Feasibility Study

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Project Proposal:


Conducted by:


Id No: 0075/15

This feasibility study aimed at establishing a coffee shop as an income generating project of
Kebek café (KC).

The Kebek café Coffee shop will focus on two different market segments, the Daily and the
captive clients. The Kebek café Coffee Shop’s target markets are those individuals who are
seeking for quality coffee beverages and have no time to go to other places to buy famous
commercialized coffee products.

The Kebek café marketing strategy is to show people that it has an excellent product,
convenient accessibility, and with a community benefit. The product will be a range of hot
and cold coffee-based beverages and frappes similar to the market produced by well-trained
baristas. The Shop’s pricing will be comparable to the competition, but with the value-added
feature of immediate service and convenience. Average price of beverages is at Birr 58.06.
The shop will be implementing a low cost promotion campaign which will include flyers,
banners and tarpaulins installed at strategic areas of the Kebek café.

The functions of Marketing, Finance and Administrative will be handled by one of the
trainers while another trainer will be the Head Barista in charge of the Production aspect.
Personnel for the Coffee shop will come from both graduates and current trainees of Barista
Training Program. There are two functioning groups within the Coffee Shop: Production and
Marketing, Finance and Administrative. Production involves the Baristas, or production staff,
who will be operating the coffee shop and blending the beverages for the customers as well as
the daily inventory, maintenance of equipment and the bar area. Marketing, Finance and
Administrative will handle the promotion of the coffee shop and its beverages as well as
managing the training of Baristas, maintenance of equipment, purchase and request, and
monitoring of financial performance.

With the financing carried by Kebek and the labor costs cut back by Barista KC II trainees,
income is expected to be derived from the first year of operation until the fifth year
projection. Net loss will be incurred for the first year computed at Birr-245.88. However, this
will turn around and net income will reach Birr 9,619.80 by the second year.

Return on Investment is computed at 24.12% by the second year which is significantly

efficient in terms of generating income for every peso of asset invested in the business. Based
on the projected cash flows, payback period is 2.19 years to cover the tools and equipment of
the coffee shop.

The proposed income generating project is deemed feasible and viable. It is therefore
recommended for implementation for year 2024. Further studies on increasing customer
retention and marketing, as well as development of signature product lines are also suggested.

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................................................................i
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................................5
LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................................................................6
Nature and Background of the Study....................................................................................................................1
Conceptual Framework.........................................................................................................................................2
OVERVIEW OF THE INDUSTRY.....................................................................................................................3
Market Trends.......................................................................................................................................................3
Market Growth......................................................................................................................................................3
Market Needs........................................................................................................................................................4
Competitor Analysis.............................................................................................................................................4
PROJECT AREA AND TARGET MARKET.....................................................................................................4
Market Segmentation............................................................................................................................................4
Target Market Segment Strategy..........................................................................................................................5
Keys to Success....................................................................................................................................................5
PROJECT SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................6
Competitive Edge.................................................................................................................................................7
Workshop Location and Facilities........................................................................................................................7
MARKETING PLAN...........................................................................................................................................7
Product Strategy....................................................................................................................................................7
Product Description..............................................................................................................................................7
Future Products.....................................................................................................................................................8
Service Strategy....................................................................................................................................................8
Pricing Strategy.....................................................................................................................................................9
Promotion Strategy...............................................................................................................................................9
Sales Forecast.....................................................................................................................................................10
PRODUCTION PLAN.......................................................................................................................................10
Production Input.................................................................................................................................................10
Tools and Equipment..........................................................................................................................................10
Supplies and Materials........................................................................................................................................11
Shop Layout........................................................................................................................................................13
Ordering and Service System.............................................................................................................................13
Organizational Structure.....................................................................................................................................14
Staffing Requirements.........................................................................................................................................16
FINANCIAL PLAN...........................................................................................................................................17
Projected Income Statement...............................................................................................................................17
Projected Cash Flow Statement..........................................................................................................................19


Table 1. List of Tools and Equipment …………………………………. 13

Table 2. List of Supplies and Materials …………………………………. 14
Table 3. Projected Income Statement …………………………………. 15
Table 4. Projected Cash flow …………………………………. 16
Table 5. Depreciation …………………………………. 18


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of TWC Café Juana …………………. 10

Figure 2. Shop Layout of Café Juana ………………… 13
Figure 3. Ordering and Service Flowchart ………………… 14
Figure 4. Organizational Chart of Café Juana ………………… 19


Nature and Background of the Study

Kebek café vision is to be the lead technical vocational education and training institution of
excellence in empowering orphan women. In line with this, an income generating project
based on the program qualification, specifically Barista NC II which is offered at the center
has been proposed with the following mission:

1. Product Mission - Provide customers the finest quality beverage using both locally-
produced and commercially-used coffee beans in the most efficient time.

2. Community Mission - Provide community support by promoting “No to Plastic

Cups” for Dine-in and Take out service and providing free training on Barista KC II.

3. Economic Mission - Operate and grow at a profitable rate enough to support the
course through sound economic decisions.


The objective of the study is to establish a coffee shop to be named Kebek café Addis
Ababa, an income generating project that will help provide free quality Barista training for
Filipino women. The study will analyze the viability of the coffee shop enterprise along the
following business aspects: Marketing, Production, Personnel and Financial.

Specific objectives:

1. To present the proposed coffee shop business and its planned area of
2. To determine the target market and effective marketing strategies for the coffee
3. To identify the viable service scheme, technical and operational processes that
can be utilized by the business;
4. To formulate the appropriate organizational structure for the efficient
implementation of the proposed business;
5. To assess the financial viability of the proposed coffee shop and to evaluate the
financial performance of the project; and
6. To recommend specific courses of action based on the findings of the study.
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 presents the identified components vital to the Kebek coffee shop business. The
relationships of each component interacting to successfully implement the project are also
shown. The components include: (1) material inputs, (2) coffee/beverage production and
service, (3) organizing and training, (4) financing, and (5) marketing.


Organizing & Coffee Component
Training Service Funding
Skills Component


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of

Kebek café Addis Ababa

The coffee industry has grown by tremendous amounts in the Ethiopia over the past
five years. Starbucks, the national leader, had revenues in fiscal 2005 of P2.2 billion. That is
an increase of 32% over Fiscal 2000. Starbucks has increased revenues to over P6.6 billion
from 10,000 retail outlets on 2010 (BMI Research, 2017).

Even general coffee sales have increased with international brands such as Folgers,
Maxwell House, and Safari coffee reporting higher sales and greater profits.

The Ethiopia definitely a coffee drinking country and the coffee industry is reaping
the rewards.

Market Trends

Nearly fifteen years ago, a trend towards more unique coffees began to develop in the
Ethiopia. There had always been specialty coffee stores, such as ECX and others, but people
began to buy espresso machines for their homes and offices, and people began to have coffee
tastings. Then espresso bars began to appear and, inevitably, along came Starbucks ... the
quintessential bastion of the upwardly mobile professional who wanted to take control over
how their beverage would taste and smell.

However, we have also become more rushed for time during that same period. Those
same consumers who helped push Starbucks to $2.2 billion in global sales are now rushing
kids to school and basketball games, running to the grocery and trying to get to work on time
and back home in time for dinner. Yet, they still have the desire for that refreshing, specially
blended coffee each morning even break time and after office hours.

Convenience stores have also caught up with the trend via beverage dispensers
providing cappuccinos in a number of varieties. The prices of these range from P29.00 up to
P75.00 but are still considered low in quality as compared to commercial coffee shops.

The market is primed for the introduction of a company that offers a superior quality,
specially blended product in a convenient, drive-thru environment at a price that is
competitive to the national coffee houses.

Market Growth

According to industry statistics, the consumption of coffee and flavored coffee products is
growing rapidly. The largest national brand for retail coffee outlets achieved P2.2 billion in
sales in 2009 with 3,000 retail outlets (National Coffee Association, 2017). They are
anticipating opening 7,000 more outlets in the next five years and increasing revenues to over
P6 billion (Ethiopian Coffee Board, 2017).

Market Needs

The cafe experience comes from the Italian origins of espresso. The customer comes
into a beautifully decorated facility, surrounded by wondrous aromas and finds oneself
involved in a sensory experience that, more often than not, masks an average product at a
premium price. However, the proliferation of cafes in the Ethiopians proves the viability of
the market. It is a duplication of the same delivery process as currently exists in Europe.

Competitor Analysis

There are several competitors of the Kebek Coffee shop; they are the national
specialty beverage chains like the Starbucks, ecx, Coffee Bean and Coffee- with an
established clientele and a quality product, fast food restaurants and convenience stores.

The Cafe Addis Ababa primary competition will come from three sources:
1. National coffee houses such as Starbucks, ECX, Seattle’s and Coffee Bean and
Tea leaf.
2. Locally owned and operated cafes.
3. Fast food chains and convenience stores.


The target market is a very busy society, and they mostly needed quick service and
quality products. The market is made up of consumers who have busy work schedules and
have no time to go to other coffee shops outside the kebek Café in order to experience quality
coffee beverages. Instead, they will be experiencing good coffee beverages offered just a few
minutes away from their office in a very convenient place. The kebek Café coffee shop will
focus on two markets:

1. The Daily Clients – kebek Café officials, employees and kebek Café trainees and
walk-in clients; and
2. The Captive Clients - someone who are participants of an event, function and/or
meeting held at kebek Café function rooms.

Market Segmentation

The kebek Café Addis Ababa will focus on two different market segments, the daily
and the captive clients. The daily clients are the kebek officials, employees and the kebek
trainees who are just in the vicinity of the kebek Café. The captive clients would include
those who are in groups having a meeting, function or tour around the center and even
individuals who are inquiring about kebek Café courses.

Target Market Segment Strategy

The kebek Café Coffee Shop’s target market are those individuals who are seeking for
quality coffee beverages and have no time to go to other places to buy famous
commercialized coffee products. To penetrate the market, the kebek Café will be opening its
doors to clients once the first batch of trainees has finished their training on Barista.
The strategy will be two pronged: first is to introduce the products to potential customers and
the second is keep current customers purchasing frequently. The marketing mix of product,
price, place and promotion are geared towards this strategy.

Keys to Success

There are four keys to success, three of which are virtually the same as any food service
business. It is the fourth key--the Community Mission--that will give us that extra measure of
respect in the public eye.

1. The good location- visibility and convenient access.

2. The best products - freshest coffee beans, cleanest equipment, premium serving
containers, consistent flavor.
3. The friendliest servers - kebek -certified, cheerful, skilled, professional,
4. The finest reputation - word-of-mouth advertising, promotion of our good and
quality service and environmental consciousness


Kebek Café will be an income generating project of kebek by integrating the Barista
KC II qualification which produces common and specialty beverages and offering these
products to the market. Profit gained through selling the products made daily will enable the
project to utilize and maximize its costs in training. The IGP uses a system that is new to the
beverage and food service industry to provide hot and cold beverages in a convenient and
time-efficient way. Cafe Juana will also provide an actual workplace wherein Baristas
interact with real customers as they offer a wide range of products including a custom
blended espresso drink, freshly brewed coffee, or other beverage. It also offers a high
quality option to the fast-food, gas station, and institutional coffee.

The kebek Café Cafe Juana considers itself to be a beginner in the retail coffee house
industry since its own purpose is to provide free quality training by utilizing its own profits.
However, it knows that there is a wide range of coffee shops which is a potential competition
for its products ranging from coffee beverages to baked products.

Two things will make the shop stand out from all its competitors:

First, the kebek Café shop is within the vicinity of the kebek Complex and the clients
need not to go far from their offices to experience quality coffee and secondly, the coffee
shop’s unique concept on which the clients are directly helping the training program to
sustain itself and provide training to more women especially the marginalized.

The kebek Café Addis Ababa strategy is to show people that it has an excellent
product, convenient accessibility, and with a community benefit. To execute on this strategy,
kebek Café will be using local coffee beans for its signature coffee drinks coupled with
competitive pricing and training the production staff to be among the best Baristas in the
country. Then, through coupons and display ads at the kebek complex and kebek lobby, it
will involve the customers in community support efforts by explaining that a portion of their
purchase price will be used to sustain the training of Barista Course in kebek and that they
will be helping others to gain the free training.

In so doing, kebek Café Addis Ababa has:

1. Provided a customer with a quality product at a competitive price;

2. Provided the customer with a more convenient method for obtaining their desired
product; and

3. Demonstrated how kebek Café appreciates their loyalty and patronage by
donating money to their personal cause.

Competitive Edge

The kebek Café’s competitive edge is simple. It provides a high quality product at a
competitive price in a convenient environment and at the same time helping others through
purchasing its products. All the employees of the Coffee Shop are certified Barista KC II
holders which implies they are competent and recognized as skilled workers in any part of the
world. Since Cafe Addis Ababa is the only coffee shop in the kebek Complex, the prices are
set to project moderately high value products at an affordable range.

Workshop Location and Facilities

The kebek Café will open its services to the public, the location will be at the vicinity of
the orphan Women’s Center inside the Lemi kura. It will be open to kebek Café employees,
trainees and visitors. The location is favorable for the shop since the Center often caters to
various events, functions and meetings of different kebek offices, other government
organizations and private partners of kebek Café.


Product Strategy

The kebek Café will provide its patrons the finest hot and cold beverages, specializing
in specialty coffees. In addition, it will offer freshly-baked pastries and other confectioneries
prepared by the Cookery KC II trainees. Café would also be interested to patronize and sell
products of kebek graduates with food business such as baked products or cakes.

Product Description

kebek Café Juana provides its customers with the finest and quality coffee beverages.
Each kebek Café Barista will be trained in the fine art of brewing, blending, and serving the
highest quality hot and cold beverages, with exceptional attention to detail.

Besides hot espresso based beverages, the shop will offer frozen coffee beverages,
seasonal specialty drinks, pastries, and other baked goods.

For Hot Coffee Beverages, the shop will offer espresso, doppio, espresso con pana,
espresso macchiato, Café Americano, Cappuccino, flavored cappuccino, Café latte, flavored
Café latte, Café Mocha and Caramel macchiato.
For Iced Coffee Beverages, the shop will offer Iced Coffee, Iced Latte, Iced Caramel
Macchiato, Iced White Mocha and Iced Café Mocha and additional variety by adding coffee
jellies to each iced coffee beverages.

For Frappes, the shop will offer Mocha Frappe, Macadamia Mocha Frappe, Caramel
Frappe, Caramel Almond Frappe, and French Scotch Mocha Frappe.

For Non-Coffee Based Beverages, the shop will offer cream based frappuccinos.
There will also be offerings of Green Tea Latte, Green Tea Cream, Iced Green Tea Latte,
Matcha Frappe and Iced Green Tea for non-coffee based alternatives.


The kebek Cafe Juana will purchase its coffees and other beverage supplies from
various suppliers such as Equilibrium Intertrade Corporation and All About Baking since they
have good reputations. These international suppliers deliver quality and affordable products.
Other emergency purchases will be from nearby supermarkets.

The kebek Café Barista Course and Coffee Shop will use state of the art espresso machines
and other equipment in order to deliver and provide quality products and service.

In particular, the Rancilio Classe 7S is a semi-automatic espresso machine made from Italy,
made out of stainless steel and aluminum. It has push button controls that make it simple to
use and provide reliable commercial operation in all situations.

Future Products

As seasons change, the shop will be offering products that will enhance sales and
satisfy its customers' desires. During summer months, it will subsidize lower hot beverage
sales with frozen coffee drinks and other cold beverages. The shop will also have special
beverages during holiday seasons, such as new concoctions of hot and cold beverages
depending on the season. The shop will also take note of the peak sales during pay day and
school events to offer more products. Its primary desire will be to listen to its customers to
ascertain what they are looking for most and provide it.

Service Strategy

The kebek Café Coffee Shop’s competent and certified Baristas will be giving quick and
quality Dine-In and Take-out Service to our valuable clients. To further maximize the daily
market, operating hours will have an early shift to meet the high demand during mornings.

Pricing Strategy

The Shop’s pricing will be comparable to the competition, but with the value-added feature
of immediate service and convenience. The recipe costing, price list and direct costing are
shown in Appendices 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

Based on the recipe costing and price list, the direct material cost is 35% of the retail price
while 25% percentage is allocated to the direct labor cost. The remaining 40% is broken
down to 15% buffer and 25% markup. Buffer in this case means additional cushion for
increases in prices of inputs. The mark-up is the value added to the cost price of the product
which then becomes the retail price. Majority of the retail prices fall under the 100 peso range
to present affordability for medium-high quality coffee beverage. The mean final price of all
products for sale is P58.06.

In order to entice potential customers, a “beverage of the day” on discounted price can be
scheduled on off peak months of December to March.
Promotion Strategy

Strategically, the kebek Café Coffee shop has a very convenient location in a great
ease of access. The shop will be implementing a low cost advertising/promotion campaign
which could involve distributing flyers and also word of mouth that has always proven to be
the greatest advertising program a company can instill. There will also be banners, panaflex
advertisements and tarpaulins installed in a number of strategic parts of the kebek Complex.

There will be several sales strategies which can be put into place, including posting
specials on high-profit items like, additional payment for toppings on frappes. By giving
coupons to regular clients, the shop will also give free drinks to clients who will purchase 30
different or same coffee beverages within a month. The client can avail the free drink by
presenting the coupon, registered to his/her name on the coupon which will be marked or
signed by any of the Barista assigned every time the drinks are purchased. The shop will also
explore window sales techniques such as the Baristas asking if the customer would like a
freshly-baked product to go with their coffee. A 5% discount will also be given to clients that
will bring their own cups.

In order to maximize daily purchases, advertisements will focus on the need for a cup
of coffee everyday matched together with the empowerment of women at work, school and
the community as a daily endeavor. To further boost presence online, a social media page in
Facebook or Instagram can be setup to highlight the same advertisements. Promotional
activities that highlight shares and likes of Cafe Juana’s products will also be conducted.

Moreover, visibility of products and services around the TESDA Complex can be
boosted by providing the price list in each building or office. This can lead potential
customers to try out the products and remind current customers to make daily purchases.

Sales Forecast

The Sales Forecast shown in Appendix 4 presents the table of the projected sales per
product per year.

For the first year of operation, sales is forecasted at 6,588 cups with a total of P
415,206.00. In the second year, sales will increase by 66.67% or 10,980 cups. This will push
the annual gross sales to 692,010.00. The increase will continue annually until the fifth year
of operation. By that period, sales is forecasted at 27,450 cups with a total of P1,730,025.00.

There are two sub-aspects to the delivery of both product and service at Cafe: the material
inputs, and the production of coffee by the certified baristas. This part will discuss the
process of both sides of operation, including the costs of production.

Production Input

Cafe start-up expenses and funding are shown in Tables 1 and 2, List of Tools and
Equipment and List of Supplies and Materials, respectively. The majority of these funds are
used to build the facility and provide capital for one month of operating expenses, initial
inventory and other one-time expenses. The kebek Café anticipates the need for operating
capital for the first three months of operation in opening the coffee shop to the public.

Tools and Equipment

The List of Tools and Equipment is presented in Table 1. The total cost of Tools and
Equipment amounted to Birr 398,848.00. The most expensive of the equipment is the
Espresso Machine, Classe 7S, 2 group head which costs Birr 270,790.00. Also included in the
list are a variety of cups and glasses for the beverages to be served at Café AA. A total of 38
items are enumerated in the table which will be used in the production and service operations.


Number of
Items Unit Cost Units Total
Hariot Coffee Drip Kettle 4300.00 1 4,300.00
Hario V60 dripper and pot 3400.00 1 3,400.00
Hario V60 drip station 5300.00 1 5,300.00
Hario Coffee Drip Scale 5400.00 1 5,400.00
Bar Spoon 180.00 2 360.00
Grinder Brush 240.00 2 480.00
Shot Glass 60.00 6 360.00
Cappuccino Cup and Saucer 240.00 12 2,880.00
latte Cup and Saucer 180.00 12 2,160.00
Steaming Pitcher 20oz 300.00 4 1,200.00
Steaming Pitcher 32oz 360.00 2 720.00
Steaming Pitcher 12oz 180.00 2 360.00
water goblets 60.00 12 720.00
Irish coffee glass 108.00 12 1,296.00
collins glass 84.00 12 1,008.00
highball glass 84.00 12 1,008.00
squeeze bottle
Supplies and Materials 72.00 3 216.00
ice shovels 180.00 4 720.00
Table 2 shows the List of Supplies and Materials
chest box 3600.00 for1 Cafe AA. 3,600.00
The basis of the figures
all purpose is the first three months of the Sales120.00
tongs Forecast 3for the first year.
360.00The total amount for
spatula and materials will amount to Birr 66,807.50.
supplies 180.00 2The monthly 360.00
projected expenses for
milk thermometer
supplies 360.00
and materials is estimated at Birr 22,269.17. 2 720.00
blind filter 180.00 1 180.00
Cafe AAMachine,Classe7S,
will purchase its2 group head,and other beverage
coffees 270790.00supplies
1 from 270,790.00
various suppliers such as
Refrigerator,3 Intertrade
Equilibrium cubic ft Corporation and All About 8500.00 1
Baking. 8,500.00
Automatic Drip Coffeemaker 8500.00 1 8,500.00
Table Top Camping Stove 3910.00 1 3,910.00
Commercial Blender with Pitcher 1700.00 1 1,700.00
Hand Stop Watch 1700.00 3 5,100.00
French Press, single Serving 2040.00 2 4,080.00
French Press,2 serving 2720.00 2 5,440.00
Siphon 7820.00 2 15,640.00
Pourover 9350.00 2 18,700.00
Cocktail Shaker 1530.00 3 4,590.00
Mokka Bialetti 2550.00 2 5,100.00
Whipped Cream Dispenser 1530.00 1 1,530.00
Round Tray 1360.00 5 6,800.00
Milk Carafe 680.00 2 1,360.00
TOTAL 398,848.00

Table 2. List of Supplies and Materials
(Base on the Sales Forecast for 3 months operation)

1st Quarter

Item Cost
Quantity Sub-Total
Espresso Con Panna 14.11 27 380.97
Ristretto 7.76 9 69.84
Doppio 12.94 14 174.69
Cappuccino 21.22 50 1,050.39
Café Latte 21.22 50 1,050.39
Espresso Machiatto 16.01 50 792.50
Café Americano 9.49 50 469.76
Café Mocha 33.64 50 1,665.18
Super Cappuccino 33.06 54 1,785.24
Caramel Macchiato 33.64 54 1,816.56
Signature Chocolate 25.88 54 1,397.52
Iced Café Latte 25.83 54 1,394.82
Iced Caramel Macchiato 37.41 54 2,020.14
Iced White Mocha 38.27 54 2,066.58
Iced Café Mocha 38.27 54 2,066.58
Iced Cappuccino 25.85 54 1,395.90
Iced Americano 12.04 54 650.16
Iced Chocolate 36.19 54 1,954.26
Mocha Frappuccino 62.44 68 4,214.70
Macadamia Mocha Frappe 60.71 68 4,097.93
Caramel Frappuccino 60.71 68 4,097.93
Caramel Almond Frappe 60.71 68 4,097.93
Coffee Frappuccino 37.60 68 2,538.00
Java Chip Frappuccino 69.60 68 4,698.00
Coffee Jelly Frappe 50.08 68 3,380.40
Strawberry Cream 67.34 68 4,545.45
Chocolate Cream 53.68 68 3,623.40
Caramel Cream 53.68 68 3,623.40
Vanilla Cream 62.65 68 4,228.88
BREWED COFFEE 21.63 68 1,460.03
TOTAL EXPENSES PER MONTH(20days) Birr 22,269.17

Shop Layout

Figure 2 presents the Shop Layout of Cafe AA. It has a seating capacity of 30 customers. The
beverage preparation area is an elongated U-shape and can accommodate 2 to 3 personnel.

Figure 2. Shop Layout of Cafe AA

Ordering and Service System

Figure 3 below presents the Ordering and Service Flowchart for Cafe AA. The process flow
is similar to typical coffee shops. Upon entry of the customer, the Barista welcomes the
customer and asks for the order. The customer pays and the barista receives the payment then
issues an official receipt. After that, the Barista makes the beverage according to the order.
Finally, the Barista calls out the name of the customer and serves the beverage. Process time
is expected at 5 minutes for a maximum of 2 cups.

Cafe AA

Barista makes
Barista pays upon Barista calls out
asks ordering; customer and
according to
customer Barista issues serves beverage
for order receipt

Figure 3. Ordering and Service Flowchart


Café AA will be directly under the supervision of the kebek Center Chief. The
functions of Marketing, Finance and Administrative will be handled by one of the trainers
while another trainer will be the Head Barista in charge of the Production aspect. The Head
Barista will also check the status of the performance of the trainees through supervision of
the daily operation and getting feedbacks from clients.

Personnel for the Coffee shop will come from both graduates and current trainees of
Barista Training Program. The Head Barista will look over the coffee shop during operating
hours of the coffee shop from 6:00 AM- 6:00 PM every weekdays. There will be two Baristas
on duty every shifting as part of the production staff. Their duty will be part of their In-House

Organizational Structure

Since the majority of personnel are involved in production, there will be a relatively
low headcount in management. Figure 4 shows the organizational structure plan for Cafe
Juana. There are two functioning groups within the Coffee Shop: Production and Marketing,
Finance and Administrative. Production involves the Baristas, or Production Staff, who will
be operating the coffee shop and blending the beverages for the customers as well as the daily
inventory, maintenance of equipment and the bar area. Marketing, Finance and
Administrative will handle the promotion of the coffee shop and its beverages as well as
managing the training of Baristas, maintenance of equipment, purchase and request, and
monitoring of financial performance.

Figure 4. Organizational Chart of Cafe Juana

kebek Café
Center Chief

Coffee Shop
(Marketing, Finance
and Administrative)

Head Barista

Barista/Production Barista/Production
Staff (Barista NC II Staff (Barista NC II
Graduate) In-HouseTrainee)

Staffing Requirements

Coffee Shop Manager - The Coffee Shop Manager will be assigned to oversee and direct the
activities of the coffee shop. The Coffee Shop Manager directs the entire coffee shop
operation, which includes planning of sales and marketing efforts, ensuring the shop meets
quality and food service regulatory requirements, and making sure customers are provided
with exceptional service. On the administrative aspect, the Coffee Shop Manager checks the
inventory of supplies, signs purchase requests and counter checks daily sales and prepares a
financial report on a monthly basis.

The qualifications for the position must be a college graduate with at least three years of
experience in handling sales, marketing and finance of a food and beverage business.

Head Barista- The Head Barista will have the following responsibilities: oversee and
supervise the Baristas including trainees undergoing the In-house training, check the quality
of beverage products, the daily inventory and the service rendered to clients and forward
daily sales to the Coffee Shop Manager.

Qualifications for the job include experience in operations of a coffee shop, communication
and leadership skills.

Barista- There will be two Baristas for the shop. One will be a graduate of the program
qualification and must have a TESDA National Certificate in Barista Level II. The second
one will be a trainee undergoing the In-house training of Barista Course. The job description
includes preparation of coffee and coffee based beverages orders and cashiering tasks like
ringing up the total purchase amount in addition to collecting payment for purchases. The
Barista shall also prepare daily inventory and report daily sales to the Head Barista.

Salaries and wages of the Coffee Shop Manager and Head Barista are allocated under the
compensation of both trainers from kebek Café. As such, only the salaries of the baristas will
be covered by Café AA operations. Compensation rates are subject to the minimum wage law
of P502.00 and P10.00 cost of living allowance per day.


The kebek Café AA financial picture is quite promising. Since it is operating a cash
business, the initial cost is significantly less than many start-up businesses. The process is
labor intensive and kebek Café recognizes that a higher level of talent is required. The
financial investment in its employees will be one of the greatest differentiators between it and
kebek Café competition. This means that because the production staff are certified under
kebek Café there will be a competitive advantage for Cafe AA. The costs incurred during
training will eventually return through the high level of services provided by competent
employees. For the purpose of this pro-forma plan, the facilities and equipment are financed
by kebek Café. There will be a minimum of inventory on hand so as to keep the product fresh
and to take advantage of price drops, when and if they should occur.

In order to monitor the financial performance of the business, the Coffee Shop
Manager will be in charge of checking the daily sales transactions. The manager will also
prepare a financial report on a monthly basis to track movement of products. The information
can be used in planning the marketing strategies for the succeeding months.

The details of income statement, cash flow and depreciation expenses are presented in
Tables 3, 4, and 5 respectively.

Projected Income Statement

Table 3 presents the Projected Income Statement of Cafe AA for a 5 year period. For
the Income Statement on Year 1 the Gross Sales is projected at P415,206.00. The only
expenses projected are supplies and materials, salaries and wages and depreciation expenses.
Total expenses amount to P417,662.88. In calculating the Net Income, the expenses were
subtracted from the gross sales. The formula is presented below:

Net Income = Gross Sales – Total Expenses

Net Loss for year 1 is computed at P -2,456.88. This is expected since the business is still
new and will require significant sales to cover all operating expenses.

A 67% increase is projected by Year 2 in the gross sales amounting to P692.00 while
total expenses is P595.20. The net income for year 2 is projected to reach P96,193.80. This
upward trend in both sales and expenses is projected until year 5.

On year 5, gross sales is expected to reach P1,730.00 while total expenses is projected
at P1,263.15. Net income for year 5 is P466.85.

With the assets of the business limited to the tools and equipment amounting to
P398.00, the return on investment (ROI) can be computed. The ratio is computed by dividing
the net operating income with the average operating assets. The formula is presented below:

Return On Investment = Net Operating Income

Ave. Operating Assets x 100

For year 1, the ROI is -0.62%, which means that the business will be able to lose
approximately 1 centavo for every peso of asset it uses. This will turn positive by the second
year to 24.12% and eventually by the third year to 61.22%. This implies that the business will
generate 61 centavos for every peso of asset it uses.


Particulars 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Sale of Coffee
Beverages 415.00 692.00 1,107.00 1,384.00 1,730.00 1,206.23
Total Income 415.00 692.00 1,107.00 1,384.00 1,730.00 5,328.00

Supplies and Materials 267.98 445.30 712.28 890.60 1,113.25 3,429.41
Salaries and Wages 123.00 132.00 122.00 142.00 122.00 614.00
Depreciation expenses 27.90 27,90 27.90 27.90 27.90 137.50
Total Expenses 417.88 595.20 863.18 1,041.50 1,263.15 4,181.91

Net Income (245.88) 961.80 244.82 3428.50 4668.5 11,468.09

Return on Investment -0.62% 24.12% 61.22% 85.95% 117%

Projected Cash Flow Statement

Table 4 presents the Projected Cash Flow Statement of Cafe Juana for the next
5 years. The cumulative Cash Inflows for the first five years is projected at P7,446.50 while
cash outflows is P4,442.41. Projected Net cash balance by the end of year 5 is P3,004.09

If the total investment will be limited to the tools and equipment, the payback period
is computed by dividing the net cash balance to cover the investment. Based on the figures in
the cash flow statement, the payback period is computed at 2.19 which means that it will take
over 2 years to cover the investment of the business.


Particulars YEAR
1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL
Cash Inflow
Beginning Balance
91,903.52 215,650.22 487,372.94 857,746.34 1,652,673.00
Initial Investment
465,655.50 - - - - 465,655.50
Sale of Coffee
Beverages 415,206.00 692,010.00 1,107,216.00 1,384,020.00 1,730,025.00 5,328,477.00
Total Cash
Inflow 880,861.50 783,913.52 1,322,866.22 1,871,392.94 2,587,771.34 7,446,805.50

Cash Outflow
Tools and
Equipment 398,848.00 - - - - 398,848.00
Supplies and
Materials 267,229.98 445,383.30 712,613.28 890,766.60 1,113,458.25 3,429,451.41
Salaries and Wages
122,880.00 122,880.00 122,880.00 122,880.00 122,880.00 614,400.00
Total Cash
Outflow 788,957.98 568,263.30 835,493.28 1,013,646.60 1,236,338.25 4,442,699.41

Net Cash
Outflow 91,903.52 215,650.22 487,372.94 857,746.34 1,351,433.09 3,004,106.09

Payback period 2.19

Table 5 shows the Projected Depreciation Expenses of Cafe Juana for the next 5
years. Given the list of tools and equipment to be used, the annual projected depreciation
costs amounts to 27,552.90.


Estimated (actual cost-
Number Useful Salvage Value(10% salvage
Items Unit Cost of Units Life of Unit Cost) value)/useful life
in Years
Hario Coffee Drip Kettle 4,300.00 1 5 430.00 774.00
Hario V60 dripper and pot 3,400.00 1 5 340.00 612.00
Hario V60 drip station 5,300.00 1 5 530.00 954.00
Hario Coffee Drip Scale 5,400.00 1 5 540.00 972.00
Bar Spoon 180.00 2 5 18.00 32.40
Grinder Brush 240.00 2 2 24.00 108.00
Shot Glass 60.00 6 1 6.00 54.00
Cappuccino Cup and Saucer 240.00 12 3 24.00 72.00
latte Cup and Saucer 180.00 12 3 18.00 54.00
Steaming Pitcher 20oz 300.00 4 3 30.00 90.00
Steaming Pitcher 32oz 360.00 2 3 36.00 108.00
Steaming Pitcher 12oz 180.00 2 3 18.00 54.00
water goblets 60.00 12 3 6.00 18.00
Irish coffee glass 108.00 12 1 10.80 97.20
collins glass 84.00 12 1 8.40 75.60
highball glass 84.00 12 1 8.40 75.60
squeeze bottle 72.00 3 3 7.20 21.60
ice shovels 180.00 4 5 18.00 32.40
chest box 3,600.00 1 5 360.00 648.00
all purpose tongs 120.00 3 3 12.00 36.00
spatula 180.00 2 3 18.00 54.00
milk thermometer 360.00 2 5 36.00 64.80
blind filter 180.00 1 2 18.00 81.00
Espresso Machine,Classe7S, 2
group head, 270,790.00 1 15 27,079.00 16,247.40
Refrigerator,3 cubic ft 8,500.00 1 15 850.00 510.00
Automatic Drip Coffeemaker 8,500.00 1 10 850.00 765.00
Table Top Camping Stove 3,910.00 1 10 391.00 351.90
Commercial Blender with Pitcher 1,700.00 1 5 170.00 306.00
Hand Stop Watch 1,700.00 3 5 170.00 306.00
French Press, single Serving 2,040.00 2 5 204.00 367.20
French Press,2 serving 2,720.00 2 5 272.00 489.60
Siphon 7,820.00 2 5 782.00 1,407.60
Pourover 9,350.00 2 10 935.00 841.50
Cocktail Shaker 1,530.00 3 10 153.00 137.70
Mokka Bialetti 2,550.00 2 10 255.00 229.50
Whipped Cream Dispenser 1,530.00 1 10 153.00 137.70
Round Tray 1,360.00 5 5 136.00 244.80

Milk Carafe 680.00 2 5 68.00 122.40
TOTAL 27,552.90


BMI Research. (2017, July 26). Ethiopians Food & Drink Report.
Retrieved from https://store.bmiresearch.com/Ethiopians -food-

National Coffee Association. (2017, July 26). Retrieved from National Coffee
Association USA: www.ncausa.org

Ethiopians Coffee Board. (2017, July 26). Retrieved from Ethiopians Coffee Board:

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