpower by
them, like destroying evidence that would reveal the group to
fulfilling your Calling, you regain 1 point of lost Willpower for
the Strangelight Workshop.
each night spent in prayer or attending religious services.
Sensitive: You possess the ability to feel when the arcane,
Connections (Your Religion’s Clergy): You maintain connections
the occult, and the otherworldly are near. In the presence of
in the clergy that you can call upon in times of need, such as a
these forces, your skin prickles and your blood gets colder.
mid-level priest at a local church, a religious scribe working in
You can detect magical, ghostly, and otherworldly energy in
a monastery, or another servant of your religion. Assistance can
your Command range, but you do not know the source of such
come in the form of access to church structures, sanctuary from
energy or its precise location.
pursuers, and aid in treatment of matters physical, mental, or
Born to a life of privilege and culture, you are well prepared
to traverse the upper echelons of society. While brought up
with the strictest schooling, you also had the spare time and
resources to delve into knowledge normally forbidden to others.
Your connections among the nobility often prove an asset to
your lower-born companions, who rely on you to wield the rules
of etiquette and sophistication like a weapon.
Starting Resources: You start the game with a rapier or sword
cane, a suit of fine clothing (+1 to non-Intimidation social rolls),
100 gc, and a sense of superiority due to the strength of your
link to noble bloodlines.
Birthright: Your noble upbringing affords you special
consideration. Unless you are caught red-handed while
committing a crime, most city watch members assume you’re
permitted to travel where you want and to flaunt normal social
conventions. When you travel, you can secure accommodations
for yourself by using your family name—provided you aren’t
speaking with someone who hates or distrusts your family line,
like an innkeeper in an enemy nation.
No Quarter PRIME 57
Breaking Points
Take Me Instead: When you hit your breaking
point, you must spend your next activation
making boosted Rapport rolls against any
supernatural creature in your Command range
engaged with any other living character. If the
roll is successful, target creature must attempt to
attack you instead of its original target.
Into the Fray: When you hit your breaking point,
you must end your next activation closer than
you began it to a source of potential danger.
You’ve always been called negative, a killjoy, or Fanatic
just a plain old pessimist, but you know that in the end you’ll
always be proven right. Engaging with the supernatural is risky What once may have been considered a healthy—if unusual—
business, and in your mind, nothing gets someone killed faster curiosity for the paranormal has transformed into a full-blown
than naiveté. Still, the more one can learn about what goes obsession. Whether due to constant stress or growing delusions
bump in the night, the greater the chance the common person of grandeur, you have been consumed by the need to be in
might have of going about their quiet lives out of harm’s way. In contact with the supernatural. Everyone around you grows
the end, you feel that’s the least you can do before the inevitable increasingly worried about you, and you do not have the heart
oblivion that awaits us all. to tell them the truth, which is: they should be.
No Quarter PRIME 59
60 No Quarter PRIME
Sentimentalist Thrill Seeker
Like many who seek a place in the Strangelight Workshop, What’s the point of life if you never truly live? This motto
you have lost loved ones to the supernatural. Unlike most, has taken you far and wide across the Iron Kingdoms. Over
you believe there is a way to get your loved one back. Through the years you have undertaken challenges that others would
rigorous study and intensive field research of knowledge consider foolish, all for the sake of a good story. Having tested
available only to Strangelight teams, you believe you are yourself against most conventional thrills, you now seek the
inching ever closer to being reunited with those loved ones supernatural, hoping to gain that rush of adrenaline in new and
you lost and miss. unbelievable ways.
No Quarter PRIME 61
PROFESSION Consultants
Over the course of its existence, the Strangelight Workshop In addition to the above professions, with Game Master’s
has refined its field teams into a number of dedicated roles or approval a player can play a consultant to the Strangelight
professions. Each team member contributes to an investigation Workshop, one built using traditional character creation rules.
or operation in a unique way, and over the course of an Note that these characters have access to a greater number
investigation, all play a part in the team’s success. If a field team of skills and abilities than Strangelight characters, as well
loses one of its members, the Workshop is reluctant to field as having Archetypes and related abilities. This can make a
the remaining agents until the missing role is filled. Certain consultant a formidable character in relation to the field agents.
circumstances prevent the Workshop from filling a role, such Consultant characters do not start with a Reputation score.
as when a team is operating far from the Workshop’s support At the Game Master’s discretion, a consultant can gain (and
structure or when a particular investigation must be completed lose) Reputation to denote their respect and standing with
before a new candidate can be secured. Upon the team’s return the Workshop and its leadership. Consultants cannot expend
to a chapterhouse or to Blackwell Hall, a new recruit is slotted Reputation to acquire benefits or gear in the same way as
into the open position as soon as possible. actual members.
A traditional field team consists of one member of each A player who chooses to play a consultant should talk with
profession, but that isn’t always the case. Certain branch offices the Game Master to determine an appropriate Calling and
support smaller teams, and there may be specific investigations Breaking Point for the character. Due to a lack of training, when
suited to these groups, particularly when the Workshop is a consultant suffers Willpower damage, the character suffers
gathering initial research or following up on the work of double the normal amount.
other agents. Some teams manage to get by with unusual
combinations of the typical professions, and certain extremely
dangerous tasks have necessitated merging teams or adding Character Advancement
unusual specialists to the mix. As your character’s XP total grows, you have the opportunity
In addition to the dedicated members of a field team, the to enhance their talents and attributes. Character advancement
Strangelight Workshop often brings in outside consultants. takes place between game sessions. If a character is awarded
These individuals are typically experts in a field related to enough XP to gain an advancement, you must select the
a particular investigation. While not true members of the advancement before the next game session; you cannot save XP
Workshop, many consultants have longstanding relationships for later.
with the organization and members of its upper echelon. Such Refer to the Character Advancement Table to see what
consultants are often paid by Blackwell Hall for their work, advancements are available to characters as their XP totals grow.
though in some cases they may be compensated in other ways
or might even volunteer their services. In some circumstances,
a consultant will have more field experience than the team for
Workshop Pros
which they consult. A field agent who survives multiple encounters with the
supernatural becomes a pro. Things that would send a new
After selecting your character’s Background and Calling, choose
recruit running in fear no longer phase such pros, and they have
your profession. Your profession determines not only your
a bevy of experience to draw upon.
role in a field team but also the skills and abilities you have the
opportunity to master over the course of your career—should The following benefits are available to characters of any
you survive. profession but can only be selected at 24, 50, 100, and 150 XP by
selecting the Workshop Pro Character Advancement.
Cross-Training: Choose any 2 occupational skills and 1 ability
from a Profession other than your own. Treat your selections
as if they were options available to your own Profession.
Some abilities are restricted and cannot be taken by any other
Profession, denoted by the ∉ symbol.
Mental Toughness: When you suffer Willpower damage due to
supernatural phenomenon, reduce the amount suffered by d3
Trustworthy Test Case: Reduce the Reputation cost of all gear
and prototypes by half (rounding up).
Lucky Charm: When you roll a critical success on a skill or attack
roll, you may choose to gain 1 feat point, give another character
1 feat point, or reduce the total current Dread by d3.
62 No Quarter PRIME
Character Advancement Table
HERO Level EPIC Level
XP Total Character Advancement XP Total Character Advancement
2 +2 occupational skills 100 Epic Level and Workshop Pro
30 +1 Willpower point
+2 occupational skills – Choose two new occupational skills from
33 +1 ability or military skill
your character’s Background or Profession. Instead of adding a new
36 +1 Stat skill, you can increase the rank of an occupational skill your character
already has by 1. If you choose to do this with both new occupational
39 +2 occupational skills skills, you can increase the rank of one skill by 2. Remember the skill
42 +1 ability or military skill rank limits: a Hero character can have skills up to rank 2, a Veteran
character can have skills up to rank 3, and an Epic character can have
45 +1 Stat skills up to rank 4.
No Quarter PRIME 63
The bouncer’s primary role in a Strangelight Workshop team is to protect
the physical bodies of the other agents, but just as often the bouncer serves
as a general pack mule and muscle for the group. Bouncers are expected to
hold back anyone who might try to interfere with the other team members,
such as irate property owners, victims of possession, or angry members
of the Order of Illumination. In this role, they need to be just as capable of
avoiding violence as inflicting it, since they are often required to deescalate
conflicts. They are expected to be physically strong and capable of
intimidating innocent bystanders in order to keep them out of harm’s way.
Bouncers are often the newest members of a team with the least exposure
to the supernatural world, and the higher-ups in the organization view
them as cheap, expendable laborers. Fellow field agents tend to hold
bouncers in a higher regard, thanks to them being some of the only team
members able to deal with mundane threats to life and limb. They often
work closely with the team mechanik, helping organize and carry gear.
64 No Quarter PRIME
Abilities Sentry II
Prerequisites: Sentry, PER 6, prevented a team member from
Barricade ∉ suffering damage or harm ten or more times.
Prerequisite: STR 6 Once per day, you can benefit from two different Sentry benefits
at the same time.
You can force even crowds to back off when you hold your
ground. When you are engaged in melee with one or more
Stand Your Ground
characters, as an action you can make a contested STR roll
against the highest available enemy STR. If your roll succeeds, Prerequisite: None
you push all enemies of equal or smaller size engaged with you
If you would be moved by a push or slam, you can spend 1 feat
12 feet (2˝) directly away in the order you choose.
point to not be moved instead and cannot be knocked down by
the slam.
Prerequisite: STR 6 and either Hand Weapon 2, Great Weapon, Stern Resolve
or Unarmed 2
Prerequisite: You have hit your breaking point at least three
When you make a free strike, gain an additional die on the times
damage roll. If you damage the target, it is knocked down.
When you lose your last point of Willpower and would hit your
breaking point, roll a d6. On a roll of 5 or 6, you immediately
Head-Butt regain 1 point of Willpower. This ability cannot be used again
Prerequisite: STR 5, Unarmed Combat 2 until you spend at least a full night fulfilling your Calling.
∉ = Not Cross-Trainable
No Quarter PRIME 65
The caller is an individual who is able, with the assistance of specialized
equipment, to draw in and communicate with specters and other entities.
The caller’s role on the team is to speak with spirits, trying whenever
possible to glean insight into what is causing them to linger in the
physical world. When required, the caller helps guide a spirit to pass on to
Urcaen. This has the dual benefit of putting a lingering soul to rest while
allowing the passage to be observed and recorded for further study by the
Strangelight Workshop.
Arguably the most specialized and difficult to qualify for member of a
team, callers are unusual individuals with a strong connection to the
spirit world. All have had direct contact with one or more spirits before
joining the Workshop, and this experience either revealed or catalyzed a
latent sensitivity to the supernatural. Callers can sometimes see or hear
things others cannot, which can be mistaken for madness. Their attitudes
to spirits run the gamut, from those who take pity on lost souls and want
to send them to their final rest to bitter individuals who hate or resent the
spirits for terrifying the living.
66 No Quarter PRIME
Abilities Spirit Flare ∉
Prerequisite: Willpower 12
Commune with Spirits ∉ When you suffer damage from an enemy attack you can spend
Prerequisite: Caller between 1 and 3 points of Willpower. For each point spent, any
incorporeal creatures in your Command range suffer d3 damage.
You have the ability to communicate with ethereal spirits,
regardless of language or cultural barriers. Some spirits
Spiritual Ally ∉
may become more powerful and even dangerous after such
communication. While wearing an active ghost hood, by Prerequisites: Caller, Commune with Spirits, Rapport 3,
forfeiting your movement or action you can enter a trance successfully aided one or more spirits in previous cases
to interact with spirits. Spirits you commune with can be
Spirits friendly to you will come to your aid against other,
spoken with as if they were alive, though their mental states
malevolent entities. These spirits protect you from possession or
are unpredictable and their memories are often sketchy and
supernatural attack.
scattered. While communing with a spirit, that spirit focuses
its attention on you. While you are in a trance, a spirit lingers nearby to protect you.
This can be a spirit you have peacefully encountered in the past
Commune with Spirits II ∉ or the spirit of a former companion who watches over with
you. Discuss with the Game Master the specific identity of your
Prerequisites: Caller, Willpower 13, guided 10 or more souls to
spiritual ally or allies.
Your spirit ally targets any specter, shade, or other incorporeal
Gain boosted Rapport rolls when you attempt to help a spirit
dead hostile to you that enters your Command range. While
move to the other side.
your spiritual ally is present, such entities roll 1 fewer die on
attack, spell, and ability rolls that target you.
Reinforce Will ∉
Prerequisite: Caller Whispers from the Darkness
Once per round while in combat and wearing an active ghost Prerequisite: Does not possess the Spiritual Ally ability, one or
hood, you may select one friendly character currently in your more teammates have died
Command range. That character heals d3 points of Willpower.
You think you can still hear the voice of one or more of your
former companions. Their whispers do not come often, but
Reinforce Will II ∉ when they do, it is usually in an effort to protect you and help to
Prerequisite: Caller, Reinforce Will, Veteran Tier keep you safe.
Increase the amount of Willpower healed to d6. Once per day, you can add d3 Dread points to the Game
Master’s pool in order to gain one of the following benefits.
Stern Resolve
• Don’t Give Up: Your dead teammate whispers motivation
Prerequisite: You have hit your breaking point at least three to you, inspiring you to stay strong. You immediately
times gain 1 feat point.
When you lose your last point of Willpower and would hit your • Look Out!: At the start of initiative, you hear whispers to
breaking point, roll a d6. On a roll of 5 or 6, you immediately warn you of impending danger. You gain an additional
regain 1 point of Willpower. This ability cannot be used again die on your initiative roll and discard the lowest result.
until you spend at least a full night fulfilling your Calling. • Remember what I told you. . . : A dead companion
whispers guidance about how to perform a specific
Struggle of Wills ∉ task. For one round, you gain 1 skill point in one of the
Prerequisite: Caller Starting Skills of the profession of a dead teammate.
While wearing an active ghost hood, by spending a combat action • Stay Alive: Your dead teammate encourages you to stay
you can try to erode the will of a ghost, target of possession, or alive, giving you the motivation to keep fighting. You
another similar target. Choose any ghost or similar target you regain a number of vitality equal to the Dread rolled to
are aware of in your Command range and makes a contested use this ability.
Willpower roll. The loser of the Willpower roll suffers Willpower
damage equal to the difference in the two rolls. Creatures with
an INT of 1 or lower reduced to 0 Willpower are removed from
play. Targets with a higher Willpower are stunned and must
forfeit either movement or action on their next activation or until
they have 1 or more Willpower, whichever comes first. ∉ = Not Cross-Trainable
No Quarter PRIME 67
The investigator’s role in a Strangelight Workshop team is to observe and
record data, interpret information the team uncovers, and act as a guiding
voice to the team’s efforts. Investigators tend to be the most inquisitive
members of a field team and often take on de facto leadership roles. They
are often the core member around which a team is formed—even smaller
Strangelight teams almost always include an investigator.
One of the most important jobs the investigator performs is to document
any observations the team makes via extensive notes and the lumitype.
Images captured with a lumitype are the subject of much study by
Blackwell Hall, and providing new information about the nature of the
afterlife or supernatural entities can make a new investigator’s career.
68 No Quarter PRIME
Abilities Quick Study ∉
Prerequisite: INT 5
Astute ∉ You are adept at quickly picking up new skills and talents. You
Prerequisite: Detection 1, Investigator can use any skill you have observed in practice for at least
fifteen minutes or that has been instructed to you by someone
You can reroll failed Detection rolls. Each failed roll can be
proficient in the skill. For one hour, you treat the skill as if you
rerolled only once as a result of Astute.
had 1 point of training in it. Quick Study can be used only
once per day.
Prerequisite: INT 6 Quick Study II
Your powerful mind is difficult for others to control. The Prerequisites: Quick Study, INT 6, gained the Quick Study
COST of any spells that would force you to perform an action benefit five or more times.
increases by 2, and you may make a contested Willpower
When successfully gaining the benefit from Quick Study,
roll against the character targeting you in order to resist any
increase the temporary skill ranks you gain from Quick Study
abilities that would force you to perform any action against
to 2 at Hero level and 3 at Veteran and Epic. Additionally, you
your wishes.
can use this ability up to twice a day.
Inquiring Mind ∉
Shutterbug ∉
Prerequisites: INT 5, PER 5
Prerequisite: AGL 4, you have taken more than 10
The first time you discover a clue on a new investigation, you spectragraphs
can regain 1 feat point, regain 1 Willpower point, or remove 1
You are familiar with the intricacies of lumitypes. You can
Dread from the Game Master’s pool.
reload a lumitype as a free action and take a spectragraph as a
quick action.
Keen Eye ∉
Prerequisite: Investigator Shutterbug II
You can add 1 Dread point to the Game Master’s pool to spot Prerequisites: Shutterbug, AGL 5
a clue missed due to a failed Detection roll. This ability can be
As a full action, you can take advantage of a lumitype’s flash to
used a total of three times in a scene. Each additional time you
temporarily blind a supernatural or possessed creature. Perform
use this ability, the Dread cost increases by 1.
a ranged attack using POI + Detection. If the attack hits, the
target supernatural creature suffers –2 to attack rolls for one
Logical Explanation ∉ round.
Prerequisite: Investigator
You can use a quick action to try to rationally explain a current
True Grit ∉
source of horror and make an INT roll against a target number Prerequisite: Investigator
of 11. On a successful roll, all friendly characters currently in
When you fail a Willpower roll, you can spend 1 feat point to
your Command range restore 1 point of lost WILL. Logical
succeed instead.
Explanation can be used only once per scene.
Prerequisite: INT 6, the character has been knocked out or
incapacitated by a melee attack more than once
When an enemy hits you with a melee attack, add 1 Dread
point to the Game Master’s pool and make an INT roll. If your
roll total is higher than the attack roll, the attack misses. After
using this ability, you cannot use it again until you are hit by a
melee attack.
∉ = Not Cross-Trainable
No Quarter PRIME 69
Perhaps the most unique Strangelight profession, the jammer
evolved as a role in teams after numerous casualties resulting
from encounters with hostile spirits and other supernatural
creatures. The jammer is a fighting specialist who confronts specters
head on, outfitted and trained to intercept and incapacitate them. As
with the bouncer, the jammer’s focus is on keeping the team safe and
allowing more academic members to do their jobs. This requires restraint—it
is easier for a jammer to botch an investigation than for any other member of
the team. A ghost that is obliterated too quickly tells no tales.
Since the caller is the team member who attracts the attention of spirits and
helps make them tangible, they are in special peril, and it is the jammer’s
top priority to protect the caller by wrangling threatening supernatural
entities. The jammer uses specialized equipment that shields the field agent
from incorporeal entities and can physically interact with specters and
other spirits.
70 No Quarter PRIME
Abilities Self Sacrifice
Prerequisite: Unarmed 2, at least one companion has been
Bob & Weave grievously injured by a supernatural creature
Prerequisite: Unarmed Combat 2 When a friendly character within 6 feet (1˝) of you is hit with a
melee attack, you can choose to be hit instead.
As a quick action, you can move up to 18 feet (3˝). During this
movement, you gain +3 to DEF against free strikes.
Fight Through the Horror ∉ Prerequisite: None
Prerequisite: Jammer You gain boosted grapple rolls made against supernatural or
possessed creatures.
You can spend 1 Willpower point to boost any melee damage
rolls made against supernatural enemies or threats for the turn.
Thrill of the Fight
Fight Through the Horror II Prerequisite: None
Prerequisites: Fight Through the Horror, PRW 6, single- When you incapacitate an enemy with a melee attack, regain 1
handedly destroyed at least five supernatural creatures in point of Willpower.
Thrill of the Fight II ∉
Change the benefit of Fight Through the Horror to an additional
die. Prerequisites: Thrill of the Fight, Unarmed Combat 3, have
been outnumbered by supernatural creatures in combat three or
Ghost Puncher ∉ more times.
Prerequisite: Jammer After incapacitating an enemy with a melee attack, you can
either regain 1 Willpower point or make an additional melee
While engaging a supernatural creature, the Jammer gains
one additional attack or quick action, chosen at the start of the
character’s activation.
Nerves of Steel ∉
Prerequisite: Jammer
At the end of each of your activations, you heal 1 point of
Oh No You Don’t! ∉
Prerequisite: None
The Game Master must pay double the Dread points when
activating the Dread abilities of a supernatural creature within
your melee range.
∉ = Not Cross-Trainable
No Quarter PRIME 71
The mechanik’s role in a Strangelight Workshop team is to operate and
maintain much of the finicky and often hazardous gear the team uses
in the field. This task requires a great deal of technical know-how and a
healthy dose of intuition, luck, and courage. Mechaniks are responsible for
handling the Strangelight projector itself, making them invaluable during
an investigation. Investigations may require other bulky gear for them to
manage and maintain, and they often require the assistance of the bouncer.
Mechaniks and investigators are usually the most heavily trained and
experienced members of a given team, in part because they are less often
directly in harm’s way and their protection is vital for the team to endure
and succeed. Mechaniks receive considerable hands-on training by senior
agents regarding the essential Strangelight equipment, learning them
from the inside out. They must become familiar with sometimes-esoteric
tools and the myriad ways experimental gear can fail as well as how to
restore them.
72 No Quarter PRIME
Abilities Problem Solver ∉
Prerequisite: None
Cast Iron ∉ By spending a full action and making a successful Mechanikal
Prerequisite: Mechanikal Engineering 2 Engineering roll against a target number of 14, the Mechanik
may remove a single Complication from a scene. The player
Years of banging your knuckles, skull, and joints on machines
must provide a narrative reason for the Complication removal,
during repairs have toughened you up. You gain a +1 ability
and the Game Master must approve it.
bonus to ARM.
Quick Fix ∉
Demolish ∉
Prerequisite: Mechanikal Engineering 1
Prerequisite: Mechanik, Mechanikal Engineering 3, Percussive
Maintenance You know how to affect hasty field repairs on damaged
equipment. You can spend a full action to repair a disabled
When you increase or decrease a construct, machine, or other
or broken piece of gear or machinery well enough that it will
object’s vitality with Percussive Maintenance, roll d6+1 instead
function for a number of rounds equal to your Mechanikal
of d3+1.
Engineering skill level. You can use Quick Fix once per disabled
or broken device.
Gearhead’s Touch
Prerequisite: PER 4, Mechanikal Engineering 1, you have rolled Scavenger
on the catastrophic failure table at least three times
Prerequisite: Mechanikal Engineering 2
When you roll on the catastrophic failure table to determine a
You are skilled at recognizing the most important and
prototype’s catastrophic failure, roll twice and choose the result.
expensive components of any piece of equipment, particularly
in the prototypes deployed by the Strangelight Workshop.
Technophile ∉
When a piece of Strangelight equipment or prototype is
Prerequisite: Mechanik, Mechanikal Engineering 2
destroyed, you can make a Mechanikal Engineering roll
Even if you’ve never seen an item before, you have a pretty against a target number of 14. If the roll succeeds, you recover
decent idea of how it works. If you spent a full action studying a enough important material to reduce the Reputation cost of a
weapon or item that requires a skill you do not possess, you can replacement by half.
make an INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target
number of 14. If the roll succeeds, you can use your Mechanikal Technical Proficiency ∉
Engineering skill in place of the required skill for the remainder
Prerequisite: Mechanikal Engineering 2
of the encounter.
The first time you repair a broken or damaged device, prototype,
Technical Expertise ∉ or other machine on a new investigation, you can gain 1 feat
point, gain 1 Willpower point, or remove 1 Dread from the
Prerequisite: Mechanik
Game Master’s pool.
The Game Master must pay double the amount of Dread
in order to cause equipment wielded by the Mechanik to Weapon Specialization [’jack wrench]
malfunction or fail.
Prerequisite: Hand Weapon 2
Percussive Maintenance ∉ You are familiar with wielding a heavy mechanik’s wrench as
an improvised weapon. You ignore the attack roll penalty for
Prerequisite: Mechanik
using a ’jack wrench and gain +1 to damage rolls with it.
If this character has adequate tools, the character can make
a Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 12
to repair or sabotage constructs, machines, and other objects CATS
within reach. While not assigned by the quartermaster or considered “official”
equipment, field teams are loath to work without one or more cats
The character can increase or decrease the target’s vitality by on hand. Cats seem able to see multiple invisible entities, most
d3+1 points. importantly the grymkin called gremlins—and cats hate gremlins.
Due to the havoc gremlins can wreak on the Workshop’s machines,
keeping a few cats around at all times is simply common sense. Cats
should be named and their personalities denoted so their inevitable
loss will be felt.
∉ = Not Cross-Trainable
No Quarter PRIME 73
74 No Quarter PRIME
Hostile Encounter Suit
Cost: 1350 gc, 12 Reputation
SPD Modifier: 0
Activating or deactivating the armor requires a quick action.
DEF Modifier: –1
Fabrication: The material cost of a hostile encounter suit is 255
ARM Modifier: 7
gc. It takes one month to construct the armor. The pertinent
Rune Points: 4 Craft skill for construction is Craft (metalworking).
Description: Worn exclusively by jammers, the hostile encounter Hostile encounter suit runeplates require four weeks to scribe
suit is a complex piece of equipment developed to aid in and requires a successful INT + Mechanikal Engineering roll
defending against and capturing incorporeal entities. The hood against a target number of 16.
includes a set of Strangelight goggles, and both gloves contain
charged gauntlets (see above), allowing the wearer to physically Known Incorporeal & Disembodied Entities, 2nd Edition
interact with and damage otherwise incorporeal foes. While
Cost: Free to members of the Strangelight Workshop, 5 gc
powered, the suit inflates with special gas containing a finely
wherever fine books are sold
dispersed form of Ashes of Urcaen that receives an arcane
charge from the suit’s capacitor. An arcanodynamic accumulator Description: The Strangelight Workshop endeavors to keep
set into the back piece powers the armor. an abridged volume of information on common entities. This
book, now in its second edition, was produced by former
Special Rules: While this armor has power, the wearer cannot
and current agents and includes information gathered by
be possessed by supernatural or magical means, and characters
experienced individuals outside the Workshop like the
with the Incorporeal ability cannot move through the character.
esteemed Professor Pendrake of Corvis University. Nicknamed
A character other than a Jammer wearing a hostile encounter “the Specternomicon” by Strangelight Workshop field agents, it
suit rolls 1 fewer die on attack and skill rolls while wearing it contains entries on commonly encountered supernatural fauna.
due to lack of training. This is not cumulative with the penalty
Special Rules: A character who observes an incorporeal or
from the charged gauntlets.
supernatural creature for at least 1 round can spend an action
Replacing the gas canisters must be done once a week and looking up information in Known Incorporeal and Disembodied
requires five minutes and the proper tools. Fresh gas canisters Entities, 2nd Edition. A character who does so automatically
are provided free of charge upon mission assignment, but extras learns the first Lore entry associated with the observed creature.
can be acquired for 2 Reputation apiece.
No Quarter PRIME 75
Mechanik’s Apron
Cost: 50 gc
SPD Modifier: 0
DEF Modifier: –1
ARM Modifier: 6
Description: A mechanik’s apron is a heavy leather apron,
sometimes backed with chainmail, designed to protect the
wearer from bits of flying metal, gears, and other mechanikal
components in the event of catastrophic machine failure. A
mechanik’s apron has numerous pockets, pouches, and straps
sewn into it to hold a collection of useful tools.
Cost: 25 gc, 3 Reputation Special Rules: Wearing the hood while active imposes a –1 die
penalty on all rolls related to ordinary sight or sound but allows
Description: The handheld lumitype is one of the most
Callers to use their special abilities. The hood includes a pair of
effective pieces of field equipment used by the Strangelight
Strangelight goggles, but when active, the googles go inert and
Workshop. Combining a small Strangelight projector and an
the Caller can hear only spirits.
image-capturing system, the lumitype gives agents the ability
to take images, called spectragraphs, of the supernatural Activating or deactivating the hood requires a quick action.
entities they encounter. The Strangelight Workshop also
deploys larger, fixed lumitypes at sites known to have high Spectral Compass
levels of spectral activity. Fixed lumitypes are typically
Cost: 50 gc, 5 Reputation
unmanned and shoot at predetermined intervals, using an
automated feed to reload blank spectragraph plates. Description: The spectral compass is a handheld device about
three inches in diameter. Fabricated with known spiritually
Special Rules: A lumitype includes a small Strangelight
resonant materials and inscribed with occult runes, a needle set
projector able to produce a cone of light up to 36 feet (SP 6).
on the compass points in the general direction of potent sources
A character can use an action to capture an image with a of spiritual energy.
Special Rules: A character can spend a full action to consult a
Reloading a lumitype with a blank spectragraph is a quick action. spectral compass. A character consulting a spectral compass
gains the Sensitive background ability for 1 round.
Blank spectragraph plates come in packs of five. Investigators
are issued packs of spectragraphs on mission assignment, but
Strangelight Goggles
additional packs can be acquired at a cost of 1 Reputation.
Cost: 60 gc, 2 Reputation
Developing the image on a spectragraph requires a field
alchemy kit and five minutes spent processing the plate Description: The special goggles worn by Strangelight
followed by an INT + Alchemy roll against a target number of Workshop agents are elaborate, consisting of multiple sets
10. If the roll fails the image is distorted or otherwise unusable of alchemically treated lenses within a heavy-duty housing.
at the Game Master’s discretion. Controls allow a field agent to select different combinations of
lenses to filter wavelengths of Strangelight.
76 No Quarter PRIME
Goggles are a key piece of any field agent’s equipment. Without
them, things illuminated by Strangelight are at best blurry
Strangelight Prototypes
and indistinct, but with the appropriate selection of lenses, the The prototypes used by the Strangelight Workshop are odd and
invisible become visible. Further, goggles help delay the process largely untested pieces of mechanika that are as dangerous as
of becoming voided, a term used for the effect of long-term they are useful. Quartermaster Cronan Bailey acts reluctant to
exposure to Strangelight. allow such devices to fall into the hands of untested field agents,
tested field agents, and basically anyone other than himself and
Special Rules: In combination with a source of Strangelight,
his assistant, but field tests of such equipment are invaluable
like a lumitype or projector, a character wearing Strangelight
and necessary. Someone always has to take the bullet.
goggles can see invisible creatures and objects, as well as
spiritual energy. To properly view these, the goggles must be If an investigation requires a particular prototype to succeed,
tuned by adjusting the settings of lenses within them. it will be issued to the field agents without requiring the
expenditure of Reputation. However, a team may attempt to
Adjusting settings of goggles is an action. To achieve a proper
acquire prototypes beyond what is considered standard for an
setting, the character must make a PER roll against a target
assignment. Attempting to haggle with a quartermaster for
number equal to the encounter points of the entity being
a prototype is a contested Negotiation skill roll. If the rolling
viewed. Creatures or objects without an encounter point value
character succeeds, the prototype can be acquired for the
are treated as EP 8 for the purpose of such rolls.
requisite Reputation cost. If the roll fails, the quartermaster
A character with Strangelight goggles can see creatures without will not provide any additional prototypes for the current
a proper setting but roll one fewer die on Detection, ranged investigation. The roll can be attempted only once per team per
attack, and magic attack rolls targeting the creature due to it investigation.
being blurry, indistinct, or otherwise poorly visible.
Most prototypes are only loaned to a field team. Those who
desire to permanently acquire a prototype need to meet a
minimum XP requirement and pay a higher Reputation cost.
Multiphase Subaudible Frequency Generator
An unfortunate side effect of long-term exposure to Strangelight,
voiding is an irreversible condition that causes the iris and pupil to Cost: 3 Reputation (On Loan); 6 Reputation, 9 XP (Permanent
turn white. Within the Strangelight Workshop, voiding is seen as
an unavoidable condition and a marker of experience. Most outside
the Workshop consider voiding an unfortunate disfigurement. Some Description: A bulky device covered in a collection of dials,
experienced researchers believe there may be a supernatural,
spiritual component to voiding as well, but as yet this is speculation the multiphase subaudible frequency generator, or “noisebox,”
and requires further study. produces a range of subaudible harmonic frequencies believed
to be audible to spirit entities. The prototype is known to have a
disquieting effect on living individuals, causing them to become
more irritable or experience a general sense of dread.
Strangelight Projector
Special Rules: While activated, the device emits subaudible
Cost: 460 gc, 10 Reputation sound in an area approximately 150 feet (25˝) in diameter.
Rune Points: 3 Shades, specters, and other disembodied dead in the area must
make a successful Willpower roll against a target number of 15
Description: The Strangelight projector is one of the most or be compelled to investigate the device. Living characters in
critical pieces of field equipment deployed by the Strangelight the area suffer a –1 penalty to Willpower rolls.
Workshop. A dedicated piece of mechanika, a projector emits
Strangelight wavelengths, which, in combination with specially
Disharmonic Static Generation Unit
treated goggles, allow the user to perceive spiritual energy
and otherwise invisible things. Every field team brings at least Cost: 4 Reputation (On Loan); 8 Reputation, 12 XP (Permanent
a single portable projector into the field, and most also bring Acquisition)
multiple backup projectors that can be mounted on tripods. Description: A bulky piece of mechanika approximately
Worth noting fine details are sometimes still not visible to the thirty inches on a side, the disharmonic static generation unit
eye and will only be revealed after lumitype exposure. produces a low-yield arcane static in a small area that has the
Special Rules: A Strangelight projector produces a cone of effect of making disembodied spirits uncomfortable. A specter
Strangelight up to 60 feet (SP 10). In an affected area, characters or spirit can pass into the affected area but to do so seems to be
wearing Strangelight goggles can see invisible, incorporeal, or distracting and painful to the spirit.
otherwise magically hidden creatures and objects. Strangelight Special Rules: While activated, the device emits a field
allows the viewer to perceive spiritual energy of all kinds, approximately 30 feet in diameter. Shades, specters, and other
though without a pair of properly tuned goggles, such energy disembodied dead in the area suffer a –2 penalty to skill, attack,
appears as hazy, indistinct, or faint. ability, and magic attack rolls.
A Strangelight projector is powered by an alchemical capacitor.
It can operate continuously for one hour on a single charge.
No Quarter PRIME 77
4 Engine Noise
5 Inevitable Malfunction
6–7 Malfunction
8 Mechanikal Failure
10 Ghastly Magnet
11 Surge
12 Wild Discharge
The device does not function until the missing component is No common language with the character being
spoken to.
repaired. The character can spend a quick action to make a
Mechanikal Engineering roll against a target number of 10 to
repair the missing component. If the roll is a critical success, the Assisted Rapport Rolls: One additional character trained in
character makes the machine work despite the missing component, Rapport can assist in a Rapport skill roll. The character with
which must not have been all that important in the first place. the higher Rapport modifier (stat chosen by the Game Master +
Rapport level) makes the roll and adds 1 to the result to the die
Surge: The prototype functions at extreme capacity for a
roll for each of the assisting character’s levels in Rapport.
moment, tearing itself apart in the process.
Detect Possession: A character skilled in Rapport can
Until the end of the user’s next activation, actions performed
sometimes tell when the person they are interacting with is
with the device gain an additional die. Prototype weapons gain an
being controlled by a supernatural entity or through magic.
additional die to attack and damage rolls. At the end of the user’s
next activation, the prototype is destroyed. When your character makes an attempt to detect possession,
you make a roll using a stat determined by the Game Master,
Too Hot to Handle: The prototype heats up to an alarming
usually PER. The TN of this roll is equal to the Willpower of the
degree. Metal surfaces become red hot, and the device starts
source of the possession.
spewing clouds of black smoke.
Game Master Notes: Rapport allows a character to intuit the
Roll a d6. For that number of rounds, a character in contact with
emotional state of another, but it isn’t magic. A character skilled
the prototype must make a PHY roll against a target number of
in Deception is able to suppress indications of their current
11 or drop the prototype immediately. If the roll succeeds, the
emotional state. Rapport does not allow a character to infallibly
character suffers 1 point of fire damage but may use it normally for
read someone’s mind, and it is possible for a character to
that round.
misinterpret the cues they observe.
Wild Discharge: The prototype activates with a wild crackle of
Note that the Rapport skill has two components. One is a kind
arcane energy before falling dormant.
of “social detection” that allows the character to catch cues and
Randomly select a character within 30 feet (5˝) of the device. That gain insight into the mental state of the person they are talking
character suffers a POW 10 magic damage roll. to. The other is a more traditional social skill, wherein the
character says what they need to in order to calm down or elicit
empathy from someone.
Rapport (Social)
Rapport is the ability to read the emotional state of another,
spot changes in that person’s attitude or demeanor, and respond Callers in the Strangelight Workshop rely on Rapport to cause spirits
to pass on to Urcaen. This action cannot be performed on a spirit
accordingly in a social context to affect the other’s mood and that is currently hostile to the Caller.
demeanor, usually seeking to calm them or establish a bond. To make a spirit pass on, the Caller and spirit make a contested
Rapport roll. If the Caller’s roll is higher, the spirit suffers damage
Untrained Rapport: A character unskilled in Rapport can to its life spiral or vitality equal to the difference in the two rolls.
attempt to guess the emotions of another but runs a far greater A spirit that loses its last vitality point due to this roll passes to
risk of failure. Increase the target number for unskilled Rapport Urcaen, a process that takes only a few moments. If the spirit’s
roll is higher, it suffers no damage and might try to flee, attack, or
rolls by +2. perform some other action the Game Master deems appropriate.
Rapport Rolls: When your character makes a Rapport attempt,
you make a roll using a stat determined by the Game Master
and add your character’s Rapport level.
No Quarter PRIME 79