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Portal Manual

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KBPAS - Portal Application Version 2.



Ver. 2.02

LBPAS-K Application

IDSi Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.

Karnataka BPAS Implementation
Development and Implementation of Change
of Land Use, Land & Building Development
KBPAS - Portal Application Version 2.02

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. User Registration ................................................................................................................ 4
3. LOGIN .................................................................................................................................. 6
4. Technical Person Registration ............................................................................................ 7
4. Citizen Portal ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.1. Building Permit .......................................................................................................... 13
4.2. Single Site Approval................................................................................................... 28
4.3. Document Plan Approval .......................................................................................... 38
4.4. Layout Approval ........................................................................................................ 46
4.5. Compound Wall Application ..................................................................................... 55
4.6. Occupancy Certificate ............................................................................................... 59
4.7. Change of Land Use ................................................................................................... 68
4.8. Road Cutting Permission ........................................................................................... 76
5. Home Page........................................................................................................................ 78
6. Renewal ............................................................................................................................ 80

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KBPAS - Portal Application Version 2.02

Getting approval for a building permission application from the concerned department is a
time consuming process, which also involves a lot of manual effort. To reduce the effort and
time taken for the process, Building Plan Approval System is being introduced which allows
easy online submission, verification and approval of building permission applications.

The Client Portal enables the portal users to register into the system and submit the building
permission application, which will be verified by the concerned department user and then
approved/rejected. The portal users will get the time to time status update by email and
SMS; also they can view the status of their applications with the help of search option.

Portal User: The architect/applicant who submit the building permission application for

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2. User Registration

Click on the Sign Up icon to register as user. The following Public User Registration page will
appear. Only the registered user can access the citizen portal.

Enter the details as explained below to register as a public user.

 Name: Select the salutation from the dropdown list and enter the name of the user
to be registered as public user.
 Date of Birth: Enter the date of birth of the user.
 Email/Mob No: User can enter either email address or mobile number as user name
for login.

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 Pass word: Enter a password for login.

 Confirm Password: Enter the password again to confirm.

The given email address/mobile number and password can be used as

User Name and Password while login to the Citizen Portal.

 Hint Question: Select a hint question from the list in order to reset the login details,
in case the user forgets.
 Hint Answer: Enter the answer for hint question.
 Address: The value of this field (address of the user) will be preset.
 Mobile Number: The value of this field (mobile number of the user) will be preset.
 Additional Email ID: Enter the additional email address of the user.
 Supporting Document: User can upload the supporting documents here.
o Attach Documents: Browse and select a file and click Upload. The file can be
any supporting document to identify the user.
 Save: Click on this button to save the Public User details.
 CANCEL: Click on this button to cancel the registration.

On saving a confirmation message will pop up which says user account is successfully

To activate the user account, go to the email and click on the activation link provided by the
system on user registration. After successful activation, user can login to the system.

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In order to login to the application, enter the username and password and click on the
SUBMIT button.

The email address and password entered while Public User Registration can be used as
username and password.

System opens Citizen Portal Home page as shown below.

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4. Technical Person Registration

Click on New Application option.

Select Technical Person Registration. The following page will appear. The user should be
registered as a technical person in order to get rights for submitting the applications.

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Enter the details as explained below to register as a technical person.

 District: Select the district to which the technical person is to be registered.

 Office: Select the office to which technical person is to be registered. After selection,
the particular technical person will come under the selected office
 Type: Select the type of technical person from the dropdown list.
 Name: Select the salutation from the dropdown list and enter the name of the user
to be registered as a technical person.
 Address: Enter the address of the technical person.
 PIN: Enter the postal index code of the city.
 State: Select the state to which technical person belongs.
 District: Select the district of the technical person.
 Taluk: Select the taluk of the technical person.
 Village: Select the village of the technical person.
 Firm Name: Enter the name of the firm which the user represents.
 Qualification: Enter the educational qualification of the user.
 Mobile Number: Enter the mobile number of the user.
 Email: Enter the email address of the user.
 Type: Select the type of user from the dropdown list as shown below.
 I am already registered: Tick this option, if this user is already registered in council of
 Architect License Number: If already registered user, enter the architect license
 Valid Up to: Select the date up to which the license is valid.

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 Supporting Document: User can attach the supporting documents here.

o Choose file: Browse and select a file which is to be uploaded. The file can be
any supporting document to identify the user as a technical person.
 Save: Click on this button to save the technical person details.
 Proceed: Click on this button to proceed for approval.
 CANCEL: Click on this button to cancel the registration.

The registration process gets completed when the user clicks on PROCEED. Application
Summary as shown below will appear.

Click on the Pay button to pay application fee for the technical person. The following
Payment Options will appear.

For already registered user, Payment option will not available.

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Select the required payment option and enter the details. The user can either make an
online payment through Pay Online option or upload the challan, cheque, RTGS, NEFT and
Demand Draft.

Pay Online: Enter the Amount and click Save.

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Challan Upload

Enter the details as explained below:

 Bank Name: Enter the bank name.

 Branch Name: Enter the branch name of the bank.
 Challan Number: Enter a number for the challan.
 Challan Date: Select a date.
 Amount: Enter the amount for making payment. The user can either enter the whole
amount in the same challan or can divide the amount and prepare multiple challans.
 File: Browse and select a scanned copy of challan file.
 Comments: Enter comments, if any.

Click on PROCEED to continue. The application summary with payment details will appear.

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Click Submit to submit the application. On submitting, an acknowledgement receipt appears

as shown below.

After submission, this will be send to the specific workflow assigned in order to approve the
technical person.

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4. Citizen Portal

After successful login, the user will be redirected to the client portal Home page as shown

4.1. Building Permit

This option allows user to apply for a new building permission approval certificate. In order
to submit a building permit, user has to first register as technical person. The building
permit can be submitted to a particular ULB. Option to upload the client utility file
generated from Author application will be available. On uploading the client utility file, the
general information, project details and land details will be automatically populated from
that file.

After approval, user has to do application fee payment through online or upload the challan.
The approval certificate will be generated only after verifying the fee payment by
department user.

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Click on the Building Permit option. A screen appears as shown below.

User can select the ULB to which building permit application is to be submitted. Click NEXT
to continue.

NOTE: The submitted application will now go to the selected ULB office for further actions.
Each ULB will have the specific workflow assigned.

Read the instructions on applying building permit approval certificate and click NEXT. User
will be redirected to the screen shown below.

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From this page user can upload the client utility file generated from the Author Application,
which contains the documents and details required for the approval of certificate in a
compressed format. Then, click UPLOAD

Click on PROCEED to continue.

A window appears as shown below with the APZ file details and user details. The missing
fields can be entered by the user.

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The user can upload the ID Proof/Authorization document, if required.

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page in which user uploaded the
client utility file.
 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. The next page consists of land details.

The land details page appears with details on plot area. User can edit some of the fields

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 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which application
details were entered.
 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page through which user can attach the documents required.

The next page allows user to add/view the project details. The project details will be loaded
from the APZ file. Only missing fields can be entered by the user.

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 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which land details
were entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next

In order to approve building permit, user need to upload the NOC (No Objection Certificate)
issued from fire department and airport authority.

NOTE: The below NOC pages are used for submitting application to fire department and
airport authority in order to issue NOC and will be shown only based on the building

Enter the required details and attach the documents. Click NEXT to continue.

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Tick the option Already got the NOC separately, if user already got NOC separately from fire
department. Option to upload the NOC is also available.

The list of documents to be attached for submitting the application will be displayed, in case
NOC is not obtained from AAI The user can browse and select the attachment.

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page.

 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next

The next page appears with the list of documents needed for submitting the application.
The user can browse and select the attachment.

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 UPLOAD: Click on this button to upload the selected attachments.

 DELETE: Click on this button to remove the uploaded attachment.

 Additional Documents: If you want to upload any additional attachments, choose
files and upload.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which land details
were entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next

The Application View page gets displayed as shown below. In order to submit the
application, the applicant and technical person should sign the application.

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Work Plan: The user can set the Work Plan by selecting this button.

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Through this page user can set work plan against each milestone of an application.

 Proposed Start Date: Select the proposed start date of the work.
 Proposed End Date: Select the proposed end date of the work plan.
 Actual Start Date: Select the actual start date of the work.
 Actual End Date: Select the actual end date of the work plan.
 EXIT: Click on this button to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to
the Application View page.
 SUBMIT: Click on this button to submit the work plan.

View: Click on this button to view the application details.

Application Summary: Click on this button to view the summary of the application.

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Click on option to sign the application.

In order to submit the application, the applicant and technical person should sign the

Enter the password and click Sign button.

NOTE: To sign the application by technical person, Technical Person needs to login to the
system and select the application to be signed.

Once the applicant and technical person signed the application, user can submit the
application using SUBMIT button.

 EXIT: Click on this button to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.

After submission, a declaration prompt will appear. User has to accept the declaration and
enter the password.

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 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 SUBMIT: Click on this button to submit the Declaration. An acknowledgement
receipt will appear.

After submitting the form, the department users will verify the documents and the plan. If
everything is found satisfactory, concerned authority will approve the application and
application fee will be generated. The applicant can make payment through Client Portal.

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Click on Pay button to make the application fee payment. The Payment Option will be
displayed as shown below.

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Payment Option

This page helps to make the payment. The user can either make an online payment through
the option Pay Online or upload the challan. Select the required payment option and enter
the details.

Challan Upload

This page allows user to make payment by uploading the challan.

Enter the details as explained below:

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 Bank Name: Enter the bank name.

 Branch Name: Enter the branch name of the bank.
 Challan Number: Enter a number for the challan.
 Challan Date: Select a date.
 Amount: Enter the amount for making payment. The user can either enter the whole
amount in the same challan or can divide the amount and prepare multiple challans.
 File: Browse and select a scanned copy of challan file.
 Comments: Enter comments, if any.
 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

Pay Online

Through this page user can make online fee payment against building permit application.
Application Number, Application Type, Transaction Date and Amount will be displayed.

 Demand Type: Enter the demand type.

 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

Once user made payment, department user will verify the payment and Approval Certificate
will be generated and applicant can receive this from client portal.

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Click on View Attachments to view the documents attached to the application. The client
portal user can view the documents like site inspection document, demand notice and
approval certificate generated from the department portal.

 Click on the document to view the details.

 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.

4.2. Single Site Approval

This option allows user to apply for single site approval certificate. The application for single
site approval can be submitted to a particular ULB. The user can enter general information,
project details, land details etc.

After approval, user has to do application fee payment through online or upload the challan.
The approval certificate will be generated only after verifying the fee payment by
department user.

Click on the Single Site Approval option. A screen appears as shown below.

This screen allows user to select the ULB to which single site application is to be submitted.

Click NEXT to continue the application process and go to the next page. In the next page
user can read the instructions before applying for layout approval.

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 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page where ULB has been selected.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next

By default, plot approval type will be selected.

Click NEXT to continue the application process and go to the next page.

The submission of single site approval can be done without submitting the APZ file.

 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. In the next page user can add the general information of the application.
 EXIT: Click on this button to exit the page.

The next page allows user to add the general details for single site approval application.

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Enter Land Owner details, GPA Holder details and Architect details and click NEXT to

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page.

 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.

At this step, the land details with details on plot area can be entered.

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Enter the necessary details and click NEXT to continue the application process and go to the
next page.

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which project details
were entered.
 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.

In the next page, user can specify the standards / conditions applicable for single site
approval. The details of existing and proposed road and public utilities can be entered here.

After entering details, click NEXT to continue.

In the next page, the documents needed for submitting the single site approval application
will be listed. The user can browse and select the attachment.

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 UPLOAD: Click on this button to upload the selected attachments.

 DELETE: Click on this button to remove the uploaded attachment.

 Additional Documents: If you want to upload any additional attachments, choose
files and upload.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which land details
were entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. The next page previews the fee details for application submission.

The Application View page displays the details of the application entered.

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View: Click on this button to view the layout approval details.

Application Summary: Click on this button to view the summary of the application.

Before submission, the applicant and technical person need to sign the application.

Click on option to sign the application.

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Enter the password and click Sign button.

NOTE: To sign the application by technical person, Technical Person needs to login to the
system and select the application to be signed.

Once the applicant and technical person signed the document, user can submit the
application using SUBMIT button.

On submission, a declaration prompt will appear. User has to accept the declaration and
enter the password.

 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 SUBMIT: Click on this button to submit the Declaration. An acknowledgement
receipt will appear.

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After submitting the form, the department users will verify the documents and the plan. If
everything is found satisfactory, concerned authority will approve the application and
application fee will be generated. The applicant can make payment through Client Portal.

Click on Pay button to make the application fee payment. The Payment Option as shown
below will appear.

The user can either make an online payment through the option Pay Online or upload the
challan. Select the required payment option and enter the details.

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Challan Upload

This page allows user to make payment by uploading the challan.

Enter the details as explained below:

 Bank Name: Enter the bank name.
 Branch Name: Enter the branch name of the bank.
 Challan Number: Enter a number for the challan.
 Challan Date: Select a date.
 Amount: Enter the amount for making payment. The user can either enter the whole
amount in the same challan or can divide the amount and prepare multiple challans.
 File: Browse and select a scanned copy of challan file.
 Comments: Enter comments, if any.
 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

Pay Online

Through this page user can make online fee payment against building permit application.
Application Number, Application Type, Transaction Date and Amount will be displayed.

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 Demand Type: Enter the demand type.

 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

Once you made payment, department user will verify the payment and Approval Certificate
will be generated and applicant can be received this from client portal.

View Attachments

This page shows all the documents attached to the application. The client portal user can
view the documents like site inspection document, demand notice and approval certificate
generated from the department application.

 Click on the document to view the details.

 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.

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4.3. Document Plan Approval

This option allows user to apply for document plan approval certificate. The application for
document plan approval can be submitted to a particular ULB for further action. The user
can enter general information, project details, land details etc.

After approval, user has to do application fee payment through online or upload the challan.
The approval certificate will be generated only after verifying the fee payment by
department user.

Click on the Document Plan Approval option. A screen appears as shown below.

This screen allows user to select the ULB to which document plan approval application is to
be submitted.

Click NEXT to continue the application process and go to the next page. In the next page
user can read the instructions before applying for layout approval.

 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page where ULB has been selected.

By default, plot approval type will be selected.

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 Click NEXT to continue the application process and go to the next page.

The submission of document plan approval can be done without submitting the APZ file.

 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. In the next page user can add the general information of the application.
 EXIT: Click on this button to exit the page.

The next page allows user to add the general details for single site approval application.

Enter Land Owner details, GPA Holder details and Architect details and click NEXT to

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page.

 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.

At this step, the land details with details on plot area can be entered.

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Enter the necessary details and click NEXT to continue the application process and go to the
next page.

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which project details
were entered.
 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.

In the next page, user can specify the standards / conditions applicable for single site
approval. The details of existing and proposed road and public utilities can be entered here.

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After entering details, click NEXT to continue.

In the next page, the documents needed for submitting the document plan approval
application will be listed. The user can browse and select the attachment.

 UPLOAD: Click on this button to upload the selected attachments.

 DELETE: Click on this button to remove the uploaded attachment.

 Additional Documents: If you want to upload any additional attachments, choose
files and upload.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which land details
were entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. The next page previews the application view.

The application view page displays the details of the application entered.

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View: Click on this button to view the application details.

Application Summary: Click on this button to view the summary of the application.

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Before submission, the applicant and technical person need to sign the application.

Click on option to sign the application.

Enter the password and click Sign button.

NOTE: To sign the application by technical person, Technical Person needs to login to the
system and select the application to be signed.

Once the applicant and technical person signed the document, user can submit the
application using SUBMIT button.

On submission, a declaration prompt will appear. User has to accept the declaration and
enter the password.

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 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 SUBMIT: Click on this button to submit the Declaration. An acknowledgement
receipt will appear.

After submitting the form, the department users will verify the documents and the plan. If
everything is found satisfactory, concerned authority will approve the application and
application fee will be generated. The applicant can make payment through Client Portal.

Click on Pay button to make the application fee payment. The Payment Option as shown
below will appear.

The user can either make an online payment through the option Pay Online or upload the
challan. Select the required payment option and enter the details.

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Challan Upload

This page allows user to make payment by uploading the challan.

Enter the details as explained below:

 Bank Name: Enter the bank name.

 Branch Name: Enter the branch name of the bank.
 Challan Number: Enter a number for the challan.
 Challan Date: Select a date.
 Amount: Enter the amount for making payment. The user can either enter the whole
amount in the same challan or can divide the amount and prepare multiple challans.

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 File: Browse and select a scanned copy of challan file.

 Comments: Enter comments, if any.
 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

Pay Online

Through this page user can make online fee payment against building permit application.
Application Number, Application Type, Transaction Date and Amount will be displayed.

 Demand Type: Enter the demand type.

 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

Once you made payment, department user will verify the payment and Approval Certificate
will be generated and applicant can be received this from client portal.

4.4. Layout Approval

This option allows user to apply for layout approval certificate. The application for layout
approval can be submitted to a particular ULB for further action. The user can enter general
information, project details, land details etc.

After approval, user has to do application fee payment through online or upload the challan.
The approval certificate will be generated only after verifying the fee payment by
department user.

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Click on the Layout Approval option. A screen appears as shown below.

 This screen allows user to select the ULB to which layout approval application is to
be submitted.

Here user can read the instructions on applying building permit approval certificate.

 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. In the next page user can select the plot approval type.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page where ULB has been selected.

By default, plot approval type will be displayed as ‘Layout’.

 Click NEXT to continue the application process and go to the next page.

The submission of layout approval can be done without submitting the APZ file.

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 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. In the next page user can add the general information of the application.
 EXIT: Click on this button to exit the page.

The next page allows user to add the general details for single site approval application. The
detail includes Applicant details, Land Owner details, GPA Holder details etc.

Enter Land Owner details, GPA Holder details and Architect details and click NEXT to

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page.

 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.

At this step, the land details with details on plot area can be entered.

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Enter the necessary details and click NEXT to continue the application process and go to the
next page.

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which project details
were entered.
 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.

In the next page, user can specify the standards/ conditions applicable for single site
approval. The details of existing and proposed road and public utilities can be entered here.

After entering details, click NEXT to continue.

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In the next page, the documents needed for submitting the layout approval application will
be listed. The user can browse and select the attachment.

 UPLOAD: Choose the file and click on this button to upload the selected

 DELETE: Click on this button to remove the uploaded attachment.

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which land details
were entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next

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The Application View page displays the details of the application entered.

View: Click on this button to view the layout approval details.

Application Summary: Click on this button to view the summary of the application.

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Before submission, the applicant and technical person need to sign the application.

Click on option to sign the application.

Enter the password and click Sign button.

NOTE: To sign the application by technical person, Technical Person needs to login to the
system and select the application to be signed.

Once the applicant and technical person signed the document, user can submit the
application using SUBMIT button.

On submission, a declaration prompt will appear. User has to accept the declaration and
enter the password.

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 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 SUBMIT: Click on this button to submit the Declaration. An acknowledgement
receipt will appear.

After submitting the form, the department users will verify the documents and the plan. If
everything is found satisfactory, concerned authority will approve the application and
application fee will be generated. The applicant can make payment through Client Portal.

Click on Pay button to make the application fee payment. The Payment Option as shown
below will appear.

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The user can either make an online payment through the option Pay Online or upload the
challan. Select the required payment option and enter the details.

Challan Upload

This page allows user to make payment by uploading the challan.

Enter the details as explained below:

 Bank Name: Enter the bank name.
 Branch Name: Enter the branch name of the bank.
 Challan Number: Enter a number for the challan.
 Challan Date: Select a date.

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 Amount: Enter the amount for making payment. The user can either enter the whole
amount in the same challan or can divide the amount and prepare multiple challans.
 File: Browse and select a scanned copy of challan file.
 Comments: Enter comments, if any.
 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

Pay Online

Through this page user can make online fee payment against building permit application.
Application Number, Application Type, Transaction Date and Amount will be displayed.

 Demand Type: Enter the demand type.

 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

Once you made payment, department user will verify the payment and Approval Certificate
will be generated and applicant can be received this from client portal.

4.5. Compound Wall Application

The application for compound wall can be submitted through this option. The details of the
applicant and land can be specified through this page. Also user can upload the documents
required for submitting the application.

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In order to submit for compound wall application, enter the details as explained below,

 District: Select the district from the dropdown list.

 Office: Select the office of the selected district in which application is to be

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 Applicant Details: The details of the applicant such as Name, Address, Email and
Mobile No will be automatically displayed. User can select State, District, Taluk and
 Land Details: Here user can specify the details of the land in which the building is
o Property ID: Enter the property ID of the land.
o Khata/Door No: Enter the khata/door number of the plot.
o Plot Number: Enter the plot number.
o Survey Number: Enter the survey number of the land.
o Guidance Value: Enter the guidance value of the land.
o District: Select the district in which the land belongs.
o Taluk: Select the taluk of the selected district.
o Block: Select the name of the block.
o Village: Select the village.
o City: Select the city.
o Street: Select the name of the street.
o Ward: Select the ward.
 Plot Area: Here user can enter the plot area details in square meter,
o As Per Patta: Enter the plot area as per patta.
o As Per Site: Enter the plot area as per site.
o As Per Document: Enter the plot area as per document.
 Chakbandi: Specifies the chakbandi details of the plot.
o North: Enter the name of the person who owns the north side of the land.
o South: Enter the name of the person who owns the south side of the land.
o West: Enter the name of the person who owns the west side of the plot.
o East: Enter the name of the person who owns the east side of the plot.
 Remarks: Enter the remarks, if any.
 Document Upload: The list of documents needed for submitting the application will
be displayed. The user can browse and select the attachment.

o Choose File: The user can browse and select the attachment using this
o UPLOAD: Click on this button to upload the selected attachments.

o DELETE: Click on this button to remove the uploaded attachment.

 CANCEL: Click on this button to cancel the application.

 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to submit the compound wall application and go to
the next page. The next page previews the fee details for application submission.

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On submitting, a declaration prompt will appear. User has to accept the declaration and
enter the password.

 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 SUBMIT: Click on this button to submit the Declaration.

Acknowledgement Receipt

This window shows the acknowledgement receipt generated on submitting the declaration.

 PRINT PREVIEW: Click on this option to preview the acknowledgement receipt in

print format.
 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.

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After submitting the form, the department users will verify the documents. If everything is
found satisfactory, then they will approve the application and a commencement certificate
will be received by the portal user.

4.6. Occupancy Certificate

This option allows user to apply for occupancy certificate. Once the applicant completed the
building as per the approved plan and received the completion certificate issued by the
architect, the application for occupancy certificate can be submitted to a particular ULB.

Before submission, user has to make fee payment and department user need to verify that
payment. Once the payment has successfully verified, user can submit the application.

Click on the Occupancy Certificate option. A screen appears as shown below.

This screen allows user to select the ULB to which occupancy certificate application is to be

Click NEXT to continue the application process and go to the next page. In the next page
user can read the instructions before applying occupancy certificate.

 NEXT: After reading the instruction, click on this button to continue the application
process and go to the next page.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page from which ULB has been
Here user can verify the submitted building permit application number against occupancy
certificate is to be generated.

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Enter the Building Permit Application Number and click Search button to verify the building
permit application number.

Click Proceed button to continue the application process and go to the next page.

At this step user can upload the client utility file generated from the Author Application,
which contains the documents and details required for the occupancy certificate in a
compressed format.

Click on PROCEED to continue.

A window appears as shown below with the APZ file details and user details. The missing
fields can be entered by the user.

The missing fields can be entered by the user. The user can upload the ID
Proof/Authorization document, if required.

 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page.

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 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.

 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next

This page allows user to add/view the project details.

On uploading the client utility file generated from the Author Application, the project details
will be loaded from the APZ file. Only missing fields can be entered by the user.

Important fields in this page are explained below.

 Application Sub Type: Select the application sub type from the dropdown list.
 Proposed Start Date: Select the proposed start date of building construction.
 Proposed End Date: Select the proposed end date of building construction.
 Land Cost: Enter the cost of land.
 Estimated Cost: Enter the estimated cost of the building.
 Total Floor Space: Enter total floor space of the building in square meter.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which general
information were entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. The next page consists of land details.

Occupancy - Land Details

This page allows user to add/view the land details with details on plot area.

On uploading the client utility file generated from the Author Application, the land details
will be loaded from the APZ file. Only missing fields can be entered by the user.

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Mandatory fields in this page are explained below.

 Property ID: Enter the property ID of the land.

 Guidance Value: Enter the guidance value of the property.
 Site Plan: Here user can select and upload the site plan.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which project details
were entered.
 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page through which user can attach the documents required.

Occupancy Certificate - Attachment

This page appears with the list of documents needed for submitting the application for
occupancy certificate. The user can browse and select the attachment.

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 UPLOAD: Click on this button to upload the selected attachments.

 DELETE: Click on this button to remove the uploaded attachment.

 Additional Documents: If you want to upload any additional attachments, choose
files and upload.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which land details
were entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. The next page previews the application summary.

Preview Fee

The user can either make an online payment through the option Pay Online or upload the
challan. Select the required payment option and enter the details.

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Challan Upload

This page allows user to make payment by uploading the challan.

Enter the details as explained below:

 Bank Name: Enter the bank name.

 Branch Name: Enter the branch name of the bank.
 Challan Number: Enter a number for the challan.
 Challan Date: Select a date.
 Amount: Enter the amount for making payment. The user can either enter the whole
amount in the same challan or can divide the amount and prepare multiple challans.
 File: Browse and select a scanned copy of challan file.
 Comments: Enter comments, if any.
 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

Pay Online

Through this page user can make online fee payment against building permit application.
Application Number, Application Type, Transaction Date and Amount will be displayed.

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 Demand Type: Enter the demand type.

 Exit: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 PROCEED: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page which previews the application summary.

The application summary page displays the details of the application entered. The owner
details and project details can be viewed through this option. Also user can view attached
document using View Attachments button.

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Important functionalities in this page are explained below.

 View: Click on this button to view the application details.

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 View Attachments: The client portal user can view the documents like site
inspection document, demand notice and approval certificate generated from the
department application.

 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 SUBMIT: Click on this button to submit the application.

NOTE: The SUBMIT button will appear only if the user pays the complete
amount and department user verifies the payment.

Acknowledgement Receipt

After generating reference number, an acknowledgement receipt will appear.

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After submitting the form, the department users will verify the documents and the plan. If
everything is found satisfactory, then they will approve the application and a
commencement certificate will be received by the portal user.

4.7. Change of Land Use

The Change of Land Use option allows logged in user to submit the application through
online. The Applicant must upload the development plan and related supporting documents
in the system while submitting the application. On successful submission, system will
generate acknowledgment receipt and applicant can save or take print out of the
acknowledgment receipt. The submitted application will go to the selected ULB for further
action and each ULB will have specific approval workflow.

If everything is found satisfactory, the department users will verify the documents and plan
and concerned authority will approve the application. After approval system will calculate
the Change of Land use application fees and applicant can pay online fees or upload the
challan through client portal. Also user can take print out of the challan and go to respective
office and upload the same. Once payment is verified by the department user, Approval
Certificate will be generated and applicant can be received from the client portal.

Select the Change of Land Use option and the following screen will appear.

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Select the District and Office to which application for change of land use is to be submitted.

NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next page. In
the next page user can read the instructions before applying for change of land use.

NOTE: The submitted application will now go to the selected ULB office for further actions.
Each ULB will have the specific workflow assigned.

Here user can read the instructions on applying change of land use.

 NEXT: After reading the instruction, click on this button to continue the application
process and go to the next page. In the next page user can enter the general
information on change of land use.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page from which ULB has been

General Information page allows user to add/view the general details of the application. The
general information such as Applicant details, Land Owner details, General Power Of
Attorney (GPA) Holders details and Technical Persons details can be entered.

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All the fields in this page are explained below.

 Details of the Applicant: The details of the applicant such as Name, Address, Mobile
Number and Email will be populated automatically from User Registration page. User
can upload the ID Proof/Authorization document, if required.
 Details of the Land Owner: Enter the land owner details as follows,
o Name: Enter the name of the land owner.
o Address: Enter the address of the land owner.
o Mobile No: Enter the mobile number of the land owner.
o Email: Enter the email ID of the land owner.
o ID Proof: Here user can Upload the ID Proof document of the land owner.
o Add: Click this button to add the land owner details.
 Details of General Power Of Attorney (GPA) Holder: Here user can enter the GPA
Holder details as follows.
o Name: Enter the name of the GPA holder.
o Address: Enter the address of the GPA holder.
o Mobile No: Enter the mobile number of the GPA holder.
o Email: Enter the email ID of the GPA holder.
o ID Proof: Here user can upload the ID Proof of the GPA Holder.
o Add: Click this button to add the GPA holder details.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page in which user can read the
 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. The next page consists of land/building details.

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The Land/Building Details allows user to add/view the project details.

On uploading the client utility file generated from the Author Application, the project details
will be loaded from the APZ file. Only missing fields can be entered by the user.

Important fields in this page are explained below.

 Door No: Enter the door number of the land for which land use change is proposed.
 Plot area: Enter the plot area of the land.
 Survey Number: Enter the survey number of the land.
 R.S Number: Enter the resurvey number of the land.
 Khata Number: Enter the khata number of the land.
 Village Number: Enter the village number.
 District: Select the district in which the land belongs.
 Taluk: Select the taluk of the land.
 Land Use Details: Specifies the land use change details.
 Original land use: Select the original use of the land.
 Proposed Land Use: Select the proposed use of the land.
 Reason for change of Land Use: Enter the reason for change of land use.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which general
information were entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next

The Other Information page allows user to add/view the land details with details on plot

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On uploading the client utility file generated from the Author Application, the land details
will be loaded from the APZ file. Only missing fields can be entered by the user.

Mandatory fields in this page are explained below.

 Road Details: Specifies the road details.

o Category of road connectivity: Select the category of connectivity road.
o Road Name: Enter the name of the connectivity road.
o Surrendered Plot Area: Enter the area of plot surrendered in meter.
 Chakbandi: Specifies the chakbandi details of the plot.
o North: Enter the name of the person who owns the north side of the land.
o South: Enter the name of the person who owns the south side of the land.
o West: Enter the name of the person who owns the west side of the plot.
o East: Enter the name of the person who owns the east side of the plot.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which project details
were entered.
 RESET: Click on this button to remove all the details entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page through which user can attach the documents required.


This page appears with the list of documents needed for submitting the change of land use
application. The user can browse and select the attachment.

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 UPLOAD: Click on this button to upload the selected attachments.

 DELETE: Click on this button to remove the uploaded attachment.

 Additional Documents: If you want to upload any additional attachments, choose
files and upload.
 Description: Enter the description for the document attached.
 BACK: Click on this button to go to the previous page through which land details
were entered.
 NEXT: Click on this button to continue the application process and go to the next
page. The next page previews the application summary.

Application View

The Application View page displays the details of the application entered. Also user can have
detailed as well as summarized Application View.

Click on the View button to view the application details.

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Click on the Application Summary button to view the summarized application details.

 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 SUBMIT: Click on this button to submit the application.

NOTE: The SUBMIT button will appear only if the user pays the complete
amount and department user verifies the payment.

After submission, a declaration prompt will appear. User has to accept the declaration and
enter the password.

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 EXIT: Click on this option to exit from the page. On exit, user will be redirected to the
login page.
 SUBMIT: Click on this button to submit the Declaration. A reference number will be
displayed after successful submission. Click OK.

Acknowledgement Receipt

On submitting, an acknowledgement receipt will appear.

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4.8. Road Cutting Permission

Through this page, user can apply for road cutting permission approval certificate. The
applicant details, work details, cutting details etc can be specified through this option. The
necessary documents required while submitting the application can also be attached here.

In order to apply for road cutting permission, enter following details,

 District: Select the district from the dropdown list.

 Office: Select the office to which road cutting application is to be submitted.
 Applicant Details: Specifies the details of the applicant who has applied for road
cutting permission.

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 Name: Lists standard salutations such as Mr, Miss, Mrs, Madam, Sri, Rev. Select the
required salutation from the list and enter the first name, middle name and last
name of the applicant.
 Address: Enter applicant’s address.
 State: Select the state of the applicant.
 District: Select applicant’s district.
 Taluk: Select the taluk to which applicant belongs.
 Village: Select the village of the applicant.
 PIN: Enter the postal index number of the village of the
 Mobile: Enter the applicant’s mobile number.
 Email: Enter his email ID.
 Work Details: Enter the details of the work for which road cutting permission has
been applied.
o Area: Enter the area of the road.
o Zone: Enter the zone of the specified area.
o Ward No: Enter the ward number.
o Ward Name: Enter the name of the ward.
o Street Name: Enter the street name.
o Purpose of Road Cutting: Enter the purpose of road cutting.
o Significant Land Mark: Enter the significant land mark of the road.
 Latitude & Longitude: Enter the latitude and longitude of the road.
o Latitude: Enter the latitude of the road.
o Longitude: Enter the longitude of the road.
 Cutting Details: Specifies the cutting details of the road.
o WaterLine: Tick this option, if the road cutting is required for waterline
o Electrical: Tick this option if the permission for road cutting is required for
electrical connection.
o Sanitary: Tick this option if the road cutting is required for sanitary purposes.
 Attachments: User can attach the documents required for applying permission for
road cutting. Click on the Choose File option to select the file and Upload.
 Submit: Click on this button to submit the application for road cutting submission.

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5. Home Page

After submission of the application form, the user can view the list of all the submitted
applications in the home page.

The highlighted status shows the approved form.

More: This option allows user to show more building permit applications.

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Search Option: The search option allows the user to search for an application with the help
of certain search criteria. Enter the search value in the text box highlighted below to get the
corresponding results.

List All: This button allows user to list all the applications of the user irrespective of the

Click on this icon to export the application list to excel and save the page for reference

Click on this icon to export the application list to csv.

Click on this icon to export the application list to PDF.

Click on this icon to export the application list to xml.

On selecting the applications with status ‘Not Submitted’, the Application Summary page in
Edit mode will appear. From here user can edit and submit the application.

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6. Renewal

If there is any delay in starting the construction after getting the building permit approval,
applicant have to go for renewal of building permit with new drawing. User can select
already created building permit application for renewal, and make changes in the existing
plan. User should have the option to upload new plan and based on that department user
can approve or reject the building permit renewal application. System should allow saving
the draft application and continue to submit the same later. The system should allow
applicant to withdraw application at any point before it is sent to the designated officer for

This page allows user to renew the previously approved building permit application.

Go to New Application

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Select the Renewal option and the following screen will appear.

Select the Application Type and enter Building Permit Application Number to be renewed.
Click on Search to verify.

If Application Number found, click Proceed. Following screen will appear.

To submit the renewal application, click on Submit button.

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The Application View page with details of application will appear.

To view documents attached, click View Attachments button and the following Documents
page will appear.

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