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School: Grade Level: 7

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

Week 2 Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
and Time:


A. GRADE LEVEL The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts
STANDARDS: types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.
B. Learning EN7OL-I-b1.14: Employ a variety of strategies for effective interpersonal communication (Interview, Dialogue, Conversation)
Competencies / 1. use appropriate responses to complete a conversation or dialogue,
Objectives 2. apply the strategies to create an effective conversation or dialogue,
3. explain what an interview is,
4. distinguish strategies used in the interview and,
5. employ strategies for an effective interview.
II. CONTENT Strategies used in ICL/RESEARCH
Strategies used for
effective conversation Conducting an Interpersonal
or dialogue. Effective Interview
A. References
1. Additional Materials CO_Q4_English 7_ Module 2
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Amanda Onion, (2006).Psychologists Say ‘Um” Mely M. Padilla, Ligaya C. Bacomong, Hilaria P.
Resources and ‘Uh’ have meaning Dato-on, Ma. Anniedith B. Rosario, Leticia L.
https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story? Sabornido, Speech for Effective Communication,
id=97983&page=1 “Interpersonal Communication: Its Definition and
Interviewing techniques. [online] Available at: Nature, ch.6, pp. 157-162, Trinidad publishing
https://tc2.ca/uploads/PDFs/T4T%20Samples/Inter Inc.
12 Conversation strategies worth teaching.
A. Reviewing previous Let’s have a memory Activity : Word Puzzle
lesson or presenting check by reviewing the Directions: Study the
the new lesson previous topic about word puzzle below. List
conversation/dialogue down at least five words
strategy. Read and try which are related to the
to answer the question word

B. Establishing a purpose Complete the following Think of a person, Activity Fact or Bluff?
for the lesson conversation/dialogue. current or historical, you
Choose appropriate would like to know more Directions: Read the
responses to make the about. Imagine you following sentences
conversation have been invited to carefully. Write T if the
meaningful. interview this person. statement is True and
What would you F if False.
prepare? What would
you do before and
during the interview?

How would you

behave? These are
some of the questions a
beginner interviewer
would like to know.
C. Presenting Here are two situations WHAT POSSIBLY Activity . Guess the
Examples/Instances of involving students WENT WRONG Picture
new lesson talking about their Read the situation
favorite food and carefully and analyze Directions: Look at each
favorite Filipino cuisine. what went wrong. picture closely and
Think of ways on how to observe what does each
improve the illustrate? Cite
communication to make reason(s) in coming up
it more substantial. with your conclusion.


D. Discussing new Discussion of the topic. Discussion on Discussion of Dyadic

concepts and INTERVIEW Communication and
practicing new skills STRATEGIES its forms
E. Discussing new -------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
concepts and practicing
new skills #2--
F. Developing mastery Directions: Look at the Write the things that Directions: Read the
(Leads to Formative pictures in the comic you need to do during scenario below and
Assessment) strip and imagine what preparation for an supply words to
is going on. Fill in the interview. complete the
words and make the Your task is to write the conversation. Choose
characters sentences on its only the appropriate
communicate. Use the corresponding column. words in the box for
strategies you learned If the sentence/phrase your answers
from the lesson. is a good one, write it
under the Effective
Column, but if the
sentence/phrase needs
to be avoided, write it
under the Ineffective

Note: Teachers should

give examples first.
G. Finding practical -------------------------- Now, let’s apply the Q and A
applications of things you have
concepts and skills in learned.
daily living You are tasked to
interview a KPOP Star
about what he/she
thinks about the
Philippines as a
tourist spot via Zoom
or Google meet.
During the
preparation stage,
what are the things
you need to prepare?
List at least five
questions that you
will use in the
H. Making -------------------------- Q and A Directions: Read the
generalizations and following statements.
abstractions about the Supply word/s to
lesson complete it.
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Create a
Assessment Assessment
conversation about the
topics or situation given Let us see how well you Directions: Read each
below. Use strategies to have understood the item carefully, then
repair communication lesson discussed in this answer the following
breakdown. module. Be ready with a questions by shading
paper and pen. the corresponding
circle of the correct
J. Additional activities -------------------------- PREPARE AND Think and Write Directions: The
for application and CONDUCT AN Directions: Write a following are examples
remediation INTERVIEW conversation using at of dyadic
At this point, you are least five (5) of the communication.
going to practice what phrases given in the box. Choose one (1) that
you have learned from You can make an you usually use at
our lesson. On your introduction or greetings. home and write about it
notebook, copy the
format and fill out the
information needed. DIALOG
Interview your family
member about his/her
favorite about how the
pandemic change
his/her views in life. You
may audiotape or record
the interview. Be sure to
take down notes.

V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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