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School: GREENHILL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level: 10

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MICHAEL L. DELA PEÑA Learning Area: TLE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 5-9, 2024 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 1


At the end of the lesson, the students At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
are expected to: a. Identify the different procedures on using different hand tools and a. discuss the importance of proper storage of tools and equipment
a. Identify the defective and non- equipment. b. store and label tools and equipment safely
defective hand tools. b. Perform the proper procedures on using different hand tools and c. appreciate the importance of storing and labeling tools and
I. OBJECTIVES b. Describe the importance of equipment. equipment
defective and non-defective hand c. Appreciate the importance of the following the proper steps and
tools and procedures on using different hand tools and equipment.
c. Show scenarios that involve
checking of defective and non-
defective hand tools.
Demonstrate understanding of/on:
A. Content Standards  Hand tools and their uses
 Defective and non-defective hand tools
1. Hand tools selected are appropriate to the requirements of the task.
B. Performance Standards
2. Unsafe or defective tools are identified and marked for repair according to procedure.
C. Learning Competencies/ LO1. Select and classify hand tools and equipment
Objectives Write the LC for
II. CONTENT Defective and Non – Defective Procedures on Using Different Hand Tools and Equipment PROPER STORAGE OF HAND TOOLS/EQUIPMENT
Hand Tools
A. References Skills for a lifetime in TLE. Skills for a lifetime in TLE. Skills for a lifetime in TLE. Skills for a lifetime in TLE. Skills for a lifetime in TLE.

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages
24-25 28-33
3. Textbook pages

B. Other Learning

The teacher will ask the students The teacher will ask the students about the previous topic that they tackled Before we proceed to our topic. Let us have a recap on our previous
A. Reviewing previous
about the previous topic that they about the different tools and equipment in Welding. lesson.
lesson or presenting the new
tackled about the different tools and What is our previous topic all about?
equipment in Welding.
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher will conduct an activity The teacher will conduct an activity called “Pop the Balloon”.
called “Fix Me”.

for the lesson

The teacher will ask the students to  The teacher will ask the students to guess the topic based on the activity.
guess the topic based on the activity.  The teacher will reveal the topic which is about Procedures on using
The teacher will reveal the topic different hand tools and equipment.
C. Presenting which is about the Defective and  The teacher will let the students to read the objectives that they will attain
examples/instances of the Non - Defective Hand Tools. after this lesson.
new lesson
The teacher will let the students to
read the objectives that they will
attain after this lesson.
The teacher will present an activity  The teacher will present an activity regarding to the topic. (5S Implementation)
regarding to the topic.  The teacher will discuss the different procedures on using different hand  Clearly label machinery, equipment, part, jigs, tools, and their
The teacher will instruct the students tools and equipment. locations, so that everything is understandable, and visible to
to identify the different practices in everyone at a glance.
identifying the defectives and non –  Don‟t pile up jigs, tools, and materials without separators (shelves).
D. Discussing new concept
defectives hand tools. They should be picked up easily.
and practicing new skills #1
After the activity teacher will check  Rearrange machinery and equipment to make smooth production
the answer of the students and flow, when necessary.
discuss the following practices in  Maintain the space around the fire extinguishers and evacuation
identifying the defective and non – passages free.
defectives hand tools.
E. Discussing new concepts Defective and Non-Defective Hand Procedures on using different hand tools and equipment N/A
and practicing new skills #2 tools
1. Visual inspection: Hacksaw
Defective tools can easily be Steps in Mounting Blade to the Metal Frame
distinguished from the functional 1. Select the correct type of blade.
ones through visual inspection. The 2. Attach the blade to the frame by pointing the teeth away from the handle.
physical appearance of tools will 3. Tighten the wing nut of the handle until the blade is tight enough.
describe such characteristics as
dullness, sharpness, dismantled
parts, and unevenness of the teeth of
the cutting tools.
2. Functionality:
Another way is to check the quality
of the manufactured tools. Is it
already susceptible to wear and tear?
Has it already exceeded its service
life? Has it passed the
manufacturer’s quality control test?
A few pieces of the hand tools
issued in the shop can be subjected
for Condemnation they are no longer
Some hand tools issued for years in
shops and few pieces of these can be
subjected for condemnation.
3. Performance:
Performance of hand tools is
determined not only during the
actual use but also after use to find
out whether the hand tools are still
worth using.
4. Service span:
Hand tools are issued to shop teacher
at one time. However, this must be
recorded to determine when it was
received and how long the tools have
been kept in the shop. A hand tool
which is too old is unsafe for both
the students and workers. Such tool
should be marked defective and
segregated from the good ones.
 The teacher will divide the class  The teacher will divide the class into 4 by letting them count from 1 to 4. N/A
into 4 by letting them count from 1  Ask the students to be with their group mates to discuss the activity.
to 4.  Provide the instruction of the activity.
 Ask the students to be with their  They will be graded with the criteria or rubrics presented.
group mates to discuss the activity.
 Provide the instruction of the
 They will be graded with the
F. Developing mastery criteria or rubrics presented.
(Leads to formative

 Ask the students to give their  Ask the students to give their insights on what is the importance of Why is it very important to properly store our tools and materials?
G. Finding
insights on what is the importance of following the proper procedures on using different hand tools and
different practices in identifying equipment.
application of concepts and
defective and non – defectives hand
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations  Ask the students to give at least  Ask the students to give the proper procedures on using the different hand What are the proper way of storing tools?
one practices in identifying the tools and equipment.
and abstractions about the
defective and non – defective hand
Direction: Choose the letter of the List two (2) don’ts in the use of : Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Use a separate
correct answer. a. hacksaw answer sheet.
1. Defective hand tools are kept and b. bench vise 1. A maintenance process of moving assembled parts and hand tools
___________. c. ball pen hammer through the use of oil and greases.
A) marked as defective. d. Chisel A) Simple Repair
B) mixed together with non- e. Wrench B) Lubricating
defective tools. f. Screw drivers C) Hand Sharpening
C) put anywhere in the shop. D) Tightening
D) sold in the junk shop 2. What is considered a minor repair?
A) The task not too long to perform
2. One way of checking whether B) Whole item to be replaced
hand tools are defective or non- C) Motor overhauling
defective is the___________. D) Cleaning
1. length of service 3. Proper storage of hand tools entails:
11. trade mark of the manufacturer A) Placing hand tools together in one place.
111. physical appearance B) Labeling hand tools properly in the tool cabinet.
A. 1 only C. 111 only C) Keeping hand tools in anyplace in the tool room.
B. 11 only D. 1, 11, and 111 D) Lubricating tools
3. Which is determined after the 4. “Urgent repair” is similar to:
I. Evaluating Learning operation of a hand tool is tested ? A) maintenance schedule
A. Service span B) maintenance Inspection
B. Performance C) an ordinary routine
C. Physical appearance D) an immediate repair
D. Repair Maintenance 5. Don‟t pile up jigs, tools and materials without:
4. All defective hand tools with A) label
major defects are subjected to B) separator
_________. C) identification
1. Repair D). stamping
11. Condemnation
111. Display/sample
A. 1 only C. 111 only
B. 11 only D. 1, 11, and 111
5. Service span of a tool pertains to
A) maintenance schedule
B) determining when the tool is
C) functionality of a tool
D) defectiveness of a tool
Research and advance study about
J. Additional activities for
the procedures on using different
application or remediation
hand tools and equipment.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B.No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared By: Checked By: Monitored By: Monitored By:


Teacher I Head Teacher I PSDS

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