JSA - Cutout in Masonary Wall Work
JSA - Cutout in Masonary Wall Work
JSA - Cutout in Masonary Wall Work
Project Name:
Company Name: Activity/Trade: Civil works / Dry wall work
Address: EHS-
Supervisor Name:
Procedure (in steps) Possible Hazards Risk Control Measures
who will
(Break the job down into steps. (Identify the hazards associated with each Rating (Describe what action or procedure will be taken to eliminate or
minimize the risk of injury or damage. Use the Hierarchy of ensure
Each step should accomplish step. Examine each to find possibilities (See
Controls below as a guide this
some major task and be in logical that could lead to an accident or potential below)
1. Eliminate the Hazard happens
sequence.) harm arising.)
2. Substitute the material or equipment
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Implement Engineering control
5. Implement Administrative control
6. PPE
1 Preparation of work environment. Tripping due to obstruction in your path. Inspect work / walk area for potential slip trip fall obstructions prior to start
Housekeeping of work and remove, if not possible mark with visible tape / flags. EHS An
Keep work area organized and free of surface obstructions during task. Civil
M Inform operator in area of ongoing works. Supervisor
Close work area to prevent entrance of others.
General clean of the area prior to starting activity.
2 Collect materials from store. Material may have sharp edges and splinters. Use cut / abrasive resistant gloves, pad up the uneven surface.
Handling of the material to be lifted. M
Material does not adequate side clearance for Ensure that the hand / fingers do not get jammed in between material and
lifting. vehicle sides by carrying material with hands inside the maximum width of EHS An
the item carried. Civil
Material in odd shape to carry. Ensure that they get additional support of personal before lifting. Supervisor
Discuss with him and then lift the material.
Use the material trolley whenever possible.
Lifting beyond the capacity of the person may Try to take assistance if the weight of the material is beyond 20kgs. Do not
lead fall on the foot and muscle, back strain. make single person manual lift if the weight of the machine is beyond
Dust inhalation and entry to the eye Wear face mask and goggles whilst handling the materials.
No correct information available on the Check the specification of the material to ascertain the weight.
3 Establishing the exact weight of the package. Try to find out the feasibility of lifting the material without placing hand
material to be lifted so that it is well within M below the material
the capacity of the lifter/loader Lifting beyond the capacity of the person may Try to take assistance if the weight of the material is beyond 25kgs. EHS An
lead fall on the foot and muscle, back strain. Cement bag needs two persons help and single person can shift one block Civil
into the trolley. Sand is loaded in plastic bags and shifted in trolley by a Supervisor
single person.
While loading the material into trolley ensure that supports rest on knee not
on the back.
Do not make single person manual lift if the weight of the material is
beyond 25kgs.
4 Shifting the material from stored area to May get muscle strains while lifting material Mechanical handling for possible materials. EHS An
working area and placing. Damaging of cement bags M Take proper and safe body position before handling material Civil
Inhalation of dust particles Handle the cement bag without getting damaged and follow the instruction Supervisor
displayed in the bag and follow the JSA.
Use dust mask
5 Cutting of metal frame, wooden piece, Cut / wound due to sharp edges Polish the sharp edges during fabrication. Wear hand gloves; pad up the
Gyp board / fire rated board for required sharp edged materials with care.
Injury while cutting the materials by placing in Use cutting / working platform to cut the material.
floor M Operator of the cutting platform is to be trained its use. EHS An
Awkward working posture. Use the approved cutting machine tagged by P&E Supervisor. Civil
At any time the guard should be in position to avoid injury. Supervisor
Electric shock due to power machine The cutting portion should be kept in wet condition to avoid duct
malfunction. generation.
Cut injury due to rotating wheel. Use correct type and size of cutting wheel before the start of drilling.
Dust inhalation and entry to eye. Ensure drill is not powered while mounting and dismounting mobile
Noise due to friction platform or ladder
Check the tools for malfunction.
Use Plug top.
Wear hand gloves & ear plug / muff.
6 Construction of frame work, Gyp board Fall from the height & fall of materials Install of guardrail system (Handrail, midtrial & toe boards) and Install of
work and plastering from ground level to safety net in lower levels. Safe use Safety harness with double lanyard.
high raised levels (Floor edges & shaft
openings, etc.,) from floor level / Ensure the scaffolding is certified for use from competent person and a
scaffolding structure Defective scaffolding structure. support person is available on ground. EHS And
Unleveled surface for scaffold structure. Safe scaffold structure shall be tagged with GREEN tag by inspecting and Civil
Untrained workers engaged for height works. M filling the checklist for records. Supervisor
Competency card should be issued for trained workers on height works.
Cut to hand due sharp edges Do not load the working platform with construction material.
Mixing & applying of POP Use cut resistant hand gloves
Skin / eye irritation due to splash over the POP Use dust mask, goggles, rubber hand gloves, full clothing and gumboot.
Dust inhalation and entry to the eye. The working tools like trowel, shovel should be checked for loose grips
Injury other members working around before starting.
Muscle strain due to improper working posture Wear dust mask, goggles and wet the block with water before using
Barricade the area with caution tape.
Use correct posture while working and ensure adequate breaks are taken.
7 Fixing of acoustic insulation. Cut to hand while cutting insulation material Approved JSA review and implement manufacturer’s recommendations.
into required size. Use cut resistant gloves. Use the good quality knife.
Inhaling of dust during cutting and entry of dust M Using of mask and goggles. And ensure this activity is done in an isolated
to eye. area. And demark the same. EHS And
Itching of the skin. Ensure the person working is wearing full sleeves and long pants with Civil
Fall from height gloves. Supervisor
Muscle or back strain. Ensure good condition of Handrail in the working platform and work within
the handrails.
Use correct posture while working and take breaks in-between and stretch
your body. Bend and lift with legs and arms.
8 Preparation of surface Hand injury while hacking Use gloves. Check the grip of the hamper.
Dust inhalation M Wear mask. EHS And
Dust particles entering the eye Wear Goggles. Civil
Trip and fall due to debris Clear the debris regularly. Supervisor
9 Preparation of POP mix. Inhaling of plaster of Paris dust. Mask to be used. Ensure the worker is updated with MSDS. EHS And
Burn Injury to the hand and palm in contact M Use PV glove for the work and full sleeve shirt during the work. Civil
with the POP. Use adequate Bowl for mixing and trowel to mix the ingredient. Supervisor
Slipping on floor due to spillage of water on Unwanted spillage to be removed immediately and use required amount of
floor. water for the work
Entry to the eye and dust inhalation. Mask and goggles to be used.
1 Application of Plaster of Paris to the Walls May get cramps, back injury while reaching for Apply the material in small quantity.
0 material and while application to the wall’
Approved scaffolding to be used during the work. The co worker to be
Fall from height and injury to legs and injuring briefed on the steps of work and insist on use of safety shoe
the person working below M
Ensure the worker is guided on the effects of POP dust.
Inhaling of POP dust and entry to the eye.
Ensure the person is wearing full sleeves and long pants with glove. EHS An
Burn Injury to the hand and palm in contact Civil
with the POP. Unwanted spillage to be mopped immediately and use required amount of Supervisor
water for the work.
Slipping on floor due to spillage of water on Advisable to use PVC sheet at work area to facilitate better housekeeping.
Use cut / Abrasive resistant gloves and use spades and brushes with pans
1 Removing the Wastages produced during Cut injury while removing the cut pieces. to prevent direct contact.
1 the cutting.
Dust Inhalation and entry to eyes M Use dust Mask and goggles at all times. EHS An
House Keeping / Clean area. Tripping hazards while cleaning work area. Keep work area clear off debris and remove tools / equipments when not in Civil
use to eliminate trip hazards. Supervisor
Cleaning of all the debris after completing the task.
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