Tribal Communication Technology: A Case Study of Kondhs of Kandhamal of Odisha

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Orissa Review December - 2011

Tribal Communication Technology: A case Study

of Kondhs of Kandhamal of Odisha
Ramakanta Mahananda

Don’t embrace technology for technology’s sake. Use commonsense to determine when
to use new media and when to use more traditional methods. It’s great to have electronic
relationships, but we always need old fashioned human contact.
-Moshe Triwaks.

Introduction: ideas, information, knowledge, attitude or feeling

Communication is universal to all human among two or more persons through certain signs
beings and is central to our lives. In fact, it regulates and symbols. Communication is vital for human
existence and for the progress of humanity. No
and shapes all human behaviour. Dreaming, talking
person, group or society can exist without
with someone, arguing in a discussion, speaking
interaction with others. Being at the heart of all
in a public, participating in a traditional cultural
function, escape from a beast, alert to the people social action and interaction, communication
at time of danger, reading of a newspaper, functions as a relating tool that creates
understanding, facilitates work and strengthens
watching television, browsing internet etc are
collective living among people. Rapidly, we
different kinds of communication that we are
approach the final phase of the extensions of man-
engaged in every day. It means we are constantly
exchanging our thoughts, ideas and motions with the technological stimulations of consciousness,
someone or other either to satisfy our physical, when the creative process of knowing will be
collectively and corporately extended to the whole
emotional or other needs or to get work done. It
of human society. Human beings are engaged in a
is obvious that communication is an integral part
variety of communication process; intrapersonal,
of one’s life. In fact, society cannot survive in the
absence of communication. interpersonal, group and mass communication, the
last one being unique in the sense that it differs
Communication is more than mere somewhat from other forms of communication
transferring or transmission of ideas or thoughts. because of a mechanical device interposed
It is dynamic process of action and interaction between sender and receiver. One way to analyse
towards a desired goal. Communication is, communication is to present it in the form of a
therefore, a process of sharing or exchange of model. A model is nothing but the mechanistic

December - 2011 Orissa Review

perspective of human communication that However the primitive section of the Kondhs
effectively tells at a glance how it works. In a communities are found largely in the district of
communication process there has to be a sender Kandhamal and Koraput districts. The dress
whose main intention is to communicate a worn by the Kondhas is not keeping with their
message; what to convey is his/her thinking environment. They use some covering on the
process; how to communicate a message is his/ body, of course , to withstand the cold, yet their
her choice of right means or channel; and whom way of life has made them conditioned to the local
to convey the message is his/her job to decide. climate which indirectly help them maintain their
The sender also needs to know the receiver’s traditional grab. The Kondh women wear two
response to the message, whether or not it is being cloths, one around the waist up to the knees and
received as intended. Then only can the sender another for the upper portion of the body. The
proceed further with the next act of Kutia Kondhs men wear only loin cloth. The
communication and in this way it goes on and on. Dongria men puts on a cloth called “ KODI”,
In this interaction process, there is an 16 ft in length and one ft in width. The Kondh
interdependence of relationship among the various women are very fond of ornaments. Among the
variables of human communication. Dongria Kondhs, the women beautify themselves
Communication programme should always be with hair pins, ear rings, nose rings, and head
planned and based on the needs of the target necklaces. Wrist-lets and ear rings are used by
audience. the males of the primitive section of the Kondh
communities. The males too , like to grow long
Primitive Tribes of Odisha :The Kondhs : hair and tie this into a knot at their nape in a
Orissa is one of the most fascinating traditional fashion. The Kutia Kondhs tatoo their
ethnographic states of India. The Kondhs form faces and hands, where as the Dongrias do not.
numerically is the largest group among the 62 They have well developed dormitories for boys
tribes of Orissa. Customarily they were once and girls among the primitive sections.
famous for their brutal acts of human sacrifice They are very fond of drinking Salap palm
(Maria sacrifice) to achieve the end products of juice and dead palm juice (Tadi). Local herbs and
bumper crops and killing of infants for better yield roots are added to the juice to increase its
of turmeric. There are various sections among the alcoholic contents. Sometimes Mahua flowers are
Kondhs or Kandhas. Each section is collected and liquor is prepared to meet the
endogamous though originally they hail from the requirement on special occasion. Liquor is
same Kandha community. The Dongria Kondh considered as food and at the same time a
of Koraput district and Kutia Kondh of Belghar ritualistic food to satisfy deities and spirits.It is
area of Kandhamal district represent the primitive considered as a social necessity by the Kondhs
section. The primitive sections are shifting and therefore consumed by them irrespective of
cultivators. The Dongria kondhs are expert sex and age. The Kondhs are agriculturist. They
horticulturists. Tatoo faced and Desia Kondhs are generally produce cash crops like turmeric, ginger,
settled agriculturists. Racially the Kondhs relate mustard, niger, black gram, arrowroot etc. The
more closely to the proto-Austroloid stock with Dongria section of the Kondh communities are
considerable Mongoloid admixture. They are expert horticulturist and produce fruits like
divided into two logistic groups i.e. Kui and Kuvi. bananas, pine apple, orange, jack fruits etc. The

Orissa Review December - 2011

primitive section keep buffaloes for sacrifice, but tracts of the Eastern Ghats many centuries ago.
the Desia Kondhs mainly use the buffaloes for Now the Kondh people are spread out through
ploughing their field. Barter system is still the eastern region. Broadly, the Kondhs are divided
method of exchange among the Kondhs. The into mainly three groups depending upon their
Kondhs believe in “Dharani” the earth goddess- habitat. The groups are Kutia Kondhs, Dongria
the supreme being. She is all powerful and the Kondh and Desia Kondh. The Kondh people
highest of all deities. She is represented by a block are simple in nature and very innocent. However,
of stone erected in a hut. She is responsible for they are living very simple way of life. Although
the growth of vegetation and other produce of few Kondhs claim that they belong to Dongaria
land. She used to be satisfied with human blood section but most of the people identify themselves
which was called “Maria” by the Dongria as ‘Kondhs’ irrespective of their section i.e. Kutia
section and “toki” puja by the Kutia section of or Desia. Importance has been given in this paper
the Kondh community. This custom has been to Kutia and Desia Kondhs of Kandhamals of
suppressed since long by the Bristishers and in Orissa. The Kondh (pronounced locally as
lieu of it buffalo is sacrificed at present. The Kondh Kandha and spelt earlier as Khond, Kond, etc)
worshippers of ancestors are called “DUMBAS”. are a population of primitive tribe of Orissa. They
These ancestor spirits appear in dreams when occupy mountainous areas of Central-Southern
they desire to receive periodic worship. There part of the state. The Desia name is assumed by
are various deities and spirits who are different in those who live in the plateau, in the neighbourhood
different localities inhabited by the various sections of non-tribal people who improved their economy
of the Kondh. Apart from these spirits they and living condition. The Kutia occupies the
believe in the existence of ghosts. They are highland; practiced shifting or hill slope cultivation
controlled by shamans. They also believe in white in primitive method and live in poor condition.
and black magics. They are fatalists and believe The habitat of Kondh people is locally known as
in chance and luck. They celebrate various Kandhamal, meaning hills of the Kondh.
festivals round the year for better yield of crops.
Two festivals such as Chaitra parab observed Area of Study:
before sowing paddy and other millets and The ancient history of Kandhamal district
“Meriah” or “Kedu” festival in the month of of Orissa may be traced back to the 3 rd Century
February / March are the most important. The B.C. It finds mention as an unconquered Atavika
Dongria Kondhs exhibit their talents in their art country fields in the Kalinga Rock Edicts of the
and crafts. legendary Mauryan Emperor, Ashok. This
The Kondhs are Dravidian People but no mountainous Atavika rajya unquestionably
mythology as legend yet discovered which furnish encompassed the Kandhamal region. Some
due to their origin or place of descent. They historians are of the view that Mahakantar
believe themselves to have existed in Orissa from subdued by the Gupta Emperor, Samudragupta,
the beginning. Their forbears were probably in the 4th century A.D., during his Dakshinapatha
driven from their homes or the richer lineal plains Campaign, included Kandhamal area and he led
of eastern India during the Aryan advance, his victorious army to the south from Kosala and
preferring hardship to loss of independence, it is Kural through this district. He defeated some kings
through that they were forced up into the wild hill in Ganjam.

December - 2011 Orissa Review

The present Kandhamal district is made reigned over Boudh and Kandhamal in the 8th
up with some segments of three erstwhile and 9th Century. Their kingdom was known as
principalities of Boudh, Ghumsar and Khemundi, Khinjali Mandala. From the 10th Century to the
reigned by the Bhanjas and the Gangas from advent of British in this region, Boudh, including
ancient times. Their reign came to an end when Kandhamal, has been governed in succession by
the British came to this region in the nineteenth the following royal dynasties: the Somavansis, the
century. Chindak Nagas/Telugu Chodas, the Kalachuris
G.Udayagiri constituted the northern and the Bhanjas. The history of Boudh-
fringe of Ghumusara kingdom of the Bhanjas. Kandhamal for 500 years prior to the coming of
They occupied this state in the 9th Century and the British is however, still nebulous.
continued to rule over it till 1835. Ganjam came The Britishers launched a vigorous
under the Britishers in 1765. The Bhanjas could campaign in these hilly tracts with the objectives
not put up with their interference and aggressive of annexing the areas to their empire and
attitude from the very beginning and they raised suppressing the abdominable practice of human
the banner of revolt frequently against the British. sacrifice, then prevalent among the Kondhas.
The Kondhas and the Paikas forming the The Britishers encountered stiff resistance from
Ghumusar army waged relentless wars under the the tribal’s for a prolonged period of 20 years
able leadership of Dohara Bissoyi from 1815 to from 1835 to 1855. As the Boudh Raja utterly
1835. Deposing Dhananjay Bhanja for his habitual failed to curb the horrendous ritual of the tribal,
recalcitrance the British occupied Ghumusar on the British truncated a large area, where the
November 3,1835. Dhananjaya Bhanja died at Kondhas were predominant, from Boudh on
G.Udayagiri in December of the same year as a February 15,1855 and named this newly annexed
fugitive. territory as Kandhamal. After British conquest of
Balliguda region was under the Gangas Uttar Ghumasar (G.Udayagiri area) and Uttar
of Kandhamal, most probably from the 10th Khemundi (Balliguda area) these territories were
Century and the dynasty ruled over these hilly placed under the administration of the Collector
tracts till the 19th century. British captured this of Ganjam district. These areas remained under
area in phases from 1830 to 1880 by subjugating the control and adminstration of the British until
some hill chiefs, who were the protégés of the India attained her independence.
Gangas. Ghumusar and Balliguda regions were Kandhamal remained a Tahasil from 1855
under the uninterrupted reign of the Bhanjas and to 1891 and it was administered by a Tahasildar
Gangas, respectively, for about a millennium. But under the direct control and supervision of the
the Kandhamal area, which was part of Boudh, superintendent of the Tributary mahals of Cuttack.
witnessed a chequered history during the same In 1891, it was upgraded to sub-division and
period. tagged with Anugul district. When the new
The present Kandhamal sub-division was province of Orissa was formed in 1936, and
an integral part of Boudh from time immemorial Ganjam was merged with Odisha, from the
till 1855. The earliest history of this area is gleaned Madras presidency, Kandhamal became a sub-
from a number of copper-plate inscriptions issued division of Ganjam. In the wake of the
by the kings of the early Bhanja dynasty, that amalgamation of the princely states with Orissa

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in January 1948, Boudh and Kandhamal thronged with these colorful tribals in their natural
constituted the new district of Boudh-Kandhamal, heritage, dancing and sporting has its own appeal.
with its headquarters at Phulbani. Balliguda sub- Kandhamal is also famous for handicrafts such
division was added to Boudh-Kandhamal district as Dokra, Terra-cotta, Cane and Bamboo works.
on 1.1.1949. With the secession of Boudh from The region is proud of its rich cultural heritage.
Phulbani district as a separate district only Mauryan Emperor Ashoka mentioned in Jaugada
Balliguda and Kandhamal sub-divisions remained (Ganjam) edict about the people of this hill tract
with Phulbani district, which was later rechristened as Atavikas who practised their own religion. The
as Kandhamal in June,1994. The district of ghat tract of Kandhamal “Kalinga” was known
Kandhamal ranks as one of the most backward to the travellers of Medieval history. The tract was
districts of the 69 identified most backward used for the transportation of salt to the central
districts of independent India. The proposed study India. Again the route running through Daringibadi
was conducted in the Nuagaon village of Kotagarh was known in history as Great Military road
block of Kandhamal district. Kandhamal district discovered by Britishers who happened to come
is stretched between 19’34 & 20’36 degree over Daringibadi for pleasure trips to enjoy the
latitude in the north and 83’34 & 84’34 longitude natural beauty and cool climate during summer.
in the east, with an area of 7649 sqkm. It
constitutes 2 sub-divisions, 12 Community Communication techniques of Kondhs of
Development Blocks, 2 NACs, 153 Gram Kandhamal can be divided into four main
Panchayats and 2515 villages. The total categories. i.e
population of the district is 6,48,200 out of which (i) Ancient Communication Techniques
ST population comprises of 51.96 %. The
(ii) Traditional Communication Techniques
physiographic of the entire district lies with a high
altitude zone with inter-spreading inaccessible (iii) Oral Communication Techniques
terrain of hilly ranges and narrow valley tracts, (i) Ancient Communication Techniques :
which guides in general the socio-economic
conditions of the people and the development of Better than shouting:
the district. Communication begins with language, the
The district of Kandhamal is bestowed distinctive ability which has made possible the
with the beauty of nature. It has wild life, scenic evolution of human society. With language any
beauty, healthy climate, and serpentine ghat roads message, no matter how complex, can be
for the tourists who need to relax and unwind. It conveyed between people over a limited distance
has attractions, like panoramic coffee gardens, - within a room or place of assembly, or across a
pine jungles,Ghat roads, hills and water falls, virgin short open space. In modern times ‘town criers’
forest and typical tribal village life. Almost 66% hold an annual contest to discover which of them
of the land area of the district is covered with can shout a comprehensible message over the
dense forest and towering mountains which greatest distance. The world record is less than
provide shelter to the inhabitants like Kondhas, 100 metres. Already, at that short range, a more
classified under the ancient Gondid race of proto practical alternative is to run with the message.
Austroloid group, rich in green meadows at the The invention of writing and in particular of
altitude of 2000 ft to 3000 ft, the terraced valleys alphabetic writing marked a milestone in cultural

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development. It provided humanity with a new were whitened boards that could be sign written
means of communication that literally inscribed in and when the message became out of date the
stone, the spoken word. Communication could board could easily be whitewashed and rewritten.
now span both space and time. Space, because The qualities of slaves would be written on such
writing could be sent from one place to another. boards and they would be made to stand under
Time, because writing could preserve the words them while being paraded for sale.
for generations to come. Since the art of writing (ii) Traditional Communication Techniques
was discovered, nearly every form of writing of Subsistence stategies and Settlement
material has been used. Some were intended to pattern:
ensure permanence while others were simple and
inexpensive but temporary. From the wax notepad Subsistence and settlement of the Kondhs
of the schoolboy to the grand inscriptions on belongs to traditional communication techniques.
monuments, almost everything we know about They used different techniques for settle down in
antiquity is derived from writings such as those a place and searching for mode of subsistence.
written on animals, vegetables and minerals. The term subsistence economy is explicitly defined
in it’s social sciences. It is employed principally in
Stone: Stone was mainly used for writing on connection with rural societies in technologically
permanent monuments and public buildings. The poorly developed countries and is often
writing on stone usually requires the use of synonymous with the term subsistence farming and
hammer and chisel. The most comfortable, subsistence agriculture. In the field of
accurate and hence productive manner of carving Anthropology of application of the term to
stone inscriptions is to hold the chisel in one hand primitive hunting and gathering society would
and hit it with the hammer held in the other hand. however also be meaningful as an economy
Although this sounds like too simple an providing bare subsistence (M.J. Herskovits,
explanation, one must consider that as most 1940). Economy as the way in which resources
people are right handed then there would be a technology and work are combined to satisfy the
tendency to cut the letters from right to left. material requirements of human beings and of
Metal : Sheets of metal were rarely used for social groups.
writing or are rarely found. For one, they were Settlement Pattern Techniques:
expensive to manufacture and secondly, the metal
was often re-smelted for use as weapons in times Every place there is a history of first
of war, so few sheets remain. More commonly, settlers like that of nomenclature. One area
bronze tablets and copper sheets were used to became a place of habitations when a group of
provide semi-permanence and could be stored people migrated from one place to some other
more easily than cumbersome rock. places and settle down permanently. According
to the Kondhs of Kandhamal district, once open
Wood: The use of wood as a writing medium was a time they were living on the top of the hill. They
strictly confined to temporary purposes and not were migrated from the top of the nearby hill due
many such tablets have survived through antiquity, to searching of a new place where they led a
as the climate in state is not conducive to their healthy life. The descent of the located Kondh
preservation. In antiquity, wooden boards were villager of the area were Kutia Kondhs, who were
used for displaying public announcements. They living in the dense forest; but now they are

Orissa Review December - 2011

identifying themselves as Adivasi or Kondh. doors in the inner side. The inner side door usually
Another reason of migration is due to poverty and leads to the storage house. The doors are made
their home land declared as reserve forest by the of wooden planks which are prepared from teak
Forest Department. wood and Sal wood. Some doors are made of
House Pattern :The houses of Kondhs are of bamboo sticks also. The windows are absent in
most of the houses. But there are skylight found
linear pattern and the two rows of house flanked
in each and every house. Most of the houses are
by a wide street. The people like to live in
divided into general room, storage room and
thatched houses. The settlement of an individual
is permanent in his plot. However all the houses verandah in the front side and found neat and
of the village are situated line by line facing each clean.
other. The houses are rectangular in shape. One Vegetational area : Vegetation area is located
or more double rows of attached house face each on the back side of the house. They raise
other in a rectangular space. boundary around the house by some bamboo
sticks or sal sticks or beam and other materials.
The Roof: The roof is made of straw. The
They cultivate chilly, maize, pumpkin, papaya,
thatched roof is constructed with a long bamboo
beam at the apex of the roof. To this beam cucumber etc in their vegetational area.
bamboo clubs are attached. These sticks are Garbage : The people of Nuagoan use garbage.
attached in vertical manner to the beam while other The garbage area is kept away from the house.
bamboo sticks are tied to these clubs in a Some are in the vegetation corner and some are
horizontal manner. On such a frame of bamboo near the field. They throw the waste materials to
beam with a network of bamboo sticks bundles the garbage. They collect any types of tree leaves
of paddy straw are spread for making the roof. and throw it into the garbage. The cow dung,
The roof is made of paddy straw. The roof is goat dung and pig dung are also kept in the village
culminated by two slopes or four slopes of every garbage.
house. Cow shed : The villagers of Nuagoan keep their
Wall : In Nuagoan village most of the walls are cow, goat and pig in a common area. The
mud, mud bricks and lateritic stone. It is plastered cowshed is at a little distance from each house of
by mud, cow dung and clay. They also decorate their habitation. The cowsheds are also situated
it by different colours; epecially lightly red and in a linear pattern. The floor is not polished. There
white. The stones are available near the forest is not found a wall like their own house. The
and they collect it by themselves. The bricks are walls of the cowshed are made of bamboo sticks
made by them. or sal sticks and the upper part of the houses are
thatched by paddy straw. The floors are made
Floor : The floor is made of stone chips and clay
of either by stone or by slice wood along with
like that wall. It is plain and smooth. The people
mud. There are four pillars in each cowshed. As
of Nuagoan plastered the floor by cow dung
everyday. a whole the cowshed is open wall in linear
pattern. But the goats and chickens are kept in
Doors and Window :The door is essential to the verandah. They collect the cow dung every
enter in a house. Almost all the houses have only day and clean the cowshed. Only there is a gate
one in front side of the house. Some house have to enter into the cowshed. The common cowshed

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of the village is open for all. The cowshed is They collect some roots and tubers for medicinal
separated from their habitation. The cowshed is purpose. The Kondhs avoid to go to the hospital.
also made in a linear pattern and a common place They mostly depend on medicinal herbs known
where the cows are living in the village. to them.
Gathering of fire wood & other forest Hunting techniques :From the ancient days till
products techniques: the present era hunting as an occupation, prevalent
Elements of food gathering economy are in almost all societies. Anthropologists normally
applies the term hunter only to the group who
still prevailing in several parts of the tribal belts of
depend primarily upon hunting game for their food.
Orissa. An example of this economy found among
Hunting was practiced as a means of livelihood
the Kondhs. Collection of fire wood and forest
products is an old practice and continued till now since long past. Before entering into the forest
by the people of Kandhamal. They learnt the the hunters divide themselves into two groups,
one group possesses their hunting implements and
technique of collection of fire wood and forest
other group with some trap(phasa) enter into the
products by their ancestors. Both male and female
forest. They make different kinds of sounds. Due
go to the forest for gathering purpose. In the
hamlet we can see more number of female going to the noise the big animals are compelled to run
to the forest for collection of fire wood. The at the desired direction of the hunters and they
easily kill them with the help of bow and arrow.
Kondh people of this district are extremely poor.
In the second method they go to the jungle and
When they have no work, they go for gathering
prepare a platform of wood on the branches of
of fire wood and collect the jungle fruit from the
nearby forest. They also depend on forest the tall trees. They call the platform as ‘Mancha’.
because originally they are food gatherers and From this Mancha they shoot down the animal
from the height. The third method of hunting is by
hunters. For the collection of fire wood, they go
the help of traps. They are used various types of
to nearby forest. They rise early in the morning
traps for hunting different animals. Before the
and take their breakfast before 7.30AM and set
out for forest. They reach the forest about 9.30 initiation of hunting the hunter set those trap ready.
AM. From that time they engage themselves in Then they go to the other part of the forest and
scare the animals by showing fire, beating drums
cutting and collecting wood up to 5PM. They take
and making sounds by other methods when the
their lunch at their leisure hours. Cutting of fire
animals run away from one part to another part
wood is done in the forest. After cutting these are
bound in bundles. One bundle contains nearly 15- they fall into the trap. Then they kill the animals
20 pieces of wood and they bring it to village on and collect it from the trap. The fourth method of
hunting is that they go to the forest at the evening.
their head and shoulder. They prepare some rope
They canceal themselves blind big rocks near
from the bark of few trees for their own purpose
places of water pools and wait animals there to
and to sell in the local market. Generally young
male and female in the age group of 17 to 45 come to drink. When animal come they shoot
years are engaged in this work. down. All the male members of the village move
for hunting expedition to the forest under the
There are some rare roofs and tubers leadership of a senior person among them.
which are not found anywhere except in forest. According to his direction the group start intensive
These are very much liked by the Kondh people. search of the game. After hunting completed, the

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leader orders to cut the flesh of the animals and the staple food of the villagers, they take utmost
to equally distribute among all the participants care for the production of paddy. The possession
while actual hunter of the animal gets a little more of paddy lands is a status symbol for the villagers.
share. Before they go for the hunting purpose they The farmers at present, are encouraged to use
observe a special ritual in the name of forest deity scientific methods of agricultural operations to
for safety. produce more crops from the same piece of land
Fishing techniques : Fishing is practiced all over for yield. Agricultural production depends open
the tribal communities. Some people practice it timely rain, an adequate water management, soil
for their livelihood and some have practiced it as conservation, modern technology etc. The life style
hobby. Kondhs of Kandhamal practiced it as their of the people of Nuagaon is agriculture based.
hobby. They take it as a secondary occupation. During the harvesting season the school children
The people like to go for fishing in their leisure help their family members in the harvesting crops.
time. There is no particular season for their fishing The cycle of agriculture among the Kondh is not
purpose but they prefer specially rainy season and different from that of other neighbouring and caste
winter seasons. In rainy season ponds, canals and communities. It starts with the processing of the
also cultivated land become filled with water. It is field during the month of May-June. Just before
the most suitable season for fishing. While they the arrival of South-West monsoon, sowing is
are ploughing their land, the water become muddy usually done during June while plantation of paddy
and the fish come out from the bottom of the becomes necessary at least once, during August
water moving here and there. They catch fishes and then they keep vigilant watch on the field till
from the muddy water of the cultivated land which the harvest in the month of November-December.
is used for their own consumption and they devide They cultivate oil seeds and vegetable after the
into muddy water catching fish with bare hands. harvesting of paddy. Few people are engaged in
In winter season, they go for harvesting from the summer crops and paddy.
cultivated land and catch the fish after harvesting Thus in this study, an attempt has been
the paddy. The fish caught is not a large quantity. made for an ethnographic study of the Kondhs
Hence there is no selling of fish. But they exchange with special reference to their settlement and
it for another purpose like vegetable. Besides fish subsistence strategies. At a general comparative
they catch big or small tortoise and crab for eating level, the agricultural activities of the Kondhs of
purpose. Fish is termed as ‘Minu’ in the Kondh Kandhamal have important implication for
dialect. subsistence of Neolithic cultures. What is
Agricultural technology: Technology refers to necessary now is to make an in-depth study of
socially standardized techniques associated subsistence strategies of other ethnic group in
artifact or tools. Technology is usually restricted various parts of Orissa for understanding the
to the technique of manufacture, maintenance and subsistence strategies of Prehistoric cultures of
manipulation. Some of the traditional agricultural Orissa.
implements still persist. They are axe, hatchet,
(iii) Oral Communication techniques:
sickle, yoke, plough, crowbar, wooden hammer,
flat basket etc. They get these implements either This techniques of Kondhs belong to their
from the nearby local market and some of the cultural activity. The Kondh people express their
implements are also made by them. Rice, being cultural identity and distinctiveness in their social

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organisation, language, rituals and festivals and market or Hat plays an important role of Kondhs
also in their dress, ornament, art and craft. They of Kandhamal for their interaction. They go to
have retained their own way of managing internal nearby village weekly market to sell their forest
affairs of the village mainly through two institutions produces, vegetables, rice, goat, buffalo, bullock,
namely, the village council and the youth cow etc and buy for them necessary household
dormitory. They believe that their lives and work materials. In the local market they meet other
are controlled by supernatural beings whose villagers and discuss with them about different
abode is around them in hills, forests, rivers and cultural and social activity and agricultural cycle.
houses. It is very difficult to standardize the Gods Apart from this, now few of the villagers are
and spirits as their composition continually engaged in modern communication techniques
changes when old ones are forgotten with the like uses of mobile phone, internet.
introduction of new ones. The ceremonies and The forests, being mixed deciduous,
festivals of the tribes can be classified into two primarily have a rich growth of Sal trees. The place
groups, that is, those that relate to the individual takes pride in its natural panoramic view – lush
families and those that relate to the village as a green woods, cluster of hills, tranquil surroundings
whole. The ceremonies and rites relating to birth with a rich endowment of flora and fauna and
of a child, marriage, death are observed family- above all, the tribal societies dwelling in this area.
wise whereas those relating to various agricultural The uniqueness of the state is truly retained by its
cycle, eating of new fruits, hunting, etc. are tribal population. They continue to lead a rustic
observed by the village community. The joy of lifestyle in the lap of nature. These tribal societies
free life finds expression in tribal art and craft. It embrace the section of people who understand
is through this endeavour their cultural self-image the meaning of living together and join hands to
and aesthetic sensibility are visualized. Kondh work together to achieve any shared interest to
dance is mostly confined to unmarried boys and cater to the benefits of their society. The tribal
girls and free mixing of the sexes is allowed during groups although have undertaken various forms
dancing. The dances are performed especially of odd jobs at present, yet their basic livelihood
when the boys or girls of one village visit another depend on hunting and cultivation. In the past
village. The dance forms an item in the daily routine eras, the tribal land areas were never surveyed
of the Kondh, when the boys and girls in their and they did not lead a settled life. The Kondh
dormitories meet after the day’s toil. The girls people carried out shifting cultivation, taking into
dance in lines and the boys dance behind and in consideration that they were the possessors of
front of them. The girls wear sarees in two pieces the natural resources like the river, water, forest,
and bangles on their ankles. They dance in rows, trees and the lush green lands. This practice of
facing rows of boys who sing songs and play on self cultivation still continues till date.
hand drums. Songs play a very important part in References:
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