UID: Course Outline

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Advanced Diploma in Interactive Media Design


Course Outline
Course Title : User Interaction Design
Weekly Duration : 4
Pre-Requisite : Color for Designers, Design Principles,
Co-Requisite : Image Processing, Digital Illustration
Department : Visual Communication

Course Description
User Interaction Design will be a 12-week course with one 4-hour lecture weekly. This
course will provide designers with theoretical knowledge and practical experience in
the fundamental aspects of interaction design. It focus on the process of designing
the user experience by examining works of interface design from the perspective of
psychology, graphic design, and human-computer interaction conceptual

On completion of this module, students should develop the knowledge and skills to

1. Understand the difference between designing objects and designing interaction.

2. Analyze and synthesize the relevant aspects of meaningful human interactions in
the networked society, including the physical, cognitive, emotional, social and
cultural dimensions of these interactions; and the relationship of such interactions
to commerce, learning, work, community and gaining access to the privileges of
3. Explore the technological mediation of interaction in terms of representing,
simulating, visualizing, transforming and positioning information, managing its
complexity in a fashion to make it useful for visual communication.
4. Master the tools used to create interactive experiences, including visual, audio,
temporal and kinesthetic elements and principles of design, as well as to employ
language structures and technological affordances for the creation of specific
interactive applications.

- Self Assessment
- Peer and small group work
- Discussion
- Supervised learning
- On the job practical experience and performance

Students must familiarize themselves with the following policies and procedures.
Details of these policies and procedures can be found on the Student Handbook.

• Referencing Style
• Assignment Extension Policy

Updated October 2008

• Assignment Grading
• Plagiarism Policy
• Collusion Policy

Assessment Item Weightage Due Date

1.User Requirements Document [ GROUP WORK ] 10 Week 04
Develop a clear understanding of the characteristics of
the productís users; understand the tasks users
perform; analyze the data gathered and create the
productís user requirements.
2.Information Architecture Document [ GROUP WORK ] 20 Week 07
Each group must provide a complete NAVIGATION
FLOW DIAGRAM (a site map), and -no less -- than 3
(three) different
WIREFRAMES of their interactive product.

3.Design Detail [ GROUP WORK ] 20 Week 10

Complete a style guide containing both the graphic
design and UI policy decisions; flesh out the high-level
design into a complete specification; conduct usability
evaluation of specific screens or workflows; create
detailed layouts for each screen; build a prototype.

4.Interface Evaluation & Testing [ GROUP WORK ] 10 Week 12

Prototypes produced by the groups will be evaluated
by the class, according to the testing and evaluation
criteria presented on the class.
5. Sketchbook [ INDIVIDUAL WORK ] 25 Every
Students must submit EVERY WEEK their Week
research/sketch work to the lecture; NO LATE

6. Tests & Quizzes [ INDIVIDUAL WORK ] 15 To be

Student must undergo through a series of small tests determine
and pop-quizzes to assess their learning of the d by the
theoretical content of the course. lecturer

Total 100%

* Examination date and format, if applicable, will be advised at a later date.

Recommended Text/Resources
You are recommended to purchase or have access to the following:
1. Shneidernman, B & Plaisant, C, 2005, Designing the User Interface: Strategies for
Effective Human-Computer Interaction, Pearson ñ Addison Wesley, USA
2. Mullet, K & Sano, D. 1995, Designing Visual Interfaces: Communication Oriented
Techniques, Prentice Hall, NJ, USA
3. Cooper, A. & Reimann, R., 2003, About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction
Design,Wiley; 1st edition.
4. Norman, D., 2004, Emotional Design: Why We Love (Or Hate) Everyday Things,
Basic Books

Updated October 2008

Additional References
Purchase of additional resources is not compulsory.
1. Garrett, J, 2002, The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the
Web, New Riders Press; 1st edition
2. Laurel, B., 1993, Computers as Theater, Addison-Wesley Professional; Reprint
3. Manovich, L., 2002, The Language of New Media, The MIT Press.
4. http://www.esnips.com/web/raffles-uid
5. http://www.useit.com/

Updated October 2008

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