J Chippertruck 1017 en V2

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Dear reader, Our first approach was to replace the manual These measures have been rounded off by op-

transmission used up to now by the modern timisation of the human-machine interface.

The Chippertruck has been one of our TraXon automatic transmission. This means The new easy2 controller makes it possible
most important products since 2006. the driver comfort has improved without for us to automate repeating operational
The vehicles have run the through compare, the chipper trucks now drives sequences when setting up and taking down
emission categories Euro 3 up to Euro as softly as butter, almost like a normal car. the chipper. For the Cobra vehicles, we
6 c at the present time, all within 10 At the same time the fuel consumption have been able to elegantly and logically
years. We haven't carried out any major in pure drive mode has been reduced yet integrate the new control system with its
changes to the machine's drive concept again. console and armrest in the driving seat. The
at all over this entire period, whereas drivers feel comfortable, everything is just
considerable further developments have The second stage is improvements to the that little bit quicker and simpler, and this
been applied to the add-on chipper driving comfort on site. In this case we have always results in a few more woodchippings
machines. achieved this optimisation by providing per hour on balance.
the vehicle with a second drivetrain which
After a period of 10 years it is therefore is only used for chipping operations. Since Even if these improvements cannot be
understandable that we feel it is time there are no series parts available from MAN seen from the outside, the Chippertrucks
to deal with the overall machine's drive for this purpose we have started to use what represent something completely new in
concept, i.e. not just the chipper unit is currently the most powerful NMV available 2017. From our point of view, the ambitious
but also with the HGV. The starting and have combined it with the established description “Chippertruck 2.0“ is deserved
point in this case is driver comfort pump distribution transmission from our to the fullest extent. You can find all further
which, after all, does form the basis power takeoff machines. Now the machine details about this on the following pages.
for the overall system's shredding can be moved around the site in the engaged
power on site. If operation becomes condition with full engine power. At the same Your
easier and the working conditions time the hydraulics have been completely
are improved the level of comfort removed from the engine heat range. The
also improves, which then specifically drivetrain required for driving is unaffected
pays off in more woodchippings per by this change and is now specifically only Dipl. Oec. Uwe Hempen-Hermeier
hour. used for transport. Managing Partner


Preface 02

Contents 03

HGV driver's cab with mowing window 04

Rotating cab 05

HGV chassis 06

easy2 controller 07

Main drive 08

Driving while chipping 09

Chipper drum 10

Blade system 11

Maintenance-friendliness 12

Material outfeed as required 14

JENZ combined cooler 15

Logistics 16

Specifications 18

Maschinen- und Fahrzeugbau
Wegholmer Str. 14 | D-32469 Petershagen
Tel.: +49 (0) 5704/9409-0 The contents of this publication were
Fax: +49 (0) 5704/9409-47 drawn up with great care. However, we do
E-Mail: info@jenz.de not accept any liability for the correctness,
Web: www.jenz.de completeness and up-to-dateless of the
© Oktober 2017 contents. Subject to technical alterations.
Liable for content under German press law: All published figures should be considered as
Uwe Hempen-Hermeier approximations.

HGV driver's cab
with mowing window
HGV driver's cab with mowing window

Take your seat in HGV with amazingly com-

fortable long-distance driving equipment.
The space available and the excellent view
are setting standards! The driver does not
have to leave the cab to change between
driving and chipper operation. Just quickly
change places to the operator's seat, and off
you go. From here you have an unobstructed
view over the fitted chipper draw-in area
through an enlarged rear window. An
additional side window provides a good
overview of the woodpile.

All the operating elements are ergonomically

arranged. Cameras allow monitoring of
locations which cannot be seen directly,
for example the delivery pipe or the rear
of the HGV. Four LED headlights on the
rear windscreen and two side headlights
illuminate the working area even when
it is completely dark. The driver's cab is
sound-insulated and air-conditioned.

The air-sprung driver comfort seat with

lumbar support, shoulder adjustment and
heating leaves nothing to be desired.
A roof-mounted air conditioning unit is
available as an additional fitting. This means
that you can leave the cab completely relaxed,
even after a long day at work. Convince
yourself: the working comfort will simply
inspire you!

Rotating cab

Rotating cab
JENZ can offer the fitting of a rotating
CLAAS X10 cab as an alternative to the
HGV driver's cab. The decisive advantage
is that the driver no longer has to change
from the driver's seat to the chipper operator
seat because the cab can swivel through up
to 160°. Just sit down and off you go!
Driving and chipping from one and the same
workplace, and all this with an optimum
view of the woodpile, the draw-in table and
the crane.

Relocating the machine with the cabin rotated

does not pose problems. The chipper can be
moved at a fast walking pace when the driver
is looking towards the draw-in table, and is
therefore especially suitable for work with
frequent, brief changes of location.

The fittings provided in the rotating cab

are extensive: it is fully air-conditioned, has
a flexible driving column, swivelling working
instruments and enough storage space
including a cooler, which means that all the
ergonomic requirements for a long working
day are fulfilled.

A total of eight LED spotlights have been

fitted to the front and rear of the cab. Two
halogen and two xenon dipped-beam
headlights decorate the roof. These ensure
ideal visual conditions even in the dark.

HGV chassis
HGV chassis

The Chippertruck concept is just as simple

as it is ingenious. The chipper has been
fitted on a compact, triple-axle MAN HGV
chassis and is driven by the HGV engine.
An additional engine is not required.
The result is an unbeatably economic
machine which is almost as good as a
tractor-trailer combination in terms of
off-road capability.

Depending on the model, motor powers of

360 or 500 hp are available. The machines
are ready for operation on site within a very
short time, are completely stable and very

The Chippertruck is also fast and economic

or when travelling on the road. The vehicles
are suitable for motorway use with a top
speed of 80 km/h.

easy2 controller

easy2SELECT easy2TOUCH

easy2 controller
All Chippertruck functions are operated
via the easy2 operating system. The new
controller replaces the previous easygreen
controller. It consists of a touch display,
the easy2touch in addition to an additional
operating element called the easy2select
Joystick. In the vehicle variation with the
Cobra cabin version, the operating system
has been extended with an additional
operating console, the easy2CONTROL. easy2CONTROL

The easy2TOUCH display is the machine's

command centre. Here, settings can be The easy2 controller in the Cobra edition
made by tapping the screen or using special
with operating console easy2CONTROL.
pens/gloves. All functions which can be
operated using the easy2TOUCH display can
also be set using the easy2SELECT joystick.

The operator can arrange settings to his

requirements in a range of display menus.
Limit values can be defined or special user
profiles can be created in the configuration
menus. Display menus enable representation
of display instruments, for example those
showing torque or fuel consumption.
All operating data can be recorded and
transmitted to the company-specific data
processing system using USB, via Wi-Fi or
mobile telephones. This means that they
are available almost immediately for
economic evaluation.
Individual arrangement of work functions possible

Main drive
Main drive

The principle of the Chippertruck is based

Belt drive
for driving the on the fact that the add-on chipper is driven
JENZ machine
by the HGV engine. Power transmission takes
place using the ADEC (Auxiliary Drive Engine
Reverse Connected) in each case. The strongest ADEC
available on the market is used in the case
of the larger Chippertruck models (HEM 583
HGV engine
and above). The solution is convincing
transmission distri- with its long service life and enables
drive high performances when chipping.

In the case of the smaller HEM 561 R-Truck,

the MAN ADEC available from the works
Main drive Chippertruck HEM 583/593 R-Truck is used. This solution is considerably less
expensive, and certainly sufficient for the
lower HGV motor power of 360 hp.

A further advantage is that the ADEC

auxiliary drive can be switched on and off
Belt drive
for driving the both at a standstill and while travelling
JENZ machine under load. This means that the vehicle can
be driven simply and quickly along short
routes, for example alongside a material
gear heap.

HGV engine
transmission distri-

Main drive Chippertruck HEM 561 R-Truck

Driving while chipping

Driving while chipping

JENZ now offers all Chippertrucks with an
LX driver's cab as double operating system
at the operator seat with electro-hydraulic
remote-control as an optional fitting. With
this solution the driver can move the HGV
slowly with full mechanical all-wheel drive
without changing the driving seat - the
perfect solution for working several small
stacks or alongside motorways. A double
operating system has been fitted to operate
the pedals (accelerator/brake), the loading
crane joystick is used to steer, the drive does
not have to be disengaged. This function
is compiled to form the new JENZ forward
drive assistant.

The Cobra Chippertrucks can be relocated

when the cabin is rotated at a fast walking
speed under full traction force using the
mechanical HGV drive, and thanks to the
rotating cab changing between the driver
and working seat is no longer necessary.

Chipper drums

Cross-section of HEM

Chipper drum
Top draw-in roller
Toothed roller
Screen basket
Spill material
clearing systems
Bottom belt

Ejection vane

open closed
Chipper drums

Benefits: Benefits:
 less fines content and good  less overlength
chipping flow with coarse chippings with light cuttings

helix H1

Benefits: Benefits:
 extremely quiet, jerk-free running  coarse chippings with very low fines content
fine woodchippings when chipping  optimised woodchipping flow
standing timber  rapid adjustment of pre-grip using wedges

Blade system

JENZ blade system - the original

Benefits: upper
 no regrinding
clamping piece
 no further
handling costs


clamping piece

Interchangeable blades
Very fine chippings for pellet production.

Multipurpose blade
good for changing materials

Blade system
Softwood blade
easy-running, high throughput

Hardwood cutter
long service life
G30 woodchippings

Thick wood blade reinforced

extra thick, especially stable

pre-grip= distance between chipper drum body and cutter blade

G50 woodchippings Bottom

clamping piece

clamping piece


G100 woodchippings



The Chippertruck reduces the requirement

for maintenance and repairs to a minimum.
After all, you want to earn money with the
machine. This is only possible if the chipper
is ready to use again quickly.

The screen basket cover can be hydraulically

opened for all chippers. This means that the
chipper rotor is freely accessible immediately.
This allows the blades to be sharpened or
replaced easily from a standing position. The
screen basket can be replaced without tools.

All electrical components are fitted together

in a protective housing.


The focus of the development was on simple
maintenance. We are very proud of the

The hydraulic blower can be completely

opened within a very short time in a similar
manner to opening a safe door. When you do
this, the fan swivels out of the housing to
enable access. All wear parts are optimally
accessible and can be checked and replaced
if necessary in a simple manner.

The hydraulic system is safely protected from

overheating using a single large-volume oil

The driver's cab can easily be hydraulically

opened for maintenance purposes. This now
means that the engine and its accessories
are simply and easily accessible for the
service fitter.

Material loading
as required Throwing distance - infinitely variable
Material outfeed as required

Unloading to the front or to the rear

With the Chippertruck you have a choice

of how the woodchippings should be
discharged: via the delivery pipe or the
outfeed conveyor.

A new standard fitting for the HEM 583

onwards is the centric alignment of the
hydraulically-driven blower. This results
in two major benefits.

The speed can be infinitely varied

independently of the chipper drum. The
result is that the fuel consumption is
reduced, there is less wear on the blower
and the gentle outfeed improves the
woodchipping quality. Furthermore, the
centric alignment of the blower enables
woodchip transport in both directions -
the perfect solution for use in restricted

People who have enough space and place

considerable value on the woodchipping
quality can also equip the Chippertruck with
a rear-fitted outfeed conveyor. This solution
requires less drive power compared with the
blower, and this is then reflected in a higher
throughput rate. On top of this, less dust
is created if chipping is carried out with a
conveyor belt.

JENZ combined cooler

JENZ combined cooler

Chippers often work in a dusty environment
and at high outside temperatures. A clean
cooler is indispensable for permanent high

A newly developed combined cooler is

now available as an option to improve
the cleaning facilities compared with
the standard original. In this system,
continuous cooler fins which are arranged
at greater spacing compared with the
original are used. This cooler can simply
be blown out from the front using the
air hose provided.

With this system all the cooler connections

and bearings remain at the MAN original
specification and have not been changed.


The label "Chippertruck" is an obvious


association of words. In this case, truck

means transport and stands for optimum
transport logistics. The Chippertruck
provides the best preconditions for this
purpose with its compact construction,
comparably low weight, high transport
speed including motorway approval and the
comfort of a large and comfortable driver's
cab. Further economic bonuses are provided
by its excellent low fuel consumption and
extremely fair costs for tyres and


7.70 m up to 11.05 m

18.75 m if registered as HGV

Technical data for HGVs

A Chippertruck can be registered either Applies to Germany only

as an HGV or as a self-propelled working
Cert. of exemption
machine depending on preferences. 3 axles §70 StVZO
Registration as a self-propelled working
machine is cheaper in terms of tax, but Admissible overall weight 26000 kg 27500 kg
results in restrictions on transport
Admissible axle load rear 19000 kg 20000 kg
opportunities. If, in contrast, the
Chippertruck is registered as an HGV, the Admissible drawbar load 1000 kg –
(the drawbar load increases the
owner has all the facilities of a powerful overall weight and the axle load on
HGV towing machine available and can the rear axle. Admissible loadings
must be observed!)
use the full range of transport facilities
as allowed by the relevant road traffic Admissible overall vehicle length 12 m –
(single vehicle)
registration either for woodchipping
transport or for other tasks. Admissible overall vehicle length 18 m –
(tractor + trailer)

Permissible overall weight 40000 kg –

(tractor + trailer Vehicle combinations
+ load) with more than 4 axles

Turntable trailer (without drawbar load)

Possible trailer
rigid drawbar (with drawbar load)

Self-propelled working machine (LoF)

Towing hitch only for towing
trailers in "LoF" operation,
Overall length up to 18.00 m

Registration* HGV
Overall length up to 18.75 m

Special vehicle
operation in "LoF operation" and any other deployments.

All information without legal liability!

*Details or other approval types in acc. w. usage type must be clarified with the responsible registration office.


HEM 561 HEM 583 HEM 593

R-Truck R-Truck/Cobra R-Truck/Cobra

Performance potential
Fragmentation of hardwood up to (cm) 45 45 45
Fragmentation of softwood up to (cm) 56 56 56
Throughput up to approx. (lcm) 140 200 220
Draw-in opening
Draw-in width (mm) 1000 1200 1400
Draw-in height (mm) 650 680 680
Fragmentation unit
Drum diameter (mm) 820 820 820
Number of blades, half-fitting (full) 10 (20) 12 (24) 14 (28)
Material outfeed
Mechanical blower outfeed
Hydraulic blower outfeed
Conveyor outfeed
Main drive

Standard diesel motor MAN, Euro 6c MAN, Euro 6c MAN, Euro 6c

Power in kW / HP 265/360 368/500 368/500
Drive type via ADEC via ADEC via ADEC
Transport position dimensions
Length (mm) 7500 7700 7700
Width (mm) 2550 2550 2550
Height (mm) 3950 4000 4000
Automatic overload control
Draw-in speed preselection
15-channel radio remote control
All data is based on the basic machine version and should be considered as an approximation.
Included in standard machine delivery Option, available at extra cost Not available

HEM 561 R-Truck HEM 583 R-Truck


HEM 561 HEM 583/593 HEM 583/593

R-Truck R-Truck Cobra

Wheel formula
6x4-4 BL
6x6 BB
Technically admissible overall weight 30000 33000 33000
Front axle leaf-sprung leaf-sprung leaf-sprung
1st rear axle leaf-sprung leaf-sprung leaf-sprung
2nd rear axle air-sprung air-sprung leaf-sprung
Number of axles 3 3 3
Wheelbase (mm) 3600 3600 3600
Top speed (km/h) 80 80 80
Driver's cab

Version LX with mowing window LX with mowing window Cobra rotating cab
Version 2-point Epsilon GIRX39 2-point Epsilon GIRX39 2-point Epsilon GIRX39
Fuel tank
Diesel (litres) 680 680 680
AdBlue (litres) 60 60 60
Turning circle
Radius (in m) 8,2 8,2 10,0

Steered axle, driven Driven axle Steered axle, not driven

HEM 583 R Cobra HEM 593 R-Truck HEM 593 R Cobra

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Maschinen- und Fahrzeugbau
Wegholmer Str. 14 | D-32469 Petershagen
Tel.: +49 (0)5704 /9409-0
Fax: +49 (0)5704 /9409-47
E-Mail: info@jenz.de

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