An Experimental Study On The Compressive Strength of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement With Sugarcane Bagasse Ash
An Experimental Study On The Compressive Strength of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement With Sugarcane Bagasse Ash
An Experimental Study On The Compressive Strength of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement With Sugarcane Bagasse Ash
Abstract:--Initiatives are emerging worldwide to strike a balance between the developments in infrastructure
and prevention of the environment from contamination by reusing the industrial wastes. The feasibility of using
sugarcane Bagasse Ash (SBA), a finely ground waste product from the sugarcane industry, as partial
replacement for cement in conventional concrete is examined. The tests were conducted as per Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS) codes to evaluate the suitability of SBA for partial replacements up to 30% of cement with
varying water cement (w/c) ratio .The physical properties of SBA were studied. Compressive strengths (7, 14
and 28 days) were determined. The results showed that the addition of sugarcane bagasse ash improves the
strengths in all cases. The maximum strength increase happens at 15% with 0.35 w/c ratio.
Keywords:–Concrete, Compressive Strength, Replacement, Sugarcane Bagasse Ash, Water cement (w/c) ratio.
Cement is the third most energy intensive material after steel and aluminum produced in tones. Cement
industry consumes raw materials rich in silica, alumina, iron and calcium. Therefore this industry has been
actively involved in finding ways to use waste products in the manufacturing of cement both as secondary fuel
and raw material. Sugar manufacturing is the major agro industry in India. Initiatives are emerging worldwide to
control and regulate the management of sub - products, residuals, and industrial waste in order to preserve the
environment from the point of view of environmental contamination as well as the preservation and care of
natural areas. Recently the use of recycled materials as concrete ingredients has been gaining popularity because
of increasingly stringent environmental legislation. The most conspicuous of these is sugarcane bagasse ash, a
finely ground waste product from the sugarcane industry. In this study, sugarcane baggese ash (SBA) was
replaced for cement in various proportions of 0%, 10%,1 5%, 20%, 25%, 30% and for various water cement
ratio such as 0.35, 0.4 1nd 0.45 and its compressive strength was studied. Page |1
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By comparing the above results, the 28 day compressive strength of conventional concrete of w/c ratio
0.35 was found to be 33.8 N/mm2. For the same w/c ratio with 10 %replacement of cement with SBA the
compressive strength decreases to 32.46 N/mm2 and at 15% replacement the compressive strength increases to
34.21 N/mm2 which is higher than value of conventional concrete. Further increase in replacement causes
decrease in compressive strength of concrete.
Based on the conducted experiment and according to the results obtained, it can be concluded that:
Bagasse ash can increase the overall strength of the concrete when used up to a 15% cement replacement level
with w/c ratio of 0.35.Bagasse ash is a valuable pozzolanic material and it can potentially be used as a partial
replacement for cement. This could reduce the environmental problems and minimize the requirement of land
fill area to dispose SBA.
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