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CHAPTER 5 crystals, and it is the most commonly used

BAKING INGREDIENTS sugar in the bakeshop.

• Brown Sugar – granulated sugar with added
 Flour – Since flour is the most important ingredient in molasses. Light brown sugar has a mild
the bakeshop, familiarity with different types of flour is molasses flavor; dark brown sugar, which
necessary. contains more molasses, has a more
• All-purpose Flour – blend of hard and soft pronounced flavor. Store brown sugar in an
wheat flours milled from the endosperm of the airtight container to prevent loss of moisture.
wheat kernel; the specific blend varies from • Confectioner’s Sugar – also called powdered
region to region. Southern all-purpose flour sugar or icing sugar, is granulated sugar ground
generally has more soft wheat than all-purpose to a powder with cornstarch added (up to 3
flours in other parts of the county. The protein percent by weight) to keep it from caking.
content in all-purpose flour can range from 8 to
12 percent.  Isomalt – a white crystalline “sugar-free” sweetener
• Bread Flour – also known as patent flour, is a made from sucrose and used in diabetic baking.
hard wheat flour made from the endosperm and Because it does not break down when heated and
is used for breads and soft rolls. Its protein absorbs very little water, some pastry chefs like to
content ranges from 11 to 13 percent. use isomalt for pulled sugar work.
• Cake Flour – soft wheat flour with a protein
content ranging from 6 to 9 percent. It is used for Sweeteners
cakes and cookies. Cake Flour is a light, finely  CORN SYRUP is produced from cornstarch. It
milled flour with a lower protein content than all- contains 15 to 20 percent dextrose (glucose), other
purpose flour. sugars, water, and often flavorings. Light corn syrup
• Durum Flour – milled from the endosperm of the has been clarified to give it its light color; dark corn
durum wheat kernel, is a hard wheat flour used in syrup includes refiner’s syrup and caramel color and
bread making. Its protein content ranges from 12 flavor,
to 14 percent.  GLUCOSE used in icings, confections, and pulled
• Pastry Flour – has a protein content ranging sugar work.
from 8 to 10 percent. It is used for pie crust  MOLASSES has a rich flavor but it is less sweet than
dough, muffins, and some biscuits, as well as sugar. Molasses is available as light, dark, or
pastries. blackstrap. These are rendered, respectively, from
• Whole Wheat Flour – hard wheat flour milled the first, second, and third boiling of the sugar syrup
from the entire wheat kernel, including the bran in the refining process,
and germ; because the germ is high in lipids  HONEY is a sweet syrup produced by bees from
(fats), whole wheat flour can quickly become flower nectar. The flowers, not the bees, determine
rancid. Its protein content ranges from 14 to 16 honey’s flavor and color.
percent.  MAPLE SYRUP is a liquefied sugar made from the
• Rye Flour – behaves quite differently from wheat concentrated sap of the sugar maple tree.
flour in baking, although rye kernels are milled in
a manner similar to that used for wheat kernels. Fats – Fats and oils provide many functions in baked
White rye flour is the mildest-flavored and goods. They tenderize, add flavor, have leavening
lightest-colored rye flour, with a protein content of strength, add moisture, and can create a flaky texture,
8 to 10 percent. Medium rye flour has a slightly among many other things.
higher protein content, 9 to 11 percent, and is
somewhat darker. Dark rye flour, which is milled Vegetable Oils
from the outer portion of the endosperm, has a • Canola oil (or rapeseed oil) is a light, golden-
protein content of 14 to 17 percent. colored oil extracted from rapeseeds; it is low in
saturated fat.
 Starches – Processed and refined starches are used • Olive oils vary in heaviness and may be pale
to thicken and stabilize liquid mixtures. They result in yellow to deep green, depending on the
a range of textures and consistencies once they set particular fruit and the processing method.
into a gel. • Margarine is a solid fat made with hydrogenated
 Cornstarch – ground from corn kernels, is used vegetable oils and milk, either liquid or milk
primarily as a thickener, but it is also sometimes used solids. Regular margarines contain 80 percent
in conjunction with wheat flour to yield softer results fat.
in baked goods. • Nut Oils have rich aromas. They are usually
 Sugar – nutritive carbohydrates used by the baking more perishable than vegetable or olive oils.
industry to add sweetness, flavor, fermentable solids. Store them under refrigeration to keep them
They perform key functions in dough and batters that fresh, and use them within a few weeks of
improve the overall quality of the finished products. opening for the best flavor.
Sugar has traditionally meant table sugar or sucrose. Lard – made from rendered pork fat. It is processed and
• Granulated Sugar – is pure refined sucrose hydrogenated to make it solid. It may also be treated to
derived from either sugarcane or from sugar neutralize its flavor.
beets. Granulated sugar has small, evenly sized • Shortening
Milk and Dairy – Dairy foods are products such milk, firm texture and show no discoloration or dry,
yoghurt and cheese. Most dairy foods come from cow's crumbly spots. Store it under refrigeration.
milk, although some are made from the milk of sheep, • RAPID RISE YEAST is a type of dehydrated yeast
goats and other animals. They bring taste, texture, and a formulated to provide a quick rise. It is extremely
nice color to many products such as biscuits, cakes, and active once rehydrated and dies quickly. Rapid rise
croissants. Strongly associated with a natural image, yeast should be stored in an airtight container in the
dairy ingredients also can be used as claims on refrigerator or freezer.
packaging to better valorize baked goods products.
Chemical Leaveners
Butter – The best-quality butter has a sweet flavor, • BAKING POWDER is a mixture of bicarbonate of
similar to fresh heavy cream; if salt has been added, it soda and an acid (the leavening agents) and a
should be barely detectable. The color of butter will vary starch. It may be double- or single-acting.
depending upon the breed of cow, the diet of the cow, • BAKING SODA is sodium bicarbonate. It requires
and the time of year, but is typically a pale yellow. both an acid and moisture in order to leaven a
Milk – labeled according to its milk fat content. Whole
milk contains at least 3 percent milk fat. Reduced-fat milk Salt
contains 2 percent milk fat, low-fat milk contains 1 • TABLE SALT may be iodized, meaning it contains
percent, and fat-free milk contains less than 0.1 percent. added iodine, a preventive against goiter, or non-
iodized. Its small, dense, grains adhere poorly to
Cream – Heavy or whipping cream must contain at least food, dissolve slowly in solution, and are difficult to
35 percent milk fat, and is used for whipping. Light cream blend.
has between 16 and 32 percent milk fat, and it does not • KOSHER SALT is a coarse salt that weighs less by
whip easily. It is sometimes used instead of milk to add a volume than table salt. It dissolves more readily and
richer flavor and creamier texture. adheres better to food.
• SEA SALT is collected through the evaporation of
Yogurt – is a cultured milk product made from whole, natural saltwater. The salt’s thin, flaky layers adhere
low-fat, or nonfat milk; it may be plain or flavored. well to food and dissolve quickly. Sea salt also
contains various trace minerals that occur naturally
Cheese in the waters from which they are collected.
• CREAM CHEESE – has a mild, slightly tangy taste • ROCK SALT also known as bay salt, is a very
and a soft, spreadable texture. coarse salt used in crank ice cream makers. It may
• MOZZARELLA CHEESE – made from either cow’s have a gray tint from the impurities it contains. Rock
or water buffalo’s milk, has a mild, slightly tangy salt is generally not manufactured for consumption.
flavor and a soft, creamy, slightly elastic texture.
Mozzarella is sold fresh or aged, in balls or blocks Herb and Spices – Herbs may be used either fresh or
• CHEDDAR CHEESE – Is a dry semi firm cheese dried; note that dried herbs have increased potency.
made from cow’s milk. During manufacture it Spices may be used whole or ground. They maintain
undergoes a cheddar process where the curds are freshness better if they are stored whole. Extracts are
piled and pressed, which causes the expulsion of commonly derived from herbs, spices, and nuts. Extracts
whey and allows for the development of can lose their potency with prolonged exposure to air,
characteristic Cheddar texture. heat, or light.
• PARMESAN CHEESE (Parmigiano-Reggiano) –
Is a very hard, crumbly grating cheese. It gets its • BASIL belongs to the mint family. It has green
special flavor and texture from an extended aging pointed leaves and a pungent licorice flavor. It
period, may be used fresh or dried.
• MINT comes in many varieties. Peppermint has a
Leaveners – There are many different ways in which a strong flavor. It is available fresh, dried, or as an
baked product may be leavened. Some are leavened extract. Spearmint has gray-green leaves and a
through the use of a technique or method, others by the milder flavor than peppermint.
addition of an ingredient, and others still by a combination • OREGANO belongs to the mint family. It has
of the two. small oval leaves. Oregano and marjoram are
similar in flavor, but oregano is stronger. Both
Yeast may be used fresh or dried.
• ACTIVE DRY YEAST – is dehydrated, dormant • PARSLEY has a mild, peppery flavor. Its leaves
yeast granules. It requires a warm liquid to activate may be curly or flat (also called Italian parsley),
it. Active dry yeast should be stored in an airtight depending on the variety. It is available fresh or
container in the refrigerator or freezer. dried, but is primarily used as a fresh herb.
• INSTANT DRY YEAST – It can be used without • ROSEMARY is another member of the mint
rehydration. When working with instant dry yeast, family, with leaves shaped like pine needles. It
very cold or ice water should be used in the mixing has a resin-like aroma and flavor and is available
process. fresh, dried, or ground.
• COMPRESSED FRESH YEAST - is a highly • ALLSPICE is the dried berry of the pimiento tree.
perishable yeast product. It should have a moist, Its flavor is reminiscent of cinnamon, nutmeg,
and cloves. It is available whole or ground.
• CARDAMOM is a plant in the ginger family. Each not to knock the air out of the mix - otherwise
of its pods contains fifteen to twenty small seeds. you'll lose the desired light and airy texture.
Cardamom has a pungent aroma and a sweet 5. Rubbing Method
and spicy flavor. • the fat is first rubbed into the flour using the
• CINNAMON is the stripped dried bark of an finger tips, lightly, until the mix becomes
evergreen in the laurel family. It is sold whole (in breadcrumb-like.
sticks) or ground. • Next to go in is the sugar followed by the liquid,
• NUTMEG is the seed of the nutmeg tree. It has a like milk.
sweet and spicy flavor and is available either • As soon as the liquid is incorporated, stop
whole or ground. working the mix to avoid a tough end texture.

Gluten Development TYPES OF CAKES

Most of the flour we use in baking has a quantities of the A. Chiffon cake – known as “angel cake” “foam cake”
proteins called glutenin and gliadin, which together form • is a very light cake made with
gluten when the flour is moistened and mixed. Gluten oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and
development is one of the baker’s major concerns when flavorings. Being made with vegetable oil,
mixing doughs and batters. Strong flours that is from hard instead of a traditional solid fat, it is easier to
wheats with high protein content are used primarily to beat air into the batter.
make breads and other yeast products. Weak flours that • As a result, chiffon cakes achieve a
is from soft wheats with low protein content are important fluffy texture by having egg whites beaten
in the production of cakes, cookies, and pastries separately until stiffs and then folded into the
cake batter before baking.
• Its aeration properties rely on both the quality
CHAPTER 9 of the meringue and the chemical leaveners.
CAKES, ICING AND DECORATION Method and preparation
• Whisking and folding combines methods used
CAKE with sponge cakes.
 Cake is a form of sweet food made from flour, • air is beaten into solid fat and sugar, this
sugar, and other ingredients, that is process helps to leaven the cake.
usually baked. Characteristics
 In their oldest forms, cakes were modifications • The high oil and egg content create a very
of bread, but cakes now cover a wide range of moist cake, it do not tend to harden or dry out.
preparations that share features w/ They are suited to filling or frosting w/
other desserts. ingredients that need to be refrigerated or
 Cake is often served as a celebratory dish on frozen, such as pastry cream or ice cream.
ceremonial occasions. The lack of butter, lack much the rich flavor of
butter cake.
1. Creaming Method
• butter and sugar are beaten together, until the B. Pound cake
mix turns pale and creamy. • Is a type of cake traditionally made of four
• the eggs can be added, bit by bit, followed by the ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, and sugar.
dry ingredients. • baked in either a loaf pan or a Bundt mold.
• avoid the mixture curdling once the eggs are • served either dusted with powdered sugar, lightly
added, to avoid tough &dry bake. glazed, or with a coat of icing.
2. All-in-one method • There are numerous variations, with certain
• All the measured ingredients go into the bowl countries and regions having distinctive styles.
together and the mixing is done in a matter of Method and preparation
minutes. • Creaming method
3. Melting Method • Incorporating air to your butter and sugar until its
• tends to yield moister and denser cakes, as fluffy, before adding the wet & dry ingredients.
there's no beating or whisking involved. • Adding lemon and orange to change the flavor
• Instead, butter is usually melted before the and texture.
eggs and then the dry ing. are added and a Characteristics
chemical raising agent, to help the cake rise. • is white, dense, and is perhaps one of the most
• overworking the mixture will result in a dry and simplest and well-known cakes.
tough bake. • velvety texture and pure butter flavor make it so
4. Whisking Method undeniably delicious
• whisking instead of a raising agent to work air
into the mix and is ideal if you're looking for C. Sponge cake – known as “mamon” “foam cake”
a lower-fat lighter sponge as they usually contain • A light cake made w/ egg whites, flour and sugar.
no butter. • sometimes leavened with baking powder, and
• eggs and sugar are whisked together before the leavened w/ beaten eggs.
dry ingredients are sieved and then folded gently • One of the first of the non-yeasted cakes, and
through the egg mixture in batches, being careful the earliest attested sponge cake recipe.
Method and preparation • use custard-like base flour-thickened milk to mix
• Whisking method with butter and sugar.
• It is made by whisking egg whites and caster • no egg added in this recipe, which can be a
sugar and gently folding in flour. perfect fit for someone who is a vegetarian.
• whisking egg whites incorporates air bubbles to • also known to stick to its shape, fluffy and
create a foam, making the egg whites stiffer and smooth to present.
increasing their volume. 7. Chocolate Ganache
Characteristics • for a thick and piping-friendly Ganache, the most
• Sponge soaks up flavors from fresh fruits, fillings basic and simple recipe to follow is one part of
and custard sauces. cream to two parts of dark chocolate.
• delicate texture of sponge and angel food cakes, • talking about the texture of this Chocolate
and the difficulty of their preparation, it became Ganache, well either you can keep this syrup-
more expensive like.
• but to add texture to your sweet dish, you can
D. Petit Fours – A petit four is a small bite- beat the mix a bit and can stop when you find the
sized confectionery or savory appetizer. The name texture is perfect.
is French, petit four (French pronunciation: meaning Flavors
"small oven". Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemon, Custard, Berries,
Come in three varieties: Cream cheese
• Glacé ("glazed"), iced or decorated tiny cakes
• Salé ("salted"), savory bite-sized appetizers Proper Panning, cooling and storing
served at cocktail parties or buffets Proper Panning
• Sec ("dry"), dainty biscuits, baked meringues, • line the bottom with parchment and grease the
macarons, and puff pastries sides of the pan only.
• Greased and floured pans (with oil or butter or
Types of icing/ fillings and flavors spray and flour, or with a spray that combines oil
All types of icing can be used in different forms in a cake, or grease and flour):
some use them in layering the cake sponges, others use Proper cooling
them to decorate the cupcakes, and in some bakeries • Take your cake out of the pan after it has been
abroad, they used as a cookie. left to sit for 10 minutes and place it directly onto
a cooling tray.
1. American Buttercream • Cut your cake, more layers mean more air,
• most used cake filling across the world. forcing your cake to cool faster.
• easy to make and requires only two ingredients, Proper storing
butter and icing sugar. • to keep cakes fresh, store them in airtight
• whipping them till the time they become fluffy. containers in a cool, dry place or you can also
• being it is easy to spread on the cake bread and use an overturned bowl (although it won't keep
can be pipped without much fuss. the cake as fresh.
2. Italian Meringue Buttercream • To keep cakes fresh for more than 1 week, try
• only difference is that apart from butter is melted freezing them.
sugar syrup and egg whites Techniques in decorating Cakes
• the mixing begins with beating the egg-whites Hand piped flowers
first, and while beating it add the sugar syrup
before adding the butter.
3. Swiss Meringue Buttercream
• similar to the Italian one
• instead of a mixer stand, a double boiler bowl is
used to let the egg-whites get cooked, at the time
of preparation of the Meringue. Also, sugar is
replaced with icing sugar as we are already using
the double boiler to make the meringue. Rosette
4. French Buttercream
• made using butter, granulated sugar, and egg
• the egg-yolks give a rich texture, and there is no
effect on the lightness of this Buttercream.
5. German Buttercream
• named an experimental member of the
Buttercream family, because of the ingredients.
• butter, icing sugar, egg yolks, and some cooked
flour, when all these elements come together to
make more rich and soft.
6. Ermine Buttercream
• member of the Buttercream that is properly
Spatula cake

Stenciled cake

Water color cake

Sprinkle cake

Fondant Cakes

Points to remember in making Cake

Use these tips for baking a perfect cake every time.
1. Use room-temperature ingredients.
2. Cream butter and sugar thoroughly.
3. Check flour and raising agents are fresh.
4. Follow the recipe.
5. Measure precisely.
6. Sift dry ingredients onto wet.
7. Fold in gently but thoroughly.
8. Use the correct cake tin.
9. Know your oven
10. Bake on the middle shelf

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