Sakata Processed Presentation LR
Sakata Processed Presentation LR
Sakata Processed Presentation LR
・Nippon Katan is a manufacturer of overhead transmission line hardware with more than 100-years experience.
・It supplies polymer insulators in JAPAN in collaboration with PFIS TE R E R Ins ulators since 2000.
Seasonal wind
Japan current
Pacific Ocean
Introduction 3
● The warm ocean currents “Tsushima Current” coming from the south and the very cold winds blowing from the Eurasian
continent meet on the Sea of Japan.
It brings heavy snowfall to the west coast of Japan in winter.
● This harsh climate has long plagued overhead transmission line engineers with snow/ice-related electrical and
mechanical failures.
The Sea of Japan
Seasonal wind
Snow cloud
● On Dec. 22, 2005, a very severe snowstorm caused a large blackout in Niigata, the largest city in the west coast.
Approximately 650 thousand households were out of electricity for maximum about 30 hours.
Local newspapers reported that the outage had a great impact on lives of people .
Introduction 5
● This blackout was caused mainly by wet snow accretion to many 154 kV and 66 kV porcelain “long-rod” insulators.
Wet snow strongly accreted to the insulators by strong winds. The snow kept falling for hours to finally fill all the gaps
between the sheds of the long-rod insulators.
● The snow had high conductivity, a maximum of about 0.2 mS/cm. It greatly deteriorated the insulation strength of the
insulators, leading to the outage to a wide area for long hours.
Leeward string with NO snow
● There was no wind direction change during the snow accretion. In most cases, the snow can be seen only on windward
strings, and not on leeward strings.
● On the windward string, the snow can be seen not only on the windward side but also on the leeward side.
The shape of the accreted snow looked like a concentric cylinder.
Introduction 7
Wet snow accretion
Item Icing Capped snow
packed with sea-salt
Snow/Ice Wet snow Ice Dry snow
● Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, CRIEPI, has been carrying out comprehensive research in
collaboration with Japanese TSOs and university experts since 2007.
Research by CRIEPI : Review 2 12
Snow Accretion [13] - Artificial Snow Accretion Test
1. Making artificial snow from 2. Putting snow onto entire surface 3. Spraying water on the snow to 4. Applying voltage to get flashover voltage
conductivity-adjusted water of insulator with handheld obtain required high-water
blower, resulting in packed snow content of snow, resulting in
wet snow
Details were presented by Dr. Igor Gutman
154 kV Full-Scall Flashover Voltage Test Procedure at INMR 2015, Berlin
Research by CRIEPI : Review 4 14
Electrical Performance of Wet Snow Accreted Insulator [14] - at STRI
● 154 kV Full scall Flashover Voltage Test Procedure was developed in collaboration with STRI.
・ Flashover voltages of long-rod, cap-&-pin, and composite insulators with wet snow accretion were determined.
Details of Nippon Katan’s monitoring system and experience will be presented in “State of the art Monitoring and Analysis of Overhead
Transmission Line in Japan.” at INMR 2023 Bangkok.
Field Monitoring 2 Result – Lightning Arrester- 19
● During a snowstorm from at 23:40, Feb. 16 to 06:30, Feb. 17 in 2021, wet snow accretion with strong winds was observed.
Ambient temperature was about 0℃. Mean wind velocity for 10 min. was about 7.0 m/sec.
Field Monitoring 2 Result – Lightning Arrester- 20
● During a snowstorm from at 23:40, Feb. 16 to 06:30, Feb. 17 in 2021, wet snow accretion with strong winds was observed.
Ambient temperature was about 0℃. Mean wind velocity for 10 min. was about 7.0 m/sec.
.① at 23:40 on Feb. 16
③ at 02:35
(about 3 hours after ①)
③ at 02:35 ④ at 03:29
(about 3 hours after ①) (about 4 hours after ①)
③ at 02:35 ④ at 03:29
(about 3 hours after ①) (about 4 hours after ①)
③ at 02:35 ④ at 03:29
(about 3 hours after ①) (about 4 hours after ①)
Wind Wind
Movement of
snow Similar
Field Monitoring 6 Result 34
● The process of wet snow accretion into a cylinder-like
shape was first observed on:
vertically-mounted lightning arrester; and Movement of
horizontally-mounted tension insulators. snow
● Mechanism of the movement of snow
a. Strong winds and gravity (in case of horizontally
mounted insulator) cause the particles to move. Wind Wind