Brochure hrc8 hrc800 4511 02 24 en Agg
Brochure hrc8 hrc800 4511 02 24 en Agg
Brochure hrc8 hrc800 4511 02 24 en Agg
HRC™ 8
HRC™ 800
HPGR for high-quality manufactured sand and aggregate
Whether you are looking to produce high-quality manufactured sand, turn waste materials into sellable products or work
with difficult feed materials, the Metso HRCTM 8 and HRCTM 800 are the perfect machines for those applications.
Produce manufactured sand Turn waste materials into high-quality sellable products fines content without creating any packing or crusher overload.
The demand for economical and efficient ways to produce These machines are suitable for specific difficult applications
crushed sand is growing, as natural sand deposits located where materials that are waste from the crushing and screening Maintain high-quality with low cost per ton
near growth centers are being depleted and environmental process can be reprocessed to obtain good HRC 8 and HRC 800 produces the highest quality products
regulations are getting stricter. As a result, manufactured sand high-quality sellable products. with improved shape and relatively low energy and wear parts
is becoming a high-demand commodity. consumption. It delivers unbeatable performance in aggregates,
Overcome difficult applications manufactured sand, mining, industrial minerals and recycling
HRC 8 and HRC 800 takes manufactured sand to the next HRC 8 and HRC 800 design offers a unique and efficient applications with the lowest possible cost per ton.
level by providing a simple yet robust design, a low cost of crushing effect and can work in difficult applications with low
operation, and improved product shape and gradation. crushability feed materials (very hard), moisture, clay and high
Less power consumption in sand
production compared to other
technologies for the same volume of
net product
up to 50% less
Robust HRC™ high pressure grinding
rolls (HPGR)
HRC™ 8 and HRC™ 800 are based on a high-pressure grinding roll (HPGR)
technology and are optimized for the demanding requirements of high-
quality manufactured sand and aggregates production.
HRC 8 and HRC 800 uses a method of inter-particle Versatile product gradation
comminution by drawing in a bed of material between two HRC 8 and HRC 800 offers easy and very versatile
rotating rollers. They compress the feed material between adjustable product gradation. The product gradation does
two rotating rollers, one of which is in a fixed position not depend much on the adjusted space between the rolls
and another roller that is floating. The two rotating rollers but on the chock feed condition and the constant pressure.
generate such a high pressure that it grinds the feed Pressure can be adjusted to regulate the product gradation
material to the desired smaller grain size. curve.
Higher availability & reliability This feature facilitates the customer to meet any product
HRC 8 provides an optimal crushing force with the use of gradation specification requirements in manufactured sand.
adjustable hydraulic cylinders and variable speed.
Energy efficiency
One can also adjust the speed and pressure of HRC Thanks to the ability to handle a continuous stream of
depending on the material conditions and application material, HPGRs are considered to be energy efficient
requirements. Pressure influences the reduction ratio and grinding machines in general.
speed influences the throughput.
HRC equipment goes a bit further. They direct the feed
The feed chute arrangement allows for the crushing cavity to material straight to the crushing zone and adjust the speed
operate under chock feed condition all the time optimizing and pressure in order to avoid wasting energy.
the rolls wear pattern and even load distribution on the
surface of the rolls. HRC 8 and HRC 800 can achieve energy efficiency up to
90% depending on the process configuration and product
The patented Arch-frame differentiates from traditional specification. This is possible because the HRC technology
HPGR equipment with its anti-skewing features that eliminate can minimize the circulating load to the crusher compared to
variation in product gradation and prevents bearings from other technologies in similar applications.
being damaged due to misalignment.
Environmentally friendly
HRC 8 and HRC 800 are designed to be environmentally
friendly with minimized noise and dust emissions.
Robust HRC™
high pressure
Higher availability &
grinding rolls reliability
Designed for the aggregate industry
HRCTM 8 and HRCTM 800 high pressure grinding rolls are the ideal
machines for the aggregate industry where fine products must meet a
defined end-product specification.
Ideal for producing manufactured sand Turn difficult feed into a valuable product
HRC 8 and HRC 800 are particularly productive in producing HRC 8 and HRC 800 crushers work in applications where
manufactured sand for asphalt and concrete production. other crushers cannot. They can handle small in size and
The quality of manufactured sand can be adjusted and very difficult feed materials, that are difficult to process
optimized, which reduces the amount of cement and asphalt by any other technology, with high abrasiveness, low
in the mix of concrete or asphalt. crushability, moisture, fines, even clay and turn them into a
valuable product.
HRC 8 and HRC 800 deliver a perfectly cubical shape
for concrete and asphalt sands. They also produce more Some of those products may need a further process to
fines with fewer unwanted microfines in the final product remove the excess of ultra fines (<0.075 mm) already in the
compared to other technologies in manufactured sand. feed, wet or dry, depending on the final use of the end
• Ideal shaping (cubical or angular)
• Gradation according to customer needs Soft and hard rock applications
• Fine particles • Manufactured sand
• Gravel pits, pea gravel
Turn waste materials into products • Asphalt sand
These machines are suitable for specific difficult applications • Concrete sand
where materials that are waste from the crushing and • Industrial minerals
screening process (materials with low mass gradings, difficult • Recycling
to crush by a VSI or other types of compression crushers) • Re-crushing waste materials
can be reprocessed to obtain good high-quality sellable
1. Turn waste materials into sellable products
Improved shape
This solution is
in the feed
Planet Positive
5. Do all the above in an environmentally
friendly way
Minimized noise & dust
Planet Positive portfolio focuses on the most impactful
technologies in our sustainable offering. Out of four
focus areas, this solution creates value and positive
impact on the following:
HRC equipment can convert quarry waste into a
sealable product, reducing the pollution from earth
moving equipment doing the double handling of
those large volumes of waste materials. At the same
time, since it replaces the use of natural sand, it saves
the loading and hauling of natural sand to the cities
avoiding fuel burning and pollution.
reasons to select
Even more, HRC equipment produces such good
quality sand that it reduces the demand of water and
HRC crusher automation
HRC 8 and HRC 800 are available with Metso crusher Continuous monitoring and control minimize risks
automation which controls and monitors crusher Metso HRC automation helps to prevent costly downtime
and ancillary equipment helping to achieve the best by monitoring operating pressure, temperatures, rollers RPM
performance and protection to the machine maximizing and other key parameters in your crusher. The protection
uptime and safety. Crusher automation is provided as a is activated in steps, starting from informative warnings,
complete package, including fully automated hydraulic then progressing to inform and log data for operational
circuit controls, hydraulic unit motor starters and electrical improvement, troubleshooting, and eventually shutting down
cabinets. The proven and tested software can be set up the crusher to protect it whenever needed.
for application specific conditions, and the whole system is
not just easy to install and commission, it’s easy to use, too. Consistent performance
In addition, the equipment can be controlled by remote Crushing optimization helps to provide constant throughput
control for improved safety and comfort. at all times. IC crusher automation provides instant process
information to the operator. The automatic feed rate control
helps to maintain the optimal material level in the crusher,
which helps you to achieve and maintain the best performance
at all times.
Parts and services
Simple design for maximum performance
Hydraulic cylinders
Feed chute
Accumulator assembly
Arch frame
Shaft assembly
Roll Dimensions Installed power Unit weight Maximal Roll Top size* Typical Capacity** Max specific press Crusher dimensions
Dia x Width Speed (RPM) force LxWxH
800 x 500 mm 2 x 75 kW 12.9 t 30.2 32 mm 60 - 90 tph 2.5 N/mm2 2.8 x 3.9 x 1.7 m
31.5” x 20” 2 x 100 HP 28,440 lbs 30.2 1.25” 66 - 99 Sh.T 362.6 psi 110” x 153” x 66”
HRCTM 800:
Higher pressure for more reduction
Shaft assembly
including roll
Hydraulic cylinders
Electric motor
Torque arms
Roll Dimensions Installed power Unit weight Maximal Roll Speed Top size* Typical Capacity** Max specific press Crusher dimensions
Dia x Width (RPM) force LxWxH
800 x 500 mm 2 x 110 kW 18 t 30.2 32 mm 86 - 120 tph 4.5 N/mm2 2.7 x 4.3 x 2.5 m
31.5” x 20” 2 x 147 HP 39,683 lbs 30.2 1.25” 95 - 132 Sh.T 652.7 psi 106” x 169” x 98”
Typical installation
Saku Pursio
Humidity max. not really a
20 m3 limitation for the crusher %, but for
the screen yes normal condition
Application must be validated at the
order phase
Speed 28.2 rpm
Pressure 131 bar
Compact CVB1845-2
Sep 3.2 mm
Sep 2.4 mm
Bypass 0-25-50-75-100 %
Concrete sand:
4.75 => 100%
2.4 => 80/100%
Fine sand 1.18 => 50/80%
0.6 => 25/60%
0.3 => 10/30%
0.150 => 2/10%
HRC with VSI combination to increase sand production in
existing circuit Saku Pursio
grizzly feeder
Existing Nordberg® C106 jaw crusher Add-on Metso HRC 8 high pressure
grinding roll crusher
Existing primary product
stockpile - 4000T Proposed
surge bin
Slot sizer Existing
vibrating feeder Metso
TKP10-20 vibrating feeder
Existing Nordberg® Barmac TKP8-17
tunnel feeder B7150SE 840DTR
2xTKP10-20 VSI crusher with
IC 3 automation
Existing Nordberg® GP220
cone crusher (200 kW) Metso HRC8
IC50C crushing automation high pressure
grinding roll crusher
Motors: 2 x 75KW
Sand bin
Main product
manufactured sand
Product Product
12 - 24 mm 5 - 12 mm 13
HRC in open and closed circuit
Open circuit Closed circuit
Feed material Feed material
Amphibole 0-30 mm, 80 Amphibole 0-30 mm,
crushability 32% crushability 32%
70 70
60 60
% passing
% passing
50 50
40 40
30 30
1 N/mm2 1 N/mm2
2 N/mm2 1.5 N/mm2
20 20
1.5 N/mm2 2 N/mm2
* Curves shown here are for indicative and display purpose only. Those may vary as per actual process and site condition.
Case: LOGO Durango, Mexico
HRC 8 increase
sand production
and ensure
Metso is a frontrunner in providing sustainable technologies, end-to-end solutions
and services for the aggregates, minerals processing and metals refining industries
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globally. By helping our customers increase their productivity, improve their energy
and water efficiency and environmental performance with our process and product
expertise, we are the partner for positive change.