Site Survey Work

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Method Statement, Risk Assessment Review Form Checklist

Method Statement Ref No : Revision:

Note : Method statements should address all items below. Contractor must confirm their review by marking 
or NA in the column below.
Contractor: Package:
Date submitted :
Sub-Con Mace
Q Does the method statement include : Mace Comments
 or A or U
1 Scope/Description of Works: inc. Method and Sequence. Location 
of works inc. Sketch/ Duration of Activity / Programme. Refer to site
access, Induction Marshal Duties, Method Statement Briefings and
Mace induction.

2 Project Organisation for Health and Safety and Control: 

(Identify H&S responsibilities, supervision and frequency of
inspections, i.e. toolbox talks weekly etc.)

3 Risk & Control Information: (List the significant risks and controls 
in addition to specific risk assessments)

4 Access / Egress: (Include description of access equipment used for 

the task (i.e: MEWP, podium or scaffold)


6 Plant & Equipment: 

(List of all plant and equipment required for task)

7 Personnel Training Certification: (CSCS, CPCS, CISRS, ECA, NA

IPAF, PASMA, Asbestos)

8 Hazardous materials and substances, emergencies, spill kits: 

(COSHH assessments and safety data sheets attached)

9 Waste Management – segregation, waste removal NA

10 Special Control Measures: (Hold points, permits, temp works, 

emergency arrangements, rescue plans, public protection, tool
tethering, harness requirements etc.)
11 Site Deliveries, logistics – CLOCS, WRRR NA

12 Personal Protective Equipment Requirements: 

(Including specific PPE assessment – BS EN No’s, Model, Type)

13 Manual Handling Assessment / Noise Assessments / HAV’s 

Assessments: Included where required and applicable to activities.

14 Fire Procedures: (Refer Site Fire Procedures and Fire Marshal NA

duties. (Contractor marshals named)

15 Risk Assessment: Specific to works being carried out. Are 

hazards and risks identified with suitable control measures. Signed
and dated.

16 All attachments must be included in one document and all pages

numbered. Briefing sheet must attached.

Main contractor review carried out by:

Name: Khalid Awad Signature:

Date: 09/03/2023
All method statements to be submitted with this form (as well as a submittal record and method statement issue register)

All the operations relevant to the for Loading/Unloading of Portable Cabins including Installation and Setup for Temporary
Site Office Facilities will be programmed and executed in a safe manner complying with all the relevant regulations,
PRIVATE PROPERTY AFFAIRS Procedures and HSE Plan so as not to cause danger, inconvenience or interference to the
general public or other contractors working on site.

The activities will be carried out either during Day shift and/or Night Shift, depending on the Site convenience, the specific
working hours will be established and then informally communicated to the consultant for approval.

The operations will be carried out as per the recommendations contained in the latest version of PRIVATE PROPERTY
AFFAIRS HSE Manual, the contractor Health and Safety Plan, Environmental Management Plan and in the latest version this
Method Statement.
During all working operations rules mentioned below must be respected.


All work operations shall be conducted in alignment with the:

PRIVATE PROPERTY AFFAIRS Health and Safety Manual .

Approved Health and Safety Plan AIEDCO
Approved Environmental Management Plan AIEDCO
Risk Assessments AIEDCO

3 Risk Assessment / RISK MANAGEMENT

Risk Assessment related to Loading/Unloading of Portable Cabins including Installation and Setup for Temporary Site Office
Facilities Has conducted and attached to this method statement in annex (01) the risk management enhances the traceability of
the major construction hazards identified from the beginning until completion of the project. The Risk Management Strategy
for this Project includes Risk Management Plan, Risk Register through such documents we will ensure that the risk during
each phase of the project, are properly identified, mitigated and managed.

4 HSE Inspection & Implementation:

 The necessary safety measures will always be taken to prevent accident or injury. This include barriers, warning
tape/net, and signage, watchman, Flashing and rotating lights at night.
 Where work upon existing services may be required, the necessary work permits, and safety equipment should be
obtained prior to the activity commencement.
 HSE and responsible supervisors will ensure that Personal Protective Equipment is always worn by site personnel
during construction activities.
 Heat Stress, confined space, emergency response, working in excavation, working at height training and other
applicable training will be provided.
 Provisions of adequate cool drinking water, shade will be in place.
 Plant & Equipment must be inspected prior to use and will be provided with back-up alarms, lights, and all other
applicable safety devices.
 All edges must be with guardrails and scaffold inspected by competent person.
 Hot work Operation must be under the supervision and control of competent personnel, authorized by construction
 All lifting equipment’s, devices, accessories and operators, riggers must be inspected and assessed by competent
person and to be 3rd party certified.
 All electrical supply must be equipment with RCD / ELCB’s and electrical cable to be hanged with non-conductive
materials. Enough lighting to be provided.
 All area shall be free from debris, waste and rubbish and shall be disposed according to approved waste management
plan. container for different type of waste to be provided in different location and to be emptied on regular basis.

5 Safety Training and Induction:

Prior to the commencement of any activities, the workforce will receive an induction training on the project site safety
requirements. Specific training applicable on activities will be conducted prior allowing workers to perform the activities.
Worker shall not be allowed to work unless the training completed by competent person.
6 Permit to work system:

Prior to the commencement of any activities, the applicable permits as attached in the appendix (02) shall be issued by the
contractor permit issuer/construction manager, received by permit receiver/activity supervisor and reviewed by the
responsible HSE officer. All sections of the permit must be completed to ensure compliance with the safety requirements. A
permit to be logged on permit register and closed on time as specified.


All emergency shall be dealt, handled and responded according to approved emergency response plan. Refer to approved
emergency response plan
First aider shall always be available at site. The first aider contact details are attached in appendix (03)
First aid shall be readily available during all the hours where work is carried out on site. The nearest first aid box is located at
(HSE Office) all training shall be to MOL approved standards and such training shall include Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(CPR) and other emergency techniques. All first aiders shall be suitably identified with a “Red-Crescent” sticker pasted on the
left side of the safety helmet. It shall always be worn when on the site.
Emergency ambulances or emergency vehicle will be available at site at all time of execution.


Emergency Contact List attached in appendix (04)

9 Attachments (Risk Assessment, Applicable Permits, Equipment’s Certification etc.)

Document Number: REVISION NO: 01


Site survey works
Risk Assessment
For Survey Activities
Contract No.

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this Method statement is to outline the strategy to be adopted on the Project: -

a. Define the specific task to be performed and ensure a safe system of work.
b. To set out the sequence of construction and work procedure.
c. Show the procedure to ensure work complies with the specification and drawings.
d. Ensure work is carried out without any adverse impact on environment.

1.2. Scope and Location

This Method Statement covers the work involved in for the project.

The main purpose of this method statement is to describe the main activities relating to the timely and proper
setting out of the works in relation to the original survey points, lines and levels to ensure work undertaken with
reference to a fixed datum and to appropriate dimensions. Based on the correctness of this information the
works will proceed.

1.3. Definitions & Abbreviations

IFC Issued for Construction

HSE Health, Safety and Environment
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
QC Quality Control
ITP Inspection Test Plan
TBM Temporary Bench Mark
PBM Permanent Bench Mark
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
RTK Real Time Kinematic
DTM Digital Terrain Model
KHz Kilo Hertz (transmitting frequency)
E.R. Engineer's Representative
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984
DAC Data-Acquisition Computer

Precision: The possible variation of co-ordinates because of the stochastic

properties observations.
Accuracy: A combination of reliability and precision.

RMSE: Root Mean Square Error is the root of the sum of squared residuals
divided by the number of observations minus the degree of freedom.
Differential GPS: A positioning technique that uses two receivers, one (the Differential station) at an unknown
location, and the other (the reference station) at a known, fixed location. The reference receiver computes
corrections based on the differences between its actual observed ranges to the satellites being tracked. The
co-ordinates of the unknown location can be computed with great precision by applying these corrections to
the satellite data received at the differential station.

1.3. Work Duration

This is continuous process and will be completed during the closing out stage of the project.

1.4. Work Sequencing

1.4.1. Benchmarks

The location of the temporary benchmarks shall be discussed with the Engineer before they are established.
All Bench marks location will be coordinated with Airside works and other contractors to avoid clashes with
locations of utilities or services.

Benchmarks shall be constructed to Class A concrete, should have minimum dimensions of O.5m xO.5m x
O.5m and upper surface shall be approximately 1Ocm above ground level.

A 2Omm Diameter steel rod of 3Ocm in length shall be casted into the concrete & it should be projected min.
1cm above the surface.

The concrete surface shall be clearly engraved with the reference number of the benchmark.

The Contractor shall check these benchmarks at monthly intervals or necessary and should be notified to
the Engineer for their correctness or discrepancies.

The Contractor shall maintain and supply the records related to all reference pegs and benchmarks to the
Engineer in approved format.

The contractor and the ENGINEER will carry out joint survey to verify and check the benchmarks established
by contactor.


Prior to commencement of the works, all survey equipment will be calibrated checked and certified in line
with the manufacturer's recommendations. Total Station and Global Positioning System:

The Total Station will carry a valid calibration certificate by the manufacturer and will be checked on site every
6 months against known observations.
Calibration of GPS Survey equipment shall be according to coordinate system

These test measurements will be carried out by the surveyor on site, to make sure that the instrument is
operating in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

The instrument will be returned to the manufacturer for re-calibration before the end of the calibration validity or
in case the accuracy of the observations are doubted.

Total stations will be checked on the optical plummet and horizontal and vertical circles. Leveling Instrument:

The Leveling Instrument will carry a valid calibration certificate by the manufacturer and will be checked on site
every 6 months against standard techniques.
These test measurements will be carried out by the surveyor on site, to make sure that the instrument is
operating in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

Regular maintenance of the instruments will be undertaken as the works progress to ensure instrument accuracy
tolerances are maintained.

A calibration log shall be kept for all equipment and all checks recorded and filed.


The Contractor is responsible for all the setting-out of line and the levels of the Works and shall employ
adequate qualified staff to carry this out.

Where survey markers have been established by the Engineer the Contractor shall check the accuracy of their
position and level. In case of any discrepancies, it shall be notified to the Engineer immediately.

The Contractor shall survey the alignment and shall mark out the center line with pegs. The alignment shall be
referenced by pegs at specified intervals.
These offset pegs shall be painted by a conspicuous color and shall have clearly written chainage.


The work methodology to be followed by the surveying activities is documented below:

• Survey works will be carried out by qualified surveyors at locations identified by the
construction team.
• Setting out of stations by adopting the traverse & triangulation method.
• A minimum of two control points nearest to intended setting out location will be utilized. The
required station points will then be surveyed.
• Maximum distances of station points will be 200m. The setting out is then closed by the same
control points and/or other two control points.
• The errors in angles and distances will be adjusted using Traverse adjustment. The setting out
of the works (for example roads) can be done for control points and the newly established
• Total stations will be utilized; valid Calibration Certificates of the instruments shall be available.
Prior to start of works the instruments will be checked by using triangulation method and errors
in the results are recorded indicating the instrument is ready for setting out.
• Leveling will be done by using level differential machines. The certification of the instruments
will be available with the survey development.
• Leveling will proceed to a temporary benchmark and the loop back to the starting bench mark.
Intermediate turning points shall be spaced not more than 100m.The data shall be recorded and
the error of above shall be determined. The maximum permissible error in mm shall be equal to
eight times the square root of the distance of level run in kilometer. One record copy will be kept
with the surveyor in site and ordinal with survey department.
• Daily checking of the instrument will be done by recording measurements from two equal distant
points of approximately 100m to ensure that level instrument is appropriate. The instruments will
be stored in surveying department office: every surveyor will be responsible for his assigned
equipment. The instruments will be transported to the work place within the casing covers.
• The machine will always be kept free to rotate within their casing to avoid any change.
• Temporary bench marks will be located mainly outside the roadways at approximately 200m
spacing longitudinally to the road at a maximum of 200m offset from the road. These locations
will be decided according to work in hand and work of other contractor.
• They will be marked by steel pegs driven flush with the ground and/or concreted marked and
identified by warning tapes. Care will be taken to ensure TBM are clear of work areas and
protected from vehicle movements using elevated pins and warning tapes surrounding the point.
• Coordinates and levels of the benchmarks will be monitored on a monthly basis to check for
• Survey team will consist of Senior Surveyor and teams of surveyors. Senior Surveyor will be
the overall responsible person and he will coordinate with the Construction Manager on site.
• Survey records will be produced as hard copy on CD/diskettes and survey books.


• Before commencement of the works, existing site condition will be surveyed in sections. This will
be completed gradually as the site area hand over proceeds.
• The information will be compiled and submitted in order to verify the site conditions are in line
with the Engineers information presented on IFC drawings.
• Cross sectional level survey shall be conducted at spot heights in a say 20m grid pattern over
the limit of survey. In addition, spot height shall be taken at high & low points, any changes in
grade, sufficient in order to compile a DTM, which is representative of original ground truth.


• Final location and level information of the different element (as mentioned in specification) shall
be surveyed and recorded and final as-built record survey shall be submitted at the completion
of each section of work. As built data shall be provided to the Engineering team for updating the
as built drawings.


Daily records will be kept of survey operations. Composed logs will be generated and will minimally include:
• Date, time, location and vessel
• Survey equipment status
• Survey personnel
• Breakdown of activities
• survey area and sailed lines
• Calibrations
• Safety and environmental data

Survey results and experiences will be discussed in internal meetings with the Construction Manager, to
be followed by further activity planning.

Extensive reporting on survey results will follow all formal and major inspection surveys. The reports will
contain the information on how and under what conditions the data was obtained.

1.6. Good Practice in Surveying

The following practice will be implemented throughout the project,

• Always carry out work in a safe manner.
• All instruments must be regularly checked using standard checks like Weekly for auto levels,
monthly for total station and other instruments.
• Level books and field books should be kept neat and tidy, all headings being completed, i.e.
Location, subject, date, instrument used and any other relevant information. Completed books
are to be handed to the Senior Surveyor.
• All leveling and traverses should be closed, preferably to a point other than the starting point.
• Arithmetic checks leveling and traverses computation should be carried out.
• The main primary control points that shall be cast in concrete shall be checked every 6 months
using the GPS system and digital level. Temporary benchmarks in each section shall be checked
every 3 months using a digital level to check back to the primary control point in that section or if
they have been seen to be disturbed. Checking between temporary benchmarks shall be carried
out once a month as a minimum but will general happen more regularly as a matter of course
through reassurance checks on a day-to-day basis by the surveyor.
• Accuracy of setting out should be relevant for the item of work to which the setting out is provided
and will be clearly shown in the check sheet for that section of work so enabling the work to be
carried out to the specific tolerances.
• Setting out pegs, markers, profiles etc. should be firmly embedded in the ground and be
reasonably vertical.
• All setting out should be checked for agreement with previous setting out.
• Visual checks should be done - "does it look right".
• Always check that information is correct, i.e. agreed latest bench mark levels and station co-
• Check that the information being used has not been subject to variations.
• All information necessary to carry out an item of work should be clearly marked on the setting
out, i.e. chainage, what it relates to, offsets and other measurements.
• Referencing - any point set out which is not easily replaced must be referenced, either to existing
features, or by further pegs and markers etc. This is particularly important for structures, if the
setting out is referenced adequately much time can be saved.
• Always check the setting out has not been disturbed particularly immediately prior to use and if
it has been in the ground for a long while. If the setting out point is found to have been disturbed
either a new setting out point is to be created in a better location or the existing one is to be re
coordinated and recorded.
• Ensure that all setting out is usable by those carrying out the work. Where joint survey is required
or checks done by the Engineer or other agency, ample notification and identification of the
location shall be provided in advance including the contact details of the survey team to prevent
time wastage.
• Prior to setting out surveyors should always check with Supervisors, sub-contractors and a senior
Engineer as to exactly what is required. In some situations, all three should be consulted.
Required frequency of setting out must also be considered.
• If errors are discovered always inform a senior engineer and senior surveyor.
• All survey works at site should be as per approved shop drawings. ENGINEER shall be informed
for inspection the works as required in approved ITP.
• Contractor shall submit survey report comprising:
1-survey data
2- coordinate list of survey control.
3- traverse and leveling adjustment report.
4-one set of topographic survey drawing.
5-site calibration files for GPS to work with ACS.
• Must ensure that their chainman or assistant is doing exactly as intended.
• Look after the instrument and other equipment.
• Mistakes cost money, "Get it right first time".



• Senior Surveyor
• Site Surveyors
• Chain men
• HSE Officers
• Skilled Labors
• Drivers


All Subcontractor Surveying shall create and submit for approval a Method Statement for Surveying. Their
submittal shall follow the guidelines set out in this document


• Project Director: Overall responsible for the project operations and activities in a manner to
ensure attaining the project objectives.
• Construction Manager/Senior Engineer: Responsible for Management and Organization of the
execution of the construction works.
• Senior Surveyor: The Surveyor in charge of the survey works will ensure that all survey
operations will be carried out according to the specifications. He is responsible for the necessary
calibrations, verifications and the associated processing (editing, plotting, volumes etc.). The
Surveyor's main activities are to survey records and reclamation process for quality and quantity
purposes, including compiling the 'as-built documentation'.
• Senior Site Surveyor: Responsible to set out and collect all data from work site with reference to
permanent bench mark in presence of Engineers representative. To Ensure Survey works done
in relation to all construction activities related to the work as per IFC drawings.
• Site Surveyor: Responsible for survey for all construction activities as per IFC drawings,
approved method statement and HSE plan.
• HSE Manager: Responsible to ensure this activity is performed in an appropriate manner
fulfilling the project health, safety and environmental requirement.
• Quality Manager: Responsible to ensure this activity is performed according to approved ITP,
CQP. All inspections, tests are carried out on site in order to secure the required Quality of work.


• Total Station
• Automatic level
• Global Positioning system (Setting out equipment, main station and rovers)
• Steel Measuring tapes and spirit levels
• Surveying grade rods
• Surveyor umbrellas (to be provided as per requirement)
• Field Book


No permanent materials are associated with this method statement.

• Only consumable items like Spray paint, steel pins, nails and crayons will be used for marking.



Approved logistic and route plan shall be provided to Surveyor use the access on site
Before starting the work, surveyor should confirm access and egress are free from obstruction.


Not applicable


Surveyor will be provided ear plugs as a precautionary measure to be used when they have to work near
noisy area.


• Waste materials (timber, cabling, mortar and other materials) shall have clearly labeled
containers for disposal. The container shall be emptied via the correct and approved waste route.
• All waste packaging resulting from the fit out of the contractor's site offices is to be disposed of
quickly and via the correct waste route.
• All environment issues shall be reported to the engineer and the safety department, for
further investigation.
• All chemicals hazardous to health and the environment such as paint and fuel shall have MSDS
and COSHH assessments prior to use. The COSHH assessment is to be followed at all times
and any PPE or other precautions are to be used.
• Tool box talks shall be given regularly to reiterate the environmental hazards of an existing work
activity or to highlight the risks of a new activity.
• All briefing should be given to the workers in a manner and language so the information is fully
• The work area shall be maintained in clean, tidy and safe on daily basis.
• Welfare in the form of toilets, shaded rest areas and drinking water shall be provided at location
of the works.


All Subcontractor Surveying shall create and submit for approval a Method Statement and Risk Assessment for


Emergency contact numbers will be displayed clearly and will be briefed in the pre job brief and tool talks.

First box aid facilities and First aider will be available during working hours. Ambulance will be available during
working hours.



Site security Permit for access should be obtained for all manpower and equipment.


Security team will be responsible to curb unauthorized entries of vehicle and personnel.

All the records for entry and exit of the material and personnel will be maintained by this team.


Prescribed and appropriate PPE will be provided.

Where special equipment is to be used staff will be trained and additional PPE will be provided according to risk

Surveyors shall work under the shade of umbrella.


6.1. Traffic routes

Access plan should be submitted and approved prior to use for transportation.

All necessary permit and NOC"s should be obtained prior to commencement of work. The proposed

speed limit for access is 20 kmph.

These accesses should be facilitated with all required sign boards and barricades.

This access should be maintained for smooth flow of traffic and dust control during the work. Existing asphalt

road should be maintained clean by using broom brush.

Water Tanker / Sprayer will be used to minimize dust generation.


Logistic Plan to be followed for these arrangements.


7.1. Team Communication

It is the intention of the Contractor to hold Method Statement Workshops on approved method statements for
the project before commencement of works. The purpose of these workshops is to
receive input, from all parties involved in specific sections of the works and to confirm their understanding of the
proposed methods.

Parties involved for these workshops will be as a minimum:

Construction Manager

Site Engineer / Construction Engineer Quality

Department (Inspection & Test) Safety

Department (HSE Aspects) Survey Team

Employer - If required for any logistics management

Record of attendance shall be completed and filed for all workshops / toolbox talks

Work execution inspection and test shall be conducted, monitored, witnessed and recorded according to
inspection and test plan.

7.2 Coordination Meeting

The method and commencement will be briefed at the weekly coordination meeting prior to starting the work to
ensure other contractors are aware.



Inspection Request to be raised for activities related survey works, as per ITP These

Inspection requests to be supported with all check list provided in ITP.


All equipment should be calibrated as per manufacturer specification. These

should be checked and recorded by QC inspector and Surveyor


Inspection Test Plan for this activity shall be submitted for approval. See Attachment B
Contractor shall prepare a method statement, ITP and checklist for each activity.

Attachment A - Work Risk Assessment. Attachment B - Inspection and Test Plan. Attachment C - Temporary
Survey Control Points.
Page 1 of 27
Team members
Risk Assessment Project Manager
Activities Risk Assessment for the Activities. Legend: Khalid awad Safety Manager
Survey Activities.
All the General Workforce, Logistic
Persons at Risk
Supervisors, Clients, Visitors
L = Likelihood, S = Severity, RF = Risk Factor
Document No:01 Revision: 001 Date: 01/03/2023 AIEDCO Procurement
Risk Residual Risk
S.No Activity Hazard Hazard Effect Control Measure R Responsible party

- Personnel Carrying out work must use the Required PPE

Slip, trip and fall - Conduct Proper Housekeeping and Material management at
Physical Injuries 4 3 12 all the times.
1 2 2
- Proper Training for Trapping Point workers on Work at Height.
Irritation, Vision Spray water regularly on soil to control dust and ensure
4 3 12 workers are wearing proper dust masks and other PPE. 1 2 2
- Heat Stress training must be conducted and workers must be
informed about symptoms, preventive measures and First aid
Fatigue, - Consume more Liquids between the Dusk and Dawn
Extreme weather - Maintain Proper Welfare Facilities such as rest shelter, Toilets,
4 4 16 Prayer area. 2 3 6 Construction
Conditions dizziness, - Ensure all the Heavy Equipment Air Condition are in operation.
muscle cramps - Prepare a list of vegetables and fruits that maintain the amount Manager/ Site
of water in the human body as long as possible. Engineer/
1 Site Preparation /
Preparation for the task
- Ensure Special Training on work during Fasting and Daily TBT Manager/ Site
Minor/Major - Rearranging work schedules
- Reduce the Working Hours
Injuries, fatal,
Lost Control by - Schedule more difficult tasks at Morning
- Regular breaks to get some Fresh Air and raise
Exhaustion Operators, 4 4 16 Oxygen levels.
3 3 6
Lower oxygen - Limit Physical activity.
Levels, Low - Ensure meals are loaded with High Fiber Foods.
Vision - Ensure at least 8 hours of Sleep
- Site Supervisor/Site Safety officer must Monitor site regularly.
- Individuals Suffering from specific illness should consult the
Low Blood Sugar Minor/major Doctor on to manage regular medication and ensure it is safe
4 4 16 for them to Fast.
2 3 6
levels injuries

Page 1 of 27
laceration, - Use handholds provided. Construction
amputation. - daily vehicles check for reporting faults.
2 Safe Access and Manager/ Site
Fall, Slip and Skin cut. - Clean soles on shoes.
egressform 3 3 9 - Lace-up boots only provided to employees; no riggers allowed. 2 1 2 Engineer/
trips Serious body
vehicles - 3-points contact with vehicles at all times.
injuries, Check ground before egress.
death Manager/ Site
- - Drivers will have their documents checked and recorded to
ensure all test certificates and licenses valid Manager/ Site
People, - - Planned proper area must be provided. Engineer/
3 4 4 16 4 1 4
Uncontrolled Property Safety
movement Broken Manager/ Site
resulting in the bones, Supervisor
Moving vehicles
injury of fractures,
people and or laceration,
damage to amputatio
equipment/ n. Skin
property cut.

- keep a safe distance from live/ energized equipment and

People, cables.
Broken - Proper sign board provided proper areas. Construction
bones, Manager/ Site
fractures, - All the power will isolate while working in electrical
Electric Tools, Light equipment. Engineer/
4 Electric Shock laceration, 5 4 20 2 2 4
fittings, Power cables Safety
amputatio - provide proper PPE.
n. Skin Manager/ Site
- All electrical tools must be fitted with a GFCI (Ground Fault
cut. Circuit interrupter) Supervisor
body - All tools must be inspected prior to use

Page 2 of 27
-- Proper tools to be used and the tools should
, Broken be in good condition, all tools must be
bones, inspected and color coded. Construction
Cuts, wounds, fracture - Inspection must be carried out by the Manager/ Site
flying object to s, competent person.
Tools condition improper Engineer/
5 the eye. laceratio 4 4 16 3 1 3
usage, miss handling Safety
Slipping to n,
downside amputati Manager/ Site
on. Skin Supervisor
Property -
damage, - Excavation Permit to be obtained prior to start
personal the task
Broken - TBT must be conducted according to the Construction
bones, assigned task in multiple languages. Manager/ Site
From fractures, - Sloping Benching and shoring to be in place, if Engineer/
6 Deep Excavation collapsing side laceration 5 4 20 required. 2 3 6
walls Safety
, -
trap. Crush amputatio Manager/ Site
n. Skin -- All excavation side walls will be battered back Supervisor
cut. at a minimum angle of
-- Dig and stepped at a minimum to suit the site

-- verify the angle of the excavation for safety

- Check Drawing for UG & OH facilities.

Page 3 of 27
People and -
bones, - Construction
fractures, -- Remove all the excavated material immediately Manager/ Site
material left
laceration, from the overburden area or the edges of the Engineer/
7 Manual Excavation for amputation 3 4 12 excavation. Minimum is 3 1 3
near the edge Safety
Marking . Skin cut.
of the - 1.5 m. Manager/ Site
excavation - Supervisor
injuries -
-- Supporting of adjacent piping/piping supports as
--Provide safe access landing platform at two
different locations
Toolbox talks to be given to all assigned workers to
People, reduce the risk of back injuries.
- Manual lifting to be limited to 25kg per person.
Broken - Direction must be clear before lift the load. Construction
bones, - Bent the knee and straight the back methos to be Manager/ Site
fractures, adopted.
laceration Engineer/
8 Manual handling / Lifting Back injuries 3 3 9 - Always buddy system required for manual lifting. 1 2 2
, Safety
- Hand protectors to be used as per job nature.
amputatio Manager/ Site
n. Skin Awareness trainings to be provided for all on Supervisor
site workers
Lifting Permit to be obtained prior to start the
People, Activity.
Fully trained and authorized employees.
Maintenance of plant, daily check.
Broken Construction
Traffic management plan.
bones, Warning beacons on mobile plant. Manager/ Site
Un-controlled Ensure 3rd party certificate for cane /operator along Engineer/
9 Mechanical lifting s, 4 4 16 3 1 3
movements laceratio with KSA driving license/rigger Approval card Safety
n, available for both rigger & Operator. Manager/ Site
amputati Ensure the ground condition, if not stable required Supervisor
on. Skin steel plate as per lifting plan and maintain safety
cut. factor of crane/boom truck capacity,
Lifting must be available to avoid overloading.
injuries Outrigger fully extended with pad. Lifting shall not be
Page 4 of 27
done if wind speed Above 32 kp/h.
All lifting gears shall have valid 3rd party certificate
and inspect by Lifting competent person.
Rigger should cross check the hitch arrangement by
use checklist Form.
Swing radius must barricade to avoid unauthorized
enter & no body allowed to work /stand under
suspended load.
Always stay away from the objects which can
affective us all.
Mandatory PPE’s (Hard hats, Safety glasses, Hand
gloves, Safety-toed footwear & as per job scope,
signs and work permit.
Signs needs to be posted around to aware nearby
workers and stop unauthorized entry.
Two taglines always required to control the load.
Keep the body parts clear from the load to avoid
pinch point and physical injuries.
Avoid to stand in line of fire.
Use standard hand signals to lift and lower the load.
Only rigger is allowed for signaling.
Load shall be move as slow as low methodology.
Never lift the load while load landing point is
obstructed to the operator.

Only certified operator can operate the crane or

boom truck.
Certified rigger only will perform the task.
All Drivers must attend the safety induction before
entry into site.
Information must be shared to all personnel about
site emergency response.
Ensure all site personnel are well aware of site
emergency plan.
Emergency contact aiedco and contractors’ number
must be shared with crew members.
Ensure all site personnel are aware of location of
safe assembly area. Rest Shelters.
During emergency, stop the vehicle on right side of
Page 5 of 27
road, leave the keys inside and proceed to safe
assembly area.
Good posture & lifting techniques can help to reduce
the risks level.
Never leave the truck until you lower the lifting
mechanism, put controls in neutral and set the
brakes. Turn the truck off.
Provide proper pedestrian walkway at site
Always administer the emergency brake.

Broken Pedestrians shall use designated access only Construction
bones, Keep clear access, remove obstacles. Manager/ Site
Check work location for Insufficient fracture Engineer/
10 space, 2 4 8 - Use handholds provided. 2 1 2
space and obstacles s, - Clean soles on shoes. Safety
Obstacle laceratio - Lace-up boots only provided to employees.
presents Manager/ Site
n, - 3-points contact while ascending and descending
the ladder at all times. Supervisor
on. Skin Check ground surface before egress.
Signs to be posted for guidance

People, - Banks man will be place at all times to ensure the

Property controlled movement to both excavators and vehicles.

Broken Construction
bones, - Drivers/operators will be given a full induction to include
Manager/ Site
11 Movement of Excavators, Un-controlled fracture the site ingress, egress and including conditions pertaining to
s, the z12 Engineer/
cranes, dump trucks and movement of 4 4 16 4 1 4
or motor vehicles equipment, laceratio Safety
n, - Drivers will have their documents Manager/ Site
amputati Checked and recorded to ensure all test certificates and Supervisor
on. Skin licenses valid

Page 6 of 27
Slip, trip and fall - Always conduct housekeeping and material
hazard., management.
Body injury,
- Ask for help or assistance when moving materials, -ensure
Improper heat injuries,
drinking water and welfare facilities must be available at
manual person hit by
all times.
handling, moving - Heat index must be continuously monitored and if the index is Manager/ Site
extreme machine, greater than 50 degree all work must be stopped.,
accident, Engineer/
12 Surveying works weather 4 4 16 - Ensure surveyor and his worker wear high reflective vest to 1 2 2
conditions, injury, flat alert passing vehicle drivers or any equipment operator Safety
Uncapped tires, working in the vicinity. - - Manager/ Site
rebar, live electrocution, - Surveyor needs to isolate themselves form moving traffic by
traffic cones or other means of barriers Supervisor
electrical / electric shock,
- Provide protection on all protruding rebar.
telecom cables fire
- All protruding rebar must be protected with caps (wooden or
(Unseen) still embedded plastic) or bent to prevent impalement,

- Visual inspection to check any presence of hand hole,

manhole which indicates presence of pipe line or vessel
below. Locate using CAT and As- built drawing and confirm
Striking of
Pipe line or underground with pot holing method its exact depth. Only manual Manager/ Site
utilities, damage excavation should be carried out within 1m of utility Engineer/
vessels Unseen,
13 Locate existing services overhead to pipe lines, 4 4 16 2 4 4
explosion, - For all utility, utility clearance from must be completed by Safety
transmission lines
electrocution, competent person and all relevant authorities must be Manager/ Site
electric shock, informed. All relevant encroachment permits must be taken
fire, fatality from the owner. Ensure no mechanical means of excavation is Supervisor
employed within 1m of existing utilities.

Body injury,
heat injuries, Proper sand berm and hard barriers required
person hit by around the working area.
14 moving
Warning signs to be provided at the location of
machine, Construction
the task area.
accident, Manager/ Site
People / Close supervision for each lifting activity to be
injury, flat Engineer/
Hit by moving traffic Equipment 2 4 8 assigned. 1 4 4
working nearby tires, electric
All lifting crew members must perform their task
Manager/ Site
shock,fire inside the barricaded/protected area.
Signs to be posted around the lifting area.

Page 7 of 27
- Site rule.
- Speed limit.
- Speed humps.
- Licensed drivers.
- Designated walkways.
- Reporting to office.
- Directional signage. Construction
- Pedestrian crossing points. Manager/ Site
- Fully trained and authorized employees using mobile plant.
Collisions with Engineer/
All persons in - PPE’s (including high visibility jackets, safety boots and hard
15 Third party vehicles other vehicles or 2 5 10 hat). 1 5 5
plant etc. area Safety
- Warning beacons on mobile plant.
- Reversing cameras on mobile plant. Manager/ Site
- Reversing audible warning signal. Supervisor
- Safety distance to be applied.
- Drivers and passengers instructed to only exit can to perform
essential tasks.
- No shunting or jogging of loads.
- Floors and traffic routes suitable for the vehicles using them.
- Vehicle routes kept free of obstruction.
- Any revering that nessary should br overseen by a trained
reversing assistant .

All persons in
area, Body
injury, heat
injuries, - Designated parking area and walkways for visitors.
- Reporting to office on arrival.
person hit by
moving - Site induction. Manager/ Site
Collisions with - Site rule. Engineer/
16 Visitors to site other vehicles, machine, 2 5 10 - Speed ramps. 1 5 5
plant - Site speed limits. Safety
accident, - directional crossing points. Manager/ Site
injury on, - Site traffic management rules.
- Pedestrians crossing points. Supervisor

Page 8 of 27
All persons
in area,
- Designated parking area and walkways for visitors.
- Reporting to office on arrival.
bones, - Site induction. Manager/ Site
Collisions with fractures, - Site rule. Engineer/
17 Staff vehicles other vehicles, 2 5 10 - Speed ramps. 1 5 5
plant laceration, - Site speed limits. Safety
amputation. - directional crossing points. Manager/ Site
- Site traffic management rules.
Skin cut. Supervisor
- Pedestrians crossing points.
body injuries

Driver, Body
injury, heat
injuries, Construction
person hit by - Use handholds provided.
moving - daily vehicles checks for reporting faults. Manager/ Site
machine, - Clean soles on shoes. Engineer/
Safe Access and egress
18 Fall, Slip and trips
accident, injury, 3 3 9 - Lace-up boots only provided to employees, no riggers allowed. 2 1 2
form vehicles - 3-points contact with vehicles at all times. Safety
flat tires, - Check ground before egress.
electrocution, Manager/ Site
electric shock, Supervisor

Page 9 of 27
All persons in
area, Body
injury, heat
injuries, Construction
person hit by
Collisions with moving - Mobile plant’s not allowed to open on top of windrow, heaps or Manager/ Site
slopes. Engineer/
other vehicles,
19 Vehicles stability machine, 3 3 9 - Fully trained and authorized employees using mobile plant. 3 1 3
plant and Safety
- Maintenance plan & Statuary checks on lifting equipment.
overturning accident, - Rollover protective and falling object protection system. Manager/ Site
injury, flat
on, electric
Plant operator and
- Fully trained and authorized employees.
All persons in - Maintenance of plant, daily check.
area, Body - Traffic management plan.
injury, heat - Warning beacons on mobile plant. Construction
injuries, - Reversing audible warning signal. Manager/ Site
person hit by - Speed ramps.
Collisions with Engineer/
Plants movement on site moving - Site speed limits.
20 other drives, all on 4 2 8 - Seat Belt’s. 4 1 4
and near highway. site Safety
machine, - Good light.
- Vision assessments. Manager/ Site
- Maintenance plan & Statuary checks on lifting equipment. Supervisor
injury, flat - traffic routes kept free for the vehicles using them.
- Any reversing that is necessary should be overseen by a trained
tires, assistant,
electric shock,

Page 10 of 27
All person on site,
- Fully trained and authorized employees.
Body injury, - Maintenance of plant, daily check.
heat injuries, - Traffic management plan.
person hit by - Warning beacons on mobile plant.
moving - Reversing audible warning signal.
machine, - Speed ramps. Manager/ Site
Crush injuries accident, injury, - Site speed limits. Engineer/
21 Pedestrians on site caused by collision flat tires, 5 2 10 - Seat Belts. 5 1 5
from site vehicles - Good light. Safety
electrocution, - Vision assessments.
electric shock, Manager/ Site
- Maintenance plan & Statuary checks on lifting equipment.
fire - traffic routes kept free for the vehicles using them. Supervisor
- Any reversing that is necessary should be overseen by a trained

- Provide Your Workers with Language Lessons

- Encourage Shared Cultural Understanding
- Stick to Plain Language as Much as Possible.
Misunderstandings - Translate Content into the Appropriate Languages Construction
Communication / language That leads to - Assign supervisor or foreman ability to speak multiple languages. Manager/ Site
barriers conflicts. Frustration 6 2 12 - Frequently check for understanding
offensive, violence, All person on site - Ask for clarification Engineer/ Safety
hurt feeling, wasting - Provide classes for your employees
6 1 5 Manager/ Site
of time - Use repetition
- Enlist interpreters

Page 11 of 27
1 2 3 4 5
Probable Frequency: Severity:

2 4 6 8 10 1. Rare 1. Insignificant
2. Possible 2. Minor
3 6 9 12 15 3. Likely 3. Moderate
4. Often 4. Major
4 8 12 16 20 5. Frequent 5. Catastrophic
5 10 15 20 25 1–3 Green = Low
4–6 Yellow = Moderate
7 – 12 Amber = High
13 + Red = Extreme



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