Engineering Services System Application-ISP Portal - User Manual
Engineering Services System Application-ISP Portal - User Manual
Engineering Services System Application-ISP Portal - User Manual
Contents ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction / Overview............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1. Description of the Application ............................................................................................................ 3
1.2. Application Login ................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1. New User .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2. Login ............................................................................................................................................... 11
1.3. Application Access .............................................................................................................................. 12
2. Functionality Details ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.1. Home (For Standard ISPs having paid subscription to Passenger Cars or Commercial
Vehicles products) ............................................................................................................................................. 14
2.1.1. Search ............................................................................................................................................. 16
2.2. Home (For Certified Collision Centers) ........................................................................................... 20
2.3. About Site ............................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4. Account ................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.5. Subscribe/Renew .................................................................................................................................. 23
2.6. Purchase hardware/Software ............................................................................................................ 28
2.7. User Management ................................................................................................................................. 39
2.8. User Information ................................................................................................................................... 44
1. Introduction / Overview
1.1. Description of the Application
ISP Portal is an official Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC site for hosting service, technical
repair documentation and parts information for Mercedes-Benz vehicles and Daimler
The information available in this publication/video/website ("publication") is issued by
Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC and Daimler Vans USA, LLC to be used along with other service
literature, special tools and equipment and parts specified by Daimler in diagnosing and
repairing Daimler vehicles and is not intended to represent all available information
pertaining to models referenced herein. Although, this information could also be useful for
Daimler vehicle owners and for independent repair facilities. ISP Portal is intended to be
used by trained professionals who have worked on Daimler vehicles, also who has access
and experience in using the necessary tools and literature required to perform service and
repair work accurately and safety.
Step 2: User will be redirected to UMAS (User Management After Sales) site for New User
Registration, where they need to click on “New Registration.”
Step 3: User must select the country or region from the dropdown.
Step 4: User will then need to enter Company details to set up an account and then click
on “continue” button.
Step 5: User must enter the Account details (Salutation, First Name, Last name, email &
Telephone Number) and click on “Continue” button.
Step 6: User needs to enter information about their authorized Mercedes-Benz dealership.
This is an optional step and can be skipped.
If you want to proceed with it, specify option for “Select industries” and “How would you like
to be contacted” and then click on “Continue” button.
Step 8: User can review or edit (by clicking on pen icon) all the account information entered
till now. After reviewing all the details, user should click on the checkboxes to
confirm above-mentioned company and user information is correct and to accept the terms
and conditions. Finally, click on the “Send” button to process the request.
Step 11: Click on the link in first email to verify company, it will provide below
Step 12: After verification of company, a second email with user name and initial
password will be generated:
Step 13: Third email is generated to notify you about your admin rights for the
Organization. No action is needed for this email.
Step 14: Log in with user ID and initial password from the second email:
• Launch and click Login
• Enter user id and initial password
• It will prompt - password needs to be modified
• Click on Modify Password
• This will prompt you to select/answer a security question and to select/answer a
passphrase for future password resets. Finally, it will ask for new password. After
setting the new password, you will be able to login with that password.
Step 15: Go back to the login screen and enter new password. This will prompt for
email verification, but only if admin’s email address is different from the company email
address. If you receive below popup, click Verify email address, otherwise continue with
Step 19:
Step 18: Click on the link in above email – this should give verification successful
Step 19: Launch again and click Login. You should now be able to
logon with your new user ID and password.
1.2.2. Login
Step 2: User needs to enter credentials (Username & Password) to login to the portal.
The user can access the ISP Portal application through his/her C7 User Id.
2. Functionality Details
On all the pages of application, the header section is always visible, and it contains seven
buttons/icons that allow users to navigate through ISP Portal:
a. Home – clicking on this link will navigate you to application’s main page. From the
home page, you can launch any of your subscribed/authorized applications.
b. About Site – this link provides user with information about this application.
c. Account – opens a window where user can view a summary of all the
d. Subscribe/Renew – this button allows user to subscribe for available products
e. Purchase Hardware/Software – this button provides a platform to purchase Xentry
Diagnostic hardware or software.
f. User management – this button allows an organization admin to add new users,
delete an existing user, update user details, and remove authorized products. A
non-admin user can update personal details.
g. User Information (three bars) - this icon allows user to view their information and
to logout of the application
Once user logs in the portal, he/she will be presented with Landing Page, where user can
select any of the available product links (ASRA(PC+Vans), Technical Information incl. WIS,
TIPS and ISSPI) to access the relevant applications and documents from respective areas.
Please note that the product links available to users vary by the organization type and user
type. By default, every organization is considered standard ISP, and its users are able to
subscribe to any of the below applications:
• ASRA(PC+Vans) (paid subscription)
• Technical Information incl. WIS, TIPS (paid subscription)
• ISPPI - Part Information (paid Subscription)
When user select Technical Information incl. WIS, TIPS, there would be option to either
launch Passenger Cars section or Vans section:
2.1. Home (For Standard ISPs having paid subscription to Passenger Cars or
Vans products)
This functionality allows the user to view the documents published in the system. It allows
the user to view the documentation by using the category and subcategory for the
When user clicks on the Category or subcategory, the search page for the same opens.
2.1.1. Search
After selecting the Category from “Home”, the user will be directed to the “Search” page,
which allows the user to search for published documents based on predefined filters.
Here, user can search the existing documents by using Chassis, Model year, Group, or
VIN filter.
1) Chassis- This can be the three-digit or full six-digit chassis number of a vehicle. When
a chassis is used, a user can search all existing documents and files for that chassis.
2) Model – User must select the Model Year and Model and optionally enter any keywords
to search all documents and files for that model.
3) Group - When a Group is entered, a user can search all relevant documents and files
for that group.
4) VIN - When a VIN is entered, a user can search all existing documents and files for that
After performing the Search, user will be presented with the list of matching documents,
and user can download the pdf by clicking the Document link.
Certified Collision Centers would see the following home page, and would be able to
launch any of the enabled/subscribed products.
Please note that all of the launched applications run outside ISP Portal, but you would
be automatically signed into those applications. Please refer to individual application
user guides to learn about how to use them.
If user click on Technical Information TIPS then it will display dynamic message and
launch all the categories for passenger vehicle.
Clicking on “About Site”, user will be able to see all the relevant information about the
2.4. Account
The “Account” button is used to display all the details of user’s subscriptions and their
present status.
After clicking on “Account” button, user can see the list of all the subscription along with
their complete details.
2.5. Subscribe/Renew
User will be able to extend/renew the subscription process which each customer goes
through when continuing their subscription into the next billing cycle. It also helps to start
a new subscription.
Step 1: Click on the “Subscribe” button after logging into the account.
Step 2: After pressing “Subscribe” button, one must agree to the disclaimer having all
the terms and conditions along with Refund Policy by clicking on “I Agree” button.
Note- If one clicks on “I Disagree”, user would not be able to do new subscription.
Step 3: After agreeing to the Disclaimer, user needs to select the products for subscription.
For Certified Collision Centers, users do not need to pay for complimentary products. For
rest of the products other than complimentary products, one must pay the subscription
amount via credit card.
If user selects a paid subscription product, the user will be redirected to the payment
User needs to fill in the required personal details and payment details. Then click on
“Continue” to process the payment.
Step 5: After successful payment processing, the page below shows that user has
successfully subscribed to the service.
Step 2: User needs to select one of the radio buttons from the pop-up & click “Continue”.
Step 3: Next, user must enter the System Number if prompted and click on Continue
Step 4: User must review and must click on the “I Agree” button to accept the terms and
Step 5: User needs to fill the following information and click on “Continue”.
2.7.User Management
“User Management” button provides a way for organization admins to add a new user,
delete a user, update user details, and remove authorized products from a user.
Step 2: Adding a new user: Click on “ADD NEW USER” to add a new user.
After clicking on “ADD NEW USER”,user needs to fill the details like full name, email id
and phone number. Then click on “Save” button to save the details of new user.
Step 3: Updating user details: Click on “Edit” to update the details of logged in user.
Step 4: Removing a product: Click on “Products” to remove access for one of your own
authorized products.
After clicking on this button, it displays the list of all the products along with their start date
and expiry date. User can remove a product by clicking on the “Delete” icon.
Step 5: An Org admin can click on expand icon against one of the organization’s users
to view the products authorized for that user. Admin can click the delete icon against one
of users to delete the user from organization. Admin can also click the Edit/pencil icon to
update details of the user.
Step 6: Admin can remove a product assigned to one of the organization’s users by
clicking the Delete icon:
Step 7: If an admin removes a product through the User Management function, and the
product is offered on a limited complimentary subscriptions basis (for example two
complimentary WIS subscriptions allowed for certified collision center organization) - it
would be necessary for admin to go back to the Account page and synch up the
subscriptions, in order for the removed product to not count against the organization’s
complimentary subscription limit. The “Synch Up Now” button in the “Accounts” section
allows performing this synch up.
This will update product’s remaining complimentary subscriptions for the organization,
and next user who subscribes this product will receive it complimentary.
“User Information” bars on top right side of the screen let the user view name, phone,
and email address on the account. It also provides user option to logout of the