Test Bot (Decommisioned)
Test Bot (Decommisioned)
Test Bot (Decommisioned)
Bot History:
Version 1 - Michael Hanson - Original implementation
Version 2 - Steve Hawkins - Utility model improved, Genetic Algorithm added
Version 3 - Sebastian Brocks <beerockxs@users.sourceforge.net> / Jeff Wang -
speed improvements, gui-less client
Known issues:
The Bot does some dumb things, such as using MASC without being in danger, or
running on pavement when not necessary.
The Bot is slow, as compared to many games out there. But still faster than a
human on tabletop games. :)
The Bot crashes sometimes. (Boo!)
The Bot can't handle alternative victory conditions. It still tries to kill you,
no matter what.
The Bot can't handle Double-Blind. (It just sits there, having no target to
The bot works with most units: mechs, tanks and infantry.
Memory wise, normal MM needs 20 MB + .5 MB for each entity + 1 MB for each
board. The bot will need an additional 15 MB + 2 MB for each entity. There are a
few bugs that will cause it to stop responding, usually, there will be a stack
trace associated with the error in megamek.log, please save this log, and post it
as a bug on Github. You can restart your game from the last save.
Other Possibilities:
Bot Support
The bot will understand if you put it on a team (and friendly fire is turned
off) that it is friends with that team. Currently, it has very limited
coordination with units that are not under its control. To help this
situation out, when other team members direct chat to the bot (for example,
if you name the bot Fred, enter "Fred: ..." at the chat bar where ... is
your command) that will cause its behavior to change. Supported commands are:
be aggressive -- gives it a preference for doing damage (wears off when the
bot is damaged)
calm down -- gives it a preference for being safe (wears off if winning)
--More to come!
Example usage would be to have the bot provide fire support and handle close
range fighting yourself.
Bot Speed
The Bot works better with a smaller amount of units. 4 gives decent response
time, anything above 12 is highly questionable. Multiple bots taking 4 each
will work a lot faster than 1 bot taking 12 units, but of course the
coordination between them will be about nil.
The gui-less client is about 100x faster than the gui client. Don't use the
gui client unless you have to, or it's a small bot.
Individual Initiative works better for The Bot, because it only needs to
calculate what's the best move RIGHT NOW.
Have the Bot use slower/un-jump-jetted units. A 3/5/0 has lower number of
calculations than a 7/11/0 which in turn has lower number of possibilities
than a 3/5/3.
This file contains settings for changing the behavior of the bot.
At this time, you can change the difficulty to one of three levels.
--The difference may not be all that great, but should be enough.
You can also force the bot to consider one unit at a time (forcing
the bot to consider a random unit each time it moves.) This option
is active only if individual initiative is NOT turned on. Be
warned that the bot will lack what limited unit cohesion it used to
Next Steps: