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Present Simple

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Presente simple y verbo to be

SENA CEDEAGRO Duitama Boyaca
Tabla de contenido

• Presente simple…………………………………….1-3

• Verb to be……………………………………………..4-6

• Ejercicios……………………………………………..7-9

• Respuestas…………………………………………..10-11

Present simple


• Positive: sujeto + verbo * + complemento

• Negative: sujeto + auxiliar en negativo + verbo + complemento

• Question: auxiliar + sujeto + verbo + complemento ? *solo el signo final

Auxiliar presente simple = Do (I, You, We, They) DO NOT/DON’T

Does (He, She, It, Nombre propios) DOES NOT/DOESN’T

* El verbo se modifica, cuando estamos creando frases positivas y cuando el sujeto

es tercera persona. Tercera persona = He; She; It; o los Nombres Propios.

Existen 2 reglas básicas para modificar o conjugar el verbo.

1. Si el verbo termina en O, S, X, CH, SH. Le agregas al final -ES

Go = Goes,

Kiss = Kisses,

Fix = Fixes,

Teach = Teaches,

Fish = Fishes

2. Si el verbo termina en Y, y antes hay una consonante, se quita la Y, se agrega


FLY (termina en Y, antes esta la L, una consonante) = FLIES;


3. Si el verbo no está dentro de las reglas anteriores, solo se le agrega -S

Swim = Swims,

Talk = Talks,

Run = Runs


1. Habitual Actions or Routines: Use the present simple to talk about actions

that happen regularly or repeatedly, either in the present or as part of a

person's routine.

o Example: "She reads books every night before bed."

2. General Truths or Facts: Use the present simple to express facts or truths that

are generally accepted or universally acknowledged.

o Example: "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius."

3. Scheduled Events in the Future: Use the present simple to refer to events or

actions that are part of a timetable or schedule in the future.

o Example: "The train leaves at 6 PM."

Additional Notes:

• Adverbs of Frequency: Adverbs like "always," "usually," "often," "sometimes,"

and "never" are commonly used with the present simple to indicate how

frequently an action occurs.

o Example: "I usually go for a run in the morning."


El verbo to be o el verbo ser y estar, es un verbo especial que se conjuga de tres

maneras. Es especial, puesto que nos sirve como auxiliar y como verbo al mismo

tiempo. Por lo tanto, lo manipulamos de la misma forma que lo haríamos con los

auxiliares do y does. Las tres conjugaciones son:

• I Am = Am not * existe una contracción “Ain’t” pero es demasiado informal.

• You, We, They Are = Are not / Aren’t

• He, She, It Is = Is not / Isn’t

Dentro de las estructuras gramaticales del principio, el verbo to be nos cumple una

doble función (auxiliar y verbo).

• Positive: sujeto + verbo * + complemento

• Negative: sujeto + auxiliar en negativo + verbo + complemento

• Question: auxiliar + sujeto + verbo + complemento ?

• Positive:

o I am

o You are

o He/She/It is

o We are

o You are

o They are

• Negative:

o I am not

o You are not (You aren't)

o He/She/It is not (He/She/It isn't)

o We are not (We aren't)

o You are not (You aren't)

o They are not (They aren't)

• Question:

o Am I?

o Are you?

o Is he/she/it?

o Are we?

o Are you?

o Are they?


1. Describing Identity or Characteristics: Use "to be" in the present simple to

describe who or what someone or something is.

o Example: "She is a doctor."

2. Describing States or Conditions: Use "to be" to describe temporary or

permanent states, conditions, or locations.

o Example: "They are happy."

o Example: "The book is on the table."

3. Describing Occupations or Roles: Use "to be" to indicate someone's

occupation, role, or relationship.

o Example: "I am a student."

o Example: "He is my brother."

Example Sentences:

• "I am happy."

• "You are tall."

• "She is not feeling well."

• "Are they at home?"

• "Is it raining outside?"

• "We are ready for the meeting

Ejercicios para Presente Simple:

Ejercicio 1: Completa las Oraciones con la Forma Correcta del Verbo en Presente


1. She usually __________ (go) to the gym in the morning.

2. They __________ (live) in London.

3. My sister __________ (not like) coffee.

4. We always __________ (eat) dinner at 7 PM.

5. He __________ (play) guitar very well.

6. Maria __________ (work) as a nurse.

7. It __________ (rain) a lot in this city.

8. Do you __________ (speak) Spanish?

9. Tom and Sarah __________ (watch) TV every evening.

10. The sun __________ (rise) in the east.

Ejercicios para Verb "to Be":

Ejercicio 2: Completa las Oraciones con la Forma Correcta del Verbo "to Be" en

Presente Simple.

1. She __________ a doctor.

2. We __________ students.

3. They __________ from Brazil.

4. I __________ not tired.

5. You __________ my best friend.

6. He __________ at home right now.

7. It __________ a beautiful day today.

8. Are you __________ ready for the exam?

9. Maria and Juan __________ siblings.

10. The cat __________ black.

Ejercicio 3: Cambia las Oraciones a la Forma Negativa.

1. I am happy.

2. They are friends.

3. She is a teacher.

4. We are ready.

5. It is raining outside.

6. You are tall.

7. He is my brother.

8. The book is on the table.

9. They are at home.

10. She is feeling well.

Ejercicio 4: Forma Preguntas con las Siguientes Oraciones.

1. The movie is interesting.

2. They are from France.

3. She is a singer.

4. We are going to the party.

5. He is my teacher.

6. It is a beautiful day.

7. You are my friend.

8. The cat is sleeping.

9. I am happy.

10. They are ready for the game.

Respuestas para Presente Simple:
1. goes
2. live
3. does not like
4. eat
5. plays
6. works
7. rains
8. speak
9. watch
10. rises
Respuestas para Verb "to Be":
Ejercicio 2:
1. is
2. are
3. are
4. am
5. are
6. is
7. is
8. you
9. are
10. is
Ejercicio 3:
1. I am not happy.
2. They are not friends.
3. She is not a teacher.
4. We are not ready.
5. It is not raining outside.
6. You are not tall.
7. He is not my brother.
8. The book is not on the table.
9. They are not at home.
10. She is not feeling well.
Ejercicio 4:
1. Is the movie interesting?
2. Are they from France?
3. Is she a singer?
4. Are we going to the party?
5. Is he my teacher?
6. Is it a beautiful day?
7. Are you my friend?
8. Is the cat sleeping?
9. Am I happy?

10. Are they ready for the game?


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