Bolt Action WWI Supplement
Bolt Action WWI Supplement
Bolt Action WWI Supplement
JULY 2018
Charles Pecquet
Table of Contents
Rules Modifications.................................................................................... 3
Terrain and Battlefield Setup................................................................... 4
Gas Attacks ............................................................................................. 4
New Units ................................................................................................... 4
Airplanes .................................................................................................. 4
Observation Balloons ............................................................................ 5
Signal Parties............................................................................................ 5
New Special Unit Rules ............................................................................ 5
Weapons Chart.......................................................................................... 6
Army List ..................................................................................................... 7
Unit Profiles ................................................................................................ 8
Headquarters .......................................................................................... 8
Cavalry Troops ....................................................................................... 9
Infantry Squads or Sections.................................................................. 9
Infantry Teams ...................................................................................... 10
Artillery and Tows ............................................................................... 11
Armored Cars....................................................................................... 12
Tanks ....................................................................................................... 13
Airplanes ................................................................................................ 15
Rules Modifications
The Bolt Action V2 rules as published reflect most infantry squads and weapons of WWI.
However, anti-tank weapons were of lower velocity, tanks more lightly armored and slower,
and there air support was minimal. To game WWI, use all rules from the Bolt Action V2
rulebook as is with the exception of the list provided here.
BA V2 army special rules do not apply for WWI armies unless specified in the army lists
provided here.
BA V2 unit or weapon special rules do not apply unless they are specified in the unit
profiles provided here.
The medic benefit is measured from any figure in the medic unit and the medic unit rolls
1 save die per medic unit figure.
All LMGs run the risk of jamming. See jam special rule.
An MMG pins a 7+ vehicle if it hits its flank or rear.
ALL anti-tank weapons are low velocity and are at a -1 to their normal BA V2
penetration value. This does not affect HE shots.
Preliminary bombardments also target barbed wire in the set up zone. In addition to
rolling for units, roll for each section of barbed wire. Barbed wire should be in 6”
sections, and a result of 5 or 6 causes the removal of that section of wire.
HE weapons may target a section of barbed wire to clear the way. If a hit is scored, a 2+
damage roll removes a section. They must declare if they are targeting the wire or a unit
behind it, but not both.
Spotters must be within 12” and line of sight to the weapon they are directing fire for.
Forward artillery observers must be within 12” of their board edge.
An observation balloon provides unlimited line of sight of the battlefield. A balloon gives
a +1 modifier to the roll to see if a preliminary bombardment or gas attack arrives. It
also gives a +1 modifier to reserve units entering the table from reserve or flank march.
It also allows spotters to be an additional 12” and out of sight from the gun or mortar
they are directing fire for. Balloons can only be targeted by airplanes.
A signal party provides improved communications if it is within 12” of its board edge.
The forward artillery observer and or spotter can operate within 12” of the signal party
A signal party within 12” of the back board edge also eliminates the -1 penalty for
reserves attempting to enter the field.
The shotgun profile has been modified slightly in the weapons chart.
Terrain and Battlefield Setup
WWI is known for opposing trenches separated by a no man’s land. The BA V2 scenarios
should work for WWI by allowing the defender to place a line of trenches and wire across their
side. If the scenario does not designate a defender, such as no man’s land, then both sides can
set up trenches and wire. Top secret or man hunt could use a downed pilot. Otherwise, follow
normal terrain set up recommendations. No special dug in rules are recommended as a unit in a
trench that counts as in hard cover is already well protected very hard to hit if they go down.
Complete trenches with gun and mortar pits can be modeled or one-sided earthworks used for
simplicity sake or even just masking tape in a pinch. You might also consider a point system for
trenches and wire with a 6” section of trench costing 10 pts each and a 6” section of wire
costing 5 points each that would be part of the overall OB points. Also, to make a no man’s land
manageable to cross, use plenty of shell craters 3” to 6” in diameter. These count as rough
terrain for movement but provide hard cover to infantry that are in them.
Gas Attacks
WWI is infamous for the use of gas on the battlefield. However, casualty records suggest
that only about 3% of gas attack casualties were fatal and that 70% of the victims could return
to duty in just over a month, but the psychological effects could be high. To reflect this, use the
following procedure if you would like to include this aspect to your game.
On any scenario that calls for a preparatory bombardment, you may replace it with a gas
attack. You must declare this before rolling to see if it arrives. If you select a gas attack, first roll
a D6. On a 1 or 2, the wind blows the gas off the field to no effect. On a 3+ the gas arrives. If it
arrives, roll for each enemy unit in the enemy set-up zone and place D3 pins on each unit
including vehicles and units transported in those vehicles. On any 6 that is rolled for a unit, roll
1D6 to wound with no additional penetration.
New Units
Air support during WWI is a new concept. These rules are not trying to provide a
mechanism for WWI aerial combat or bombing. These rules are primarily to allow a way to
knock down an observation balloon or fly over the trenches and harass with machine gun fire or
chase off an enemy airplane. All normal shooting rules apply to the aircraft shooting and being
shot at. All aircraft count as a small target to make some allowance for being fast moving and at
a higher altitude. All units have line of sight to an aircraft and vice versa regardless of terrain or
obstacles. A unit should consist of a 3” square base with rod to hold the craft 6 to 12” above the
board with a 1/72 scale model plane. All measurements to or from this unit are from the base
of the rod. All arcs of fire are determined from the base. If a measurement from the airplane to
its target crosses cover, the target unit benefits from the cover. However, that same cover does
not apply to an enemy unit shooting at the airplane. In other words, shooting at infantry in a
trench gives the infantry cover. Infantry shooting from the trench does not give the airplane
cover. Each OB can include an airplane appropriate to the army and year being portrayed using
the unit profile provided. An airplane may advance up to 12” with up to two 90 degree turns or
may run up to 24” with up to one 90 degree turn. An airplane can never move in reverse. See
the unit profile for damage values.
Observation Balloons
These allow unlimited and unrestricted views of the battlefield. A unit should consist of
a 3” square base with rod to hold the balloon about 6 to 12” above the board with an
appropriate model plus ground crew. All measurements to or from this unit are from the base
of the rod. Once deployed, the unit cannot move. It can only be targeted by airplanes
Signal Parties
A signal party can use semaphores, telephones, telegraphs, and homing pigeons to keep
the lines of communication open. Using a signal party establishes good lines of communication
and eliminates any negative modifiers to bringing reserves onto the field if the signal party is
within 12” of its own board edge. It also allows the artillery observers and spotters to
communicate to the guns and mortars on the table by adding 12” to their communication
New Special Unit Rules
Reconnaissance: The unit is trained to probe the enemy lines using quick stealthy movement. It
may move 3” further when executing a run order. If the unit has not been given an order yet,
they may attempt to react to a fire or assault action against them by disengaging if they roll a
2+ on a D6. If successful, they may make a full run rate move regardless of terrain, getting no
closer to any visible enemy unit, and then go down. They may go closer to enemy if their move
ends either in cover or out of sight of the enemy unit attacking them. If they fail, they go down
in place.
Poor Traction: When attempting to turn in rough terrain or cross and obstacle, the vehicle first
rolls 1D6. On a 1 it becomes stuck and makes no further move that turn.
Jam: This applies to all LMGs. Roll the dice for these weapons separately if part of a squad or
vehicle. You must always roll all 4 dice for that weapon. If you roll 2 or more 1s when shooting,
the weapon jams and does not fire that turn only and all dice miss that turn regardless of what
is rolled.
Low Velocity: This applies to all anti-tank guns. Subtract one from its normal BA V2 penetration
value. This is reflected in the weapons chart in this supplement.
Pioneer: This unit automatically removes any section of wire they contact or cross during an
advance move.
Transporter: A vehicle with this rule may transport up to 10 men in addition to its crew.
Rough: Lack of suspension makes it hard to aim heavy weapons on the move. This does not
apply to LMGs, MMGs, or HMGs. Howitzers and anti-tank weapons suffer the usual -1 to move
and shoot plus an additional -1 modifier to hit as part of an advance order.
Initiative: If an infantry squad’s NCO is killed, roll a D6. On a 1, the NCO is removed as normal.
On a 2 or higher, another soldier takes his place.
Quick Fire: Howitzers that do not move or pivot and fire direct may reroll a miss.
Very Slow: Can advance 6” with one 90 degree turn or run 6” with no turns.
Weapons Chart
Army List
This list and unit profiles cover American, British, French, or German forces from 1917 –
1918. If you wish to portray early war, do not use any tanks or anti-tank weapons and limit
airplanes to one MMG. Some unit profiles are only for a particular nation or contain options
only available to a particular nation. While not included, it wouldn’t be hard to create an
Austro-Hungarian, Russian, or Italian list.
While this supplement does not spell out all of the details for each army, a little research
will show ample possibilities of uniforms and equipment where armies were beginning to
mechanize while at the same time some of the largest cavalry divisions in history were raised.
Germans wore pickelhaubes and had stormtrooper squads. The French still had cuirassiers and
Zouaves. The British fielded highlanders in kilts. Observation balloons floated over the trenches
with colorful biplanes flying overhead. If both players agreed, borrowed or captured equipment
could be used as it was historically. It would be quite a sight to field a Tsar tank with a Russian
army. While this supplement is based on an infantry platoon, an alternative could include
replacing all infantry squads with cavalry troops using a mounted officer to fight a cavalry charge,
or replace all squads with artillery to create a gun battery. All of this should provide limitless
Unit Profiles
Unit Officer
Cost -2nd Lieutenant 35pts (Inexperienced) 50 pts (Regular) 65 pts (Veteran)
-1st Lieutenant 60pts (Inexperienced) 75 pts (Regular) 90 pts (Veteran)
-Captain 95pts (Inexperienced) 110 pts (Regular) 125 pts (Veteran)
-Major 135pts (Inexperienced) 150 pts (Regular) 165 pts (Veteran)
Composition 1 officer and up to 2 further men
Weapons Pistol or rifle as depicted on model
Options The office may be accompanied by up to 2 men at a cost of +7 pts per man
(Inexperienced) +10 pts per man (Regular) or +13 points per man (Veteran)
Special Rules
Unit Medic
Cost 23 pts (Regular) 30 pts (Veteran)
Composition 1 medic and up to 2 further men
Weapons Pistol or rifle as depicted on model
Options The medic may be accompanied by up to 2 men additional at a cost of +10
pts per man (regular) or +13 pts per man (veteran)
Special Rules When saving, roll 1 additional D6 per additional accompanying medic
Cavalry Troops
Unit Grenadier, Bomber, or Stosstruppen Assault Infantry Section
Cost 75pts (Veteran)
Composition 1 NCO and 4 men
Weapons Rifles
Options -Add up to 5 additional men with rifles at a cost of +15 points per man
-Up to 2 soldiers may replace rifle with LMG at +15 pts
-Up to 2 soldiers may add a rifle grenade launcher at +20 pts
German only:
-Up to 1 soldier may replace his rifle with a flamethrower for +20 pts
American only:
-Up to 1 soldier may replace rifle with a BAR for +5 pts
-Up to 2 soldiers may replace rifle with shotgun for +5 pts
Special Rules Tough fighters; LMGs have Jam; Pioneer; Germans only have Initiative
Infantry Teams
Unit Sniper
Cost 50 pts (Regular) 65 pts (Veteran)
Composition 1 sniper and 1 spotter
Weapons Rifles
Special Rules Team; Sniper
Unit Anti-tank Rifle (German only)
Cost 30 pts (Regular) 39 pts (Veteran)
Composition 2 man crew
Weapons Anti-tank rifle
Special Rules Team
Unit Light Autocannon (British only)
Cost 50 pts (Regular) 60 pts (Veteran)
Composition 3 man crew
Weapons Light Autocannon
Special Rules Team; Fixed
Armored Cars
Unit Austin Armored Car (British only)
Cost 66 pts (Inexperienced) 80 pts (Regular)
Composition 1 car with crew
Damage Value 7+
Weapons 2 MMG turrets, 1 can fire into the front, right, and rear arcs, the other can
fire into the front, left, and rear arcs
Special Rules
Unit Whippet Tank (British only)
Cost 75 pts (Inexperienced) 90 pts (Regular)
Composition 1 tank with crew
Damage Value 7+
Weapons 4 MMGs, 1 covering each arc
Special Rules Slow; Poor Traction
Unit Airplane
Cost 50 pts (Regular) 65 pts (Veteran)
Composition 1 airplane
Damage Value 6+
Weapons 1 MMG firing into the forward arc
Options -Add up to 1 additional MMG twinned at a cost of +10 pts
-Add up to 1 additional MMG firing into the sides and rear arc at a cost of
+15 pts
Special Rules Small Target; Easily catches fire; Long range except at balloons if within
half range
Damage An airplane is a soft skin vehicle except that a 1 (stun) reduces movement
that turn to 12” straight ahead and its order die is set to down, a 2
(immobilize) damages the rudder and it can only move like a tracked
vehicle for the rest of the game. A 3 sets it on fire and adds D3 additional
pins before checking moral. A 4 or better destroys it.