Computer Repairing Note

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PC Hardware Maintenance Lecture Guide

By:- Abay’M
2010 E.C
Hardware Maintenance Lecture B. Components of Computer
 System unit
Guide  Display unit

Lesson one:-All about PC System unit

Types of system unit
A. Computer System
♦ Tower case
B. Components of computer
♦ Desktop case
C. ESD protection
D. Hardware maintenance toolkit Q. Which one is more advantageous?
E. Troubleshooting techniques A. Tower case
A. Computer System ♦ Additional place
 Hardware ♦ Good cooling
♦ Easy Accessories…
 Software
Parts of system unit
 Hardware:- the physical parts of every system ♦ Front part
Types:- ♦ Rear part
♥ Input devices
♥ Output devices Front part consists
♥ Process devices  CD Drive
♥ Storage devices  Floppy Drive
 USB port
NB:- the hardware classification is depending on  Speaker port
Data processing life cycle.  Microphone port
Data processing life cycle  LED
 Power on button
Rear part consists
Output  Power port
Input Process  VGA port
 Network port
Storage  USB port
 Speaker port
Input Devices:- A component those input  Microphone port
information from external environment to the  Printer port
system unit e.g. (Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner,  PS/2 port
 Game /MIDI port
C. ESD Protection
Output Devices:- A component those output ESD stands-----Electro Static Discharge
the data to external environment from system ESD cause
unit e.g. (Speaker, Monitor, Printer… etc) ♣ Dust
Processing Devices:- A component found ♣ Static power
internal on system unit e.g. (RAM,CPU,MB ♣ Overheating
… etc) ESD sensitive devices
Storage Devices:- A component used to store ♣ RAM
the processed data for future use e.g (CD, ♣ CPU
HDD,FDD…. ETC) ♣ Cards
D. Hardware Maintenance Toolkit Lesson Two:-
 Hand tools Internal Parts of system unit
 Cleaning tools
1. Power Supply Unit:- used to convert AC to DC
 Diagnosis tools
 ESD tools & transfer power for all components directly &
 Hand tools:- indirectly.
 Screwu driver (Philips & flat) 2. Motherboard:- used to control over all
 Cutter components in the system every components
 Pinsa must directly/ indirectly connected to the MB.
 Flash light…..etc
3. Microprocessor:-used to perform/do every
 Cleaning tools:-
 Tiner tasks in the system sometimes is called brain of
 Bursh computer.
 Dump cloth….. etc 4. Heat sink:- used to protect components from
 Diagnosis tools:- overheating specially for CPU.
♦ Multi meter 5. Fun:- used to protect components from
♦ Hot air gun/blower overheating specially for CPU.
♦ sucker
6. Paste:- is called thermal compound used to
♦ Soldering iron & lead….. etc
 ESD tools:- protect CPU from heat sink hot condition.
♦ Antistatic wrist/strap 7. RAM:- is used to store working task temporary
♦ Antistatic bag /temporary working area until power off
♦ Antistatic Flore mat 8. ROM:- used to control POST process, handle
♦ Antistatic spray hardware profiles, support I/O operations
9. CMOS:- used to control date & time, and used
E. Troubleshooting techniques to store temporary ROM setup setting
1. POST control 10. Hard Disk:- used to store system & personal
2. BIOS control data permanently
3. Light control 11. CD Drive:- used to input &output data from
4. Error code control CD to PC & PC to CD.
5. Beep sound control 12. PSWD Jumper:- to lock hardware password
6. Replacement/Accessories 13. RTC Jumper:- to block current flow in the
MB electrical circuit
POST control:-
14. North Bridge:- Main IC in MB to support
 POST stands for power on self test
 POST is hardware testing area/process
 It takes 3-6 seconds to hardware check 15. South Bridge:- Main IC in MB to support CPU
16. Data Connecters:- used to connect drives
POST steps (Hard disk, CD drive) to the MB
17. Power connecters:- used to connect power for
PSU MB CPU RAM components from PSU
18. Front side cable:- used to connect front parts
of the PC to the MB (front USB, power on
HDD CMOS VGA button ….)
19. Expansion Card:- To add additional task for
PC & to solve port related problems
20. Expansion Slot:- To connect expansion cards
Lesson Three:- Power Supply Unit 5. Tolerance
Tolerance means by what % decrease /Increase
1. Functions the output because of change in current
2. Types
3. Connecters ♥ For positive voltage output cables +5%
4. Cable voltage output ♥ For negative voltage output cables +10%
5. Tolerance
Example:- If the cable output is +5V the
6. Installation
tolerance is (+5*5/100= 0.25 ) the range is
7. Troubleshooting
between (4.75----5.25).
1. Functions
♥ Used to convert AC to DC 6. Installation
♥ Used to give power for components
2. Types Installation topic is practical session means
♥ AT giving power for components by using proper
♥ No soft power power cable…..
♥ 12 cable connecter for MB
7. Troubleshooting PSU
♥ Obsolete from the market
♥ ATX A. Check power source
♥ Have soft power B. Check purple cable
♥ No CPU auxiliary power C. Check Green + Black
cable D. Check all DC output
♥ Obsolete from the market E. Check with replacement
♥ ATX12V
♥ Have soft power Lesson Four:- Memory
♥ Have CPU auxiliary power
cable 1. Types of Memory
3. Connecters 2. RAM generation
3. Troubleshooting RAM problems
♥ P1 Connecter---- Power for MB 4. Adjusting ROM/BIOS setup
♥ CPU auxiliary----Power for CPU
♥ Molex/SATA-----Power for HDD & CDD 1. Types of Memory
♥ Mini Molex--------Power for FDD ♦ RAM
4. Cable voltage output ♦ Cache
Main power cables:- RAM/ Random Access Memory
♥ Yellow----------------------- +12V
Types of RAM:-
♥ Red--------------------------- +5V
♦ Static RAM
♥ Orange---------------------- +3.3V
♦ Single data rate/ SDR
Special purpose cables:-
♦ Use transistor as a temporary storage
♥ Purple--------SBV----------- +5V ♦ Obsolete From the market
♥ Green---------PSON--------- +5V ♦ Dynamic RAM
♥ Gray-----------PG------------ +5V ♦ Double data rate/ DDR
♥ Black----------GND---------GND ♦ Use capacitor as a temporary storage
♥ Blue---------------------------- -12V ♦ Current on the market BY:- ABAY’M
2. RAM Generation Lesson Five:- Microprocessor
Dynamic RAM types
 DDR1 1. Types of CPU
 DDR2 2. How connected CPU?
3. Parts of CPU
 DDR3
4. CPU generation
 DDR4 5. Troubleshooting CPU problems
 DDR1
 2.3V 1. Types of CPU
 184 Pins
 DDR2  Slot CPU
 1.8V  Built in CPU
 240 Pins  Pin CPU
 DDR3  Pin less CPU
 1.5V
 240 Pins 2. How to connected CPU
 DDR4
 ZIF / Zero Insertion Force
 1.2V
 LIF / Little Insertion Force
 288 Pins
3. Parts of CPU
3. Troubleshooting RAM problems  MU / Memory Unit
 CU / Control Unit
 Symptom 1: 6 times beep sound  ALU / Arithmetic Logic Unit
 Symptom 2: Yellow light when poweron
 Symptom 3: No display
Memory Unit
Solutions: CPU memory unit is called Cache memory..
 Check connection Cache memory:-
 Change slot/ clean slot  Level 1
 Clean RAM interface  Level 2
 Check RAM frequency/speed Current Cache memory is run with
 Check with replacement  --------64bit

4. Adjusting ROM/BIOS setup 4. CPU generation

 System information Intel CPU generation…….
 PC info ► Pentium-------Low level speed
 Memory info ► Core------------High level speed
 Processor info…….
 Drives control Core CPU generation
 Hard disk
 CD drive…… ► Dual core
 Onboard Devices control
► Core 2 duo
 Sound ► Core i3
 USB………. ► Core i5
 Security control ► Core i7
 System password
 Setup password
 Admin password….
 POST behavior control…….
5. Troubleshooting CPU problems
Lesson Seven: - Storage Media
Symptom 1:- Yellow light when power on 1. CD
Solution:- 2. CD Drive
 Check CPU auxiliary power cable 3. Hard disk
 Clean CPU interface
 Check CPU with replacement 1. CD/ Compact Disk
 If it is fail change CPU
-Used to store Personal & any system data
Symptom2:- accidental restart after some Types of CD
Cause:- Cooling system problems Based on size:-
Solution:- ► CD---------------700MB
► DVD-------------4.7GB
 Check CPU fun power cable
Based on task:-
 Clean CPU fun
► R------------------Record once
 Check CPU fun with replacement
► RW----------------Rewritable
 Secure heat sink properly
 Check CPU paste Totally Number of CD:-
Symptom 3:- Abnormal sound from PC
Solution:- ► CDR
 Secure heat sink properly ► CDRW
 Clean CPU fun ► DVDR
2. CD Drive
Lesson Six:- Motherboard -Used to input/output data from & to CD
1. Types of Motherboard Types of CD Drive
2. Identify Motherboard components CDROM--- used to read only CD & CDRW
3. Troubleshooting Motherboard problems CD writable---used to read & write CD &
1. Types of Motherboard Combo---used to read all CD
DVD writable ---used to read & write all CD
Troubleshooting CD & CD drive problems
2. Identify Motherboard components
Symptoms 1:- There is no CD drive icon on my
North bridge Card slot
computer menu.
South bridge ROM
Memory slot CPU slot
 Check device manager if it is disable
Electronics Components
 Check BIOS setup if it is OFF
 Check Data cable if it is not connecter
3. Troubleshooting Motherboard problems
 Check Power cable if it is not connected
Symptom 1:- System dead
Symptoms 2:- The CD drive can’t read the any
Symptom 2:- Red light when power on
CD or select CD
Symptom 3:- Yellow light when power on
 Check the type of CD & the drive
 Check P1 power cable
 The amount of data on the CD if it is
 Check Jumper setting full/ use latest drive.
 Check cable /incompatibility hardware  Use CD cleaner
 Check MB with replacement  Change the drive
 Check Electronics parts
3. Hard Disk On PATA

 Functions To make Master/ Slave setting we must know

 Types the Jumper connecter settings of the HDD &
 Master/Slave setting CDD,
 Internal parts of hard disk
NB:- The jumper settings of the HDD & CDD is
 Troubleshooting Hard disk problems
differ from HDD to HDD /CDD to CDD b/c of
Functions the company setting. But they have two ways to
► Used to store system data & personal data configure:-
permanently A. The 1st one HDD/CDD master & the2nd one is
Types :-
B. The 1st one HDD/CDD CS & the2nd one is
Internal parts of hard disk
NB:- Now a day PATA /IDE is obsolete from
the market, the modern & latest system is

Advantages of SATA over PATA

 Speed
♥ PATA------166MHZ
♥ SATA------3.0GHZ
 Hard Disk size
All hard drives are composed of individual
♥ PATA---- <250GB
disks, or platters, with read/write heads on
♥ SATA--- >40GB Actuator arms controlled by a servo motor—all
 Easy cable management contained in a sealed case that prevents
Contamination by outside air the aluminum
platters are coated with a magnetic medium.
Master / Slave setting Two tiny read/write heads service each platter,
Functions of making master/slave setting one to read the top and the other to read the
♣ Hardware upgrade/ Increase capacity bottom of the platter
♣ Software upgrade / Ghost Platter is a collection of sector & track
How to make Master/ Slave setting?
On SATA Troubleshooting Hard disk problems
To make master / slave on SATA generation Symptom 1:- No boot devices available
it is simple to configure the new HDD or Solutions:-
CDD just on the drive connected port on
BIOS setup. ♠ Check boot sequence list
♠ Check BIOS setup if it OFF
♠ Check OS problems by using Mini XP
♠ Check Data cable if it is not connected
♠ Check power cable if it is not connected
♠ Check board problems
♠ Check internal problems
Lesson Eight: - Expansion Concept Lesson Nine: -
1.Expansion Cards  Power related problems
2.Expansion Slot  Power problem protection devices
1. Expansion cards:-  Assemble & Disassemble
Expansion card is a small circuit board used
to expand PC performance and used to solve  Power related problems:-
port related problems. ♠ Over voltage
♠ Power spike
♠ Power surge/sag
♠ Lighting storm
♠ Under voltage
♠ Brown out
♠ Black out
Examples of cards:-  Power problem protection devices:-
♦ USB card:- used to expand No of USB
♠ Stabilizer
♦ NIC card:- used to share files, hardware’s,
Internet & others
♦ VGA card:- used to display signal from
System unit & to use high PC block Diagram
Resolution cards
♦ TV card:- used to show Television programs CPU
♦ Sound cards:- used to listen sound from PC
♦ Modem card:- used to dial phone&use
2. Expansion Slot:-
Expansion slot is a slot area used to plug
expansion cards to communicate with the


Troubleshooting card related problems CMOS

Symptom 1:- The card can’t work properly or
 Check BIOS setup if the card hardware is
Fail or not.
 Clean card interface
 Clean slot interface BY:ABAY’M

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