B.tech Mining (Surveying-I)
B.tech Mining (Surveying-I)
B.tech Mining (Surveying-I)
Define following:-
1. Simple and compound curve
2. Chain
3. Tape
4. Bearing
5. Compass
6. Ranging Rods
7. Theodolite
8. Back sight & forward sight
9. Transition curve
10. Plain and Geodetic Surveying
1. A tape 20 m long of standard length at 840F was used to measure a line, the mean
temperature during measurement being 650F. The measure distance was 882.10 m, the
following being the slopes:
2010’ for 100 m
4012’ for 150m
106’ for 50 m
7048’ for 200 m
300’ for 300 m
5010’ for 82.10 m
Find the true length of the line if the coefficient of expansion is 65x10-7 per 10F.
4. The following staff readings were obtained during a leveling work with the
instrument being shifted after the 3rd, 6th and 9th. Readings: 2.305, 0.940, 0.865,
1.325, 2.905, 1.185, 1.205, 2.015, 1.365, 0.985 and 1.785. Find the reduced levels of
the remaining points if the RL of the first turning point is 434.00.
5. What is Theodolite survey? Write down temporary and permanent adjustment of
6. Write down the methods of calculating horizontal angle (any two) by the use of
theodolite .
7. Define following terms:- Uses of Tachometry, Instruments use in tachometry, Uses of stadia
8. Write down methods of plane table surveying. (Any two)
9. What is tape? Explain error due to incorrect chain in details.
10. Explain elements of compound curve with diagram.
11. Write down classification of triangulation system in details.
12. What is chain? Explain error due to incorrect chain.