Modern Australian Cuisine

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Modern Australian Cuisine

Year 9 - Food & Culture

Assessment 2

ACARA Band 9 and 10 Design and Technologies

Achievement They identify the changes necessary to designed solutions to realise preferred
standard futures they have described.

Establish detailed criteria for success, including sustainability considerations,

and use these to evaluate their ideas and designed solutions and processes.

1. Know... how to develop a timeline

2. Understand... and respect cultural differences and Australia’s culinary history
3. Be able to... evaluate by critically Analysing Factors, writing about them +
put these into practice

1. I have analysed my personal food heritage

Success 2. I have investigated the Australian cuisine AND developed a timeline:
Criteria Australia’s Culinary History
3. I have evaluated my Practical

This task has 3 components :

1. Analyse your own Personal Food Heritage to show where/if it fits in with Modern Australian
2. Investigate what makes Australian Modern Cuisine and develop a timeline about Australia’s
Culinary history.
3. Using Cottage Pie as a basis, show what you have learnt in component 1 AND 2 and complete an

Part 1: Presentation of family’s cultural heritage in relation to food 30%

(The presentation could be oral or multimodal and you must record and upload this to Google
Classroom. Your final presentation should be 6 -8 slides long)

A. Based on your family’s cultural heritage you are required to record a presentation of your own
family’s traditions in food selection, preparation and presentation. (to be done individually)

Part 2: Investigate and develop timeline 40%

(Poster or Brochure - Evidence of research)

A. In pairs, investigate how the Australian cuisine has been influenced by colonisation (1700-1800)
and migration (1900-1980).

B. Develop a timeline of Australia's culinary history. Include specific foods and culture references
and use the pictures to help you summarise and present your information.

C. Bibliography

Part 3: Practical AND Evaluation 30%

(Practical + 200 word minimum Evaluation PDF)

A. Using Cottage Pie as a basis, show what you have learnt in component 1 AND 2 and include food
items into “your own” cottage pie recipe. 3 food items can be included into the cottage pie recipe.

B. Complete evaluation questions

Evaluation Questions
(A few sentences for each dot point minimum)
● What changes did you make to the recipe before the cook?
● How does this recipe reflect your food heritage but also reflect Modern Australian
● What challenges did you face?
● What successes did you have?
● How did you work collaboratively?
● What areas could you improve in?
● Add in at least 3 photos taken while you were cooking
● Add in 1 photo of the final product


Modern Australia
Australian Curriculum A B C D E
Sequence of Achievement
D&T High level ability to Sound ability to Satisfactory ability to Some ability to Limited ability to
They identify the identify the changes identify the changes identify the changes identify the identify the
changes necessary to necessary to designed necessary to changes necessary changes
necessary to designed solutions to solutions to realise designed solutions to to designed necessary to
designed realise preferred preferred futures they realise preferred solutions to realise designed
solutions to futures they have have described. futures they have preferred futures solutions to
realise preferred described. described. they have realise preferred
futures they have described. futures they have
described. described.

Establish detailed High level ability to Sound ability to Satisfactory ability to Some ability to Limited ability to
criteria for establish detailed establish detailed establish detailed establish detailed establish detailed
success, including criteria for success, criteria for success, criteria for success, criteria for success, criteria for
sustainability including including including including success, including
considerations, sustainability sustainability sustainability sustainability sustainability
and use these to considerations, and considerations, and considerations, and considerations, and considerations,
evaluate their use these to evaluate use these to evaluate use these to evaluate use these to and use these to
ideas and their ideas and their ideas and their ideas and evaluate their ideas evaluate their
designed designed solutions designed solutions designed solutions and designed ideas and
solutions and and processes. and processes. and processes. solutions and designed
processes. processes. solutions and

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