Whiteboard 6 Apr 2024

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Given f j{x) dx = 5, find

• Diberi bahawa r f( X) dx = s, cari

(a) f f{x) dx + f' f{x) dx,

(b) f [f{x) - 2] dx.

v = 10 when r = 3
5. Given ~; = 4t - 3 an d
·~ ,
Dt er m so fr. In
..vbere n, ngl,,pi:.,,,
Dibm =4 t-3 da nv = IOapabilat=J,u
fh. stbuta11 t.
• , dt11ga11

nilail,. [ 3]

6. Given :. l/lxll = ½g(x), find f g(x) dx.

lj Dibui fx [f(x)] = ½g(x), cari f g(x) dx.


straight line Paper2 J

ve y 2x ' - 8 and strll&lit
1. The diagram shows a cur
curve at point A.
• PQ wh ich ls a tangent to the
l"" " y = g(x). 2.1<' - 8 dan garis
RAjah mtnunjukkan ltngkung y =
kung ilu pdd4 lilll:
yang mtrUpak.in lan gtn k,pada ltng


on ~prrsented Q

is -4 .
diwal:ili o/th Given tha t the gradient of PQ
usPQ ialah -4 .
Dibtri bahawa ktetrunan garis lur
po int A.
(a) Find the coordinates of
gion bounded Cari kooniinat titik A.
ded region .
t llnesx = I (b) Calculate the area of sha
Hitung /ua, rantau btrlortk.
by the curve. tbt
"" '' dihatasi (c) When the region bounded
ldo:,u·=S. is rotated
an d the str aig ht line y = k
[4] e generated is fll
ab ou t the y-axis, the volum
Find the value of k.
h latg/aorl,
Apabila rantau yang dibata,i ok
alui 18 0' ,..
garis lurus y = k diputarlcan mtl
i,i padu kuaran ialah 6,r
unit'. C4ri niJ./ I:.
2. TM d.ilg nm •hows the C\U'Vt y •
.1_ and tht s
• liM y•m x+c .,_,. _ x'
. ......._ tbt tUgt nt to the C\uVt tr&lg bt
at (2 .l.) "- Tbe dilgn m showl p1n ol' tht rurw
~1o hmm 1m1 u1:J :..a, .~ =7d ,uig arul y • t," 5)' 1be
1 unu • 2' • maight i1nt JX ls a lU&H ll lO tht CW'V t ll pcxnt
1"' m.x- +' dmga " b-adaan 1 • "'-" c ia1"h
t'9 r..• ,:P, I)
l,,,gbu,&f"'d• (2.+ ).
...,.1 .,po. ., Ra~ ,.n111111uUo:11t lffltl:w"S" 1 •TT. Corm Ul110 IK

(a) Find 1h, nlu t oC m and c

Cari "'lai m dan ,, •
(b) Calculalt lht a.tta oC t~ ibad td [ll
~g\on. l•) lht tqu.ation of tht ltn.ig ht lint JK.
H,tu"g l1uu kawasan ya11g btrlord:,
{4) Pffld'""""'""J/11JWJK.
(c) II is given that the volw nt of rtVoluuon {"'l
when tht (bl tht .aru or tht sh.adtd region.
rtgio n boun dtd by tht curv t. tht x-ul.s. the:
x = 2 and :r • h ls rota.ttd through 3609 about
tllllfiJ U &morcl
x-axis ls 1:i,11.. Find tht va.lut of h.
Dfbm bahawa UI paJu kbarmt apablla
rimta11 1'1"8
J,bul'™ olth kngb mt, J"LW•x, gatu funu •
• 2 don •• h
s. Tht di.agram shows tht CW"Vt ll • 'I + ) wh1c.
dip11tarkan mtlal ul l6<r f"'da pabi -• ic.lldtt
n,lal 11.
¾i"- Carl • inttn «ts. tht: s:tnll,ht !mt y • S - .1 It point
P, Ftnd
{3] Ru/oh """u" /11£:h an ltffgl111tg x • f l 1""S rntny,
1.mg g.i,u
furw;1• S - Jr pada hl1l P Can

). Tbt diagram shows tht nra.ight lint y •

x + 2 lnterwcts
tht curve y • - K' at the point P and Q.
• RA~h
m,namjukhu1 gal'U /uruJ y • • + 2 m t ~
y•4-x2,w1"11111k Pdan Q
l•I tht cootdin.atn or P.
kocrdmat Ngi P, [1J
r ' (bl lht ma of tht s~N I ~ n l.
fuai r,w111u l1trlortk L, [6)

. (c) tht volumt gtn«alNI. lft ttrm s or
11. whtn tht
rtgion boundt-d by the curvt • • ,j -+- l. tht smig
lint .1 • 4 and tht .1--UII b ttVOlvtd
1hrou gh 360

r about 1he .1..a.ili

u1 p.1J11 )'11"8 J,11mJla11, dulJm Stf,11f,
1rt :"I, Jp,lb.,/.i rJrtf,11;
)""8 d1b.:if1U1 okh lrrtgl..ng Jr • -/ .- ), g1uu lwnu
(a) F'tnd tht coordina.tts of Q. X c ,4
[2) Jan p,ik.s,-xdiklSiJrian mcfJlu1 360" rdd.1 3
Cari koordinal Q. p-1l..i·• ( ]
(bl Caku latt

(~liru;:e a.ru or tht shad td rtgion A.

lcuu ninl" " btrfortk A,. in ttrm s or :1. when
(UJ tht volu mt or rtvol uuon .
.k. 31:11"
tht shaded rtP, n 8 is rotat td throU6"•
about the x-axis. 1:,d" ronta
UI padu l:uant11, datam ubul~n ,r,. llpddu pabi- u
btrlordc 8 dipu l"rb " mdtJlui )6(r P"

Cloned Questions rvt x • Jt,) lntenttu the Y·Uls

t[ I :"z. l•g(x). llndf

4. The diagram shows given that the raUo or tht uu
1. Civ,n 2g(x) dx. • o andY • b. t and tht lint x • p to the uti
bound«! by th• cuIV'and th• y-axis is 3 : 5.
D,bm1.;[ 1:-'i..]=g(x),={ 2g(x)d.x. bounded by ~ n , lfflgbmg x = fl.,) yang nttnyila"J
R"J"I, mtn "1" ,k • 11 dlln ,.. b. 01btti nilai luaJ yang
P'ks•·Y p,u,fo tit Y gems tuNI x:: p 1:,pa,fo huu yang
J1t,.J111Ji olth lmgkung P"ksi·Y ialal1 J: 5.
Jil,.JlaJi olth l,,,gkimg "'
2. The diagram shows a curve y • x' + h and a straight line
y - I.
R.a1al1 n1tr1un1ul:J.:an lcngkung y :: x1 + h dim gariJ lunu y =- I.

' .
Given that the volume generated when the shadtd region
ls rotated through 360° about y-axis ts 4½n unit>.
, ..
If the aru bounded by the curve and tbt line x p ls
Find the value of h.

dlputorbm nitlalui .36'r pada palui-y ialah +

Dibm bahawa isl padu yang dijartakan apab1la mntm, M"lord
9 unit'. find 3./IYl dy.
/1ka luas yang d,!Hata.s• olth loigkung dan goris lurw x • p ialah
9 unit', can f 3.1(,) dy.

J. lbe diagram shows a curve y :s Jtx) Intersecting a

straight lln• at (2. 3).
Rajah mtnu11jukhm satu /('nghmg y • J(x) yang bmilang
dwgm1 satu garis lurus pada (2, 3). 5• civtn~[~]
gtx).findth,valueorf' [•--¼gtx1]c1x.

Ill o,1>m1.;[~ 1):g(x),carinil•{ [x--:\-s(x)].i...

Given the gradient function of the curve is 2.x - 2, find

Dibtrifangsi kt.cm.man bagi laigkung ialah lx - 2, cari
(a) the equation of the curve,
JNnamaan ltngbmg itu,
(bl the ar.a of the shaded r,gion.
/uaJ rantau &crlortk.

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