Decimal and Percentage
Decimal and Percentage
Decimal and Percentage
Decimal and Percentage
In decimal number system each number is expressed in base 10 by using one of the first nine integers or
0 in each place. The place value of each digit is a power of ten. The word “decem” means ten in the
Latin, and the word decimal comes from it meaning ‘ten’. Decimal notation uses tenths, hundredths,
thousandths, and so on, as well as units, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on.
Use of decimals provides a convenient way of writing fractions with denominators that are multiples of
ten i.e., 10, 100, 1000, 10000 etc. As for example, if we have a fraction 7/10, 2/100, 33/100, and 545/1000
we write 7/10 as 0.7, 2/100 as 0.02, 33/100 as 0.33 and 545/1000 as 0.545
The number 35.42 is shorthand for 3×10 + 5×1 + 4/10 + 2/100
To separate the unit’s column from the tenths column, the decimal point (.) is used. As the place value
of a digit goes to the left of the decimal point, its value increases by ten times and to the right decreases
by one tenth. To the right of the decimal point, we read the names of the digits individually. For example,
335.5408 is read as ‘three hundred and thirty-five point five, four, zero, eight’. A number expressed in
this notation of integral and fractional parts separating with a dot/point is called a decimal or a decimal
fraction. The part to the left of the point is called the integral part, and the part to the right is called the
decimal part of the given number. Here is a chart illustrating place value in the decimal system up to
millions and millionths.
The number of places filled by the digits after (to the right of) the decimal point are called the decimal
places. Thus, 45.706 has 3 decimal places and 0.2 has 1 decimal place. Notice the difference that 9+1=10
but 0.9+0.1≠0.10 it is 1.0. The decimal numbers are called decimal fractions because each figure to the
right of the decimal point represents a fraction which has some power of 10 as its denominator: 2.34 =
The value of a decimal is not altered by annexing ciphers (zeros) to the right of the last figure, thus, 2.35
= 2.350=2.3500, because these ciphers do not alter the position of any of the other figures relatively to
the decimal point. Moreover, an integer may be expressed as a decimal by writing ciphers in the decimal
part; thus 31 = 31.00.
But the value of the decimal part of a number decreases tenfold, a hundred-fold, …, as we place one,
two, ..., zeros immediately to the right of the decimal point. i. e.
.1 is one-tenth;
.01 is one-hundredth;
.001 is one-thousandth;
and so on.
Thus, a decimal is multiplied by 10, l00, l000, ..., by moving the decimal point 1, 2, 3, ..., places to the
right; and conversely, a decimal is divided by 10, 100, 1000, ..., by moving the point 1, 2, 3, ..., places
to the left. e.g.,
1234.5678 × 10 = 12345.678
1234.5678 × 100 = 123456.78
1234.5678 ×1000 = 1234567.8
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
and similarly,
= 123.45678
= 12.345678
= 1.2345678
... ... .... ... ... ...
To convert a decimal into the equivalent vulgar fraction you can just write down the given number
suppressing the decimal point for the numerator, and for the denominator write 1 followed by as many
zeros as there are figures in the decimal part. e.g.,
78 39
0.78 = =
100 50
3612 153
3.612 = =3
1000 250
To convert a vulgar fraction having some power of 10 as its denominator, into the equivalent decimal
you can take the numerator and, in its place, the decimal point after as many figures (counting from the
right) as there are zeros in the denominator. If the number of figures in the numerator be less than the
number of zeros in the denominator prefix in the numerator the requisite number of zeros. As for
= 1.2
The operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals are performed exactly in
the same way as in the case of whole numbers.
To add or subtract set down the decimals one under another, point under point and then add as in the
case of whole numbers taking care to place the decimal point in the sum under the column of points. For
For the multiplication of two decimal numbers, we simply multiply the given numbers as if they were
integers, and mark off in the product a number of decimal places equal to the sum of the numbers of
decimal places in the two factors. If the number of figures in the product be less than the number of
decimal places in the two factors, prefix the requisite number of ciphers. For example, to multiply 13.325
by 3.2 and 0.325 and 0.12
We can multiply two decimal numbers by converting them to their vulgar fractions first and then multiply
them as if it were the multiplication of vulgar fractions. At this stage the numerator of the product fraction
will be the product of the numerators of factors whereas the denominator will be the product of the
denominators. The result in terms of a vulgar fraction is then converted to the decimals by placing a
decimal point as per the count of ciphers of denominator. For above example
13325 32 426400 4264
13.325 × 3.2 = × = = =42.64
1000 10 10000 100
325 12 3900 39
0.325×0.12 = × = 3900 = = =0.039
1000 100 100000 1000
The third way of multiplying is grid (or lattice or Italian) method. In this method the multiplication is
performed as given in the figure below:
Let us multiply 34.5 and 6.78 by this method. Put the
decimals to be multiplied in a row and in a column as shown
in the grid. Multiply each digit of the row and column and
put the product in corresponding cells of the grid as shown
in fig. Add the numbers falling within the same diagonal
cells and write down the unit’s digit just below it and the
ten’s digit to the next diagonal. Do the same for all diagonals.
Put the decimal point at the result exactly after the count the
number of digits in the decimal of the factors starting from
the right. Hence the result is 233.910.
For division of decimals divide as in the
case of whole numbers, taking care to place the decimal point in the quotient as soon
as the division of the integral part is finished. If there is a remainder after division, we
affix a zero to the remainder, and divide. We treat all successive remainders in the
same manner, and continue the division until the required number of decimal places
in the quotient is obtained, or until there is no remainder. For example, divide 808.9
by 25.
When the divisor is a decimal, we
first remove the decimal point in
both the Divisor and Dividend as many places to the
right as will make the divisor a whole number; and
then divide as in the preceding case. For example,
divide 12.96 by 10.8 and 34.6 by .08
Exercise on Decimal
1. Add the following decimals:
a) 10.39 and 3.35 b) 6.02 and 3.19
c) 2.42 and 9.221 d) 9.143 and 1.728
e) 1.212 and 7.724 f) 5.84, 8.45 and 5.38
g) 6.94, 0.99 and 0.97 h) 7.077, 1.386 and 2.884
i) 5.651, 9.224 and 3.534 j) 6.257, 3.903 and 8.257
2. Subtract the following decimals
a) 8.24 from 16.83 b) 7.13 from 17.9
c) 5.68 from 14.73 d) 4.75 from 14.68
e) 4.19 from 16.18 f) 8.401 from 11.176
g) 8.48 from 12.067 h) 8.481 from 12.344
i) 1.208 from 19.92 j) 4.395 from 17.104
3. Multiply the following decimals
a) 13.88 and 7.9 b) 11.91 and 4.8
c) 20.43 and 10.9 d) 15.7 and 8.2
e) 13.33 and 5.3 f) 11.65 and 1.395
g) 11.85 and 3.091 h) 12.77 and 2.55
i) 14 and 8.492 j) 14.25 and 7.334
4. Divide the following decimals up to the six decimal places
a) 14.4 by 2 b) 5.5 by 9
c) 18.45 by 4 d) 17.75 by 9
e) 15.02 by 12.4 f) 15.884 by 7.7
g) 17.688 by 2.15 h) 15.4589 by 9.84
i) 14.3109 by 2.17 j) 12.6905 by 5.6
Answers to the exercise on decimal
a) 13.74 b) 9.21 c) 11.641 d) 10.871 e) 8.936
f) 19.67 g) 8.9 h) 11.347 i) 18.409 j) 18.417
a) 8.59 b) 10.77 c) 9.05 d) 9.93 e) 11.99
f) 2.775 g) 3.587 h) 3.863 i) 18.712 j) 12.709
a) 109.652 b) 57.168 c) 222.687 d) 128.74 e) 70.649
f) 16.25175 g) 36.62835 h) 32.5635 i) 118.888 j) 104.5095
a) 7.2 b) 0.611111 c) 4.6125 d) 1.972222 e) 1.21129
f) 2.062857 g) 8.226976 h) 1.571026 i) 6.594884 j) 2.26616
The word percentage is derived from the Latin word “per centum” meaning "for a hundred" or "by the
hundred". A certain percent of a quantity means a rate, number, or amount in each hundred of that
quantity. If a student obtains 36 marks out of 80 full marks, how much is the percentage? We can easily
say that if it is 36 out of 80 it will be 45 out of 100, so it is 45 percent. The symbol % or the letters p.c.
are used as an abbreviation for the word percent. Decimals, Fractions and Percentages are just different
ways of showing the same value, i.e., some portion/part of a whole. If the whole represents 100 equal
parts then any number of the parts out of this 100 taken as a portion of the whole is the percentage.
What fraction of x does p% of it denote?
let us take a numerical example for this question, what is 10% of 150?
in 100 it is 10
in 1 it is 10/100
in 150 it is 10/100150=15
so, if p% of x is y and p% and x are known then we can find the y as y=px/100
How much percentage of x is y?
let us take a numerical example for this question, what percent is 15 of 75?
for 75 it is 15
for 1 it is 15/75
for 100 it is 15/75100 =20%
so, if p% of x is y and y and x are known then we can find the p% as P%=y/x*100
P% of what quantity gives y?
let us take a numerical example for this question, 20% of what number gives 25?
to give 20 we need 100
to give 1 we need 100/20
to give 25 we need 100/2025 = 125
so, if p% of x is y; and p% and y are known then we can find the x as x=100y/p
Now, let us analyse these three questions: x is whole, y is a part and p is percentage, so basic formula is;
part divided by whole and multiplied by 100 is the percentage i.e. y/x×100 = p or y/x = p/100. If we
replace the 100 by a symbol %; y/x = p%.
In all the problems regarding percentage we can have following three quantities x, y and p% two of them
will be given and the remaining third will be asked. So, we could have the following three categories of
y/x=? % [ whole and part given percent asked] ?% = y/x ? = 100y/x %
? /x= p% [whole and percent given part asked] ?/x= p/100? = p x /100
y/? = p% [ part and percent given whole asked] y/? = p/100? = 100y/ p
As we know Decimals, Fractions and Percentages are just different ways of showing the same value, we
can change them from one form to another
1. To convert from percent to decimal, we just divide it by 100 and remove the % sign.
As we know the easy way to divide by 100 is to move the decimal point 2 places to the left we do so: for
example to convert from 25 percent to its decimal,
25% =>25/100=>0.25 (move the decimal point 2 places to the left and don't forget to remove the % sign)
Other examples, convert percent to decimal:
a. 16 % = 16/100 = 0.16
b. 1 % = 1/100 = 0.01
c. 47 % = 47/100 = 0.47
d. 25 % = 25/100 = 0.25
e. 23 % = 23/100 = 0.23
2. To convert from decimal to percent we just multiply the decimal by 100 and put % sign.
As we know the easy way to multiply by 100 is to move the decimal point 2 places to the right, we do
so: For example, to convert a decimal 0f 0.125 to its percentage
0.125=>0.125×100% =>12.5% (move the decimal point 2 places to the right; don’t forget to add the %
Other examples, convert decimal to percent:
a. 0.25 = 0.25 × 100 % = 25 %
b. 0.51 = 0.51 × 100 % = 51 %
c. 0.8 = 0.8 × 100 % = 80 %
d. 1.2 = 1.2 × 100 % = 120 %
e. 0.29 = 0.29 × 100 % = 29 %
3. To convert a fraction to a decimal we just divide the numerator by the denominator. For example:
Convert 2/5 to a decimal,
5)20 (0.4
Other examples, convert fraction to decimal:
a. 14/25 = 0.56
b. 12/25 = 0.48
c. 1/20 = 0.5
d. 7/50= 0.14
e. 5/4= 1.25
f. 1 = 1.0
We can find two kinds of decimal numbers while converting a fraction to decimal numbers, they are:
Terminating decimals: these have a finite number of digits after the decimal point. e.g.,
1 3 1
= 0.25, = 0.6, = 0.0625
4 5 16
Recurring decimals: these have one or more repeating numbers or sequences of numbers after the decimal
point, which continue infinitely. e.g.,
= 0.666666666666… = 0.6̇
= 0.166666666666… = 0.16̇
= 0.363636363636… = 0.3 ̇6 ̇
= 3.142857142857… = 3.1̇ 42857̇
Decimals which go on for ever, never ending and never forming a repeating pattern are called irrational
numbers and cannot be expressed as a fraction. e.g., √2 = 1.4142135623731 … …
4. To convert a decimal to a fraction, we remove the decimal point and put the number at numerator and
at the denominator put 1 just below the place of decimal point and ciphers for each digit to the right of
the decimal. Simplify by cutting out the common factors. For example: To convert 0.75 to a fraction
0.75 => 75/100 => 3/4
Other examples, convert a decimal to a fraction
a. 1.2 = 12/10 = 6/5
b. 0.32= 32/100= 8/25
c. 0.6 = 6/10= 3/5
d. 0.25 =25/100 = 1/4
e. 1.25= 125/100= 5/4
f. 0.28 = 28/100 = 7/25
5. To convert a fraction to a percentage we just divide the numerator by the denominator, then multiply
the result by 100 and put % sign. For example: to convert 3/8 to a percentage,
3/8 => 3 ÷ 8 = 0.375 => 0.375 × 100% = 37.5%
Other examples, convert a fraction to a percentage
a. 6/5 = (6/5 × 100) % = 600/5 % = 120 %
b. 8/25 = (8/25 × 100) % = 32 %
c. 3/5 = (3/5 × 100) % = 60 %
d. 5/25 = (1/4 × 100) % = 25%
e. 5/4= 125/100 = 125 %
f. 7/25 = (7/25 × 100) % = 28 %
6. To convert a percentage to a fraction, we just put the percent at numerator removing the % sign and
put 100 at denominator and then simplify by cutting out the common factors of the terms. For example:
To convert 80% to a fraction
80% => 80/100 => 4/5
Other examples, convert a percentage to a fraction
a. 16 % = 16/100 = 4/25
b. 1 % = 1/100 = 1/100
c. 47 % = 47/100 = 47/100
d. 25 % = 25/100 = 1/4
e. 23 % = 23/100 = 23/100
Exercise on Percentage
1. Identify the category and solve the following questions
a. What is 10 percent of 25? b. 12 is what percent of 40?
c. 9 is 60 percent of what? d. What percent of 30 is 6?
e. 20 percent of what is 7? f. 5 percent of 29 is what?
g. 4 of what is 25 percent? h. What of 25 is 11 percent?
i. 9 of 12 is what percent?
2. Solve the following questions.
a. What is 5 % of 664? b. What is 15 % of 374?
c. What is 27 % of 810? d. What is 40 % of 942?
e. What is 8 % of 631? f. 149.4 is what percent of 996?
g. 110.7 is what percent of 615? h. 70.33 is what percent of 541?
i. 137.92 is what percent of 862? j. 44.96 is what percent of 1124?
k. 20 % of what, is 124.2? l. 11 % of what, is 90.31?
m. 39 % of what, is 423.54? n. 34 % of what, is 415.14?
o. 7 % of what, is 34.16?
3. Convert from percent to decimal
a) 84% b) 33%, c) 51%, d) 90%, e) 52%,
4. Convert from decimal to percent
a) 0.46, b) 0.63, c) 0.3, d) 0.28, e) 0.45
5. Convert from fraction to decimal
a) 1/2, b), 1/8, c) 1/17, d) 5/33, e) 1/41
6. Convert from decimal to fraction
a) 1, b) 0.26, c) 0.12, d) 0.3, e) 0.04
7. Convert from fraction to percentage
a) 1/10, b) 8/39, c) 8/17, d) 1/8, e) 2/15
8. Convert from percentage to fraction
a) 31%, b) 17%, c) 20%, d) 7%, e) 42%
Answers to the exercise on percentage
a) category 2, 2.5; b) category 1, 30%; c) category 3, 15; d) category1 20%; e) category 3, 35; f)
category 2, 1.45; g) category 3, 16; h) category 2 2.75; i) category 1, 75
a) 33.2, b) 56.1, c) 218.7, d) 376.8, e) 50.48, f) 15%, g) 18%, h) 13%, i) 16%, j) 4%, k) 621, l)
821, m) 1086, n) 1221, o) 488
a) 0.84, b) 0.33, c) 0.51, d) 0.9, e) 0.52,
a) 46%, b) 63%, c) 30%, d) 28%, e) 45%
a) 0.5, b) 0.13, c) 0.06, d) 0.15, e) 0.02
a) 100/1, b) 2/13, c) 4/3, d) 10/3, e) 4/1
a) 10%, b) 20.51%, c) 47.06%, d) 12.5%, e) 13.33%
a) 31/100, b) 17/100, c) 1/5, d) 7/100, e) 21/50
Subjective Questions
1. What is decimal number system?
2. Discuss on fractional and integral part of a decimal.
3. Discuss on the simple way of multiplying and dividing by the multiples of 10 to a decimal number.
4. What do you do to divide a decimal number by another decimal number? Illustrate with 5. How do
you place the decimal point to the decimal number obtained by multiplying two decimal numbers?
6. What do you mean by percentage?
7. Discuss the three categories of problems regarding percentage.
8. Discuss the way of converting decimal to percentage and vice versa
9 Discuss the way of converting percentage to fraction and vice versa
10. Discuss the way of converting decimal to fraction and vice versa
Objective Questions
1. Number system in which each number is expressed in base 10, is called
a) decimal number system b) hexadecimal number system
c) octal number system d) binary number system
2. The word decimal is come from
a) Greek word decem b) Latin word decem
c) Sansrrit word dashah d) Persian word dasham
3. The column left to the the decimal point (.) is
a) one tenth's place b) ten's place
c) one's place d) hundred's place
4. In 339.5408,
a) 339 is fractional part b) 339 is fractional part and 5408 is integral part
c) 5408 is integral part d) 5408 is fractional part and 339 is integral part
5. By annexing ciphers (zeros) to the right of the last figure of a decimal number, the value of decimal
a) do not alter b) increases
c) decreases d) alters
6. If you place a zero immediately to the right of the decimal point, the value of decimal will be
a) increased by 10 times b) decreased by one tenth
c) decreased by one hundredth d) unchanged
7. If you move the decimal point one place to the right of it, the value of decimal will
a) remain the same b) increase ten times
c) decrease one tenth d) decrease one hundredth
8. If you and mark off a number of decimal places equal to the sum of the numbers of decimal places
in the two factors in an arithmetic operation of two decimal numbers, it is
a) addition b) subtraction
c) division d) multiplication
9. Decimals that have a finite number of digits after the decimal point are called
a) terminating decimals b) recurring decimals
c) irrational decimals d) rational decimals
10. Decimals that have one or more repeating numbers or sequences of numbers after the decimal point,
which continue infinitely are called
a) irrational decimals b) recurring decimals
c) terminating decimals d) rational decimals
11. What decimal represents the shaded part?
a) 0.675 b) 0.65
c) 0.625 d) 0.6
12. Product of 7.045 x 4.27 will be
a) 30.8215 b) 3.08215
c) 300.8215 d) 30.08215
13. The quotient of 29.58/ 3.4 will be
a) 8.7 b) 0.87
c) 0.087 d) 87
14. What is 4.89 + 5.24?
a) 11.13 b) 10.13
c) 10.23 d) 11.23
15. Find the sum. 21.52+2.152+0.2152
a) 23.8782 b) 23.7882
c) 23.8872 d) 23.7782
16. How much should be deducted from sum of 3889 and 12.952 to get 3854.002?
a) 47.095 b) 47.752
c) 47.932 d) 47.95
17. If A = x% of y and B = y% of x, then which of the following is true?
a) A and B are equal b) A is smaller than B
c) A is greater than B d) Cannot be determined
18. A batsman scored 110 runs which included 3 boundaries and 8 sixes. What percent of his total score
did he make by running between the wickets?
6 5
a) 45 % b) 45 %
11 11
5 6
c) 54 % d) 54 %
11 11
19. After deducting 20% of initial price new price of certain goods became Rs 200 howmuch was the
initial price?
a) Rs 160 b) Rs 180
c) Rs 250 d) Rs 240
20. Cost price of a pen was Rs.30 by adding Rs 10 the celling price kept Rs.40, while selling Rs.10 was
discounted, what is the discount percentage of selling price?
a) 0% b) 10%
c) 33.33 d) 25
21. What percent of 30 equals with 10% of 60?
a) 20% b) 10%
c) 15% d) 25%
22. To get the value obtained by adding 20% to 30, what percent should be deducted to 40?
a) 8% b) 10%
c) 12% d) 20%
23. If the selling price was kept by adding 10% to the cost price, if 10% was discounted while selling,
what is the profit or loss in percentage?
a) 0% neither loss or profit b) 1% profit
c) 1% loss d) 0.1% loss
24. If 60% of selling price is equal to cost price, what percent to the cost price has been added to fix
the celling price?
a) 33.33% b) 40%
c) 60% d) 66.67%
25. What percent of 16 is 64?
a) 400% b) 200%
c) 50% d) 25%
26. To recover the cost price by selling 50% goods, what percent should be added to cost price to fix
the selling price?
a) 50% b) 100%
c) 150% d) 200%
27. Gradient of a straight road is 4%, if the surface distance of the road is 200 m. what is its arial
a) 200.8 b) 199.2
c) 199.84 d) 200.16
28. A tape of 30-meter nominal length was found to be 2 cm too long, what is the error in percentage.
a) 66% b) 6.6%
c) 0.66% d) 0.066%
29. Gradient of a straight road is 4%, if the arial distance of the road is 200 m. what is its surface
a) 200.16 b) 200.08
c) 200.04 d) 200.8
30. Hypotenuse allowance of an inclined road of 100 meters was 20 centimetres, what is the percentage
of its gradient?
a) 1.5% b) 5.5%
c) 15% d) 0.15%
Answers to the objective questions
01. a) 02. b) 03. c) 04. d) 05. a) 06. b) 07. c) 08. d) 09. a) 10. b)
11. c) 12. d) 13. a) 14. b) 15. c) 16. d) 17. a) 18. b) 19. c) 20. d)
21. a) 22. b) 23. c) 24. d) 25. a) 26. b) 27. c) 28. d) 29. a) 30. b)