MLNX-OS IB v3 11 3002 RN
MLNX-OS IB v3 11 3002 RN
MLNX-OS IB v3 11 3002 RN
Table of Contents
1 Release Notes Update History...........................................................3
2 Overview ...................................................................................4
3 Switch General Support ..................................................................5
3.1 Supported Switch Systems....................................................................5
3.2 Tested and Supported Firmware Versions ..................................................5
3.3 Software/Firmware Interoperability........................................................5
3.4 Supported BIOS Version .......................................................................5
3.5 Supported Software Licenses ................................................................6
3.6 Upgrade From Previous Releases ............................................................6
3.7 Supported Cables ..............................................................................7
3.8 Supported Port Speeds ........................................................................7
3.8.1 Port Speeds Supported on Quantum-2 .................................................. 7
3.8.2 Port Speeds Supported on Quantum .................................................... 8
4 Changes and New Features ..............................................................9
4.1 New Features ...................................................................................9
5 Bug Fixes in This Version............................................................... 10
6 Known Issues............................................................................. 11
6.1 General Known Issues ....................................................................... 11
6.2 InfiniBand Known Issues..................................................................... 14
6.3 IB Router Known Issues...................................................................... 18
7 Changes and New Features History .................................................. 19
7.1 Customer Affecting Changes History ...................................................... 24
8 Bug Fixes History........................................................................ 28
9 Legal Notices and 3rd Party Licenses ................................................ 36
1 Release Notes Update History
Document Date Description
1.0 January 25, 2024 Initial release of this Release Notes version.
This release introduces bug fixes and new features.
2 Overview
This is the Release Notes for the switch software. The software is a comprehensive management
software solution that provides optimal performance for cluster computing, enterprise data centers,
and cloud computing over NVIDIA switch families. The fabric management capabilities ensure the
highest fabric performance while the chassis management ensures the longest switch up time.
The NVIDIA Community also offers useful end-to-end and special How To guides at: https://
3 Switch General Support
3.1 Supported Switch Systems
System NVIDIA SKU Description
QM9700 920-9B210-00FN-0M0 NVIDIA Quantum-2 based NDR InfiniBand Switch, 64 NDR ports, 32 OSFP
920-9B210-00RN-0M2 ports, 2 Power Supplies (AC), Standard depth
QM8700 920-9B110-00FH-0MD NVIDIA Quantum 40-port QSFP56 HDR (200Gb/s) InfiniBand smart switch
CS8500 920-9B020-00FH-XD0 NVIDIA Quantum™ 800-port HDR (200Gb/s) InfiniBand switch chassis
TQ8200 920-9B110-00FH-0M1 NVIDIA Quantum MetroX®-2 40km long haul 100Gb/s, 2 long haul QSFP28
ports, 8 standard HDR ports
TQ8100 920-9B110-00FH-0M2 NVIDIA Quantum MetroX-2 10km long haul 100Gb/s, 2 long haul QSFP28
ports, 8 standard HDR ports
The last MLNX-OS release to provide support for Switch-IB 2 based platforms is 3.10.4xxx.
The last MLNX-OS release to provide support for Switch-IB based platforms is 3.9.3124.
The last MLNX-OS release to provide support for NVIDIA® SWITCHX® based platforms is
• X86 Coffee Lake 5.13—0ACQF_06.01.x03
Target Version Verified Versions From Which to Upgrade
3.5.0xxx 3.4.3xxx, 3.4.2xxx
3.4.3xxx 3.4.2xxx, 3.4.1xxx
3.4.2xxx 3.4.1xxx,3.4.0xxx
3.4.1xxx 3.4.0xxx, 3.3.5006
3.4.0xxx 3.3.5006
For upgrade instructions, refer to the section “Upgrading Operating System Software” in the NVIDIA
MLNX-OS User Manual.
3.8.2 Port Speeds Supported on Quantum
Table 3: QM8700/CS8500 Supported Port Speeds
Speed [GbE] AutoNeg Force Cable Cable Length
HDR PAM4 50Gb/s per AOM Up to 10km
AOC Up to 150
Copper Up to 2
EDR (NRZ) 25Gb/s per Optic Up to 100
Copper Up to 5
FDR* Optic Up to 100
Copper Up to 3
SDR Optic Up to 100
Copper Up to 3
* Using FDR speed in ports #27-#34, may cause link on the ports to go down.
4 Changes and New Features
4.1 New Features
Category Description
5 Bug Fixes in This Version
The following table lists bug fixes in this release.
3671899 IP Filter Whitelisted LDAP TLS port as part of the default firewall rules.
3733440 Parsing Fixed out of range parsing of port split on NDR systems.
For bug fixes from previous versions, see Bug Fixes History section.
6 Known Issues
The following sections describe known issues in this software release and possible workarounds.
Internal Category Description Workaround
806795 Configuration The system needs to be rebooted N/A
Management after running the command
“configuration revert factory keep-
basic keep-connect”.
806791 Configuration Applying a configuration file of one N/A
Management system profile to another is not
supported from one system type to
1298137 Docker If two docker images are installed, Delete older latest image or
both from same distribution and download while specifying a
both chosen as “latest”, the version.
command “show docker images”
may display image name and
image version as “none”.
1966186 JSON Sending JSON commands that Divide the 50K lines into
exceed 50K lines, the JSON job multiple JSON requests.
gets stuck in the background or
gets timed out.
1796691 JSON The command "show whoami" is Run the command through the
not supported through JSON HTTP CLI.
1085293 Linux Dockers, When running “configuration text Run the init configuration from
Configuration apply” (with “docker no the CLI session.
Management shutdown”), a container that is
configured as init, may run
immediately (instead of waiting
for next boot).
777720 Logging The warning “[pm.WARNING]: N/A
snapshots and sysdumps are on
separate partitions; space
constraints not thoroughly
enforced on sysdumps” may
appear if operating with an
encrypted file system. This
warning can be safely ignored.
408805 Logging When switch clock has an earlier N/A
time configured from the
certificate creation, the following
error may appear in the log and
can be safely ignored:
(), md_cert.c:3388, build 1: Return
status 512 from openssl verify!
2615903 Management It is not possible to call a container Call the container and/or
Interface, Docker name "ns" and it is not possible to username by a name other than
create a username called “ns”. "ns".
806744 Management Switch systems may have an Generate a new certificate by
Interfaces expired HTTPS certification. changing the hostname.
Internal Category Description Workaround
3047036 Quantum, Cables, On rare occasions, there can be N/A
MCA1J00-H003E long link up time on active copper
cables MCA1J00-H003E.
3258977 Quantum, QM8700, On QM8700 systems with version N/A
Chassis Management 3.10.3100, some of the voltage
sensors may indicate wrong values
which could result in a false health
alert and an incorrect CLI output.
806875 SNMP Request timeout should be set to N/A
at least 20 seconds since initial
table calculation requires time.
1911232 Software Management Switch may self-reboot 49 days A managed reboot within a 49-
after upgrading to version 3.8.1206 day period eliminates the
or higher. problem.
806899 System Management If a faulty cable is used, rise time N/A
of other interfaces in the system
may be delayed.
3464879 Upgrade Upgrading LTS version to last GA N/A
(3.10.6004) version does not work.
2066713 Upgrade/Downgrade Downgrading back to 3.8.2204 N/A
after upgrading to 3.8.2306 will
save configuration modifications
from 3.8.2306.
3064354 Username A new username cannot be called Set username as something
"*". other than "*".
1434387 WebUI Interactive CLI commands cannot N/A
be executed via WebUI.
806832 WebUI Enabling/disabling HTTPS while Refresh the page or navigate
connected via HTTP to the WebUI back using the browser’s back
may result in temporary loss of button.
connection to the webpage.
806829 WebUI Reversing the time clock can result Clear the graphs data after
in WebUI graphs’ corrupted data. setting the clock.
461989 WebUI Importing a configuration text file Import the configuration text
with commands that only get file through the CLI.
enabled after running other
commands is not possible through
the WebUI. For example: the
command “mlag-vip” is only
available after running “protocol
6.2 InfiniBand Known Issues
Internal Category Description Workaround
2022524 Auto-Negotiation, As the switch does not send N/A
HCA auto-negotiation indication,
after resetting/power cycling a
ConnectX-6 HCA, some HCAs get
stuck in "polling" state.
807493 Chassis HA A management module that has To resolve the issue, perform the
been reset 5 times by the other following: 1. Remove the powered
management module on a off management module; 2. Run
director switch, is treated as “chassis ha power enable other”;
malfunctioning and gets disabled 3. Remove the powered off
even after plugging out and management local spine and wait
plugging in the module. 1 minute; 4. Plug in the removed
spine (this step will raise the
spines internal links); 5. Plug in
the removed/new management
(spine’s link will fall and raise
again once it is done).
807489 Chassis Management Retrieving chassis information N/A
(such as temperature, power
etc.) by running show commands
can only be performed from
chassis master.
1783971 Copper Cables, Link Link issues might occur if 1.5m N/A
copper cables and longer are not
connected to the middle ports of
the Quantum switch.
2057793 InfiniBand Congestion Congestion profiles in VS-MAD N/A
Control PortProfileSetting support only
fixed mode. Percentage mode is
not supported.
2137521 InfiniBand Interfaces When using MC2207310-0xx N/A
optical cables, FDR speed is
supported only with 10m/15m/
30m and only on ports #7 and #9–
807470 InfiniBand Interfaces Setting the port width to 1x in N/A
the WebUI and/or CLI is
currently not supported.
3436244 NDR Switch, SHARP On rare occasions, a 'group join' N/A
request may reach a timeout.
3327881 Quantum, BER On Quantum platforms, when N/A
using FDR speed with 1m Copper
cable MCP1600-E001, on rare
occasions, high effective errors
may be observed.
2284439 Quantum, Boot The boot flow may be delayed N/A
on Quantum- based switches
causing problematic system
Internal Category Description Workaround
2809841 Quantum, CS8500, For CS8500 systems, when Additional reboot is required for
Downgrade performing downgrade or the secondary MGMT.
rollback from version 3.9.31xx
(or higher) to a version older
than 3.9.31xx, an additional
reboot is required for the
secondary MGMT module to
allow the connected spine to get
into ready state.
2145881 Quantum, FDR, cables FDR link is unstable when using N/A
an FDR cable in ports: #27-#34.
3329109 Quantum, HDR, Split MFS1S50-H003E cable supports N/A
Cable, MFS1S50- only HDR rate when used as a
H003E split cable.
1764367 Quantum, IB Split, In IB split profile, when applying Verify that the same interfaces are
Configuration or showing configuration files, split/unsplit in the real switch and
Management the running configuration output the configuration file.
may be false in case there is a
difference in split ports between
the actual switch and the
configuration file used for the
2432238 Quantum, LED On version 3.9.2100 (only), N/A
QM8700 may show an Amber Fan
LED on the front set of LED
2278846 Quantum, Optical On rare occasions, when using N/A
Cables Quantum systems with Optical
cables MFS1S00-H003E and
MFS1S00-H030E, the link up time
may take up to 100 seconds.
2137496 Quantum, mstdump Running mstdump on Quantum Reload switch.
ASIC from a host (on MFT
versions 4.12.0-15 or older)
followed by split-port
operations, may cause the ASIC
to not operate properly.
Internal Category Description Workaround
2834238 Quantum-2, Optical When using Quantum-2 systems N/A
Transceivers, Port with an Optical Transceiver,
Toggle toggling a port in a cage may
toggle the adjacent port in the
3335054/ Quantum-2, Port LED, In QM9700 systems, when a Check LED status on WebUI.
3335057 Optic Cables transceiver module is plugged in
when only one of the optic
cables is connected (while the
second cable is disconnected),
the port LED may be incorrectly
displayed on the disconnected
3354816 Quantum-2, In QM9700 systems, on multi- Use a different subnet prefix
Multi-SWID swid profile, when configuring a value.
subnet-prefix with the value
"0xfec0000000000000" through
an external OpenSM, the subnet
state shown in CLI may appear as
down instead of UP.
3354452 Quantum-2, In QM9700 systems, in multi-swid Use the following command
Multi-SWID profile, the following CLI instead: "interface ib-subnet
command "no sma port <subnet <subnet name> shutdown".
number> shutdown" will not
work properly.
1428001 SM It is not allowed to configure an N/A
smnode with “*” character (e.g.
“ib smnode *”).
807481 SM Two notifications are sent via N/A
SNMP trap or email when the SM
is disabled.
807480 SM The “Subnet Manager started” N/A
email may not be sent upon
system initialization.
807477 SM Chassis HA takeover might Run open SM manually after
terminate OpenSM on the new takeover.
807476 SM The SM must be disabled prior to N/A
and during the software
807474 SM DOR and LASH OpenSM routing N/A
algorithms can be configured
only via the CLI.
560209 SM When changing the parameter N/A
allow_both_pkeys and partition
settings, OpenSM must be
restarted in the default partition
for the change to take effect.
Internal Category Description Workaround
1165451 SM HA When running an SM HA cluster N/A
with more than 2 active OpenSM
instances, IB multicast
applications need to support
client re-register or they may
not work correctly after OpenSM
807499 SM HA If an SM HA node fails, the VIP Reconnect via the VIP.
might not be reachable, but
functionality is not affected.
807496 SM HA After upgrading a director switch Reboot the SM HA slave.
system with both management
modules part of an SM HA
cluster, the SM HA slave may see
the SM HA master as offline.
807494 SM HA The SM HA works only over N/A
300335 SM HA Changing a hostname of Configure hostname to a member
members of the SM HA network prior adding it to the cluster.
may cause these members to
appear offline.
1533255 SNMP On director switch systems, only N/A
one existing SNMP user is
supported with chassis HA.
2922333 Signal Integrity In some cases, MMS4X00-NL* 1.2 Toggle port.
(supported on Quantum-2
systems) may have low BER.
1891945 Switch-IB 2, On CS7500 systems, when Reload the switch.
Downgrade downgrading from version
3.8.2000 to an older version, the
slave management module may
not boot properly.
807485 Switch-IB, CS7500, On CS7500 director switch N/A
Chassis Management systems, hot-plugging Spine 1 or
Spine 2, which are connected to
the management modules, is not
supported. Hot-plugging them
may cause the system to freeze.
589228 Switch-IB, Chassis On Switch-IB based director N/A
Management switches, duplicate notifications
are sent for a leaf in fatal state.
1249608 VL Arbitration Configuring weight “0” for VL, Arbitration table should be
results in unexpected behavior. configured with weights other than
955641 VL Arbitration VL_HIGH_LIMIT is not affecting Arbitration table should be set
the VL arbiter as expected. using the low priority VL
arbitration table only.
6.3 IB Router Known Issues
Internal Ref. Category Description Workaround
807537 Adaptive Routing Adaptive routing cannot run when N/A
IB router is enabled.
807530 Embedded SM Embedded SM cannot run on Run SM using OpenSM.
multi-SWID profile.
833365 IB Router IB router packets arrive with Use either SL2VL or VL2VL
wrong VL when crossing VL2VL and
807543 IB Router IP validation errors are counted on N/A
the L2 interface.
1427784 Interfaces Configuring IB router prior to Reconfigure IB router by running
mapping an interface to an IB “ib router shutdown” then “no
router subnet may cause the ib router shutdown”.
interface not to link up.
807525 Interoperability IB router is only supported on fat- N/A
tree topologies.
807535 Multicast IB router does not support N/A
multicast traffic.
3323781 Quantum-2, Router GMP MADs with GRH header N/A
towards the Router are not
807538 FDB Capabilities Switch systems may provide 4 N/A
SWID up to 48k or 6 SWIDs up to
7 Changes and New Features History
Category Description
General Bug fixes
General Bug fixes
IPv6 Added IPv6 support for tacacs server.
Device HW Added support for MMS4X50-NM module.
SHARP Enhanced SHARP Debugging capabilities.
Resiliency Enhanced FW resiliency mechanism.
Telemetry Added support for Fast Recovery notifications of the OS entity in the network.
General Bug fixes
Device HW Added Beta-level support for MMS4X50-NM module.
General Bug fixes
Device HW Added limited support for MMS4X50-NM module.
When working with two 4xports, toggling one port following the other port might
lead to link flap issue.
To recover, re-toggle both ports in the same cage.
Counters: Fast Added support of the fast recovery from unhealthy links including BER monitor and credit
Recovery from watchdog.
Unhealthy Links
Fan Airflow Added support to detect mismatch in fan airflow direction for fans and PS fans on 1U
Direction systems.
Hardware Added additional support of a new hardware revision of QM9700 systems that underwent
Revision hardware adjustments.
The use of software versions older than 3.11.10xx in the device versions stated below is not
permitted: MQM9700-NS2F and MQM9700-NS2R (Hardware Revision: AH).
General Bug fixes
NDR, Multi- Added support for up to 8 SWIDs on NDR systems. The minimal OpenSM version for this
SWID functionality is 5.15 and above. For more information, see "system profile" command in the
Chassis Management Commands section in the user manual.
Cables Added additional fields (firmware version and technology) to show transceiver command.
For more information, see "show interfaces ib transceiver" command in the InfiniBand
Interface Commands section in the user manual.
Counters: Added BER Monitor counters for unhealthy link.
Unhealthy Link
SHARP-Based On QM9700 systems, added support for SHARP-based reliable multicast packets.
Additional Added support of AdditionalStatus in MAD packets.
Status in Each
Mirroring Added support for mirroring of congested packets towards UFM entity (collector) in the
Congested network.
Towards UFM
General Bug fixes
General Bug fixes
IB Router Added support for InfiniBand Router for QM9700 system.
General Bug fixes
pFRN Collector, Added support for mirroring of PFRN packets towards UFM entity (collector) in the subnet.
PKEY Filter for Added support for MulticastPKeyTrapSuppression (PKEY mismatch filtering).
Congestion Added support for 1kb granularity for the port congestion profiles.
SL to VL Added switch support for port mask optimization of SL to VL Mapping Table configuration.
General Bug fixes
General Bug fixes
Hash Based Enabled the reordering of sensitive traffic to load balance on multiple ports by using Hash-
Routing Based Routing in Quantum-2 systems.
System Enabled IP Filter feature by default and applied default firewall rules. If any of the rules is
management changed (delete/modify/moved), the full rule list for this chain will appear in the "show
running-config" command.
To review the default firewall rules refer to section the "Control Plane Policing (CoPP)" in
the user manual.
Temperature Improved HDR InfiniBand temperature drift tolerance on Quantum systems. Improved the
Drift Tolerance algorithm for periodic link maintenance which is performed by NVIDIA IC during normal link
operation in order to compensate for changes in link environment that might influence the
analog behavior of the SerDes blocks in order to prevent a degradation in link performance.
pFRN Added support for pFRN (Proactive Fault Routing Notification) which allows for dynamic link
failure detection and route correction for topologies based on Adaptive Routing.
Counters Added support for PortXmitWaitVLExtended counters.
General Bug fixes
SHARPv3 Added GA-level support for aggregation jobs to run over parallel links.
General Bug fixes
SHARPv3 Added beta-level support for aggregation jobs to run over parallel links.
Firmware Added additional firmware debug capabilities for Quantum-2 system.
General Bug fixes
General Bug fixes
Systems Added GA-level support for Quantum-2-based switch QM9700.
Congestion Added ES-level support for congestion control class key on Quantum-based systems.
Vendor Key Added ES-level support for vendor class key on Quantum-based systems.
NVIDIA® Added GA-level support for SHARPv2 for Quantum-2 systems.
and Reduction
General Bug fixes
Systems Added ES-level support for Quantum-2-based switch QM9700.
General Bug fixes
WebUI Rebranding WebUI to NVIDIA design.
General Bug fixes
Debuggability Added additional information to sysdump.
Ibdiagnet Added support for Ibdiagnet tool. For more information, see Subnet Manager section in the
user manual.
OSS Added support for uploading the Open Source Licenses files. For more information see "file
Compliance open-source-licenses upload" command in the "Configuration Management Commands"
section of the user manual.
Security, IPsec Updated IPsec to improve security and added support for IKEv2 and new ciphers. For more
information, see "crypto ipsec peer local" command in Cryptographic (X.509, IPSec) and
Encryption section of the user manual.
SM HA OpenSM master is now presented on CLI and WebUI also when the command is triggered
Enhancements from non-SM master. For more information see “show ib smnodes” command in the Subnet
Manager High Availability section of the user manual.
SSD Optimizing SSD writes for IB systems.
SNMP, IGMP Added support in the standard SNMP MIB for L2 IGMP and the possibility to retrieve IGMP
Snooping snooping information via standard IGMP-STD-MIB (RFC2933).
Cables Added GA-level support for Active Optical Cables MFS1S00-H0xx-LL.
*Note that the cables above are HDR-only and are supported up to 30 meters.
Cables Added support for cable MMS1W50-HM 2km NVIDIA transceiver, IB HDR, up to 200Gb/s,
QSFP56, MPO, 1310nm, FR4 on MQM8700-HS2R.
Docker Added support for the following docker extensions:
1. Added possibility to pass environment variables to container on start.
2. Added possibility to configure logging levels for docker (logging-severity) and for each
started docker container (logging-facility).
3. Added possibility to preserve pulled docker containers while switching docker VRF
For more information, see "Virtualization" section in the user manual.
Auto- Added ability to disallow speed auto-negotiation on an interface. For more information see
Negotiation the command "speed" in "Ethernet Interface Commands" section in the user manual.
OpenFlow Added ability to add router ports into OpenFlow bridge.
SSH, Docker Added support for SSH trust relation between a running container and its host. For more
Trust information see the commands "start" and "show docker containers" in the "Virtualization"
section of the user manual.
Bidirectional Added beta-level support for Bidirectional PIM. For more information see "Multicast" section
PIM in the user manual.
Docker Login Added ability to securely login and logout through the CLI to various server repositories and
pull docker images from these servers. See the commands "docker login", "docker logout",
and "show docker login" in the Virtualization section of the user manual.
Cables Enabled PLR with Low-Latency (LL)-FEC mode in optical cables up to 30m.
General Bug fixes
IPoIB Added beta-level support for IPoIB routing for Switch-IB IB Router.
General Bug fixes
Initialization Modular system boot flow improved. Significantly improved the init flow and boot time.
Flow C75xx systems upgrade boot time x2 faster.
Initialization Modular system boot flow improved. Significantly improved the init flow and boot time.
Flow CS8500 systems upgrade boot time is x4 faster. C75xx systems upgrade boot time x2 faster.
Link, Speed EDR link speed is now supported when using ConnectX-6 100Gb/s HCA and connecting with
HDR optical cables.
Signal Degrade, Added support for signal degrade for Quantum-based 1U systems.
TQ8100 Added GA-level support for TQ8100 system.
TQ8200 Added GA-level support for TQ8200 system.
TQ8200 Added support for 40km cables.
Cables Enabled KP4RS FEC on Active Fiber cable up to 30m (OPN: MFS1S00-V0xxE).
Link, Auto- Added ES-level support for link auto-negotiation on Spectrum-3 systems.
SHARP SHARP stability improvements.
TQ8100 Added ES-level support for TQ8100 system.
TQ8200 Added ES-level support for TQ8200 system.
General Bug fixes
Configuration Added a new "reboot" option to the "configuration text file * apply" command that writes
Management the configuration and reboots after successful execution.
DCQCN Added support for DCQCN Congestion Control.
Link Added support for link-negotiated credit size.
Security SSH Login Notification now displays the following information after authentication:
-Last successful and unsuccessful login date/time
-Number of unsuccessful logins since last successful login
-Changes to user's account since last login (password, capability)
-Location of last successful and unsuccessful login (terminal or IP)
-Number of total successful logins since last X days
Link Speed Added QDR/FDR support in NVIDIA Quantum switch systems when using optical cables of up
to 30m.
Note: QDR speed is only supported when using FDR cables. For a list of supported cables,
see "InfiniBand Known Issues" section.
General Bug fixes
NVIDIA SHARP Added GA-level support for NVIDIA SHARP v1 technology.
NVIDIA SHARP Added beta-level support for NVIDIA SHARP v2 technology.
Subnet Manager Added additional options for IB partition's member configuration (all-cas, all-routers, all-
switches, all-vcas) to better align with keywords that are supported by opensm when
configuring IB partitions. For more information see "SM Commands" section in the user
General Bug fixes
General There are no Customer Affecting Changes in this version.
Chassis Removed "built by" field from "show version" command and from mails sent by the switch.
JSON Added JSON support to the CLI command "show health-report"
Deprecation, SSH Removed SSH-RSA support Cipher support.
IPv6 Address, IPv6 address auto config is enabled by default for all management interfaces. The change
Auto- will be applied for new switches and for switches that upgrade from older OS versions. To
Configuration disable this, run "no interface mgmt0/1 ipv6 address autoconfig".
General There are no Customer Affecting Changes in this version.
Cables The "show interfaces ib transceiver" command output was extended with additional two
fields: "firmware version" and "technology". For more information, see InfiniBand
Interface Commands section in the user manual.
Deprecation, The Signal Degrade feature will be removed from the following GA version (3.10.6004).
Signal Degrade
Deprecation, Virtual Machine is no longer supported.
Virtual Machine As of this release, the following CLI commands are deprecated and will not be available:
-virtual-machine enable
-virtual-machine host
-virtual-machine vnet
-virtual-machine volume
-show virtual-machine configured
-show virtual-machine host
Authentication OpenSSL version was upgraded to version 1.1.1g. It is compatible for clients with OpenSSL
1.1.1 and above.
Authentication Due to OpenSSL upgrade in the latest version, some ciphers have become deprecated and
therefore not supported by default. Due to this upgrade, configuring the LDAP to use ssl
ciphers may not work.
To bypass this, add the following string on customer LDAP server "ldaps:///" to the
SLAPD_SERVICES in the LDAP config file.
Deprecation, From version 3.10.4000, the SSLv3 ciphers are deprecated, and will not be supported for
SSLv3 Ciphers any web connection.
Authentication OpenSSL version was upgraded to version 1.1.1g. It is compatible for clients with OpenSSL
1.1.1 and above.
Chassis In QM8700, the AC/DC voltage sensors were removed and are no longer displayed in the
Management UI.
Security As of 3.10.3002, the IP Filter feature is now enabled by default with a set of given rules.
When this configuration is disabled, the "no ip filter enable" command will appear in the
running config after the upgrade.
After upgrade: In case the feature is enabled, but has different rules than the default,
the running config will display the relevant rules that are different than the new default.
For more information, see "Control Plane Policing (CoPP)" section in the user manual.
Fabric Inspector Removed Fabric Inspector commands. Use ibdiagnet commands, instead. For more
information, see the "SM Commands" section in the user manual.
ib sm max-op-vls The default value of "ib sm max-op-vls" was chnaged from 15 to 4. For more information,
see the SM Commands section in the user manual.
Event Logging The log output of port state change event has changed.
Old output:
Oct 14 07:51:53 (switch) portd[11477]: Interface IB 1/19 changed state to UP
New output:
Oct 14 07:51:53 (switch) portd[11477]: [portd.NOTICE]: Interface IB 1/19 changed state
to UP
show cpld Changed output of "show cpld" command. For more information, see "Chassis Management
Commands" section in the user manual.
Virtual Machine From the next release, Virtual Machine will not be supported.
The following CLI commands will not be available:
-virtual-machine enable
-virtual-machine host
-virtual-machine vnet
-virtual-machine volume
-show virtual-machine configured
-show virtual-machine host
For more details, see the "Virtual Machine" chapter in the User Manual.
Systems As of 3.9.3302 release, Switch-IB systems do not automatically get new software releases.
For specific cases and bug-fixes needs, please contact Support.
Fabric Inspector Starting the next GA release, the Fabric Inspector feature will no longer be supported on
the CLI and WebUI.
InfiniBand Changed a field name on "show interface ib" command from 'VL capabilities' to 'VL admin
Interfaces capabilities'. For more information see, InfiniBand Interface Commands in the user
MAC Changed the show command outputs to be lowercase MAC address.
Security, IPsec • crypto ipsec peer <ip> local <ip> keying ike negotiation ikev1/ikev2
Configure if ikev1 or ikev2 will be used.
• crypto ipsec peer <ip> local <ip> keying ike auth *
Null and hmac-md5 are no longer supported.
• crypto ipsec peer <ip> local <ip> keying ike encrypt *
null is no longer supported.
aes-gcm will be supported with ikev2 only.
• crypto ipsec peer <ip> local <ip> keying ike dh-group *
1, 2, 5, 22, 23, 24 are no longer supported.
19, 20, 21 will be supported with ikev2 only.
• crypto ipsec peer <ip> local <ip> keying ike pfs-group *
1, 2, 5, 22, 23, 24 are no longer supported.
19, 20, 21 will be supported with ikev2 only.
• crypto ipsec peer <ip> local <ip> keying ike transform-set
ah-and-esp-ah are no longer supported.
If deprecated options are used, the filed will be moved to its default value.
For more information, see "crypto ipsec peer local" command in Cryptographic (X.509,
IPSec) and Encryption section of the user manual.
Systems As of 3.9.3300 release, Switch-IB systems will no longer be supported.
Terminal sysrq As of 3.9.3124, the SysRq over the serial connection (RS232 or Console port) is disabled by
default. When this configuration is enabled, “terminal sysrq enable” will appear in the
running config after upgrade. See "UI Commands" section in the user manual.
Quantum, SNMP On Quantum systems, entPhysicalIndex calculation for port module and port module
sensor will change and a new value will be displayed in the following SNMP tables: Entity
MIB—entPhysicalTable and Entity Sensor MIB—entPhySensorTable.
SSH SSH connections will no longer support the diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 cipher under key
exchange algorithms and will be moved to non-secure ciphers.
Static IP In cases where a management interface has both static IP and DHCP configured, DHCP will
not tun and static IP will be the assigned IP.
JSON Changed the JSON output of command "show ip bgp neighbors".
Interfaces Changed "show interfaces ib" command output and JSON output to remove escaped
Logging Monitor The behavior of "logging monitor event" was changed and the prompt line will now be
Event printed for each event that arrives. As a result, multiple events can no longer be seen
printed as a group; each event is treated separately.
Certificate If a certificate is provided without the CA flag, the switch will parse this certificate as
Configuration though the flag was set to false. All CA certificates should have the CA flag set to true.
MAC From this release on, the first two bytes of the MAC address in the log will be marked
with asterisks for security purposes. This may be disabled using the no form of the
“logging mac masking” command. See “Logging” section in the user manual for more
Security As of version 3.8.20xx, California law SB-327 will be enforced so that Admin and Monitor
Enhancements passwords must be typed upon initial configuration. Default passwords will no longer be
created automatically. Nevertheless, the user will be allowed to manually write in the
default username and password (admin/admin or monitor/monitor). The changes are
implemented in a manner that minimizes the impact on the automation processes so that
Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) will continue to work as usual and will not be affected by
the new regulation.
XPL API As of the September release of software version 3.8.2000, the XML user accounts will no
Deprecation longer be supported and the XML gateway will be closed. Access through XML will no
longer be available. Interfaces will only be available through SNMP and JSON.
Backward When performing downgrade or role-back from version 3.8.2004 to an older version, the
Compatibility MGMT slave will require additional reboot to complete initialization.
Web UI Re-designed interface to enhance user experience.
8 Bug Fixes History
This section includes bug fixes history of three major releases back. For older releases
history, please refer to the relevant versions.
3718528 SHARP In Quantum-2 switch systems, the SHARP job fails occasionally while it is running
and an error event triggers a firmware dump.
3718514 Packet Drops Packets sent to port0 might be dropped due to heavy load, causing MADs
timeouts in SM.
3718516 Switch In rare scenarios, the user might experience OS slowness due to periodic reading
management of cable information and MCIA reading error in the switch logs.
3626729 Buffers / Perfo Fixed credit management of shared buffer scheme that effected the overall
rmance bandwidth performance of the switch.
3650326 PSPA PRM On a switch with FR4 optical module, running split-unsplit flow or enabling L3
Reg / Port routing may occasionally cause the port not to raise a link.
3468977 IP Filter Occasionally, some packets could pass the default IP filter rules, skipping some of
3575881 Upgrade When updating the QM9700 OS to version 3.11.1004, an intallation wizard will
appear in CLI on initial boot.
3605465 Reboot In some cases, the reboot process may be interrupted and fail.
3599629 JSON Show health-report can’t be parsed by json-print.
3538336 HDR Systems One-time trace during leaf insertion may cause system degradation but no
impact on functionality.
3540874 HDR Systems One-time trace during spine insertion may cause system degradation but no
impact on functionality.
3571023 SSH SSH-RSA causes weak cipher.
This Release includes only FW bug fixes.
3592659 MVCR, Switch Qantum-2 unmanaged switch may freeze while sending MVCR.
3589044 i2c, Switch Rare issue that triggers the i2c to module connection to lock and causes the
3587703 Quantum-2 switch to freeze.
3548254 Cables, link up FR4 MMS4X50-NM cable link-up failure after a disconnect or AC cycle.
3570478 SNR Fixed SNR value calculation for correct readings from the MMA4Z00 optical cable
3311198 Bandwidth Disabled "low priority credits" feature on the switch side that caused the credits
mechanism to overload the links with credit packets, reducing the available
bandwidth for transmitting data packets on the link.
3554182 Cables, link up Link does not raise with 2nd source transvers MMS4X00-NS.
3478996 JSON After overflooding the system with JSON requests (more than 1 million requests),
system may not respond to other JSON queries.
3538638 Link The message in the "show interfaces ib link-diagnostics" command output was
Diagnostics incorrect.
3509247 Management The IPv6 route command was fixed for InfiniBand switches.
3509292 Management SLAAC does not work well with ZTP.
Interface, ZTP,
3533738 Transceiver For show interfaces transceiver command, Tx bias current shows N/A on some
Diagnostics cables.
3464879 Upgrade Upgrading LTS versions 3.10.4202 and 3.10.4300 to a 3.10.50xx and 3.10.60xx
versions does not work well. The fix enables upgrade from LTS version to GA
versions 3.11.10xx.
3538638 NDR Switch, The message in the "show interfaces ib link-diagnostics" command output was
Link incorrect.
3451519 ibdiagnet, When using ibdiagnet, an incorrect module alarm type was reported.
Alarm Type
3448282 HDR Switch, On HDR switches, at times, the link gets stuck due to unresponsive peer having
BER very high BER.
3447029 HDR Switches, On HDR switches, on some occasions, if a peer's port resets or is physically
Port, Reboot, toggled, the port may be reported as unhealthy due to BER threshold crossing.
3407038 I2C An unresponsive PSU client can cause the SDA I2C line to hang.
3499997 NDR Switch, In some cases, the combination of SHARP SAT traffic and SHARP MADs can cause
SHARP the switch to get stuck.
3434543 LDAP SSL LDAP SSL option (ldap ssl mode ssl) is missing from the CLI.
For more information see ldap sll command in "User Management and Security
Commands" section in the user manual.
3354452 NDR Router, In QM9700 systems, in multi-SWID profile, the following CLI command "no sma
Multi-SWID port <subnet number> shutdown" will not work properly.
3355335 NDR Router, For QM9700 systems, on multi-SWID profile, when configuring through an
Multi-SWID external openSM a subnet-prefix with the value "0xfec0000000000000", the
subnet state shown in CLI may appear as down instead of UP.
3335057 Port LED, Optic In QM9700 systems, when a transceiver module is plugged in when only one of
Cables the optic cables is connected (while the second cable is disconnected), the port
LED may be incorrectly displayed on the disconnected side.
2824249 Installation, After a firmware update failure, the bad image was not erased.
3283303/ Link In the rare event of an error burst, the link maintenance stopped working.
3298590 Maintenance
3339363 pFRN pFRN notification state machine got halted in busy-wait on all riscs due to
inability to free TX credits.
3342918 Port Link Up, On rare occasions, the port might get stuck (in all speeds) during the link up flow
Port Toggling, when using optical modules.
3336788 SHARP When operating in dynamic trees allocation mode, MAD error responses might be
received in libsharp.
3436317 SHARP In HDR systems, on rare occasions, when a SHARP QP exceeds the allowed
amount of retries, the switch may hang due to an incorrect flow execution.
3389432 SM, Timeout, In QM9700 systems, the flint burning firmware process might take longer than
Flint, Failure expected, possibly leading to timeouts in SM and logical links drops by the SM,
which, in turn, may lead to failure of the flint burn command.
3362200 Turbo Path In rare cases that involve stress of traffic, unexpected hardware fast path
behavior may occur, possibly leading to the switch firmware hanging when
toggling the ports.
3362685 Port LED, Optic In QM9700 systems, when a transceiver module is plugged in when only one of
Cables the optic cables is connected (while the second cable is disconnected), the port
LED may be incorrectly displayed on the disconnected side.
3377608 sharp_am, When operating in dynamic trees allocation mode, MAD error responses might be
libsharp received in libsharp.
3362200 Turbo Path In rare cases that involve stress of traffic, unexpected hardware fast path
behavior may occur, possibly leading to the switch firmware hanging when
toggling the ports.
3264093 CS7500, BER On CS7500 systems, in cases of high error rate on one of ports connected, the
firmware may hang, causing the module to go into fatal mode.
3301825 Counters The firmware does not return values for the counters
"PortSwLifetimeLimitDiscards" and "PortSwHOQLifetimeLimitDiscards". Support
has now been added for the counters.
3230314 Health For 1U systems, in cases where the MGMT module becomes fatal, a health alert is
Notification not sent properly.
3291564 Logging The following log is printed once per minute (instead of not printing at all):
“bind(23) AF_INET6 ::1#123 flags 0×5 failed: Cannot assign requested address”
3335002 PFRN pFRN mirror v1 header pad count showed an invalid padding size.
3261861 Quantum, Connecting an HDR device to an NDR device with Optical cables longer than 30m
Quantum-2, causes degradation in the bandwidth.
2974424 Quantum-2, Currently, there is no link up when connecting to Quantum-2 systems with cables
Cables, that perform polarity inversion.
3332824 Quantum-2, On QM9700, when any fan is plugged out, the front panel fan status LED remains
LED green instead of turning amber.
3331691 Quantum-2, On QM9700, when FAN7 is plugged out, the rear panel FAN7 status LED remains
LED green instead turning amber.
3335044 Quantum-2, On QM9700, on the WebUI "Ports" page, the port cages that are located on the
Ports, Display bottom row of front panel had an incorrect visual display for sub-ports 1 and 2.
3143685 Quantum-2, The switch does not return SN or PN when trying to call via mlxlink or ibdiagnet.
3438507 SHARP On rare occasions, on switches with SHARP configuration, the ASIC may hang due
to an incorrect flow execution.
3364526 Boot, I2C On are occasion, a race condition occurred in the platform driver that causes
I2C bus initialization failure during system boot.
3264093 CS7500, BER On CS7500 systems, in cases of high error rate on one of ports connected, the
firmware may hang, causing the module to go into fatal mode.
3375327 CS8500, LID On CS8500 systems, when changing locally attached device, a bad LID may be
3261861 HDR-to-NDR Connecting an HDR device to an NDR device with Optical cables longer than
30m causes degradation in the bandwidth.
3315167 NTP, Logging When NTP is configured, the following print may appear to the log every
ntpd5510: bind(23) AF_INET6 ::1#123 flags 0×5 failed: Cannot
assign requested address
3364639 Quantum, When pFRN is configured, on very rare occasions, when more than nine ports
Quantum-2, go down at once, the ASIC may not respond and may not run traffic properly.
3372998 Quantum-2, MAD error responses might be received in libsharp when operating in dynamic
sharp_am, trees allocation mode.
3232534 Switch-IB 2, On some occasions, when shutting down a port, the link can take a few
Link, Port additional seconds to close the port.
Internal Category Description
3335044 Web UI, On QM9700, on the WebUI "Ports" page, the port cages that are located on the
QM9700, Ports bottom row of front panel had an incorrect visual display for sub-ports 1 and
3236568 Cables, CMIS The CMIS cables lengths were rounded. Improved accuracy of CMIS cables length
to display exact cable length.
3284414 EULA On WebUI and CLI, the EULA document did not appear properly.
3261861 HDR-to-NDR Connecting an HDR device to an NDR device with Optical cables longer than
30m causes degradation in the bandwidth.
3283539 Power Supply, When power supply cable is removed and inserted again, the fan speed
Fan sometimes did not set properly on the power supply fan.
3269531 Quantum, On Quantum switches, after multiple MSPS (Management System Power Supply
MSPS register) calls, the switch gets stuck.
3441229 Quantum, On rare occasions, on switches with SHARP configuration, the ASIC may hang
SHARP due to an incorrect flow execution.
3199650 Quantum, A physical link failure between switches while a SHARP job is running and
Quantum-2, utilizing the link can cause one of the switches to become invalid for further
SHARP SHARP jobs. This can result in either a "No resource" response for new SHARP
job requests or in jobs getting stuck.
The bug fix requires SHARP version 3.2.
3267152 Quantum-2, On NDR devices, when collecting BER data, the peer falls, causing the switch to
3253800 Switch-IB 2, SB78xx systems show a boot error message when hw-mgmt tried to read the
CPLD CPLD version, even though correct CPLD versions were reported for CPLD1 and
3223270 CS8500, LIDR On CS8500 systems spine modules, in some cases, timeout on applications that
send LIDR MAD packets (such as smpquery) may occur.
3173334 Management On systems that include two management interfaces, when connecting mgmt1,
Interfaces ping may not be available for mgmt0.
3254801 Quantum, On QM8700 systems with version 3.10.3100, some of the voltage sensors may
QM8700, indicate wrong values which could result in a false health alert and an incorrect
Chassis CLI output.
3245821 Quantum, In case of an AR group table set request, the ARN mask is flushed for group that
Quantum-2, has an active pFRN timer.
3242209 Quantum, Set PFRN mad did not return error on wrong inputs in mask_clear_timer and
Quantum-2, mask_force_clear_timer fields.
3253717 Quantum, mask_force_clear_timeout timer in pFRN feature was not functional (the mask
Quantum-2, was not cleared when the timer expired).
3172779 ACL, IPv6 The ACLD may crash when ACL with log action captures an IPv6 frame with a
very large number of nested headers (total header length larger then 512B).
Unexpected system behavior may occur due to the crash.
3172851 JSON API In version 3.10.300x, JSON API authentication fails when posting to
Authentication /admin/launch?script=rh&template=json-request&action=json-login.
3190552 Secure On QM9700 systems, a secure upgrade from 3.10.300x to a higher version
Upgrade depends on an updated system date. If the date is not in the range of
September 1, 2021 to June 1, 2036, the upgrade will not work.
3135787 Sysdump On rare occasions, during the snapshot creation, sysdump was not automatically
3096687 CS85xx, During a standby switch management failure, the spine of the switch may be
CS75xx, incorrectly configured, possibly causing it to have the same LID as another
Subnet spine.
2878837 InfiniBand If the end subport is not specified, the current behavior of "interface ib
Interface, <start_port-<end_port> " will change to include all subports of the end port in
Ports the command (e.g., interface ib 1/1-1/3 shutdown will shut down ports
1/1,1/2,1/3 or, in case of split, 1/1,1/2,1/3/1,1/3/2).
3085287 Password On some occasions, after setting a password for new user, an internal error in
Hardening password hardening may appear.
2998597 Quantum, In Quantum systems, bandwidth degradation may be visible in large scale
Performance random traffic patterns (e.g., all2all and Adaptive Routing) due to wrong fast
path configurations.
2974424 Quantum-2, Currently, there is no link up when connecting to Quantum-2 systems with
Cables, cables that perform polarity inversion.
3082569 Quantum-2, In some traffic patterns involving small packets, the PortRcvErrors counter may
Counters mistakenly count events of local physical errors due to an internal flow in the
hardware that involves link packets.
3085427 Quantum-2, On rare occasions, SHARP semaphore may remain locked on a port following an
SHARPv3 event of a port link down or an application crash.
3011581 Quantum-2, On rare occasions, job failures with SharpError trap may be experienced as a
SHARPv3 result of previous jobs that have failed.
3127727 Quantum-2, On rare occasion, on Quantum-2 systems, when egress port is split to two, the
Switch Hang, egress port may get stuck due to wrong Fast Path configuration.
Fast Path,
3129809 WebUI The default certificates (rather than customer-loaded certificates) were used
upon conducting a reload.
3000602 Cables After disconnecting MMS4X00-NL* cable and connecting Ultron cable to the
same port, the port fails to link up.
3060122 SHARPv3 In the event of link fault of a link between root switch and non-root switch
during the run of a job, the next job run on the non-root switch may fail.
3077375 Upgrade, IP When upgrading to 3.10.20xx with existing IP filter configuration, the upgrade
Filter will fail and there will be a rollback to the older software version.
3040232 PLFT, SMA PLFT mapping for SMA port (port 0) was configured in a way that caused PLFT of
FDB 0 to be used instead of PLFT of FDB 1.
2859363 Quantum-2, When using Quantum-2 systems in Auto-Neg mode, NDR speed in one lane (1x) is
Auto- not supported.
3033131 Qunatum-2, The number of flows changed from 2 to 1, as intended.
3003011 Memory A memory leak in the master module caused it to stall, causing the standby
module to take over and become master.
2950888 Certification When whitespaces appeared in the "flag" certificate, caused certificate parsing
2963304 Email White spaces in the "flag" certificate caused certificate parsing failure.
2918315 OpenSM Tools that require MAD RMPP protocol (such as saquery and ibqueryerrors) fail
with "Connection timed out" error due to an SDK bug that prevented RMPP SM
responses from being caught.
2982113 SHARPv3 On rare occasions, job resource cleanup may fail.
2972388 SHARPv3 Running of concurrent jobs may lead to states where jobs unexpectedly
terminate or get stuck.
2971339 SHARPv3 Users may experience performance degradation on high load scenarios,
3004309 SSH Applying "ssh server listen interface [interface name]" caused improper SSHD
configuration, preventing the establishment of a new SSH session. Sessions
established before mentioned configuration remained.
2910161 Quantum-2, In auto-negotiation flow, using copper cables when toggling both port's sides
Auto- may cause the port to get stuck on rare occasions.
Copper Cables
2849215 Quantum-2, On Quantum-2 switches, when working with MFA7U10-H0xx cables, if one of the
Cables ports in a cage is disabled at the time of initialization by user configuration,
reenabling the port will require toggling the link (i.e., enable → disable →
2885798 Quantum-2, In Quantum-2 systems, effective errors may occur with short Copper cable
Copper Cables MCP4Y10-N00B.
2890632 Quantum-2, Currently, on Quantum-2 systems, changing the Optical module rate is not
Optical allowed.
2933388 Quantum, In CS8500 platform, the system may get stuck when trying to raise a link in an
CS8500, unsupported speed when using Optical cables.
2709851 SM Traps In some cases, traps that were sent when there is a change in link state may
not be sent to SM due to wrong logic of the link state machine in the firmware.
2833052 Password Changing the user password and then proceeding SSH login with the new
password affects configurations. When running "show configuration files", the
"unsaved changes" field is reflected as "yes" (instead of "no").
2863063 Quantum-2, Split is currently not supported in Quantum-2 systems.
2798848 Quantum-2, Tx In Quantum-2 systems, changing the SerDes Tx set values is not operational.
2798556 BER Modified the Effective BER calculation method. Due to this, the value of the
Effective BER will be slightly higher, however the link quality remains the same
as prior to this change.
Note: There is no change in the Symbol BER, it is the same as prior to this
2803887 Logging Updated format of port state change event print to log to include severity.
2836940 Quantum-2, InfiniBand traffic is not passing with operational vl 1 configured on switch
InfiniBand interfaces.
Data Packet
2837883 Quantum-2, Using Quantum-2 systems with copper cables and toggling all ports frequently,
Link Up on rare occasions, may cause a port may get stuck and no longer link up.
2853051 Recovery For CS8500 systems, when spine at slot 1 gets into error state, errors may occur
during recovery flow.
9 Legal Notices and 3rd Party Licenses
Product Version Legal Notices and 3rd Party Licenses
MFT 4.25.0 • License
• 3rd Party Notice
MLNX_OFED 23.04- • License
• 3rd Party Notice
OpenSM 5.17.0 • License
• 3rd Party Notice
SDK 4.6.3028 • License
• 3rd Party Notice
• 3rd Party Unify Notice
ONIE 5.1.0010 • License
• 3rd Party Notice
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