@annisuphere. #Idea Sheet - Revisiting Solar Roadways

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Revisiting Solar Roadways: Is the

Concept Still Too Good to Be True?

For nearly as long as solar panels have been gracing rooftops and barren
land, creative people have been searching out additional surfaces that can be
tiled with energy-generating photovoltaic (PV) panels. The idea has been
pretty straightforward: if solar panels generate energy simply by facing the
sun, then humans could collectively reduce our reliance on coal, oil, gas and
other polluting fuels by maximizing our aggregate solar surface area.

So, what kind of unobstructed surfaces are built in every community and in
between every major city across the globe? Highways and streets. With this in
mind, the futuristic vision of laying thousands, or even millions, of solar panels
on top of the asphalt of interstates and main streets was born.

While the concept art looked like a still from a sci-fi film, many inventors,
businesses and investors saw these panels as a golden path toward clean
energy and profit. Ultimately, though, the technology and economics ended up
letting down those working behind each solar roadway project — from initial
concepts in the early 2000s to the first solar roadway actually opened in
France in 2016, they all flopped.
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In the years since the concept of solar roadways went viral, solar PV has
continued to improve in technology and drop in price. So, with a 2021 lens, is
it time to re-run the numbers and see if a solar roadway could potentially
deliver on that early promise? We dig in to find out.

Solar Roadways: The Original Concept

Solar roadways are complex in execution, but in concept, they’re as simple as
they sound. They’re roads “paved” with extremely strong solar panels that are
covered in glass that can withstand environmental stressors and the weight of
vehicles driving over them on a consistent basis.

The idea was something that got people really excited when the initial Solar
Roadways, Inc. project (which is still seeking funding) burst onto the scene in

More advanced designs included solar roadways outfitted with LED lights that
could be used to illuminate lane lines, communicate to drivers and more.
Other iterations included weight sensors that would detect when obstructions
were on the road or could alert homeowners if unexpected vehicles were
approaching their driveway. Embedding these kinds of technology into the
solar roadways renderings only added to their appeal and the initial hype
around the concept.

Key Selling Points of Solar Roadways

Early innovators of solar roadways touted the numerous benefits of their
ideas. These included:

● Sunlight shines down on roads at no cost, making the energy not only
readily available, but also free (aside from installation and
● The ability to power street lights with solar roadways eliminated the
need to pull extra energy from the grid.
● Having electronics embedded into the roadway opened up a world of
possibilities for communicating with drivers in ways that didn’t require
painting and repainting of roads.
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● The ingenuity to attach weight sensors on the solar panels could be
used to alert drivers about potential obstructions, such as animals,
disabled vehicles or rocks on the road.
● In a future of electric vehicles, the possibilities were seen as even more
beneficial, as solar roadways could be used to power electric vehicle
charging stations or to charge the cars while they’re driving.

While some early thinkers may also have envisioned these roadways sending
solar energy to the local power grid, the most impactful way solar roadways
could utilize the energy they generated is right around the road itself: lighting
street lights, heating mechanisms to melt snow on the roadway, or powering
small emergency equipment on road shoulders.

Using the energy for on-road applications would mean that the power didn’t
have to be sent long distances before being used, which results in energy
loss. However, in more rural or remote locations, having the solar roadway
energy available for nearby homes and businesses could be a huge benefit,
especially if there’s an outage in the overall grid.

Why Solar Roadway Tests Have Failed

To much of the general public — and especially to people who weren’t well
versed in the intricacies of solar panels or road structures — solar roadways
seemed like a slam-dunk solution that both looked futuristic and had benefits
that went far beyond electricity generation. It was the kind of innovation that
had people exclaiming: “How has no one done this yet?!” But in reality, the
execution of solar roadways was much more complex than the idea.

Here are a few reasons solar roadway tests have failed:

Cost of Manufacturing and Maintenance

The cost of the energy from the sun may be free, but the investment to install
and maintain the solar roadways was undeniably prohibitive. The reason
asphalt is used by default to pave roadways is because it is immensely
affordable and low-maintenance, which is especially critical on vast, expansive
roadways and interstates.

In 2010, Scott Brusaw, co-founder of Solar Roadways, Inc., estimated a

square foot of solar roadway would cost about $70. However, when the first
solar roadway was built in France by a company called Colas, it measured 1
kilometer and cost $5.2 million to build — or about $1,585 per foot of roadway.
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Of course, this was a small iteration and bulk manufacturing would cost less,
but either way, it’s hard to believe the cost of a solar roadway would ever be
competitive with the price of asphalt, which is about $3 to $15 per square foot.

Further, the cost and complexity to send a crew to repair individual panels that
fail would far outweigh those to maintain asphalt. So, while one of the
presumed benefits of solar roadways is the cost savings associated with
self-generated energy, even back-of-the-envelope math highlights how the
numbers would simply not add up to be more cost-effective in the long run.

Energy Required to Produce the Panels

Another limiting factor appears when considering the energy it takes to make
asphalt versus high-durability glass and solar panels. Most asphalt used on
roads today is a byproduct of distilling petroleum crude oil for products such
as gasoline, which means it makes use of a substance that would otherwise
be discarded as waste.

The solar roadway panels, although intended to save energy in the long run,
take much more to produce. Typical rooftop solar panels can easily make up
for the extra energy used in production because the glass doesn’t need to
withstand the weight of vehicles driving over them, but solar roadways have
that added complexity.

Power Output of the Panels

When estimating power output, early optimists seemed to perform calculations

based on the raw surface area they could cover — and not much else.
However, beyond the stunted energy generation that any solar panels face on
cloudy days or at night, solar roadways presented unique new performance

For example, vehicles constantly driving over solar roadways would interrupt
sun exposure. Plus, they’d leave behind trails of fluid, dirt and dust that can
dramatically reduce the efficiency of solar panels. Being installed on the
ground is a challenge in itself because of how readily shade would find the
roads; that’s the reason you find most solar panels on rooftops or elevated off
the ground and angled toward the sun.
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Issues With Glass Roadways

Lastly, driving on glass surfaces is simply not what modern cars are designed
to do. Asphalt and tires grip each other well, being particularly resilient in wet
conditions. If the asphalt is replaced with glass — even the textured glass
that’s used for solar roadways — tire traction could be reduced dramatically.
Wet or icy conditions could lead to catastrophic situations on solar roadways.

Could Recent Advances in Solar Technology Bring

Solar Roadways Closer to Reality?
For all of these challenges and even more roadblocks that early solar roadway
projects have run into in the past, the reality is that solar technology continues
to improve. In the seven years since the first Solar Roadways, Inc. video went
viral, solar panels have developed to be more durable, more cost-effective and
more efficient at converting sunlight to electricity. To put some numbers behind
these trends:

● The average solar PV panel cost has dropped about 70% since 2014.
● In 2015, FirstSolar made news with panels that were 18.2% efficient.
Today, the most advanced prototypes are able to exceed 45%
● Total solar energy capacity in 2021 is nearly six times greater than in
2014, and with that explosion has come advances to flatten the learning
curve and increase the general public’s acceptance of the benefits of
● Solar jobs have increased 167% in the last decade, giving the industry
more capable workers able to take the reins of a solar roadway project
and more professionals who know how to affordably install solar.

The question to ask is whether these advances are enough to bring solar
roadways from failure to success.

Despite the improvements, many of the original challenges with solar

roadways remain, and the scale of execution is immense. Even with
decreasing solar PV costs, outfitting long stretches of roadway with such
complex technologies will require tremendous capital.

Rather than a future where solar roadways cover the country from coast to
coast, a more likely outcome is that these advances will bring solar roadways
to viability in narrow, niche applications.
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Just like tidal energy is a great opportunity for small coastal communities but
can’t be scaled to solve the energy crisis across the world, it’s conceivable
that limited-scope solar roadways could be constructed around the world.
However, large-scale solar roadways may never be more than a pipe dream


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