Anas & Jaseena
Anas & Jaseena
Anas & Jaseena
The Manager
Kerala Gramin Bank
Mangalapuram Branch
II. Schedule A: List of Title Deeds & Other Documents Scrutinized & to be Deposited
for Creation of Equitable Mortgage
Sl Nature, No. & Date of Description of Document Whether
No. Document Original / Copy
1. Title deed – Saledeed No. 781/16 Saledeed executed in favour of Anas & Jaseena by Original
dtd 03/03/16 of Pothencode SRO Abdul Majeed & Pathummal Beevi Produced
2. Prior deed- Settlementdeed No. Settlementdeed executed in favour Abdul Majeed, Notarised Copy
3140/99 dtd 20/09/99 of Aboobeckar, Abdul Manaf & Abdul Salim by Ibrahim Produced
Pothencode SRO Kunju
3. Tax Receipt No.354540 dtd Tax Receipt No. 354540 dtd 09/08/18 of Original
09/08/18 of Keezhthonnakkal Keezhthonnakkal Village Book No.R3546 for the years Produced
Village 2018-19 pertaining to the offered property having total
extent of 03 Are 20 sqm
4. Certificate No.995/18 dtd Possession Certificate issued by the Village Officer, Original
16/08/18 of Keezhthonnakkal Keezhthonnakkal pertaining to the offered property Produced
Village having total extent of 03 Are 20 sqm
5. Certificate dtd 14/08/18 of Location Certificate issued by the Village Officer, Original
Keezhthonnakkal Village Keezhthonnakkal pertaining to the offered property Produced
having total extent of 03 Are 20 sqm
6. Certificate dtd 16/08/18 of Location Sketch issued by the Village Officer, Original
Keezhthonnakkal Village Keezhthonnakkal by showing the lie and boundaries of Produced
the offered property having total extent of 03 Are 20
7. Certificate dtd 16/08/18 of Thandapper account issued by the Village Officer, Original
Keezhthonnakkal Village Keezhthonnakkal Produced
8. Encumberance Certificate No. Encumberance Certificate pertaining to the offered Original
7525/18 dtd 01/09/18 of property having total extent of 03 Are 20 sqm for a Produced
Pothencode SRO period from 30/08/1987 to 30/08/18
III. Schedule B:
(a) Description of Property/ Properties
(Description of Property as given in Schedule to the title deed)
District : Thiruvananthapuram
Sub district : Pothencode
Village : Keezhthonnakkal
Taluk : Thiruvananthapuram
Panchayath : Pothencode
Old Sy No : 968/10
Block No : 6
Re Sy No : 245/20-1
Extent : 03 Are 20 sqm
Thandapper No : 18014
Nature, No & date of : Saledeed No. 781/16 dtd 03/03/16 of
Titledeed Pothencode SRO
While they were in possession and enjoyment of the above said property, Abdul
Majeed & Pathummal Beevi jointly sold 03 Are 20 sqm of property in Blk.6, Re Sy No.245/20-1
of Keezhthonnakkal Village in favour of Anas & Jaseena by executing Saledeed No. 781/16 dtd
03/03/16 of Pothencode SRO. Original of the document is produced herewith.
As per the tax receipt and other revenue records produced herewith, the mortgagors
Anas & Jaseena are possessing and enjoying the property having total extent of 03 Are 20 sqm of
property in Blk.6, Re Sy No.245/20-1 of Keezhthonnakkal Village in Thiruvananthapuram
Taluk. Mutation was effected in his name and he is paying tax under Thandapper No. 18014.
The mortgagor produced the original of the prime document- Saledeed No. 781/16
dtd 03/03/16 of Pothencode SRO, Prior deed- Settlementdeed No. 3140/99 dtd 20/09/99 of
Pothencode SRO and connected revenue records in original.
V. Details of Encumbrance
After the execution of Saledeed No. 781/16 dtd 03/03/16 of Pothencode SRO in favour of the
mortgagors, the mortgagors had effected mutation & obtained the Thandapper No. 18014 of
Keezhthonnakkal Village & the mortgagors paid the tax for the property having an extent of 03
Are 20 sqm during the period 2018-19. The Possession Certificate issued by the Village Officer,
Keezhthonnakkal, proves that the mortgagors are in possession & enjoyment of the offered
property having total extent of 03 Are 20 sqm of property in Blk.6, Re Sy No.245/20-1 of
Keezhthonnakkal in Thiruvananthapuram Taluk.
I have carefully gone through the original of title deed, the anterior
documents & other related documents of the property offered as security produced herewith & I
hereby certify that the said documents are perfect evidence of title & possession & that if the said
documents are deposited in the manner required by law it will satisfy the requirement for the
creation of Equitable Mortgage.
(a) As per the encumberance certificate for the period of 31 years pertaining to the security
item, there are no mortgages or charges over the offered property.
(b) There are no claims or interest from any minor/ minors.
(c) The property is not subject to any payment.
(d) There are no SC/ST antecedents of the property.
(e) The holding is in accordance of the Land Reforms Act.
(f) The security item is not adversely affected by the provisions of Kerala Land Utilisation
(g) There are no legal impediments in respect of security item.
(h) The Provisions of Urban Land Ceiling Act is not applicable in respect of the property.
(i) I have verified the original of the title deed- Saledeed No. 781/16 dtd 03/03/16 of
Pothencode SRO, Prior deed- Settlementdeed No. 3140/99 dtd 20/09/99 of Pothencode
SRO and connected revenue records in original.
(j) I have made search in land revenue records and do not find any adverse features which
would prevent the title holder from creating a valid mortgage. The property is under
Janmam right and the mortgage if created will be available to the bank for the liability of
the intending borrower/guarantor.
(k) I have visited the Sub Registrar’s Office at Pothencode on 10/09/18 and verified the
details of property standing in the names of Anas & Jaseena. Registry Verification
Certificate is produced herewith.
I certify that Anas & Jaseena have good, valid, clear & marketable title in
the property shown above and the documents are to be kept in safe custody of the Bank till the
loan amount is realised.
Schedule A
2. Settlementdeed No. 3140/99 Settlementdeed executed in favour Abdul Majeed, Notarised Copy
dtd 20/09/99 of Pothencode Aboobeckar, Abdul Manaf & Abdul Salim by
SRO Ibrahim Kunju
3. Tax Receipt No.354540 dtd Tax Receipt No. 354540 dtd 09/08/18 of Original
09/08/18 of Keezhthonnakkal Keezhthonnakkal Village Book No.R3546 for the
Village years 2018-19 pertaining to the offered property
having total extent of 03 Are 20 sqm
4. Certificate No.995/18 dtd Possession Certificate issued by the Village Original
16/08/18 of Keezhthonnakkal Officer, Keezhthonnakkal pertaining to the offered
Village property having total extent of 03 Are 20 sqm
5. Certificate dtd 14/08/18 of Location Certificate issued by the Village Officer, Original
Keezhthonnakkal Village Keezhthonnakkal pertaining to the offered
property having total extent of 03 Are 20 sqm
6. Certificate dtd 16/08/18 of Location Sketch issued by the Village Officer, Original
Keezhthonnakkal Village Keezhthonnakkal by showing the lie and
boundaries of the offered property having total
extent of 03 Are 20 sqm
7. Certificate dtd 16/08/18 of Thandapper account issued by the Village Officer, Original
Keezhthonnakkal Village Keezhthonnakkal
All that piece and parcel of land and building existing and/or to construction there
on and shown under schedule ‘B’ below together with easementary and appurtenants thereto.
Schedule ‘B’
Property of Kamar
Old Sy No.968/10
Property of Salim
03 Are 20 sqm
Item 1
The Manager
Kerala Gramin Bank
Mangalapuram Branch
Dear Sir,
Sub: Verification of records of landed property at Sub- Registrar’s Office, Pothencode
This is to confirm that I have visited the Sub- Registrar’s Office at Pothencode on
10/09/18 and verified the details of the property standing in the names of Anas, S/o Abdul Azeez &
Jaseena.R, W/o Anas, Anas House, Vengode, Kudavoor P.O.
1. The Serial Number of the Stamp paper of the Titledeed as submitted by the party and as
seen in the registry records are one and the same.
2. That there are no prior charges over the said property and Anas & Jaseena are the
absolute owners of the said property as per the records available and verified by me in the
Registrar/ Sub- Registrar’s Office.
3. That as per the records available at Sub- Registrar’s Office, the property is mortgaged/
charged to:
Place: Attingal
Date: 12/09/2018 Adv. RENJU.P