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Week Ending: 21st June,2024 DAY: Tuesday Subject: Social Studies

Duration: 60MINS Strand: Sense Of Purpose
Sub Strand: Community Decision-
Class: B8 Class Size: 30
making Process
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B8.3.2.1. Demonstrate knowledge of the B8. describe the community decision-
role of the individual in the community making process. 1 OF 2
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can describe the community decision-making
CP 5.1: CC 8.1: CC 8.1: CC 9.1: CP 5.2: CC
References: Social Studies Curriculum Pg. 57
Keywords: family, Nuclear, Extended,

Phase/Duration Learners Activities Resources

PHASE 1: Start the lesson with a recap of the previous lesson. Allow
STARTER learners to reflect on what they learnt from the previous lesson.

Set expectations for this lesson including what will be learnt and
how learning will occur and assessed.
PHASE 2: NEW Guide learners to explain the factors to be considered in Pictures of
LEARNING community decision-making process, including investigating, vision statement
developing and evaluating alternatives. and mission
statement of the
Investigatethe problem


alternatives and select the best option

andmonitoringthe decision
Invite a resource person to talk about the importance of
community development
Learners identify a specific need or problem of the community
and show how learners can help solve it.
Eg shortage of white board markers

PHASE 3: Ask learners series of questions to review their understanding of

REFLECTION the lesson

Ask learners to summarize what they have learnt

Week Ending: 18th June,2024. DAY: Wednesday Subject: Social Studies
Duration: 60MINS Strand: Sense Of Purpose
Class: B8 Class Size: 30 Sub Strand: Volunteerism
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B8.3.2.1. Demonstrate knowledge of the B8. Discuss the relevance of
role of the individual in the community volunteerism to community development. 2 OF 2
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the relevance of volunteerism to
CP 5.1: CC 8.1: CC 8.1: CC 9.1: CP 5.2: CC
community development
References: Social Studies Curriculum Pg. 58
Keywords: community, development, volunteer

Phase/Duration Learners Activities Resources

PHASE 1: Start the lesson with a recap of the previous lesson. Allow learners Pictures of
STARTER to reflect on what they learnt from the previous lesson. volunteer clubs
Learners look at pictures and discuss in their groups. in the
Set expectations for this lesson including what will be learnt and
how learning will occur and assessed.
PHASE 2: NEW Brainstorm learners to explain the concept of volunteerism Pictures of
LEARNING individuals and
Learners in their groups, examine the ways by which one can institutions
volunteer in the community responsibly, including performing showing
household chores, shopping or cleaning for an elderly person and volunteers
helping clean the community

Have learners identify some volunteering roles in the community

and their contribution to community development, including
reporting crime in the community to the police and avoiding
taking the law into one’s own hands.
1.Learners engage in volunteering to clean school compound
2.Explain volunteerism
3.Examine ways by which one can volunteer in the community
Discuss the importance of volunteerism to the socio economic
development of the community.
PHASE 3: Ask learners series of questions to review their understanding of
REFLECTION the lesson

Ask learners to summarize what they have learnt

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